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Abstract. Lysosomal inhibitors (amino acid methyl esters) and platelet-derived growth factor stimulate resting NIH 3T3 cells to enter the S period. Incubation of cells in medium containing lysosomal inhibitors causes an increase in protein accumulation and does not disrupt lysosomes. The results indicate that proliferative homeostasis depends partially on the metabolic status of the cell and that catabolic processes activated in resting cells negatively influence prereplicative reactions.  相似文献   

Lysosomal inhibitors (amino acid methyl esters) and platelet-derived growth factor stimulate resting NIH 3T3 cells to enter the S period. Incubation of cells in medium containing lysosomal inhibitors causes an increase in protein accumulation and does not disrupt lysosomes. The results indicate that proliferative homeostasis depends partially on the metabolic status of the cell and that catabolic processes activated in resting cells negatively influence prereplicative reactions.  相似文献   

An ideal medium for metabolic studies would maintain cultured vascular smooth muscle cells in a quiescent, viable state, as they are in normal arteries in vivo, and would be chemically defined so that the concentrations of hormones and nutrients could be manipulated precisely. In unsupplemented serum-free media these cultures lose protein and DNA, indicating impaired viability. Addition of maximally effective concentrations of insulin (10?6 M) and transferrin (5 m?g/ml) prevents loss of DNA and produces near neutral protein balance. Further addition of ascorbic acid (10?4 M) actually promotes net gain of protein with little or no increase in DNA. Ascorbate consistently increased noncollagen protein synthesis by cultured aortic smooth muscle cells. This novel action of the vitamin did not require insulin but was additive to the effect of this hormone, and was produced by isoascorbate, but not by a variety of other reducing agents. Thus, vascular smooth muscle cells can be maintained in a quiescent but noncatabolic state in simple chemically defined culture media. This finding should facilitate studies of the effects of nutrients and hormones on the metabolism of these cells under conditions that resemble those in the normal artery in vivo. Such an approach may also prove valuable for culture of other differentiated cell types that do not usually divide in the intact organism.  相似文献   

Miyazaki H  Hayashi K  Hasegawa Y 《Biorheology》2003,40(1-3):207-212
Tensile properties of fibroblasts (FBs) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) of synthetic and contractile phenotypes were studied using a newly developed micro-tensile tester. FBs were obtained from the rabbit patellar tendon. Synthetic and contractile VSMCs were isolated from the rabbit thoracic aorta with an explant and an enzymatic digestion method, respectively. Each cell was attached to the fine tips of a pair of micropipettes with a cell adhesive and, then, stretched at the speed of 6 microm/sec. Load and length were obtained using a cantilever-type load cell and a VDA, respectively.FBs were broken at the load of 0.9 microN and the elongation to failure of 86 microm, and had the stiffness of 0.02 N/m. VSMCs were not broken even at 2.4 microN. The stiffness of synthetic and contractile VSMCs were 0.09 and 0.17 N/m, respectively. Such large different tensile properties among the three cells are attributable to the differences in components and cytoskeletal structures.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2487-2498
Caldesmon is present in a high molecular mass form in smooth muscle and predominantly in a low molecular mass form in nonmuscle cells. Their biochemical properties are very similar. To examine whether these two forms of caldesmon behave differently in cultured cells, we microinjected fluorescently labeled smooth muscle and nonmuscle caldesmons into fibroblasts. Simultaneous injection of both caldesmons into the same cells has revealed that both high and low relative molecular mass caldesmons are quickly (within 10 min) and stably (over 3 d) incorporated into the same structures of microfilaments including stress fibers and membrane ruffles, suggesting that nonmuscle cells do not distinguish nonmuscle caldesmon from smooth muscle caldesmon. The effect of calmodulin on the incorporation of caldesmon has been examined by coinjection of caldesmon with calmodulin. We have found that calmodulin retards the incorporation of caldesmon into stress fibers for a short period (10 min) but not for a longer incubation (30 min). The behavior of caldesmon in developing muscle cells was also examined because we previously observed that caldesmon disappears during myogenesis (Yamashiro, S., R. Ishikawa, and F. Matsumura. 1988. Protoplasma Suppl. 2: 9-21). We have found that, in contrast to its stable incorporation into stress fibers of fibroblasts, caldesmon is unable to be incorporated into thin filament structure (I-band) of differentiated muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of glucocorticoids on collagen synthesis was examined in cultured bovine aortic smooth muscle (BASM) cells. BASM cells treated with 0.1 microM dexamethasone during their proliferative phase (11 d) were labeled with [3H]proline for 24 h, and the acid-precipitable material was incubated with bacterial collagenase. Dexamethasone produced an approximate twofold increase in the incorporation of proline into collagenase-digestible protein (CDP) and noncollagen protein (NCP) in the cell layer and medium. The stimulation was present in both primary mass cultures and cloned BASM. An increase in CDP and NCP was detected at 0.1 nM, while maximal stimulation occurred at 0.1 microM. Only cells exposed to dexamethasone during their log phase of growth (1-6 d after plating) showed the increase in CDP and NCP when labeled 11 d after plating. The stimulatory effect was observed in BASM cells treated with the natural bovine glucocorticoid, cortisol, dexamethasone, and testosterone, but was absent in cells treated with aldosterone, corticosterone, cholesterol, 17 beta-estradiol, and progesterone. The increase in CDP and NCP was absent in cells treated with the inactive glucocorticoid, epicortisol, and totally abolished by the antagonist, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, suggesting that the response was mediated by specific cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptors. Dexamethasone-treated BASM cells showed a 4.5-fold increase in the specific activity of intracellular proline, which was the result of a twofold increase in the uptake of proline and depletion of the total proline pool. After normalizing for specific activity, dexamethasone produced a 2.4- and 2.8-fold increase in the rate of collagen and NCP synthesis, respectively. Cells treated with dexamethasone secreted 1.7- fold more collagen protein in 24 h compared to control cultures. The BASM cells secreted 70% Type I and 30% Type III collagen into the media as assessed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The ratio of these two types was not altered by dexamethasone. The results of the present study demonstrate that glucocorticoids can act directly on vascular smooth muscle cells to increase the synthesis and secretion of collagen and NCP.  相似文献   

Cytoplasts prepared from fibroblasts arrested by hydroxyurea were fused with serum-arrested, quiescent fibroblasts. In contrast to unfused mon-nucleated cells in the same culture, a sizable fraction of these cybridoids entered S phase in the absence of extracellular serum stimulation. Because DNA synthesis commenced only after a considerable lag following fusion, it was concluded that the cytoplasts contain factors which initiate the progression of quiescent cells toward S phase.  相似文献   

The mitogenic effect of extracellular ATP on porcine aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) was examined. Stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation by ATP was dose-dependent; the maximal effect was obtained at 100 microM. ATP acted synergistically with insulin, IGF-1, EGF, PDGF, and various other mitogens. Incorporation of [3H]thymidine was correlated with the fraction of [3H]thymidine-labeled nuclei and changes in cell counts. The stimulation of proliferation was also determined by measurement of cellular DNA using bisbenzamide and by following the increase of mitochondrial dehydrogenase protein. The effect of ATP was not due to hydrolysis to adenosine, which shows synergism with ATP. ATP acted as a competence factor. The mitogenic effect of ATP, but not adenosine, was further increased by lysophosphatidate, phosphatidic acid, or norepinephrine. The inhibitor of adenosine deaminase, EHNA, stimulated the effect of adenosine but not ATP. The adenosine receptor antagonist theophylline depressed adenosine-induced mitogenesis. ADP and the non-hydrolyzable analogue adenosine 5'-[beta, gamma-imido]triphosphate (AMP-PNP) were equally mitogenic. Thus extracellular ATP stimulated mitogenesis of SMC via P2Y purinoceptors. The mechanism of ATP acting as a mitogen in SMC was further explored. Extracellular ATP stimulated the release of [3H]arachidonic acid (AA) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) into the medium, and enhanced cAMP accumulation in a dose-dependent fashion similar to ATP-induced [3H]thymidine incorporation. Inhibitors of the arachidonic acid metabolism pathway, quinacrine and indomethacin, partially inhibited the mitogenic effect of ATP but not of adenosine. Pertussis toxin inhibited ATP-stimulated DNA synthesis, AA release, PGE2 formation, and cAMP accumulation. Down-regulation of protein kinase C (PKC) by long-term exposure to phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu) partially prevented stimulation of DNA synthesis and activation of the AA pathway by ATP. The PKC inhibitor, staurosporine, antagonized mitogenesis stimulated by ATP. No synergistic effect was found when PDBu and ATP were added together. Therefore, a dual mechanism, including both arachidonic acid metabolism and PKC, is involved in ATP-mediated mitogenesis in SMC. In addition, ATP acted synergistically with angiotensin II, phospholipase C, serotonin, or carbachol to stimulate DNA synthesis. Finally, the possible physiological significance of ATP as a mitogen in SMC was further studied. The effect of endothelin and heparin, which are released from endothelial cells, on ATP-dependent mitogenesis was investigated. Extracellular ATP acted synergistically with endothelin to stimulate a greater extent of [3H]thymidine incorporation than was seen with PDGF plus endothelin. Heparin, believed to have a regulatory role, partially inhibited the stimulation of DNA synthesis caused both by ATP and PDGF.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) regulates lipid efflux from peripheral cells to High-density lipoprotein. The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a potent mitogen that enables vascular smooth muscle cells to participate in atherosclerosis. In this report, we showed that PDGF suppressed endogenous expression of ABCA1 in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Exposure of CRL-208 cells to PDGF elicited a rapid phosphorylation of a kinase downstream from PI3-K, Akt. The constitutively active form of both p110, a subunit of PI3-K, and Akt inhibited activity of the ABCA1 promoter. In conclusion, PI3-K-Akt pathways participate in PDGF-suppression of ABCA1 expression.  相似文献   

Inhibition of thrombin by heparin cofactor II (HCII) is accelerated by dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate, and heparin. Purified HCII or defibrinated plasma was incubated with washed confluent cell monolayers, 125I-thrombin was added, and the rate of formation of covalent 125I-thrombin-inhibitor complexes was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Fibroblasts and porcine aortic smooth muscle cells accelerated inhibition of thrombin by HCII 2.3-7.5-fold but had no effect on other thrombin inhibitors in plasma. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells and mouse macrophage-derived cells did not accelerate the thrombin-HCII reaction. IMR-90 normal human fetal lung fibroblasts treated with heparinase or heparitinase accelerated the thrombin-HCII reaction to the same degree as untreated cells. In contrast, treatment with chondroitinase ABC almost totally abolished the ability of these cells to activate HCII while chondroitinase AC had little or no effect, suggesting that dermatan sulfate was responsible for the activity observed. [35S]Sulfate-labeled proteoglycans were isolated from IMR-90 fibroblast monolayers and conditioned medium and fractionated into two peaks on Sepharose CL-2B. The lower Mr proteoglycans contained 74-76% dermatan sulfate and were 11-25 times more active with HCII than the higher Mr proteoglycans which contained 68-97% heparan sulfate. The activity of the lower Mr proteoglycans decreased 70-90% by degradation of the dermatan sulfate component with chondroitinase ABC. These results confirm that dermatan sulfate proteoglycans are primarily responsible for activation of HCII by IMR-90 fibroblasts. We suggest that HCII may inhibit thrombin when plasma is exposed to vascular smooth muscle cells or fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Sphingomyelin or the products derived from its metabolism may constitute a signaling system involved in a variety of cellular processes. The activation of a plasma membrane neutral sphingomyelinase, which catalyzes the first step in sphingomyelin turnover, has been suggested to play an important role in cellular differentiation. We have studied the effect of exogenous staphylococcal sphingomyelinase on DNA synthesis and on the composition of membrane sphingolipids in quiescent Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. Sphingomyelinase stimulated proliferation of Swiss 3T3 cells and potentiated the mitogenic action of other growth factors, such as insulin, epidermal growth factor, and bombesin. Treatment with sphingomyelinase produced a significant decrease in sphingomyelin accompanied by a corresponding increase in ceramide levels. No significant increases were detected in the levels of products derived from ceramide, i.e. ceramide 1-phosphate, sphingosine, or sphingosine 1-phosphate. To further investigate the role of ceramide in cellular proliferation, we studied the effect of cell-permeable analogs of ceramide on DNA synthesis in quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells. Both N-hexanoylsphingosine and N-acetylsphingosine at low concentrations stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation and acted synergistically with a wide variety of growth factors known to induce proliferation of quiescent Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. Similar effects were observed with bovine brain ceramides. These results suggest that ceramide may be involved in the regulation of cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

Summary FITC-labelled antibodies against native actin from chicken gizzard smooth muscle (Gröschel-Stewart et al., 1976) have been used to stain cultures of guinea-pig vas deferens and taenia coli, rabbit thoracic aorta, rat ventricle and chick skeletal muscle. The I-band of myofibrils of cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle myotubes stains intensely. In isolated smooth muscle cells, the staining is located exclusively on long, straight, non-interrupted fibrils which almost fill the cell. Smooth muscle cells which have undergone morphological dedifferentiation to resemble fibroblasts with both phase-contrast microscopy and electronmicroscopy still stain intensely with the actin antibody. In those muscle cultures which contain some fibroblasts or endothelial cells, the non-muscle cells are not stained with the actin antibody even when the reactions are carried out at 37° C for 1 h or after glycerination. Prefusion skeletal muscle myoblasts also do not stain with this antibody.It is concluded that the actin antibody described in this report is directed against a particular sequence of amino acids in muscle actin which is not homologous with non-muscle actin. The usefulness of this antibody in determining the origin of cells in certain pathological conditions such as atherosclerosis is discussed.This work was supported by the Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia and New Zealand, the National Heart Foundation of Australia, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Wellcome Trust (London). We thank Janet D. McConnell for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived from vascular NADPH oxidase are important in normal and pathological regulation of vessel growth and function. Cell-specific differences in expression and function of the catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase may contribute to differences in vascular cell response to NADPH oxidase activation. We examined the functional expression of gp91phox on NADPH oxidase activity in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) and fibroblasts (FB). As measured by dihydroethidium fluorescence in situ, superoxide (O2-*) levels were greater in adventitial cells compared with medial SMC in wild-type aorta. In contrast, there was no difference in O2-* levels between adventitial cells and medial SMC in aorta from gp91phox-deficient (gp91phox KO) mice. Adventitial-derived FB and medial SMC were isolated from the aorta of wild-type and gp91phox KO mice and grown in culture. Consistent with the observations in situ, basal and stimulated ROS levels were reduced in FB isolated from aorta of gp91phox KO compared with FB from wild-type aorta, whereas ROS levels were similar in SMC derived from gp91phox KO and wild-type aorta. There were no differences in expression of superoxide dismutase between gp91phox KO and wild-type FB to account for these observations. Because gp91phox is associated with membranes, we examined NADPH-stimulated O2-. production in membrane-enriched fractions of cell lysate. As measured by chemiluminescence, NADPH oxidase activity was markedly greater in wild-type FB compared with gp91phox KO FB but did not differ among the SMCs. Confirming functional expression of gp91phox in FB, antisense to gp91phox decreased ROS levels in wild-type FB. Finally, deficiency of gp91phox did not alter expression of the gp91phox homolog NOX4 in isolated FB. We conclude that the neutrophil subunit gp91phox contributes to NADPH oxidase function in vascular FB, but not SMC.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine directly induces growth of the vascular wall, which may involve not only proliferation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and adventitial fibroblasts (AFBs) but also augmentation of their migration. To test this hypothesis, growth-arrested SMCs and AFBs from rat aorta were exposed to norepinephrine. Norepinephrine caused dose-dependent migration of both cell types that was dependent on chemotaxis. In contrast, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB, used as a positive control, stimulated both chemotaxis and chemokinesis. Only alpha(1D)-adrenoceptors (AR) and alpha(2)-AR antagonists inhibited norepinephrine migration of SMCs, whereas norepinephrine migration of AFBs was only inhibited by alpha(1A)-AR and alpha(1B)-AR antagonists; beta-AR blockade was without effect. Norepinephrine and PDGF-BB were additive for AFB, but not SMC, migration. Stimulation of migration was reversed at high norepinephrine concentrations (10 microM); this inhibition was mediated by alpha(2)- and beta-ARs in AFBs but not in SMCs. Thus norepinephrine induces migration of SMCs and AFBs via different alpha-ARs. This action may participate in wall remodeling and norepinephrine potentiation of injury-induced intimal lesion growth.  相似文献   

The expression of a set of cell cycle dependent (CCD) genes (c-fos, c-myc, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), and thymidine kinase (TK)) was comparatively studied in cultured arterial smooth muscle cells (SMC) during exit from quiescence and exponential proliferation. These genes, which were not expressed in quiescent SMC, were chronologically induced after serum stimulation. c-fos mRNA were rapidly and transiently expressed very early in the G1 phase; c-myc and ODC peaked a few hours after serum stimulation and then remained at an intermediary level throughout the first cell cycle; TK mRNA and activity then appeared at the G1/S boundary and peak in G2/M phases. Except for c-fos, the other genes were also expressed in asynchronously cycling SMC (ACSMC); their expression was studied in elutriated subpopulations representative of cell cycle progression. c-fos mRNA were undetectable in any sorted subpopulations, even in the pure early G1 population. Despite a slight increase as the cell cycle advanced, c-myc and ODC genes were expressed throughout the ACSMC cell cycle. A faint TK activity was found in G1 subpopulations and increased in populations enriched in other phases; in contrast, TK mRNA remained highly expressed in all elutriated subpopulations. This study demonstrates significant modulations in CCD gene expression between quiescent stimulated and asynchronously cycling SMC in culture. This suggests that the events occurring during the emergence of SMC from quiescence are probably different from those in the G1 phase of ACSMC.  相似文献   

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