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PKC-alpha regulates cardiac contractility and propensity toward heart failure   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The protein kinase C (PKC) family of serine/threonine kinases functions downstream of nearly all membrane-associated signal transduction pathways. Here we identify PKC-alpha as a fundamental regulator of cardiac contractility and Ca(2+) handling in myocytes. Hearts of Prkca-deficient mice are hypercontractile, whereas those of transgenic mice overexpressing Prkca are hypocontractile. Adenoviral gene transfer of dominant-negative or wild-type PKC-alpha into cardiac myocytes enhances or reduces contractility, respectively. Mechanistically, modulation of PKC-alpha activity affects dephosphorylation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPase-2 (SERCA-2) pump inhibitory protein phospholamban (PLB), and alters sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) loading and the Ca(2+) transient. PKC-alpha directly phosphorylates protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 (I-1), altering the activity of protein phosphatase-1 (PP-1), which may account for the effects of PKC-alpha on PLB phosphorylation. Hypercontractility caused by Prkca deletion protects against heart failure induced by pressure overload, and against dilated cardiomyopathy induced by deleting the gene encoding muscle LIM protein (Csrp3). Deletion of Prkca also rescues cardiomyopathy associated with overexpression of PP-1. Thus, PKC-alpha functions as a nodal integrator of cardiac contractility by sensing intracellular Ca(2+) and signal transduction events, which can profoundly affect propensity toward heart failure.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional engineered heart tissue from neonatal rat cardiac myocytes   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A technique is presented that allows neonatal rat cardiac myocytes to form spontaneously and coherently beating 3-dimensional engineered heart tissue (EHT) in vitro, either as a plane biconcaval matrix anchored at both sides on Velcro-coated silicone tubes or as a ring. Contractile activity was monitored in standard organ baths or continuously in a CO(2) incubator for up to 18 days (=26 days after casting). Long-term measurements showed an increase in force between days 8 and 18 after casting and stable forces thereafter. At day 10, the twitch amplitude (TA) of electrically paced EHTs (average length x width x thickness, 11 x 6 x 0.4 mm) was 0.51 mN at length of maximal force development (L(max)) and a maximally effective calcium concentration. EHTs showed typical features of neonatal rat heart: a positive force-length and a negative force-frequency relation, high sensitivity to calcium (EC(50) 0.24 mM), modest positive inotropic (increase in TA by 46%) and pronounced positive lusitropic effect of isoprenaline (decrease in twitch duration by 21%). Both effects of isoprenaline were sensitive to the muscarinic receptor agonist carbachol in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner. Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of beta-galactosidase into EHTs reached 100% efficiency. In summary, EHTs retain many of the physiological characteristics of rat cardiac tissue and allow efficient gene transfer with subsequent force measurement.  相似文献   

Heart failure is one of the leading causes of sudden death in developed countries. While current therapies are mostly aimed at mitigating associated symptoms, novel therapies targeting the subcellular mechanisms underlying heart failure are emerging. Failing hearts are characterized by reduced contractile properties caused by impaired Ca2+ cycling between the sarcoplasm and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) mediates Ca2+ reuptake into the SR in cardiomyocytes. Of note, the expression level and/or activity of SERCA2a, translating to the quantity of SR Ca2+ uptake, are significantly reduced in failing hearts. Normalization of the SERCA2a expression level by gene delivery has been shown to restore hampered cardiac functions and ameliorate associated symptoms in pre-clinical as well as clinical studies. SERCA2a activity can be regulated at multiple levels of a signaling cascade comprised of phospholamban, protein phosphatase 1, inhibitor-1, and PKCα. SERCA2 activity is also regulated by post-translational modifications including SUMOylation and acetylation. In this review, we will highlight the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of SERCA2a activity and the potential therapeutic modalities for the treatment of heart failure. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(5): 237-243]  相似文献   

Estimation of the pulsatile component of stroke volume (SV) with thoracic rheography cannot be explained by the existing single-phase model of pulsatile hemodynamics, the theory of passive diastole, but can be satisfactorily explained by a two-phase model, the theory of active diastole. The local fraction of cardiac output, an original rheographic parameter for measuring blood flow in the examined area, is suggested, which can be calculated in the same way as the pulsatile component of SV but by a simpler formula and can be used for any region of the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

A biomechanical evaluation of whiplash using a multi-body dynamic model   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents a biomechanical evaluation of whiplash injury potential during the initial extension motion of the head in a rear-end collision. A four-segment dynamic model is developed in the sagittal plane for the analysis. The model response is validated using the existing experimental data and is shown to simulate the "S-shape" kinematics of the cervical spine and the resulting dynamics observed in human and cadaver experiments. The model is then used to evaluate the effects of parameters such as collision severity, head/headrest separation, and the initial head orientation in the sagittal plane on the "S-shape" kinematics of the cervical spine and the resulting neck loads. It is shown, for example, that the cervical spine forms an "S-shape" for a range of change in speeds and that at lower and higher speeds changes the spine does not form the "S-shape." Furthermore, it is shown that the "S-shape" formation also depends on the head to headrest separation distance.  相似文献   

Phospholamban: a crucial regulator of cardiac contractility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heart failure is a major cause of death and disability. Impairments in blood circulation that accompany heart failure can be traced, in part, to alterations in the activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump that are induced by its interactions with phospholamban, a reversible inhibitor. If phospholamban becomes superinhibitory or chronically inhibitory, contractility is diminished, inducing dilated cardiomyopathy in mice and humans. In mice, phospholamban seems to encumber an otherwise healthy heart, but humans with a phospholamban-null genotype develop early-onset dilated cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

UNC-45 is a UCS (UNC-45/CRO1/She4P) class chaperone necessary for myosin folding and/or accumulation, but its requirement for maintaining cardiac contractility has not been explored. Given the prevalence of myosin mutations in eliciting cardiomyopathy, chaperones like UNC-45 are likely to be equally critical in provoking or modulating myosin-associated cardiomyopathy. Here, we used the Drosophila heart model to examine its role in cardiac physiology, in conjunction with RNAi-mediated gene silencing specifically in the heart in vivo. Analysis of cardiac physiology was carried out using high-speed video recording in conjunction with movement analysis algorithms. unc-45 knockdown resulted in severely compromised cardiac function in adults as evidenced by prolonged diastolic and systolic intervals, and increased incidence of arrhythmias and extreme dilation; the latter was accompanied by a significant reduction in muscle contractility. Structural analysis showed reduced myofibrils, myofibrillar disarray, and greatly decreased cardiac myosin accumulation. Cardiac unc-45 silencing also dramatically reduced life-span. In contrast, third instar larval and young pupal hearts showed mild cardiac abnormalities, as severe cardiac defects only developed during metamorphosis. Furthermore, cardiac unc-45 silencing in the adult heart (after metamorphosis) led to less severe phenotypes. This suggests that UNC-45 is mostly required for myosin accumulation/folding during remodeling of the forming adult heart. The cardiac defects, myosin deficit and decreased life-span in flies upon heart-specific unc-45 knockdown were significantly rescued by UNC-45 over-expression. Our results are the first to demonstrate a cardiac-specific requirement of a chaperone in Drosophila, suggestive of a critical role of UNC-45 in cardiomyopathies, including those associated with unfolded proteins in the failing human heart. The dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype associated with UNC-45 deficiency is mimicked by myosin knockdown suggesting that UNC-45 plays a crucial role in stabilizing myosin and possibly preventing human cardiomyopathies associated with functional deficiencies of myosin.  相似文献   

The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has become a popular model for human cardiac diseases and pharmacology including cardiac arrhythmias and its electrophysiological basis. Notably, the phenotype of zebrafish cardiac action potential is similar to the human cardiac action potential in that both have a long plateau phase. Also the major inward and outward current systems are qualitatively similar in zebrafish and human hearts. However, there are also significant differences in ionic current composition between human and zebrafish hearts, and the molecular basis and pharmacological properties of human and zebrafish cardiac ionic currents differ in several ways. Cardiac ionic currents may be produced by non-orthologous genes in zebrafish and humans, and paralogous gene products of some ion channels are expressed in the zebrafish heart. More research on molecular basis of cardiac ion channels, and regulation and drug sensitivity of the cardiac ionic currents are needed to enable rational use of the zebrafish heart as an electrophysiological model for the human heart.  相似文献   

Modification of a cylindrical bidomain model for cardiac tissue.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous models based on a cylindrical bidomain assumed either that the ratio of intracellular and interstitial conductivities in the principal directions were the same or that there was no radial variation in potential (i.e., a planar front, delta Vm/delta rho = 0). This paper presents a formulation and the expressions for the intracellular, interstitial, extracellular, and transmembrane potentials arising from nonplanar propagation along a cylindrical bundle of cardiac tissue represented as a bidomain with arbitrary anisotropy. For unequal anisotropy, the transmembrane current depends not only on the local change of the transmembrane potential but also on the nature of the transmembrane potential throughout the volume.  相似文献   

Incorporating the intrinsic variability of heart contractility varying with heart rate into the mathematical model of human heart would be useful for addressing the dynamical behaviors of human cardiovascular system, but models with such features were rarely reported. This study focused on the development and evaluation of a mathematical model of the whole heart, including the effects of heart contractility varying with heart rate changes. This model was developed based on a paradigm and model presented by Ottesen and Densielsen, which was used to model ventricular contraction. A piece-wise function together with expressions for time-related parameters were constructed for modeling atrial contraction. Atrial and ventricular parts of the whole heart model were evaluated by comparing with models from literature, and then the whole heart model were assessed through coupling with a simple model of the systemic circulation system and the pulmonary circulation system. The results indicated that both atrial and ventricular parts of the whole heart model could reasonably reflect their contractility varying with heart rate changes, and the whole heart model could exhibit major features of human heart. Results of the parameters variation studies revealed the correlations between the parameters in the whole heart model and performances (including the maximum pressure and the stroke volume) of every chamber. These results would be useful for helping users to adjust parameters in special applications.  相似文献   

Intravenous administration of cannabinoid (CB) receptor agonists (HU-210, 0.1 mg/kg; ACPA, 0.125 mg/kg; methanandamide, 2.5 mg/kg; and anandamide, 2.5 mg/kg) induced bradycardia in chloralose-anesthetized rats irrespective of the solubilization method. Methanandamide, HU-210, and ACPA had no effect on the electrophysiological activity of the heart, while anandamide increased the duration of the QRS complex. The negative chronotropic effect of HU-210 was due to CB1 receptor activation since it was not observed after CB1 receptor blockade by SR141716A (1 mg/kg intravenously) but was present after pretreatment with CB2 receptor antagonist SR144528 (1 mg/kg intravenously). CB receptor antagonists SR141716A and SR144528 had no effect on cardiac rhythm or ECG indices. Hence, in the intact heart, endogenous CB receptor agonists are not involved in the regulation of cardiac rhythm and electrophysiological processes. The chronotropic effect of CBs was independent of the autonomic nervous system because it remained significant after autonomic ganglion blockade by hexamethonium (1 mg/kg intravenously). CB receptor activation by HU-210 (0.1 and 1 μM) in vitro decreased the rate and force of isolated heart contractions, the rates of contraction and relaxation, and end diastolic pressure. The negative chronotropic effect of HU-210 was less pronounced in vitro than in vivo. The maximum inotropic effect of HU-210 was reached at the concentration of 0.1 μM.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from using electroencephalographic (EEG) data to estimate the values of key neurophysiological parameters using a detailed biophysical model of brain activity. The model incorporates spatial and temporal aspects of cortical function including axonal transmission delays, synapto-dendritic rates, range-dependent connectivities, excitatory and inhibitory neural populations, and intrathalamic, intracortical, corticocortical and corticothalamic pathways. Parameter estimates were obtained by fitting the model's theoretical spectrum to EEG spectra from each of 100 healthy human subjects. Statistical analysis was used to infer significant parameter variations occurring between eyes-closed and eyes-open states, and a correlation matrix was used to investigate links between the parameter variations and traditional measures of quantitative EEG (qEEG). Accurate fits to all experimental spectra were observed, and both inter-subject and between-state variability were accounted for by the variance in the fitted biophysical parameters, which were in turn consistent with known independent experimental and theoretical estimates. These values thus provide physiological information regarding the state. transitions (eyes-closed vs. eyes-open) and phenomena including cortical idling and alpha desynchronization. The parameters are also consistent with traditional qEEG, but are more informative, since they provide links to underlying physiological processes. To our knowledge, this is the first study where a detailed biophysical model of the brain is used to estimate neurophysiological parameters underlying the transitions in a broad range (0.25-50 Hz) of EEG spectra obtained from a large set of human data.  相似文献   

Post-translational arginylation mediated by arginyltransferase (Ate1) is essential for cardiovascular development and angiogenesis in mammals and directly affects myocardium structure in the developing heart. We recently showed that arginylation exerts a number of intracellular effects by modifying proteins involved in the functioning of the actin cytoskeleton and in cell motility. Here, we investigated the role of arginylation in the development and function of cardiac myocytes and their actin-containing structures during embryogenesis. Biochemical and mass spectrometry analyses showed that alpha cardiac actin undergoes arginylation at four sites during development. Ultrastructural analysis of the myofibrils in wild-type and Ate1 knockout mouse hearts showed that the absence of arginylation results in defects in myofibril structure that delay their development and affect the continuity of myofibrils throughout the heart, predicting defects in cardiac contractility. Comparison of cardiac myocytes derived from wild-type and Ate1 knockout mouse embryos revealed that the absence of arginylation results in abnormal beating patterns. Our results demonstrate cell-autonomous cardiac myocyte defects in arginylation knockout mice that lead to severe congenital abnormalities similar to those observed in human disease, and outline a new function of arginylation in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Mice null for the gene encoding protein kinase Calpha (Prkca), or mice treated with pharmacologic inhibitors of the PKCalpha/beta/gamma isoforms, show an augmentation in cardiac contractility that appears to be cardioprotective. However, it remains uncertain if PKCalpha itself functions in a myocyte autonomous manner to affect cardioprotection in vivo. Here we generated cardiac myocyte-specific transgenic mice using a tetracycline-inducible system to permit controlled expression of dominant negative PKCalpha in the heart. Consistent with the proposed function of PKCalpha, induction of dominant negative PKCalpha expression in the adult heart enhanced baseline cardiac contractility. This increase in cardiac contractility was associated with a partial protection from long-term decompensation and secondary dilated cardiomyopathy after myocardial infarction injury. Similarly, Prkca null mice were also partially protected from infarction-induced heart failure, although the area of infarction injury was identical to controls. Thus, myocyte autonomous inhibition of PKCalpha protects the adult heart from decompensation and dilated cardiomyopathy after infarction injury in association with a primary enhancement in contractility.  相似文献   

Isolated heart mitochondria hydrolyze the acetoxymethyl esters of the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent probe fura-2 and the pH-sensitive 2',7'-biscarboxyethyl-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). The resulting charged forms of the probes are retained in the mitochondrial matrix and appear well-suited for the estimation of pCa and pH in this compartment. The mitochondria esterase activity is stimulated by Ca2+, inhibited by butacaine and quinine, and shows an alkaline pH optimum. The esterase has a similar affinity for the two probes (Km about 1.5 microM) and a somewhat higher Vmax for BCECF. Intramitochondrial pH can be determined by recording the ratio of the fluorescence of matrix BCECF at its excitation maximum of 509 nm to that at 450 nm, an excitation wavelength that is unresponsive to pH. A calibration plot relating the fluorescence ratio to pH is constructed using detergent-lysed mitochondria and the excitation maximum of 500 nm for BCECF in aqueous solution. Estimates of matrix pH by BCECF fluorescence in its useful range (pH 6 to 8) agree well with values obtained using the distribution of 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidenedione. In protocols in which the fluorescence with excitation at 450 nm does not vary, a direct recording of BCECF fluorescence with excitation at 509 nm can be used to follow the kinetics of matrix pH changes.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) printers are attracting attention as a method for arranging and building cells in three dimensions. Bioprinting technology has potential in tissue engineering for the fabrication of scaffolds, cells, and tissues. However, these various printing technologies have limitations with respect to print resolution and due to the characteristics of bioink such as viscosity. We report a method for constructing of 3D tissues with a “microscopic painting device using a painting needle method” that, when used with the layer-by-layer (LbL) cell coating technique, replaces conventional methods. This method is a technique of attaching the high viscosity bioink to the painting needle tip and arranging it on a substrate, and can construct 3D tissues without damage to cells. Cell viability is the same before and after painting. We used this biofabrication device to construct 3D cardiac tissue (LbL-3D Heart) using human-induced pluripotent stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes. The constructed LbL-3D Heart chips had multiple layers with a thickness of 60 µm, a diameter of 1.1 mm, and showed synchronous beating (50–60 beats per min). The aforementioned device and method of 3D tissue construction can be applied to various kinds of tissue models and would be a useful tool for pharmaceutical applications.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were generated with cardiac-specific overexpression of the monomeric, dominant-acting, superinhibitory L37A and I40A mutant forms of phospholamban (PLN), and their phenotypes were compared with wild-type (wt) mice or 2-fold overexpressors of wt PLN (wtOE). The level of PLN monomer in cardiac microsomes was increased 11-13-fold, and the apparent affinity of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase for Ca(2+) was decreased from pCa 6.22 in wt or 6.12 in wtOE to 5.81 in L37A and 5.72 in I40A. Basal physiological parameters, measured in isolated myocytes, indicated a significant reduction in the rates of shortening (+dL/dt) and relengthening (-dL/dt). Hemodynamic measurements indicated that peak systolic pressure was unaffected but that pressure changes (+dP/dt and -dP/dt) were lowered significantly in both mutant lines, and relaxation time (tau) was also lengthened significantly. Echocardiography for both mutants showed depressed systolic function and an increase in left ventricular mass of over 1.4-fold. Significant decreases in left ventricular shortening fraction and velocity of circumferential shortening and increases in ejection time were corrected by isoproterenol. The use of antibodies specific against Ser(16)- and Thr(17)-PLN peptides showed that phosphorylation of both pentameric and monomeric PLN were increased between 1.2- and 2.4-fold in both the L37A and I40A lines but not in the wtOE line. These observations show that overexpression of superinhibitory mutant forms of PLN causes depression of contractile parameters with induction of cardiac hypertrophy, as assessed with echocardiography.  相似文献   

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