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Summary In order to identify clearly the nervous structures containing somatostatin in the human hypothalamus, an immunohistochemical localization of this neurohormone was performed at light-microscopic level. Using a antiserum specific to somatostatin and the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique, we have found somatostatin in neurons with cell bodies in an area in the anterior hypothalamus corresponding to the infundibular nucleus. Somatostatin-containing fibers were also detected in the neurovascular zone of the pituitary stalk, suggesting that somatostatin is released in that region to reach the capillaries in the pituitary portal plexus. A large bundle of somatostatin fibers extending from the anterior part of the paraventricular nucleus up to the posterior portion of the mammillary bodies has also been detected. The role of these fibers still remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Carbonyl reductase, an NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase of broad specificity, is present in many human tissues. Its precise localization, however, has remained unclear, as well as its physiological and possible pathophysiological significance. The present study reports the immunohistochemical localization of the enzyme in normal human tissues. Immunostaining was detectable in all organs investigated. The highest concentrations were found in the parenchymal cells of the liver, the epithelial cells of the stomach and small intestine, the epidermis, the proximal tubules of the kidney, neuronal and glial cells of the central nervous system, and certain cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Consistently pronounced staining was also observed in smooth muscle fibers and the endothelium of blood vessels. The results are in agreement with a housekeeping function of carbonyl reductase in the elimination of reactive carbonyl compounds.  相似文献   

We identified relaxin in human male prostate by use of an anti-human relaxin analogue polyclonal antibody and the avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase method. The antibody was obtained by immunizing a rabbit with a synthetic human relaxin analogue which has 95% sequence homology with native human relaxin. Human prostate tissues incubated with the anti-human relaxin analogue exhibited positive immunostaining up to an antibody dilution of 1:3200. Inhibition of immunostaining with this antibody by excess relaxin analogue demonstrated specificity of the antibody. The exact role of relaxin in human male reproductive physiology remains to be fully elucidated.  相似文献   

A 38 residue neuropeptide was recently isolated from ovine hypothalamus in our laboratory, and named pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP38) based on its biological activity. Rabbit antisera against synthetic PACAP27 were characterized by ELISA for immunohistochemical use. PACAP-immunoreactive neuronal elements having similar distributions were demonstrated in both human and spider monkey hypothalami. Many PACAP-immunoreactive cell bodies were present in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. Immunopositive nerve fiber networks were stained throughout the hypothalamus, including in both external and internal zones of the tuber cinereum, close to the transition of the pituitary stalk (median eminence). These results suggest that PACAP plays multifunctional roles as a hypophysiotropic hormone, neurohypophysial hormone, neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in higher vertebrate species including man.  相似文献   

Methods for immunohistochemical localization of human carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme C (HCA C) with indirect fluorescent antibody and immunoperoxidase techniques are described. Both methods revealed large amounts of this "high activity" isoenzyme in the mucosae of human stomach and appendix. With the indirect immunofluorescent method the presence of the enzyme in human erythrocyte cytoplasm was also demonstrated. Correlations of present findings with those obtained with the traditional histochemical methods for demonstration of carbonic anhydrase activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of aquaporins in the human inner ear   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report the immunolocalization of aquaporins (AQPs) 1, 4, and 6 in the human auditory and vestibular endorgans. A rapid protocol was applied to audiovestibular endorgans microdissected from postmortem human temporal bones from six subjects (ages ranging from 75 to 97 years) with no history of audiovestibular disease. Temporal bones were fixed in formalin, and the endorgans were immediately microdissected. Cryostat sections were obtained from audiovestibular endorgans and were subjected to double-immunohistochemical staining with antibodies against AQPs and several cellular markers. In the human cochlea, AQP1 immunoreactivity was localized to the fibrocytes of the spiral ligament and the sub-basilar tympanic cells; AQP4 immunoreactivity was localized to the outer sulcus cells, Hensen’s cells, and Claudius’ cells; AQP6 immunoreactivity was localized to the apical portion of interdental cells in the spiral limbus. In the vestibular endorgans (macula utriculi and cristae), AQP1 was localized to fibrocytes and blood vessels of the underlying stroma and trabecular perilymphatic tissue; AQP4 immunoreactivity was localized to the basal pole of vestibular supporting cells; AQP6 was localized to the apical portion of vestibular supporting cells. Cochlear and vestibular hair cells and nerve fibers were not immunoreactive for any AQP. Supporting cells were identified with antibodies against glial fibrilar acidic protein. Nerve fibers and terminals were identified with antibodies against neurofilaments and Na+K+ATPase. The high degree of conservation of AQP expression in the human inner ear suggests that AQPs play a critical role in inner ear water homeostasis. The National Institutes of Health (grants AG09693-10, DC005224, 00140-02, and DC05187-01) supported this work.  相似文献   

Proteases and their inhibitors play a pivotal role in developmental and differentiative processes. In the present report we investigated the immunohistochemical localization of 1-antitrypsin, 1-antichymotrypsin and inter--trypsin inhibitor in first trimester as well as in term human placentas. For this purpose polyclonal antibodies against these serine-protease inhibitors were used. All inhibitors were expressed in the villous syncytiotrophoblast of first and last trimester placentas. Placental fibrinoid was positively stained for 1-antitrypsin and inter--trypsin inhibitor throughout gestation. 1-Antitrypsin and 1-antichymotrypsin showed a strong immunostaining in the Hofbauer cells (first trimester and full term placentas). Extravillous cytotrophoblast was negative for the three protease inhibitors throughout gestation. The presence of the three inhibitors in the syncytiotrophoblast suggests a role in coagulative, invasive and immunomodulatory processes. Fibrinoid, staining for 1-antitrypsin and inter--trypsin inhibitor, could also have an important immunoprotective function. The presence of protease inhibitors in the Hofbauer cells suggests an involvement of these cells in villous remodelling and differentiative processes.  相似文献   

To better understand the functional role of EphA5 in the adult human central nervous system (CNS), we performed an immunohistochemical mapping study. EphA5, like other members of the Elk/Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases, was widely distributed in CNS neurons. However, the distribution of the neuronal staining was not uniform. The abundance of stained neurons appeared to increase from the forebrain to the hindbrain and spinal cord. Glial and endothelial tissue was unstained. These findings are consistent with the existence of receptor and ligand gradients in different brain regions. The localization of EphA5 to motor and sensory neurons is consistent with a role of EphA5 in neural plasticity, cell-cell recognition, and topographical orientation of neuronal systems.  相似文献   

Prostacyclin (PGI(2)) is an important mediator implicated in bone metabolism. Among the natural prostaglandins it is the most potent inhibitor of bone resorption and mediates bone modelling and remodelling induced by strain changes. The effects of prostacyclin depend on its interaction with a specific receptor (IP). Despite its well documented effects on bone the localization and distribution of the IP receptor in human bone remain unknown. The present study used specific antipeptide antibodies to IP receptor for immunolocalization of the IP receptor in normal, osteoporotic and Pagetic human adult bone and in human fetal bone. The IP receptor was detected in fetal and adult osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Fetal osteocytes also expressed IP receptor but not adult osteocytes. Interestingly, the expression of IP receptor in adult osteoblasts was gradually lost as these cells were trapped in the matrix and became osteocytes. The IP receptor showed a perinuclear distribution within the cells, but in multinuclear osteoclasts not all nuclei were positive. Our results showed differences in IP receptor expression in fetal and adult human bone and, in adult bone, with the differentiation of osteoblasts into osteocytes. They also showed that there is no difference on the expression of prostacyclin receptors in Pagetic, osteoporotic and normal human bone, and they confirm the presence of the IP receptor in human osteoblasts as had been demonstrated by our previous study with human osteoblasts in culture.  相似文献   

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a complex disease. Genetic studies have found strong associations between AMD and variants of several complement pathway-associated genes. The regulation of the complement cascade seems to be critical in the pathogenesis of AMD. In 45 human donor eyes immunohistochemistry was performed using antibodies directed against major regulators of the complement system: complement factor H (CFH), decay accelerating factor (DAF/CD55), complement receptor 1 (CR1/CD35), and membrane cofactor protein (MCP/CD46). All eyes were classified in AMD and controls. 11 eyes were graded as early AMD. 34 eyes were controls. In all eyes staining was found in intercapillary pillars of choroid adjacent to Bruch's membrane for CFH, at the basal surface of RPE cells for MCP, and at the apical side of the retinal pigment epithelium for CR1. DAF immunoreactivity was increased along the inner segments of rod and cone photoreceptor cells at the level of the external limiting membrane Labeling of soft drusen was found for CFH and CR1. In addition, DAF and CR1 showed staining of ganglion cells in all eyes. CFH and particularly MCP showed decreased or absent staining in eyes with early AMD adjacent to Bruch's membrane. The overlapping expression of regulators at the level of Bruch's membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium shows the importance of this site for control of the complement system. Decreased and therefore unbalanced expression of regulators, as shown in this study for CFH and MCP, may ultimately lead to AMD.  相似文献   

We studied the localization of laminin alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha5, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains and extradomain A- (EDA), EDB-, and oncofetal fibronectin by immunohistochemistry in human placental villi during placental development. The laminin alpha2, alpha5, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains were detected in the trophoblastic basement membrane (BM) at all stages of gestation, suggesting the presence of laminin-2, -4, -10, and -11 trimers. The laminin alpha1 chain was selectively found at sites where the villous BM was in contact with proliferating cells in trophoblastic islands or columns. EDA-Fn, but not other Fn isoforms, was found in the trophoblastic BM during the first trimester. The laminin alpha2, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains were detected in the villous stroma and capillaries throughout placental development, while the laminin alpha5 chain emerged distinctly during development. Extensive EDA-Fn immunoreactivity was found in first-trimester villous stroma, but distinctly fewer Fn isoforms were seen in the villous stroma during the later stages of gestation. Our results also suggest that, during the formation of new villi, laminins are not found in trophoblastic sprouts before the ingrowth of the villous mesenchyme. Rather, laminins may be deposited at the villous epithelial-mesenchymal interface. Furthermore, the results show that distinct changes occur in the localization of various laminin and Fn isoforms during the maturation of villous trophoblastic and capillary BMs.  相似文献   

alpha1-Acid glycoprotein, a major human serum glycoprotein was detected and localized in human liver parenchymal cells of a biopsy specimen. A heavy metal salt containing fixative was required to retain sufficient antigen determinants of alpha1-acid glycoprotein in order to visualize this protein by the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase unlabeled antibody enzyme method.  相似文献   

Several vertebrate species which underwent duplication of their genome, such as trout, salmon and Xenopus, possess two proopiomelanocortin (POMC) genes. In the trout, one of the POMC molecules, called POMC-A, exhibits a unique C-terminal extension of 25 amino acids which has no equivalent in other POMCs characterized so far. This C-terminal peptide contains three pairs of basic residues, suggesting that it may be the source of novel regulatory peptides. The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of these peptides in the brain of the trout Oncorhynchus mykiss by using specific antibodies raised against two epitopes derived from the C-terminal extension of POMC-A, i.e., EQWGREEGEE and YHFQ-NH2. Immunohistochemical labeling of brain sections revealed the presence of EQWGREEGEE- and YHFQ-NH2-immunoreactive cell bodies in the anterior part of the nucleus lateralis tuberis of the hypothalamus. Immunoreactive fibers were observed in the dorsal hypothalamus, the thalamus, the telencephalon, the optic tectum and the medulla oblongata. In contrast, no labeling was detected using antibodies against the non-amidated peptide YHFQG. Biochemical characterization was performed by combining high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis with radioimmunoassay (RIA) quantification. Two peptides exhibiting the same retention time as synthetic EQWGREEGEE and ALGERKYHFQ-NH2 were resolved. However, no peptide co-eluting with YHFQ-NH2 or YHFQG could be detected. These results demonstrate that, in the trout brain, post-translational processing of POMC-A generates the two decapeptides EQWGREEGEE and ALGERKYHFQ-NH2. The wide distribution of immunoreactive fibers in the diencephalon, telencephalon, optic tectum and medulla oblongata suggests that these peptides may exert neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator activities.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF)-like immunoreactivity in the human hypothalamus was studied by light-microscopic immunocytochemistry. With antibodies that we developed against synthetic human pancreatic GRF (hpGRF), we localized GRF immunoreactivity in neuronal cell bodies that were observed only in the infundibular (arcuate) nucleus. Immunostained nerve fibers were found in large numbers in the neurovascular zone of the median eminence, in the proximal portion of the pituitary stalk and in periventricular areas. These localizations are in agreement with those of studies recently performed in other species and strongly suggest that GRF can be released into the capillaries of the pituitary portal plexus to reach the anterior pituitary gland. The projections of GRF neurons in extra-infundibular regions suggest that GRF can also act as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of endothelin (ET), a novel vasoconstrictor peptide, was studied in human vascular tissues by immunohistochemistry. Distinct and diffuse staining for ET-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the cytoplasm of vascular endothelial cells, but not in smooth muscle cells or adventitial fibroblasts. The specificity was confirmed by the negative results following immunoabsorption. These findings suggest that human vascular endothelial cells function as an endocrine and/or paracrine cells for ET secretion.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution of neurons containing LHRH has been investigated in newborn hypothalamus using the peroxidase anti-peroxidase technique. In control subjects, LHRH immunoreactive (LHRH-IR) perikarya have been mainly observed essentially in the infundibular nucleus. The preoptic region displayed a moderate density of LHRH-IR cell bodies. High LHRH innervation was observed in the anterior hypothalamus in the lamina terminalis and in the mediobasal hypothalamus in the median eminence, and in the peri- and paraventricular regions. In sudden death infant syndrome, a comparable mapping was observed, except a low density in the mediobasal peri- and paraventricular areas.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is considered to be important in mammalian neonatal growth and development. In order to clarify its developmental role, we have investigated, by immunohistochemistry, the localization of EGF and the time of its first appearance in various organs from a series of 25 midtrimester human fetuses with a gestational age ranging from 13 to 22 weeks. The first detectable EGF immunoreactivity occurred in week 15–16 fetuses in the placenta, the skin, the distal tubules of the kidney, the surface epithelium of the stomach, and the tips of the small intestinal villi, as well as in a few Paneth cells. Glandular structures, such as the glands of the cardia and the pyloric part of the stomach. Brunner's glands of the duodenum, the pancreas, and the submucous glands of the trachea, showed positive EGF immunoreactivity later (week 17). Thus, apart from the kidney, staining of the surface epithelia seems to precede staining of the EGF-producing glandular structures and EGF is not present in the glands before these have already differentiated.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for immunohistochemical localization of human carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme C (HCA C) with indirect fluorescent antibody and immunoperoxidase techniques are described. Both methods revealed large amounts of this high activity isoenzyme in the mucosae of human stomach and appendix. With the indirect immunofluorescent method the presence of the enzyme in human erythrocyte cytoplasm was also demonstrated. Correlations of present findings with those obtained with the traditional histochemical methods for demonstration of carbonic anhydrase activity are discussed.  相似文献   

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