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Nitrogen fertilizer applied to sugar-beet increased plant androot dry weight and leaf area, and decreased the sugar contentof the roots per cent of both fresh and dry weight. Change inleaf area accounted wholly for the increase in plant dry weightproduced by nitrogen, because net assimilation rate was unaffected.Nitrogen did not alter the partition of the total assimilatebetween roots and shoots, but increased the fraction of totalassimilate entering the roots that was used in growth, at theexpense of that stored as sugar. Thus, plants with more nitrogenhad a smaller proportion of their root dry weight as sugar becausemore was metabolized in growth of the roots, and not becauseless entered the roots. The heavier roots of plants given more nitrogen were largerin cross-sectional area because the areas of both parenchymaand vascular zones of each peripheral ring within the root werelarger; the number of rings was not increased. Nitrogen increasedthe areas of the tissues in these zones by enlarging cell volumes,not by increasing the number of cells within the tissues. Increasein cell volume was accompanied by proportional increases inthe weights of non-sugar dry matter per cell and water per cell,but the amount of sugar per cell was proportional to cell volumeonly during the initial stage of cell expansion up to cell volumesof about 15x10–8 cm2; thereafter it was less than proportional,so that sugar per cent of both fresh and dry weight decreasedas cell size increased beyond 15x10–8 cm2. The relationof sugar per cell to cell volume was the same with both amountsof nitrogen given. This implies that increase in nitrogen supplymade the sugar concentration of the root less by increasingthe size of the root cells and not by a specific effect on sugarstorage.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in very young leaves utilizes carbon fromphotosynthesis and from translocated sucrose, and nitrogen translocatedin both xylem and phloem. The carbon of young leaf protein isderived mainly from assimilated CO2, while translocated sucrosecontributes proportionately more of its carbon to insolublecarbohydrate. Most protein amino-acids become labelled from14CO2, glutamate being the notable exception. Glutamine or glutamateis synthesized from sucrose in roots, and is translocated toyoung leaves. It is suggested that a small but significant proportionof the nitrogen requirement of the young leaf is translocatedfrom roots as glutamine, in the phloem. Inorganic nitrogen istranslocated in xylem.  相似文献   

土壤盆栽油菜、小白菜和菠菜的叶柄对施氮的响应最为敏感。叶柄中硝态氮的累积量占整株蔬菜的一半以上(从54,9%到75.0%)。叶柄中硝态氮累积量与植物整株的硝态氮累积量呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

Four-leaf rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.), which had been cultivated in Kimura B complete nutrient solution, were treated with two nitrogen forms by replacing the nitrogen element in the complete solution with sole nitrate or ammonium (2.86 mmol/L). Nitrate-N nutrition tended to increase oxalate content in all parts of the plant, including the leaves, stems, roots, and root exudates, whereas ammonium had the opposite effect. Consequently, marked differences in oxalate content were observed between the two treatments throughout the time tested (0--12 d), with maximal differences of approximately 12-fold at 6 d after treatment. Photosynthetic/respiratory parameters were examined over time simultaneously with changes in oxalate content. Net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (i.e. maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and photochemical quantum yields of photosystem (PS)Ⅱ (φ PSⅡ)), and respiratory rate were not significantly different between plants treated with the two nitrogen forms, although ammonium-fed plants had apparently higher leaf chlorophyll content than nitrate-fed plants. Leaf glucose content was altered little, but the content of fructose, sucrose, and total soluble sugar was significantly higher in the leaves of ammonium-fed plants than nitrate-fed plants, The results indicate that nitrate/ammonium may serve as efficient regulators of oxalate accumulation owing to regulation of metabolism in rice leaves rather than oxalate downward transfer and root excretion, and that photosynthetic metabolism is not directly correlated with the regulation of oxalate accumulation in rice plants.  相似文献   

Four-leaf rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.), which had been cultivated in Kimura B complete nutrient solution, were treated with two nitrogen forms by replacing the nitrogen element in the complete solution with sole nitrate or ammonium (2.86 mmol/L). Nitrate-N nutrition tended to increase oxalate content in all parts of the plant, including the leaves, stems, roots, and root exudates, whereas ammonium had the opposite effect. Consequently, marked differences in oxalate content were observed between the two treatments throughout the time tested (0-12 d), with maximal differences of approximately 12-fold at 6d after treatment. Photosynthetic/respiratory parameters were examined over time simultaneously with changes in oxalate content. Net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (i.e. maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and photochemical quantum yields of photosystem (PS)II (ΦPSⅡ)), and respiratory rate were not significantly different between plants treated with the two nitrogen forms, although ammonium-fed plants had apparently higher leaf chlorophyll content than nitrate-fed plants. Leaf glucose content was altered little, but the content of fructose, sucrose, and total soluble sugar was significantly higher in the leaves of ammonium-fed plants than nitrate-fed plants. The results indicate that nitrate/ammonium may serve as efficient regulators of oxalate accumulation owing to regulation of metabolism in rice leaves rather than oxalate downward transfer and root excretion, and that photosynthetic metabolism is not directly correlated with the regulation of oxalate accumulation in rice plants.  相似文献   

Increasing the concentration of CO2 in the air from the usual300 ppm to 1, 000 ppm in growth rooms with temperatures of 20°C during the 16-h light period and 15° C during the 8-hdark period increased the total dry weight of sugar-beet, barley,and kale by about 5o per cent. A further increase in CO, concentrationto 3, 300 ppm increased dry weight slightly more. These effectsoccurred with light intensities ranging from 3.7 to II.6 caldm–2 min–1 of visible radiation supplied by a mixtureof fluorescent and tungsten lamps, and were only slightly greaterwith the brighter light. Extra CO2 also increased leaf area,though relatively less than dry weight, and the number of barleyshoots but not of sugar-beet or kale leaves; it decreased leaf-arearatio, specific leaf area, and the ratio of tops to roots. Maizewas taller with extra CO2. Net assimilation rates in 1, 000 and 3, 300 ppm CO2 were about20 and 30 per cent respectively greater than in 300 ppm. Uptakeof CO2 in the light by complete tops and single leaves alsoincreased with increase in CO2 concentration. Photosynthesisof leaves of plants recently transferred to a new CO2 concentrationdepended only on that concentration and not on the originalone. Doubling the light intensity from 3.7 to 7.7 cal dm–2min–1 affected dry weight, leaf area, net assimilationrate, etc., similarly to a tenfold increase in CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The Effect of Light on the Translocation from Sugar-beet Leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Illumination was found to increase the rate of translocationfrom sugar-beet leaves. This stimulation of translocation wasnot dependent on the concentration of either sugar or ATP inthe leaf. It was, however, dependent on carbon fixation by theleaf and it increased with light intensity in a manner similarto that of assimilation rate. It was evident that these parallelstimulations by light might have a common cause, concerningthe nature of which some suggestions are made. It was also shownthat under normal daylight conditions other factors affectedtranslocation rate and that by suitable experiments their effectson translocation could be determined and shown to act independently.  相似文献   

植物中草酸积累与光呼吸乙醇酸代谢的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对几种C3 和C4 植物中草酸含量及相应的乙醇酸氧化酶活性测定结果表明 :叶片光呼吸强度及其关键酶活性大小与草酸积累量没有相关性 ;植物根中均能积累草酸 ,但未测出乙醇酸氧化酶活性。烟草根、叶中的草酸含量在不同生长时期差异明显 ,且二者呈极显著正相关 (y =2 .5 6 5lnx 2 .137,r =0 .749,P <0 .0 0 1) ,说明根中草酸可能来自叶片。氧化乙醇酸的酶的活性与氧化乙醛酸的酶的活性呈极显著线性正相关 (y =0 .2 41x 0 .0 0 6 ,r=0 .96 7,P <0 .0 0 0 1) ,进一步证实是乙醇酸氧化酶催化了两种底物的反应。烟草在不同生长期叶片中草酸总含量变化与相应的乙醇酸氧化酶活性变化亦没有相关性 ;低磷胁迫可显著诱导烟草根叶中的草酸形成和分泌 ,但并未影响乙醇酸氧化酶活性 ,进一步证明草酸积累与该酶活性大小无关  相似文献   

植物叶片中抗坏血酸含量与草酸积累的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同植物和不同生长期烟草叶片中抗坏血酸含量变化与相应的草酸含量变化之间都无显著的相关性;喂饲外源抗坏血酸后的水稻和荞麦叶中草酸含量提高不明显。据此推测:尽管不能排除抗坏血酸可能是植物草酸合成的前体,但其内源含量高低不一定影响植物中草酸积累。  相似文献   

Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is the product of nitrogen productivity (NP) and the mean residence time of nitrogen (MRT). Theory suggests that there should be a trade-off between both components,but direct experimental evidence is still scarce. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the effect of varying nitrogen supply levels on NUEand its two components (NP, MRT) in Helianthus annuus L., an annual herb.The plants investigated were subjected to six nitrogen levels (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 g N/m2). Total plant production increased substantially with increasing nitrogen supply. Nitrogen uptake and loss also in creased with nitrogen supply. Nitrogen influx (rin) and outflux (rout) were defined as the rates of nitrogen uptake and loss per unit aboveground nitrogen, respectively. Both rin and rout increased with increasing nitrogen supply. In addition, rin was far higher than rout. Consequently, the relative rate of nitrogen incre ment (rin- rout) also increased with nitrogen supply. There were marked differences between treatments with respect to parameters related to the stress resistance syndrome: nitrogen pool size, leaf nitrogen concentration,and net aboveground productivity increased with nitrogen supply. Plants at high nitrogen levels showed a higher NP (the growth rate per unit aboveground nitrogen) and a shorter MRT (the inverse of rout), whereas plants at low nitrogen levels displayed the reverse pattern. Shorter MRT for plants at high nitrogen levels was caused by the abscission of leaves that contained relatively large fractions of total plant nitrogen. We found a negative relationship between NP and MRT, the components of NUE, along the gradient of nitrogen availability, suggesting that there was a trade-off between NP and MRT. The NUE increased with increasing nitrogen availability, up to a certain level, and then decreased. These results offer support for the hypoth esis that adaptation to infertile habitats involves a low nitrogen loss (long MRT in the plant) rather than a high NUE per se. The higher NUE at the plant level was a result, in part, of greater nitrogen resorption during senescence. We suggest that a long MRT (an index of nitrogen conservation) is a potentially successful strategy in nitrogen-poor environments.  相似文献   

Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is the product of nitrogen productivity (NP) and the mean residence time of nitrogen (MRT). Theory suggests that there should be a trade-off between both components,but direct experimental evidence is still scarce. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the effect of varying nitrogen supply levels on NUE and its two components (NP, MRT) in Helianthus annuus L., an annual herb.The plants investigated were subjected to six nitrogen levels (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 g N/m^2). Total plant production increased substantially with increasing nitrogen supply. Nitrogen uptake and loss also increased with nitrogen supply. Nitrogen influx (rin) and outflux (rout) were defined as the rates of nitrogen uptake and loss per unit aboveground nitrogen, respectively. Both rin and rout increased with increasing nitrogen supply. In addition, rin was far higher than rout. Consequently, the relative rate of nitrogen increment (tin -rout) also increased with nitrogen supply. There were marked differences between treatments with respect to parameters related to the stress resistance syndrome: nitrogen pool size, leaf nitrogen concentration,and net aboveground productivity increased with nitrogen supply. Plants at high nitrogen levels showed a higher NP (the growth rate per unit aboveground nitrogen) and a shorter MRT (the inverse of rout), whereas plants at low nitrogen levels displayed the reverse pattern. Shorter MRT for plants at high nitrogen levels was caused by the abscission of leaves that contained relatively large fractions of total plant nitrogen. We found a negative relationship between NP and MRT, the components of NUE, along the gradient of nitrogen availability, suggesting that there was a trade-off between NP and MRT. The NUE increased with increasing nitrogen availability, up to a certain level, and then decreased. These results offer support for the hypothesis that adaptation to infertile habitats involves a low nitrogen loss (long MRT in the piano rather than a high NUE per se. The higher NUE at the plant level was a result, in part, of greater nitrogen resorption during senescence. We suggest that a long MRT (an index of nitrogen conservation) is a potentially successful strategy in nitrogen-poor environments.  相似文献   

测定不同生长时期及感染白叶枯病菌前后,水稻叶片中的草酸含量、乙醇酸氧化酶活性变化的结果,进一步证实乙醇酸氧化酶同时具有氧化乙醛酸的活性,但叶片中的内源草酸含量变化与乙醇酸氧化酶活性变化无关。高感品种玉梅153和高抗品种中二占在染病前后内源草酸含量变化之间并无显著差异。  相似文献   

徐敬明 《四川动物》2005,24(3):436-438
研究民镉暴露实验中黑斑蛙不同器官组织对镉的吸收积累,并对其在不同器官组织中的分布规律进行了分析。结果表明:镉在黑斑蛙器官组织的积累具有选择性,主要积累在肠和肝脏中,其次是皮肤、肌肉,而骨骼中没有积累。  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum were able to grow on Czapek Dox medium amended with elevated concentrations [up to 500 ppm active ingredient (ai)] of the fungicide copper oxychloride. Solubilization of the fungicide in solid medium was evident by the appearance of a clear (halo) zone underneath and around the growing colonies. The halo formed with A. niger, grown on fungicide-containing nitrate nitrogen medium, was found subsequently to enclose concentric rings of newly crystalline precipitate. These crystals were extracted, examined by scanning electron microscopy and IR, and identified as copper oxalate. The supplemented nitrogen source to the medium greatly affected both fungicide solubilization and fungal tolerance. Ratios of fungicide solubilization rate (R(S)) in relation to the colony growth rate (R(G)) were significantly higher on ammonium than on nitrate nitrogen medium for both fungal strains. Growth ratios (the colony extension rate in the presence of a given concentration of the fungicide in relation to the control colony growth rate) of A. niger were markedly lower on ammonium than on nitrate nitrogen medium. The cellular copper contents, taken up from the fungicide, and the medium titratable acidity were higher in ammonium than in nitrate medium for both fungi. These results suggested fungal possession of variable tolerance mechanisms to this fungicide by complexation and/or precipitation of copper in the medium. Additionally, this work emphasizes the activity of fungi in transformation of insoluble inorganic metal-containing fungicides into insoluble organic metal compounds, which has a potentiality in metal cycling in biogeochemical and environmental context.  相似文献   

With variation in rainfall patterns, evaporation, seedbed soil structure and depth of sowing, sugar-beet seed and seedlings can be subjected to damaging extremes of water availability. Under controlled conditions, seed given progressively longer pre-sowing treatments (steeped for 12 h at 25°C or advanced for 4 days at 25°C) was more tolerant of non-optimal conditions than seed given a brief steep (20 min at 15°C). The prolonged steep treatment accelerated emergence and increased establishment (3% on average) in the field, compared with the brief steep. Advanced seed consistently gave the quickest emergence, produced as many plants as the prolonged steep, and was less affected by depth of sowing so its introduction should improve the establishment phase of the sugar-beet crop.  相似文献   

In order to control young plant form by modifying culture conditions, plants of Rhododendron catawbiense from in vitro culture were grown in a greenhouse under different photoperiodic treatments (long or short days) combined or not with a several-week nitrogen starvation. After 12 weeks of culture under long days (16 h) with nitrogen supply, plants showed a rhythmic acrotonous development. When long days were combined with a six-week nitrogen starvation, the apical growth pause was extended leading to an increase of the number of acrotonous lateral ramifications. Short-day (8 h) treatment affected distal burst potential and moreover when a concomitant nitrogen starvation was applied. This lack of distal development allowed basal buds swelling, leading to basitonous plants. When plants were returned back to long days after 2, 4 or 6 weeks under short days, distal buds resumption competed with basal shoots development. Durable basitonous plants were obtained by a 12-week short days treatment combined with a 6-week nitrogen starvation.  相似文献   

不同种类氮素对苋菜硝酸盐积累及分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用15N核素示踪技术,研究了不同氮肥种类对苋菜硝酸盐积累与分配的关系及氮素的去向。结果表明:(1)苋菜可食部分中茎较叶更易富集硝酸盐,茎中硝酸盐含量为叶中的1.5倍左右,施用硝态氮肥苋菜叶与茎中的硝酸盐含量都偏高。(2)苋菜硝酸盐主要来源于土壤,达到80%以上,而来自肥料部分不足20%。(3)苋菜施用尿素其肥料利用率达到46.27%,土壤残留氮素达到17.01%,均高于硫铵与硝酸钠,尿素损失率为40.32%,远低于硫铵与硝酸钠,表明施用尿素有利于土壤氮素储量的保持和提高。  相似文献   


A proper supply of nutrients to cells in engineered tissues is paramount for an optimal development and survival of these tissues. However, especially in tissues with clinically relevant sizes, the mass transport of nutrients into the tissue is often insufficient to sustain all the cells within the tissue. This is not only the case during in vitro culture. After implantation of an engineered tissue, a vascular network is not directly established. Therefore, the mass transport of nutrients is also critical during the initial period after implantation.

This review introduces the basics of mass transport, leading to the conclusion that three main concepts can be used to increase nutrient supply in tissue engineering. These are; increasing the overall diffusion coefficient, decreasing the diffusion distance, or increasing convective transport. Based on these concepts, the main strategies that have been developed to enhance the supply of nutrients to cells in engineered tissues will be discussed.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) germplasm, isogenic except for loci controlling male sterility (ms1) and nodulation (rj1), was used to investigate the effects of reproductive tissue development and source of nitrogen nutrition on accumulation, transport, and partitioning of nitrogen in a greenhouse experiment. Nodulated plants were supplied nitrogen-free nutrient solution, and nonnodulated plants were supplied nutrient solution containing 20 millimolar KNO3. Plants were sampled from flowering until maturity (77 to 147 days after transplanting).

Accumulation rates of nitrogen in whole plants during reproductive growth were not significantly different among the four plant types. Nitrogen accumulation in the sterile, nonnodulated plants, however, ceased 2 weeks earlier than in fertile, nonnodulated or fertile and sterile, nodulated plants. This early cessation in nitrogen accumulation resulted in sterile, nonnodulated plants accumulating significantly less whole plant nitrogen by 133 days after transplanting (DAT) than fertile, nonnodulated plants. Thus, changing the site of nitrogen assimilation from nodules (N2-fixing plants) to roots and leaves (NO3-fed plants) resulted in similar whole-plant nitrogen accumulation rates in fertile and sterile plants, despite the absence of seed in the latter.

Leaflet and stem plus petiole tissues of both types of sterile plants had significantly higher nitrogen concentrations after 119 DAT than both types of fertile plants. Significantly higher concentrations and exudation rates of nonureide, reduced-nitrogen in xylem sap of sterile than of fertile plants after 105 DAT were observed. These latter results indicated possible cycling of nonureide, reduced-nitrogen from the downward phloem translocation stream to the upward xylem translocation stream in roots of sterile plants. Collectively, these results suggest a lack of sinks for nitrogen utilization in the shoots of sterile plants. Hence, comparison of nitrogen accumulation rates for sterile and fertile plants does not provide a definitive test of the hypothesis that reproductive tissue development limits photosynthate availability for support of N2 fixation and nitrate assimilation in determinate soybeans.

Nitrogen assimilation during reproductive growth met a larger proportion of the reproductive-tissue nitrogen requirement of nitrate-dependent plants (73%) than of N2-fixing plants (63%). Hence, vegetative-tissue nitrogen mobilization to reproductive tissue was a more prominent process in N2-fixing than in nitrate-dependent plants. N2-fixing plants partitioned nitrogen to reproductive tissue more efficiently than nitrate-dependent plants as the reproductive tissues of the former and latter contained 65 and 55%, respectively, of the whole-plant nitrogen at the time that nitrogen accumulation in reproductive parts had ceased (133 DAT).


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