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Despite the advantages of using internal ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty instead of the classic tumescent lipoplasty, such as reduced bleeding and tissue damage, the authors found no objective or comparative study of these techniques in humans. For this reason, they conducted a clinical study to determine the amount of bleeding and tissue damage caused by each of the techniques. A simple clinical assay was accomplished at the Jalisco Plastic Surgery Institute on seven female patients scheduled for abdominal lipectomy. Two similar sections of the surgical area were marked for lipoplasty techniques: classic tumescent lipoplasty on one side and internal ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty on the other. Both areas were treated simultaneously by surgeons experienced in each technique. Laboratory tests and histologic studies were performed on the aspirated material and the manipulated tissue, respectively. The fluids sent to the laboratory were analyzed to determine the amount of bleeding and tissue damage. In the laboratory, the degree of lesion and tissue damage was evaluated in the dermis, nerves, blood vessels, and adipose cells. With internal ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty, indicators of tissue damage such as glutamic oxalacetic transaminase, pyruvic oxalacetic transaminase, cholinesterase, and myoglobin showed higher values than with tumescent lipoplasty. The same was found for hemoglobin levels and in the histologic data indicative of tissue damage; both values were statistically significant at < 0.001. Internal ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty was not demonstrated to be more innocuous or to have a selective effect in adipose cells, and it generally resulted in more tissue damage and bleeding than the classic tumescent technique.  相似文献   

External ultrasonic lipoplasty is an effective method for the removal of localized fat and the fat due to moderate obesity. The ultrasound is externally applied and transmitted through the skin surface. The acoustic waves are selectively absorbed by previously injected tumescent fluid and fat. It is the combination of this acoustic wave and ultrasound-induced fluid streaming that facilitates fat removal. Multiple, 2.5- to 3.7-mm incisions are made, through which standard thin (2.3 to 3.5 mm) suction lipectomy cannulae are used to aspirate the emulsified fat and oil. A major advantage of this procedure is that superficial subdermal liposuction can be used safely, which enhances the thoroughness of fat removal and the contraction of the overlying skin. A total of 160 consecutive patients successfully underwent this procedure. Recovery was rapid, and patients returned to full activities within 24 to 48 hours. The skin remained soft, with minimal to no bruising throughout the entire postoperative period. The problems seen with internal ultrasonic liposuction, such as end hits and skin burns, were avoided. The large incisions required for internal ultrasound liposuction were not necessary. Previous models of externally applied ultrasound support current observations of the safety of external ultrasound lipoplasty. Only one small seroma was seen. External ultrasound lipoplasty is a safe, effective, and low-cost method of ultrasound-assisted removal of localized fat and the fat due to moderate obesity. Physician and patient satisfaction is high.  相似文献   

In Southeast Asia, conservation of ‘Vulnerable’ clouded leopards (Neofelis nebulosa) and ‘Endangered’ tigers (Panthera tigris) might depend on the management of their preferred prey because large felid populations are limited by the availability of suitable prey. However, the diet of clouded leopards has never been determined, so the preferred prey of this felid remains unknown. The diet of tigers in the region has been studied only from one protected‐area complex in western Thailand, but prey preferences were not determined. To better understand the primary and preferred prey of threatened felids, we used DNA‐confirmed scats and prey surveys to determine the diet and prey selection of clouded leopards and tigers in a hilly evergreen forest in northern Laos. For clouded leopards, the primary prey was wild pig (Sus scrofa; 33% biomass consumed), followed by greater hog badger (Arctonyx collaris; 28%), small rodents (15%), and mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis; 13%; hereafter, serow). For tigers, the primary prey was wild pig (44%), followed by serow (18%), sambar (Rusa unicolor; 12%), and Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus; 10%). Compared to availability, serow was positively selected by both clouded leopards (D = 0.69) and tigers (0.61), whereas all other ungulate species were consumed in proportion to the availability or avoided. Our results indicate that clouded leopards are generalist predators with a wide prey spectrum. Nonetheless, mid‐sized ungulates (50–150 kg) comprised nearly half of their diet, and were the preferred prey, supporting a previous hypothesis that the enlarged gape and elongated canines of clouded leopards are adaptations for killing large prey. Because serow was the only ungulate preferred by both felids, we recommend that serow populations be monitored and managed to help conservation efforts for clouded leopards and tigers, at least in hilly evergreen forests of Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the determinants of distribution and abundance of animals at landscape level have emphasized the usefulness of the metapopulation approach, in which patch area and habitat connectivity have often proved to explain satisfactorily existing patch occupancy patterns. A different approach is needed to study the common situation in which suitable habitat is difficult to determine or does not occur in well‐defined habitat patches. We applied a landscape ecological approach to study the determinants of distribution and abundance of the threatened clouded apollo Parnassius mnemosyne butterfly within an area of 6 km2 of agricultural landscape in south‐western Finland. The relative role of 24 environmental variables potentially affecting the distribution and abundance of the butterfly was studied using a spatial grid system with 2408 grid squares of 0.25 ha, of which 349 were occupied by the clouded apollo. Both the probability of butterfly presence and abundance in a 0.25 ha square increased with the presence of the larval host plant Corydalis solida the cover of semi‐natural grassland, the amount of solar radiation and spalial autocorrelation in butterfly occurrence. Additionally, butterfly abundance increased with overall mean patch size and decreased with maximum slope angle and wind speed. Two advantages of the employment of a spatial grid system included the avoidance of a subjective definition of suitable habitat patches and an evaluation of the relative significance of different components of habitat quality at the same time with habitat availability and connectivity. The large variation in habitat quality was influenced by the abundance of the larval host plant and adult nectar sources but also by climatological. topographical and structural factors. The application of a spatial grid system as used here has potential for a wide use in studies on landscape‐level distribution and abundance patterns in species with complex habitat requirements and habitat availability patterns.  相似文献   

Bromidrosis is a condition of abnormal offensive body odor caused mostly by apocrine gland secretion from the axilla. Although no morbid sequelae are known, the odor can be disturbing enough to cause social impairment and psychological distress. Medical care is available but is temporary and yields limited clinical benefit. Surgical treatment may provide a more definite remedy through reduction of the apocrine gland. However, there are risks for complication following surgical treatment such as subdermal excision, subcutaneous shaving, en bloc excision, and liposuction. The search for a less invasive but still effective procedure has led the authors to use ultrasound-assisted liposuction, which has reduced the risk of complication and recurrence. The purpose of this article was to evaluate the long-term outcome of ultrasound-assisted liposuction for the treatment of bromidrosis. From August 1998 to September 2002, 375 consecutive patients underwent ultrasound-assisted liposuction for bromidrosis of the axilla. The average age of the patients was 25.7 years (range, 15 to 55 years) and the average follow-up period was 18.8 months (range, 7 to 56 months). Subjective complaints of recurrences were noted in 22 patients (5.9 percent) and secondary ultrasound-assisted liposuction was performed, resulting in no further complaints. Complications other than recurrences were mild skin sloughing (3.2 percent), hematoma (1.3 percent), subcutaneous band (0.3 percent), and hypesthesia of the hand (0.3 percent), all of which healed spontaneously. Through a questionnaire that was answered by 264 patients, a subjective satisfaction rate was measured. Among the completed questionnaires, 91.7 percent reported satisfactory reduction of odor. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction to treat bromidrosis of the axilla provides advantages such as rapid recovery, less restriction of movement, unnoticeable scars, and a low rate of recurrence. The long-term outcome supports the benefits of this procedure. The authors recommend the use of ultrasound-assisted liposuction as first-line treatment for bromidrosis of the axilla.  相似文献   

Suction lipectomy: complications and results by survey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In October of 1983, we sent a questionnaire on suction lipectomy to 2524 U.S. and Canadian members of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. Six-hundred and twelve plastic surgeons returned questionnaires (24.2 percent response rate). One-hundred and seven responding surgeons reported 1573 operations in which suction lipectomy with or without skin excision was used for 2685 procedures on various parts of the body. In the subset of 1249 operations in which suction lipectomy only was used to treat 2261 anatomic areas, surgeons reported greater than 80 percent good or excellent aesthetic results. The overall complication rate was 9.3 percent. The most frequent complications were persistent hypesthesia (2.6 percent), seroma (1.6 percent), and persistent edema (1.4 percent). Skin pigmentation, pain, hematoma, infection, and slough each occurred with an incidence of 1.0 percent or less. Based on the results of this survey, suction lipectomy is a valuable new modality for surgical improvement of body contour.  相似文献   

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