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We hypothesized that reducing weight properties of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) are due to adipocyte apoptosis and that CLA differentially modulates the apoptotic responses in hepatic lipotoxicity from rats fed saturated fat diets. Obese Zucker rats were fed atherogenic diets (2% w/w of cholesterol) formulated with high (15% w/w) saturated fat, from vegetable or animal origin, supplemented or not with 1% of a mixture (1:1) of cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers for 14 weeks. CLA induced no changes on retroperitoneal fat depot weight, which was in line with similar levels of apoptosis. Interestingly, CLA had a contrasting effect on cell death in the liver according to the dietary fat. CLA increased hepatocyte apoptosis, associated with upregulation of Fas protein in rats fed palm oil, compared to rats receiving palm oil alone. However, rats fed ovine fat alone displayed the highest levels of hepatic cell death, which were decreased in rats fed ovine fat plus CLA. This reducing effect of CLA was related to positively restoring endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ATF-6α, BiP and CHOP protein levels and increasing phosphorylated c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and c-Jun, thus suggesting an adaptive response of cell survival. These findings reinforce the role of CLA as regulator of apoptosis in the liver. Moreover, the dietary fat composition is a key factor in activation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

To investigate the net tissue fatty acid deposition in response to graded levels of energy restriction and modification of diet fatty acid composition, rats were randomly assigned into four dietary groups and fed for 10 weeks diets containing 40% as energy of either fish, safflower, or olive oil, or beef tallow, consumed ad libitum or energy restricted to 85% or 68% of ad libitum intake by reducing diet carbohydrate content. An additional eight rats were killed before the diet regimen, to provide baseline data from which fatty acid deposition rates were calculated. Body weight, and heart, liver and fat mass gains were decreased with energy restriction (P<0.001). Olive oil feeding resulted in higher body weight gain (P < 0.03) than tallow feeding, whereas fish oil feeding was associated with highest (P < 0.007) liver weight and lowest (P < 0.03) fat mass gains. Energy deficit-related differences in the deposition of stearic, linoleic, arachidonic, and docosahexaenoic acids in heart and palmitic and docosahexaenoic acids in liver were dependent on the dietary oil consumed (P < 0.03). Similarly, interactive effects of restricted food intake and dietary oil type were found in the gain of palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids in adipose tissue (P < 0.01) when expressed in relation to the amount of each fatty acid consumed. These data suggest that energy intake level can influence the deposition pattern, as well as oxidation rate, of tissue fatty acids as a function of tissue type, fatty acid structure, and dietary fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Diets with a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (i.e., linoleic acid) have decreased iron absorption and utilization compared with diets containing a higher proportion of the saturated fatty acid stearic acid (e.g., beef tallow). However, less is known regarding the influence of other polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids, along with higher dietary iron, on iron absorption and utilization. The present study was conducted to compare the effects of dietary fat sources known to vary in (n-3), (n-6), and (n-9) fatty acids on iron utilization and liver mineral concentrations. Male weanling rats were fed a diet containing 10, 35, or 100 μg/g iron in combination with saffower oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, or beef tallow for 8 wk. Indicators of iron status, iron utilization, and liver iron concentrations were unaffected by an interaction between the fat source and iron concentration. Plasma copper was the only variable affected by an interaction between the fat source and dietary iron. Findings of this study demonstrate that flaxseed oil and olive oil may alter tissue minerals and affect iron utilization. Further studies should be conducted to establish the effect of varying (n-3), (n-6), and (n-9) fatty acids on trace mineral status and iron utilization. Data were presented in part at Experimental Biology 2000 as a poster session. A. D. Shotton and E. A. Droke, Dietary fat and iron modify immune function, FASEB J. 14, A239 (2000).  相似文献   

Manganese metabolism is impaired in the Belgrade laboratory rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Homozygous Belgrade rats have a hypochromic anaemia due to impaired iron transport across the cell membrane of immature erythroid cells. This study aimed at investigating whether there are also abnormalities of Mn metabolism in erythroid and other types of cells. The experiments were performed with homozygous (b/b) and heterozygous (+/b) Belgrade rats and Wistar rats and included measurements of Mn uptake by reticulocytes in vitro, Mn absorption from in situ closed loops of the duodenum, and plasma clearance and uptake by several organs after intravenous injection of radioactive Mn bound to transferrin (Tf ) or mixed with serum. Similar measurements were made with 59Fe-labelled Fe in several of the experiments. Mn uptake by reticulocytes and absorption from the duodenum was impaired in b/b rats compared with +/b or Wistar rats. The plasma clearance of Mn-Tf was much slower than Mn-serum, but both were faster than the clearance of Fe-Tf. Uptake of 54Mn by the kidneys, brain and femurs was less in b/b than Wistar or +/b rats, but uptake by the liver was greater in b/b rats. Similar differences were found for 59Fe uptake by kidneys, brain and femurs but 59Fe uptake by the liver was also impaired in the liver. It is concluded that the genetic abnormality present in b/b rats affects Mn metabolism as well as Fe metabolism and that Mn and Fe share similar transport mechanisms in the cells of erythroid tissue, duodenal mucosa, kidney and blood-brain barrier. Accepted: 20 February 1997  相似文献   

A conventional balance study with 48 male weanling rats was conducted to determine true absorption and endogenous fecal excretion of manganese (Mn) in relation to dietary Mn supply, following the procedures of a previously adapted isotope dilution technique. After 10 d on a diet with 1.5 ppm Mn, eight animals each were assigned to diets containing 1.5, 4.5, 11.2, 35, 65, or 100 ppm Mn on a dry-matter basis. Three days later, each rat was given an intramuscular54Mn injection and kept on treatment for a balance period of 16 d. Apparent Mn absorption assessed for the final 8 d, averaged 8.6 μg/d without significant treatment effects, although Mn intake ranged from 18.6 to 1200 μg/d, in direct relation to dietary Mn concentrations. Mean fecal excretion of endogenous Mn for the six treatments was 0.9, 2.7, 7.4, 11.0, 16.3, and 17.7 μg/d, respectively. These values delineate the rates to which true absorption exceeded apparent rates. True absorption, as percent of Mn intake, averaged 28.7, 15.9, 11.7, 6.1, 3.4, and 2.0, respectively, as compared with mean values of 23.9, 10.9, 6.2, 3.4, 1.2, and 0.5 for percent apparent absorption. It was concluded that both true absorption and endogenous fecal excretion markedly responded to Mn nutrition and that the reduction in the efficiency of true absorption was quantitatively the most significant homeostatic response for maintaining stable Mn concentrations in body tissues.  相似文献   

On the basis of the potential benefits to human health there is an increased interest in producing milk containing lower-saturated fatty acid (SFA) and higher unsaturated fatty acid (FA) concentrations, including cis-9 18:1 and cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Twenty-four multiparous Holstein cows were used in two experiments according to a completely randomized block design, with 21-day periods to examine the effects of incremental replacement of prilled palm fat (PALM) with sunflower oil (SFO) in high-concentrate diets containing 30 g/kg dry matter (DM) of supplemental fat (Experiment 1) or increases in the forage-to-concentrate (F : C) ratio from 39 : 61 to 48 : 52 of diets containing 30 g/kg DM of SFO (Experiment 2) on milk production, digestibility and milk FA composition. Replacing PALM with SFO had no effect on DM intake, but tended to increase organic matter digestibility, yields of milk, protein and lactose, and decreased linearly milk fat content. Substituting SFO for PALM decreased linearly milk fat 8:0 to 16:0 and cis-9 16:1, and increased linearly 18:0, cis-9 18:1, trans-18:1 (Δ4 to 16), 18:2 and CLA concentrations. Increases in the F : C ratio of diets containing SFO had no effect on intake, yields of milk, milk protein or milk lactose, lowered milk protein content in a quadratic manner, and increased linearly NDF digestion and milk fat secretion. Replacing concentrates with forages in diets containing SFO increased milk fat 4:0 to 10:0 concentrations in a linear or quadratic manner, decreased linearly cis-9 16:1, trans-6 to -10 18:1, 18:2n-6, trans-7, cis-9 CLA, trans-9, cis-11 CLA and trans-10, cis-12 CLA, without altering milk fat 14:0 to 16:0, trans-11 18:1, cis-9, trans-11 CLA or 18:3n-3 concentrations. In conclusion, replacing prilled palm fat on with SFO in high-concentrate diets had no adverse effects on intake or milk production, other than decreasing milk fat content, but lowered milk fat medium-chain SFA and increased trans FA and polyunsaturated FA concentrations. Increases in the proportion of forage in diets containing SFO increased milk fat synthesis, elevated short-chain SFA and lowered trans FA concentrations, without altering milk polyunsaturated FA content. Changes in fat yield on high-concentrate diets containing SFO varied between experiments and individual animals, with decreases in milk fat secretion being associated with increases in milk fat trans-10 18:1, trans-10, cis-12 CLA and trans-9, cis-11 CLA concentrations.  相似文献   

Achieving an appropriate DHA status in the neonatal brain is an important goal of neonatal nutrition. We evaluated how alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), provided for six weeks after weaning by different dietary fat matrix, improved brain DHA content of young male rats born from deficient-dams. The level of ALA achieved was based on the fat composition of usual infant vegetable formula. A palm oil-blend diet thus providing 1.5%ALA was compared to dairy fat-blend-based diets that provided either 1.5%ALA or 2.3%ALA, or a rapeseed oil diet providing 8.3%ALA (n?6/n?3 ratio were, respectively 10,10,5,2.5).The 1.5%ALA-dairy-fat-blend was superior to 1.5%ALA-palm-oil-blend to restore values of brain DHA, while the 2.3%ALA-dairy-fat-blend exhibited a further increase and reached the values obtained with pure rapeseed diet (8.3%ALA).Dairy-fat-blends enriched with ALA appear to be an interesting strategy for achieving optimal DHA levels in the brain of post-weaning rats. Providing dairy fat as well as a reduction of the LA/ALA ratio should be reconsidered to design infant formula.  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl CoA synthetase 1 (ACSL1) plays an important role in fatty acid metabolism and triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis. Disturbance of these pathways may result in dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, hallmarks of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Dietary fat is a key environmental factor that may interact with genetic determinants of lipid metabolism to affect MetS risk. We investigated the relationship between ACSL1 polymorphisms (rs4862417, rs6552828, rs13120078, rs9997745, and rs12503643) and MetS risk and determined potential interactions with dietary fat in the LIPGENE-SU.VI.MAX study of MetS cases and matched controls (n = 1,754). GG homozygotes for rs9997745 had increased MetS risk {odds ratio (OR) 1.90 [confidence interval (CI) 1.15, 3.13]; P = 0.01}, displayed elevated fasting glucose (P = 0.001) and insulin concentrations (P = 0.002) and increased insulin resistance (P = 0.03) relative to the A allele carriers. MetS risk was modulated by dietary fat, whereby the risk conferred by GG homozygosity was abolished among individuals consuming either a low-fat (<35% energy) or a high-PUFA diet (>5.5% energy). In conclusion, ACSL1 rs9997745 influences MetS risk, most likely via disturbances in fatty acid metabolism, which was modulated by dietary fat consumption, particularly PUFA intake, suggesting novel gene-nutrient interactions.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium supplementation on absorption and retention of cadmium in the suckling period was evaluated in Wistar rat pups of both sexes. Animals were maintained in the litters with the mother rats and supplemented with 1%, 3% or 6% calcium (as CaHPO4×2H2O) in cow's milk by artificial feeding from day of birth 6 through 14. All rats were exposed to cadmium (as CdCl2×H2O) either orally or parenterally. Oral cadmium dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight a day was administered through nine-day period of calcium supplementation and parenteral cadmium dose was injected subcutaneously in a single dose of 0.5 mg Cd/kg body weight prior to calcium supplementation. On experimental day 10 (at the age of pups of 15 days) all animals were killed and the liver, kidneys, brain and carcass (body without organs and skin) were removed for element analyses. Cadmium and essential elements calcium, zinc and iron were analysed in the tissues by atomic absorption spectrometry. Results showed that after oral exposure cadmium concentrations in all calcium-supplemented groups were significantly decreased in the organs and carcass and that the effect was dose-related. No such effect of calcium was found after parenteral cadmium exposure. Calcium supplementation per se significantly increased calcium concentration in the carcass and had no effect on iron in organs and zinc in carcass. It was concluded that calcium supplementation during the suckling period could be an efficient way of reducing oral cadmium absorption and retention without affecting tissue essential trace element concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to examine how different fats commonly used in the feed industry affect broiler performance, nutrient digestibility and microbial fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens challenged with virulent Clostridium perfringens strains. Two experiments were carried out, each including 480-day-old male broilers (Ross 308), which were randomly distributed to eight experimental groups using six replicate pens per treatment and 10 birds per pen. In Experiment 1, birds were fed diets containing soybean oil, palm kernel fatty acid distillers, rendered pork fat and lard. In Experiment 2, birds were fed diets containing rapeseed oil, coconut oil, beef tallow and palm oil. In both experiments, the birds were either not challenged or challenged with a mixture of three C. perfringens type A strains. Irrespective of the fat type present in the diet, C. perfringens did not affect broiler chicken body weight gain (BWG) and mortality in either of the two experiments. The BWG was affected by dietary fat type in both experiments, indicating that the fatty acid composition of the fat source affects broiler growth performance. In particular, the inclusion of animal fats tended to improve final BW to a greater extent compared with the inclusion of unsaturated vegetable oils. In Experiment 2, irrespective of the dietary fat type present in the diet, C. perfringens challenge significantly impaired feed conversion ratio in the period from 14 to 28 days (1.63 v. 1.69) and at 42 days (1.65 v. 1.68). In both experiments apparent metabolizable energy values were affected by dietary fat type. Irrespective of the fat type present in the diet, C. perfringens challenge decreased the digesta pH in the crop and ileum, but had no effect in cecal contents. Moreover, in Experiment 1, total organic acid concentration in the ileum was two to three times lower on soybean oil diets as compared with other treatments, indicating that C. perfringens as well as dietary fat type significantly affects microbiota activity in the broiler chicken gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The effect of sex, source of saturated fat (lard v. palm oil) and glycerol inclusion in the fattening diet on composition and fatty acid positional distribution in the triglyceride molecule was studied in pigs from 78 to 110 kg BW. Average daily gain and carcass characteristics, including ham and loin weight, were not affected by dietary treatment but sex affected backfat depth (P<0.01). A significant interaction between sex and glycerol inclusion was observed; dietary glycerol increased lean content in gilts but not in barrows (P<0.05 for the interaction). Individual and total saturated fatty acid (SFA) concentrations were greater in barrows than in gilts. In contrast, the concentration of total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and of C18:2n-6, C18:3n-3, C20:3n-9 and C20:4n-6 in the intramuscular fat (IMF) was higher (P<0.05) in gilts than in barrows. Sex did not affect total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) concentration in the IMF. The proportion of SFA in the subcutaneous fat (SF) was higher in barrows than in gilts (P<0.001). Within the individual SFA, sex affected only the concentrations of C14:0 and C16:0 (P<0.001). Dietary fat did not affect total SFA or PUFA concentrations of the IMF but the subcutaneous total MUFA concentration tended to be higher (P=0.079) in pigs fed lard than in pigs fed palm oil. Dietary glycerol increased total MUFA and C18:1n-9 concentration in the IMF and increased total MUFA and decreased C18:2n-6, C18:3n-3 and total PUFA concentrations in the SF. The data indicate that altering the fatty acid composition of the triglyceride molecule at the 2-position, by dietary intervention during the fattening phase, is very limited.  相似文献   

Knowledge of tissue and cuts growth depending on the sex could be used to improve performance and efficiency. Computed tomography (CT) is a non-invasive technology that enables the study of the body composition of live animals during growth. The aims of the present study were (1) to evaluate variation in the body composition of four sex types (SEX) of pigs (castrated males (CM), immunocastrated males (IM), entire males (EM) and females (FE)) at the live weight of 30, 70, 100 and 120 kg, assessed using CT; (2) to model the growth of the main tissues and cuts; and (3) to predict the mature BW (MBW) of the four SEX and establish the relationships between the growth models and the MBW. There were significant phenotypic differences in the allometric growth of fat and lean among SEX. For the lean tissue, FE and EM showed higher values of the b coefficient than CM and IM (1.07 and 1.07 v. 1.00 and 1.02, respectively) all of them close to unity, indicating a proportional growth rate similar to live weight and that this tissue developed faster in FE and EM than in CM and IM. However, these differences were not related to differences in estimated MBW. There were significant differences in estimated MBW among SEX, being higher in IM and EM than in CM and FE (303 and 247 v. 219 and 216 kg), however, the MBW may have been overestimated, especially for the IM. The poorer accuracy of the MBW estimate for the IM could be due to a maximum live weight of 120 kg in the experiment, or to the fact that this particular SEX presented two clear behaviours, being more similar to EM from birth to the second injection of the vaccine (130 days) and comparable with CM from that point to the final BW.  相似文献   

This study investigated the way in which feeding rats with two fat sources (olive or sunflower oils) affected electron-transport components and function of mitotic (liver) and postmitotic (heart and skeletal muscle) tissues during ageing. Rats adapted the mitochondrial-membrane-lipid profile to dietary fat throughout the study, suggesting that the benefits to eat either of the two fats might be maintained lifelong. Liver was more resistant to dietary changes and ageing than heart and skeletal muscle, which showed higher levels of coenzyme Q, cytochrome b, and cytochrome a + a 3 with ageing and lower cytochrome c oxidase and complex IV turnover. Dietary fat differentially modulated the response of tissues during ageing, with sunflower oil leading to the highest levels of coenzyme Q and cytochromes b and a + a 3. Since high levels of cytochrome b have been related to increased age, it could be hypothesized that olive oil could lead to less aged mitochondria.  相似文献   

Lake water, pore water, and sediments were sampled in a seasonally stratified lake affected by coal-mining drainage. Contrasting geochemical processes of iron and manganese in summer were investigated by studying the seasonal distributions of iron and manganese species in the water column, pore water, and sediments. The results show that iron buildup in the water during summer was mainly from the gradual dissolution of particulate matter due to the pH decrease, whereas manganese oxide reduction and manganese-bound carbonate dissolution near the sediment–water interface were mainly responsible for manganese accumulation in the stratified hypolimnion. The geochemical processes of iron and manganese in the sediments during early diagenesis were also discussed in terms of the possible influence on the overlying water. Received: November 29, 1999 / Accepted: June 30, 2000  相似文献   

Two groups of 16 rats each were fed the same diet with 12.9 ppm Zn. Nine days after each animal was injected with65Zn for assessing fecal zinc of endogenous origin, zinc intake and excretion were determined for a six-day period at the age of about five (group I) and nine (II) weeks. At mean growth rates of 5.1 and 5.2 g/day, food consumption per gram of gain was 2.01 g in group I vs 2.86 g in II. Overall, zinc retention amounted to 21 vs 25 μg Zn/g of gain. Apparent absorption averaged 92 vs 74% of Zn intake (132 vs 189 μg/day), while true absorption averaged 98 vs 92%. It was concluded that endogenous fecal zinc excretion was limited to the indispensable loss (F em) in group I (7 μg/day), while it exceeded this minimum loss in group II (33 μg/day). True retention, which reflected total zinc utilization (true absorption times metabolic efficiency), was derived from apparent absorption plusF em (11 μg/day for group II according to the greater metabolic body size of the rats). It averaged 98% of Zn intake in group I vs 80% in group II. The mean metabolic efficiency was 100% vs 87%. The conclusion was that these marked differences between age groups in utilizing the dietary zinc reflected the efficient homeostatic adjustments in absorption and endogenous excretion of zinc to the respective zinc supply status.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) reduces cadmium (Cd) toxicity in adult animals, but its effects in newborn animals are still unknown. This study investigated Cd (as CdCl2) absorption, distribution, and retention in suckling rats receiving oral Se supplementation (as Na2SeO3) in equimolar doses (8 μmol Cd and/or Se per kg b.w./day). Selenium was given either before and during Cd exposure (Sepre + Cd group; pre-treatment group) or only during Cd exposure (Se + Cd group). Rats were treated from postnatal day (PND) 6–14 as follows: controls (H2O, PND 6–14), Se (PND 10–14), Cd (PND 10–14), Sepre + Cd (Se PND 6–14 + Cd PND 10–14) and Se + Cd (Se + Cd PND 10–14). Selenium supplementation, especially pre-treatment, decreased Cd levels in the blood, brain, liver and kidney of suckling rats. Selenium levels in plasma, brain, and kidney also decreased. These findings suggest that higher Se intake could efficiently reduce Cd retention during the suckling period.  相似文献   

Consumption of energy-dense/high-fat diets is strongly and positively associated with overweight and obesity, which are associated with increase in the prevalence of certain chronic diseases. We evaluated the effect of hypercaloric/fat or normocaloric diets on some biochemical parameters in rats. Seventy-two rats were divided into four groups that were fed for 16 weeks with diets: normocaloric [9.12% soy oil, normocaloric soy oil (NSO)], hypercaloric olive oil [43.8% olive oil, hypercaloric olive oil (HOO)], hypercaloric saturated fat [43.8% saturated fat, hypercaloric saturated fat (HSF)] and normocaloric saturated fat [43.8% saturated fat, normocaloric saturated fat (NSF)]. HSF rats consumed more calories daily than the others and gained more retroperitoneal fat, although HSF and HOO rats had higher body weight. In liver, glycogen synthesis and concentration were higher in rats HSF and NSF. In plasma, total cholesterol (TC) levels were higher in HSF rats than in the others, and triacylglycerol (TAG) levels were lower in HOO and higher in HSF rats in relation to the others. In liver, TC and TAG were elevated in HSF, NSF and HOO rats. Paraoxonase 1 activity, which is related to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and has anti-atherogenic role was lower in rats HSF. In HOO rats, glucose tolerance test was altered, but insulin tolerance test was normal. These results suggest that consumption of energy-dense/high-fat diets, both saturated or monounsaturated, causes damaging effects. However, more studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms by which these diets cause the metabolic alterations observed.  相似文献   

Larvae of Acheta domesticus show the group effect when reared in pairs on an artificial diet with the opposite sex, but not when reared with the same sex. When wheat-germ oil is added to the artificial diet, all paired larvae exhibit the group effect, regardless of sex. Dietary fat also improves survival and growth, but the identity of the component(s) producing these results has not been determined. The possible roles of linolenic acid and linolenic acid synthesis in this insect are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term feeding effect of heated and fried peanut (PNO), rice bran (RBO) and palm oil (PO) in the diet on the hepatic antioxidant enzyme status and absorption and excretion of fats were studied in laboratory rats. The rats were fed oils heated to 180°C continuously for a period of 72 h or laboratory fried at 20% level in the diet for 18 weeks. The results of the study indicated a significant increase in the catalase activity in HO groups and decrease in the FRO groups. The GPx activity while significantly low in HO groups was high in FRO groups, whereas, significant decrease in GST activity was observed in both PNO-HO/FRO groups. Increased activity was noted in RBO-FRO and PO-HO/FRO groups. The SOD activity showed a mixed response in different heated/fried oils and a marginal increase in the levels of fecal fat excretion was observed in some of the heated/fried oil groups. The results indicated no appreciable damage with respect to these antioxidant enzymes. Also, feeding heated fats as high as 20% in the diet for long duration does not result either in reduced food intake or excess fecal fat excretion.  相似文献   

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