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ABSTRACT. The ciliated protozoon Tetrahymena patula can be grown in a chemically defined medium supplemented with a suitable lipid. High purity natural phosphoiipids; mono-, di-, and triglycerides: and free fatty acids are suitable lipids. The more complete lipids appear to serve simply as nutritionally convenient sources of fatty acids. T. patula can also be grown in the synthetic medium supplemented with cholesterol or other sterols in lieu of fatty acid containing lipids. Supplementation with either ethanolamine or choline permits suboptimal growth of the ciliate in a lipid-free synthetic medium. No other water soluble compound, of a variety that were tested, permitted growth of the ciliate in the lipid-free medium.  相似文献   

A reliable method for producing reproductive cysts in Tetrahymena patula is described. The procedure involves the isolation of macrostomes without cytopharyngeal pouches in microdrops of distilled water under oil. The study of silver-impregnated specimens has shown that a complex pattern of oral resorption and reformation occurs within the cyst that leads to the formation of a group of small cells with recessed oral apparatuses. These cells, called “cryptostomes,” swim very rapidly on excystment and are incapable of either feeding or reproducing. They are presumably dispersal forms. Oral morphogenesis during the transformation of excysted cryptostomes into microstomes and macrostomes is also described.  相似文献   

The structure of the oral apparatus in the carnivorous macrostomal form of Tetrahymena vorax has been investigated using serial thin sections and preparations of isolated oral apparatuses. The cilia of the oral apparatus are organized into an undulating membrane that borders the right and part of the posterior margin of the buccal cavity and three membranelles that project from plateaus on the anterior surface. Each membranelle consists of one short row and two longer rows of hexagonally packed kinetosomes. The organization of the microtubules of the oral ribs is identical to that in the T. vorax microstomal cell type. However, the first oral rib originates near the first kinetosome at the anterior end of the undulating membrane. The fine filamentous reticulum that underlies part of the oral ribs in the macrostomal cell type is not striated, unlike the reticulum in the microstomal form. A band of filaments similar to the fine filamentous reticulum extends around the anterior margin of the large cytostomal opening that occupies most of the posterior part of the oral cavity. The single row of microtubules along the left side of the oral cavity and cytostome also has filaments associated with it. A major difference between the microstomal and macrostomal forms in the structure of the oral apparatus is in the oral connectives. The macrostomal cell type contains only a single cross-connective that joins the three membranelles and the anterior portion of the undulating membrane. The posterior or peripheral connective between the posterior ends of membranelles one and two and the posterior end of the undulating membrane is absent.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Improved methods of preparing cells for electron microscopic study have permitted a more complete examination of the tubular and fibrous elements already reported in the cortex of Tetrahymena pyriformis. Three of these structures, a kinetodesmal fiber, a band of postciliary microtubules and a band of transverse microtubules, are all associated at one of their ends with the proximal end of a basal body-cilium complex. From this position they radiate out as tho from one corner of a tetrahedron, each passing separately to one of the other 3 corners. Available evidence is presented and discussed for a structural function for these elements. A firm bonding of these fibers and bands to the basal body at one of their ends and to the amorphous material under the pellicle at their other ends is thought to provide for this support. Connecting the proximal ends of the left side of the basal bodies of a kinety is another, previously undescribed, set of tubules. Their diameter, 24 mμ, and cross sectional structure are similar to those of the other microtubules. However, their more sinuous longitudinal appearance, small number of tubules per kinety and different reaction to fixatives suggest a different function. Because of their location it is proposed that they may be a communication line between basal body-cilium complexes of a kinety. A 3-dimensional drawing shows the positioning of the above structures in the cortex. Bodies with an internal tubular structure appear anterior to the proximal end of some basal bodies. They are referred to as probasal bodies due to their resemblance to procentrioles; they may be immature basal bodies. Smooth-membraned cisternae which have bristle-coated pits and bear a resemblance to the outer pellicular membrane appear in the cytoplasm. Their origin is discussed.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a long-term investigation on the population structure and dynamics of Salicornia patula Duval-Jouve. The studies concern the phenotypic variability, density, distribution in space, dry matter production and seed production in relation to some habitat conditions. The studies elucidate some mechanisms controlling the plasticity of plants and confirm a number of rules reported in the ecological literature on the development of the structure and dynamics of populations of pioneer annual species.  相似文献   

We have investigated oral development in a non-genically derived left-handed (LH) form of Tetrahymena thermophila , in which the large-scale asymmetry of arrangement of cortical structures is reversed whereas the local asymmetry of ciliary architecture remains normal. Approximately 1/2 of the oral apparatuses (OAs) of LH cells develop in the form of superficial mirror-images of OAs of RH cells. In most of these OAs, membranelles are assembled from the cells'anterior to posterior. Nonetheless, the posterior ends of these membranelles undergo the basal body displacements that lead to a "sculptured" appearance, so that the membranelles of LH OAs become organized as rotational permutations of membranelles of normal RH OAs. Many of these membranelles re-orient to a normal orientation near the end of oral development. Membranelles and undulating membranes (UMs) may develop independently of each other, and formation of postciliary microtubules of UMs is separate from that of ribbed wall microtubules. In some cases, the entire OA develops and remains as a 180° rotational permutation of the normal, resembling the inverted OAs of mirror-image doublets and LH cells of Glaucoma scintillans described by Suhama [36, 37]. We present a model (Fig. 37) for these complex developmental outcomes. These developmental patterns resemble those described previously and less completely for "secondary" OAs of cells with mirror-image global patterns, including janus cells. The present study demonstrates that such alterations in oral development are not a direct outcome of genotypic changes.  相似文献   

We have investigated oral development in a non-genetically derived left-handed (LH) form of Tetrahymena thermophila, in which the large-scale asymmetry of arrangement of cortical structures is reversed whereas the local asymmetry of ciliary architecture remains normal. Approximately 1/2 of the oral apparatuses (OAs) of LH cells develop in the form of superficial mirror-images of OAs of RH cells. In most of these OAs, membranelles are assembled from the cells' anterior to posterior. Nonetheless, the posterior ends of these membranelles undergo the basal body displacements that lead to a "sculptured" appearance, so that the membranelles of LH OAs become organized as rotational permutations of membranelles of normal RH OAs. Many of these membranelles re-orient to a normal orientation near the end of oral development. Membranelles and undulating membranes (UMs) may develop independently of each other, and formation of postciliary microtubules of UMs is separate from that of ribbed wall microtubules. In some cases, the entire OA develops and remains as a 180 degrees rotational permutation of the normal, resembling the inverted OAs of mirror-image doublets and LH cells of Glaucoma scintillans described by Suhama. We present a model for these complex developmental outcomes. These developmental patterns resemble those described previously and less completely for "secondary" OAs of cells with mirror-image global patterns, including janus cells. The present study demonstrates that such alterations in oral development are not a direct outcome of genotypic changes.  相似文献   

The large cytopharyngeal pouch of the macrostomal form of Tetrahymena vorax, following the addition of calcium, can form a sealed, empty vacuole. The open cytostomal region of this cell, which averages about 16 μ in diameter, is closed by an upward (ventral) movement of the right and posterior ribbed walls, both of which project into the cytostomal cavity. At the same time, the anterior and left walls of the cytostome-cytopharyngeal complex move to the right, forming a diagonally (right to left) placed furrow in the floor of the buccal cavity as these walls meet. As a result of the movement, the edges of the single membrane-bounded cytopharyngeal pouch are brought together and fuse, producing the closed vacuole. Elements of the cytoskeleton appear to participate in the closure process. Three major groups of ribbed wall microtubules support the open cytostome. The anterior ribbed wall microtubules pass laterally along the anterior (dorsal) portion of the cytopharyngeal pouch to the left where they end in the specialized cytoplasm. Middle oral rib microtubules terminate at the right and posterior margin of the cytopharynx while microtubules from the most posterior region of the ribbed wall pass to the left terminating in the specialized cytoplasm. The fine filamentous reticulum, a striated reticulum that borders the right, posterior, and anterior margins of the cytostome-cytopharyngeal complex, is in an ideal position to participate in these movements. It is anchored anteriorly high up in the buccal cavity to the cross-connective between the third membranelle and the undulating membrane complex. It courses beneath the right and posterior ribbed walls and runs laterally along the anterior margin of the cytopharynx to the left side. Contraction or pulling of this reticulum would act to bring the microtubule-reinforced walls of the cytopharynx together permitting fusion of the cytopharyngeal pouch membranes to form a sealed vacuole.  相似文献   

The misaligned undulating membrane (mum) mutant of Tetrahymena thermophila is a non-conditional, single gene recessive mutation. The major effect of the mum mutation is the production of multiple undulating membrane (UM) fragments in the oral apparatus (OA). The ultrastructure of the UM fragments of mum OAs is identical to that of the single UM of wild-type OAs. Analysis of OA development at midbody using a combination of light microscopy of protargol-stained cells and SEM of demembranated whole cells showed that the phenotypic effect of the mum mutation first becomes evident during mid to late stage 4 and is fully manifested in early stage 5. The effect of the mutation involves a proliferation of excess basal bodies in the UM field. Subsequent events in the development of the mum OA from mid to late stage 5 are identical to those in wild-type OAs. This study suggests that the mum mutation establishes conditions that allow the production of multiple UMs and thus reveals that the UM field is competent for the complete and coordinated development of several adjacent UMs. This level of regional control is not clearly evident when a single UM is present. The comparison of development of wild-type and mum OAs required an extensive reanalysis of stages 4 and 5 of normal oral development. On the basis of current and previous observations, we propose a new and more subdivided staging system for oral development in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The sequence of formation and ciliation of basal bodies and the subsequent organization of compound ciliary structures of the oral apparatus of Tetrahymena thermophila was reanalyzed with the aid of scanning electron microscopy of cells in which the epiplasmic layer was exposed, as well as by light microscopy of protargol-impregnated specimens. This combination of methods allowed the delineation of numerous steps in the patterning of the oral ciliature, some of which have received little or no previous attention. Highlights include: the initial formation of “strings” of nonciliated new basal bodies in juxtaposition to relatively few basal bodies of the stomatogenic kinety; generation of basal body pairs, roughly oriented along the anteroposterior axis of the cell, that later align side-by-side to assemble promembranelles; condensation and reorientation of promembranelles simultaneous with addition of a third row of basal bodies anterior to the original two rows; production of a very short fourth row of basal bodies at the anterior right end of each developing membranelle; generation of the outer basal body row of the undulating membrane (UM) after alignment of the inner row, with transient ciliation of the inner row preceding permanent ciliation of the outer row; limited basal body resorption at the ends of membranelles; and sculpturing of the right ends of membranelles by a movement of basal bodies associated with formation of the ribbed wall adjacent to the UM. In the old anterior oral apparatus a repetition of the processes of generation of a new outer UM row and sculpturing of right ends of membranelles takes place in synchrony with the corresponding events in the oral primordium, following prior shedding of the old outer UM row and loss of the sculptured pattern in association with temporary regression of the ribbed wall micro-tubules. Oral development is complex, with different processes involved in the assembly of the membranelles and the UM, and with a sequence of distinct events involved in the generation of each of these structures. Speaking comparatively, membranelle development follows the same pathway in many, perhaps all, ciliates in which these structures or their homologues develop from a common stomatogenic field.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In view of the importance of external pH on cytotoxic effects of ionizable agents, the pH-dependent effects of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) were investigated. As uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. DNP interferes with the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. DNP was added to proliferating Tetrahymena pyriformis in media of different initial pH. Effects studied were rates of cell proliferation and endocytosis, and fine structure. Findings correlated with the calculated concentration of undissociated DNP, taking into account that pH changes with time and cell density in Tetrahymena cultures. A linear relationship thus emerged between initial concentrations of undissociated DNP and lengths of the lag preceding cell proliferation. Once resumed, the rate of proliferation corresponded to that of control cells, even in different concentrations of undissociated DNP, presumably indicating an adaptation mechanism. Endocytosis was elevated throughout a wide range of undissociated DNP concentrations with a sharp transition towards inhibition at high DNP concentrations causing lethality with time. Changes in fine structure of DNP-treated cells (mitochondria, peroxisomes, nucleoli) also depended on the concentration of undissociated DNP.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Extraction of the ciliated protozoon Tetrahymena with nonionic detergents produces a surface-related cytoskeleton that consists of a basic lamina of whole-cell dimensions together with associated microtubule and microfilament systems, including all ciliary basal bodies. The organization of the isolated cytoskeleton has been studied using scanning electron microscopy, and several new features are described in the oral region. Here the ciliary basal bodies are arranged in a very stable and highly complex pattern. This pattern was found to be identical in the four species of Tetrahymena we examined. In addition, various microtubular bundles and two separate systems of filaments were observed in scanning electron micrographs of isolated oral skeletons. The appearance of the deep fiber bundle in preparations of this type suggests that it arises, at least in part, as an extension of the ribbed wall microtubules. On the basis of its distribution within the oral skeleton, one of the filament systems described is suggested to be a contractile system responsible for pinching off food vacuoles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Filaments in the oral apparatus of Tetrahymena appear similar, but not identical, to the intermediate filaments of multicellular organisms. The mean diameter of filaments measured in the present study was 16.4 nm, but the range of variation was much greater than has been reported for intermediate filaments. The organization of filaments within the oral apparatus has been studied by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold localization at the electron microscopical level using antiserum raised in rabbits against the major subunit protein of the oral filaments (87K). The filaments were found to be organized into cables, networks, and chambers or cages which encase the basal bodies. At the highest level of organization, the filaments connect into a rigid framework capable of maintaining the overall architecture in the absence of microtubules. Like intermediate filaments, the oral filaments are insoluble at high ionic strength, have evolutionarily non-conservative subunit proteins, are probably non-contractile, and serve to stabilize persistent cellular architecture.  相似文献   

Harold Fox 《Acta zoologica》1985,66(2):97-110
The paired balancers of larval Pleurodeles waltl, a urodelan species of the Amphibia, were investigated throughout their life span until final degeneration, using electron microscopy. The evidence from cellular ultrastructure illustrates the mucus-secreting function of these organs, and the outer epithelial cells actively synthesize muco-proteinaceous substance. An extensive granular endoplasmic reticulum and well developed Golgi complexes participate in the mucus manufacture. The balancer epidermis is also extensively innervated throughout by non-myelinated neurites, most of them without Schwann cells, a feature which argues strongly in favour of the organ also having a sensory function, whose nature has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Fine Structure of the Bacillus thuringiensis Spore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The thin-sectioned spore of Bacillus thuringiensis resembles that of Bacillus cereus in fine structure. Planar inclusions occur between the exosporium and spore coat and are structured differently from the parasporal crystal outside the exosporium.  相似文献   

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