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Understory Vegetation Dynamics of North American Boreal Forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Understory vegetation is the most diverse and least understood component of North American boreal forests. Understory communities are important as they act as drivers of overstory succession and nutrient cycling. The objective of this review was to examine how understory vegetation abundance, composition, and diversity change with stand development after a major stand replacing disturbance. Understory vegetation abundance and diversity increase rapidly after fire, in response to abundant resources and an influx of disturbance adapted species. The highest diversity occurs within the first 40 years following fire, and declines indefinitely thereafter as a result of decreasing productivity and increased dominance of a small number of late successional feather mosses and woody plant species. Vascular plant and bryophyte/lichen communities undergo very different successional changes. Vascular plant communities are dynamic and change more dramatically with time after fire, whereas bryophyte and lichen communities are much slower to establish and change over time. Considerable variations in these processes exist depending on canopy composition, site condition, regional climate, and frequently occurring non-stand-replacing disturbances. Forest management practices represent a unique disturbance process and can result in different understory vegetation communities from those observed for natural processes, with potential implications for overstory succession and long-term productivity. Because of the importance of understory vegetation on nutrient cycling and overstory composition, post-harvest treatments emulating stand-replacing fire are required to maintain understory diversity, composition, and promote stand productivity in boreal forests.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Xeric jack pine forests in northern boreal ecosystems are becoming more vulnerable with the increasing fire frequencies in this region. Understory vegetation is the most diverse...  相似文献   

为探究施肥对柚木(Tectona grandis L. f.)幼林生长及林下植被多样性的影响,以广西4年生的柚木人工林为研究对象,采用随机区组试验设计,开展不同肥种配比组合试验(F1,0.5 kg氮磷钾复合肥+1.0 kg钙肥+1.0 kg硫酸镁肥;F2,1.0 kg氮磷钾复合肥+0.5 kg钙肥+0.5 kg硫酸镁肥;F3,1.0 kg氮磷钾复合肥+0.5 kg硫酸镁肥;F4,1.0 kg氮磷钾复合肥+0.5 kg钙镁磷肥;CK,不施肥)。结果表明:施肥显著加快了柚木树高、胸径和单株材积的生长,各指标年均增量分别比不施肥(CK)提高了0.13~0.32 m、0.17~0.26 cm和4.35~9.63 dm3,其中F3配比组合处理生长增量最大,且胸径和材积生长率比CK显著增加了10.35%、10.55%。幼林林下植物相对丰富,植被种类涉及25科39属42种,其中菊科(Compositae)与禾本科(Gramineae)植物为主要优势种。不同处理间林下植被物种Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)、Simpson指数(D)和Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)差异显著(P<0.05),F1、F3处理的3个物种指数显著高于CK,而各处理Gleason物种丰富度指数(Dg)差异不明显,不同处理间生长及林下植被多样性等12个指标综合评价得分由高到低依次为F3、F1、F4、F2、CK。4年生柚木幼林合理施肥,可以促进林木生长,还可提高林下物种丰富度和多样性;1.0 kg氮磷钾复合肥和0.5 kg硫酸镁肥的低投入配方施肥,更有利于促进柚木人工林生长和群落的稳定。  相似文献   

为了解气候变暖对亚热带常绿阔叶林林下植被物种多样性的影响,采用土壤增温方式,研究短期4年增温(4℃)对亚热带常绿阔叶天然林林下植被物种多样性的影响。结果表明,短期增温对林下植被物种组成影响不显著(P>0.05),增温和对照样地林下植被共有植物38科59属77种,其中增温样地37科53属65种,对照样地36科52属63种。短期增温使乔木盖度增加了22.61%,草本和灌木盖度分别降低4.97%和21.75%;增温使草本、灌木和乔木的高度分别降低21.64%、3.37%和5.59%。草本植物中的蕨类重要值排名在增温后呈下降趋势,乔木重要值呈上升趋势(P>0.05)。虽然植物物种多样性指数在增温后差异不显著(P>0.05),但随温度增加均呈递减的趋势。因此,林下植被物种组成对短期增温响应不敏感,增温使草本植物中的蕨类重要值下降,对植物多样性指数产生一定负面影响,但这种响应并不敏感,预计长期增温将可能导致整个群落从草本向灌木和乔木方向演替。  相似文献   

Fungi are important members of soil microbial communities with a crucial role in biogeochemical processes. Although soil fungi are known to be highly diverse, little is known about factors influencing variations in their diversity and community structure among forests dominated by the same tree species but spread over different regions and under different managements. We analyzed the soil fungal diversity and community composition of managed and unmanaged European beech dominated forests located in three German regions, the Schwäbische Alb in Southwestern, the Hainich-Dün in Central and the Schorfheide Chorin in the Northeastern Germany, using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA pyrotag sequencing. Multiple sequence quality filtering followed by sequence data normalization revealed 1655 fungal operational taxonomic units. Further analysis based on 722 abundant fungal OTUs revealed the phylum Basidiomycota to be dominant (54%) and its community to comprise 71.4% of ectomycorrhizal taxa. Fungal community structure differed significantly (p≤0.001) among the three regions and was characterized by non-random fungal OTUs co-occurrence. Soil parameters, herbaceous understory vegetation, and litter cover affected fungal community structure. However, within each study region we found no difference in fungal community structure between management types. Our results also showed region specific significant correlation patterns between the dominant ectomycorrhizal fungal genera. This suggests that soil fungal communities are region-specific but nevertheless composed of functionally diverse and complementary taxa.  相似文献   

不同密度柚木人工林林下植被及土壤理化性质的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究不同密度柚木人工林对林下植被及土壤理化性质的影响,为柚木人工林营建与可持续经营提供理论依据。以广东揭阳14~16年生不同林分密度(650、900、1 050、1 200和1 450 株·hm-2)柚木人工林为研究对象,通过样方调查植被的种名、株数、高度及盖度等,并采集0~20和20~40 cm土样进行理化性质分析,对林下植被物种多样性指数及其土壤理化性质进行主成分分析评价,来评价不同林分密度下柚木人工林的立地质量。结果表明:随着林分密度增加,柚木人工林林下植被盖度整体表现出降低趋势,草本优势物种由阳生性到中生性,逐渐向阴生性的过渡,林下植被Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson优势度指数、丰富度指数和均匀度指数表现出先增加后减少的趋势;相同密度下,表层土土壤理化性质优于下层土,随着林分密度增大,土壤理化性质整体呈现出先改善后退化的变化过程,不同林分密度间柚木人工林土壤毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、速效K、速效P、全P、交换性酸和交换性Al等指标差异性显著(P<0.05);基于林下植被物种多样性和土壤理化性质主成分分析,不同林分密度柚木人工林物种多样性和土壤理化性质综合得分由大到小依次是:1 050 株·hm-2(4.82)、900 株·hm-2(1.58)、650 株·hm-2(-1.30)、1 200 株·hm-2(-1.81)、1 450 株·hm-2(-3.29)。因此,说明适宜的林分密度(1 050 株·hm-2)有利于保持较好的林下植被物种多样性和土壤理化性质,在柚木人工林经营的过程中,可以根据实际情况合理调整林分的密度。  相似文献   

氮沉降对三种林型土壤动物群落生物量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从2003年5月~2004年8月,在华南鼎湖山地区针叶林、混交林和季风林内,采用模拟的方法,构建了对照、低氮[50kg/(hm2.a)]和中氮处理[100kg/(hm2.a)]组。在以后近16个月内,利用线框法收集地表凋落物层,在实验室内用Tullgren干漏斗法采集土壤动物标本,最后根据本地区长期土壤动物研究得出的不同类群动物生物量标准,对土壤动物类群生物量在氮沉降下的响应进行研究。结果表明,整体上氮处理对土壤动物类群生物量并未产生显著影响。然而通过氮处理与取样期和林分的交互作用,土壤动物类群生物量对氮沉降有一定的响应趋势。外界的氮输入明显促进了针叶林土壤动物类群生物量的增长,正效应明显;而季风林在较高氮处理下的负效应明显。经历一周年后,土壤动物类群生物量在各林分中的分布格局发生了显著变化,由实验处理前的季风林>混交林>针叶林,变为针叶林>季风林>混交林。低氮处理在一定程度上显示了对土壤动物类群生物量发展的利好作用,各林分动物类群生物量都有不同幅度的上升,平均季风林为44.33%,混交林9.19%,针叶林60.66%;而中氮处理使季风林和混交林分别下降32.55%和2.81%。提示氮沉降对土壤动物类群生物量的影响可能也存在阈值作用。  相似文献   

林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
以鼎湖山退化马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana)林恢复过程中林下层植物凋落物、分解和养分动态为对象 ,研究了林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用。结果表明 ,林下层年凋落物量除在第 5年有所下降外均随时间逐年上升 ,但其增加速率随年份不同而异 ,总平均年增长速率为 3 8%。第 4年凋落物量为 0 .2 0 t· hm- 2 · a- 1,第 1 1年为 1 .1 7t·hm- 2·a- 1。凋落物养分元素平均浓度为 (% ) :N0 .95 ,P0 .0 4,K0 .5 7,Ca0 .1 3和 Mg0 .0 8,基本上以夏季和秋季最高冬春交替月份最低。第 1 1年凋落物各元素养分归还量为 (kg· hm- 2·a- 1) :N1 1 .1 0 ,P0 .47,K6.65 ,Ca1 .48和 Mg 0 .91。凋落物在分解过程中失重率呈直线模型变化 ,第 1年的分解速率为 3 1 % ,至试验结束时凋落物的残存量占起始量的 66%。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N和 P浓度随时间逐渐上升 ,但 N增加的速度较 P快 ,其余元素浓度均下降 ,但 K下降的速度最快。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N是唯一表现残留量呈先上升然后下降变化的元素。P的残留量变化与凋落物的失重率变化几乎一致。各元素在分解试验结束时残留量占起始量的百分比分别为 :N 90 % ,P 67% ,K 9% ,Ca 3 0 %和Mg 1 4%。可见 ,林下层凋落物在退化马尾松林恢复初期碳及其它营养元素循  相似文献   

为揭示南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林在季节性干旱加剧和氮沉降增加等环境影响下,菌根树木优势度变化趋势机理,对3种优势EM树木黄杞(Engelhardtia roxburghiana)、锥(Castanopsis chinensis)、黧蒴锥(C. fissa)和3种优势AM树木云南银柴(Aporusa yunnanensis)、山蒲桃(Syzygium levinei)、广东金叶子(Craibiodendron scleranthum var. kwangtungense)的水力性状和养分性状进行了研究。结果表明,EM树木叶片导水率下降50%和88%时的水势(P50P88)和膨压丧失点(Ψtlp)均低于AM树木,边材比导水率(KS)、叶片比导水率(KL)、光合氮利用效率(PNUE)和光合磷利用效率(PPUE)均高于AM树木。可见,EM树木比AM树木具有更强的抗旱能力以及更高的导水效率和养分利用效率,这可能是在干旱加剧和氮沉降增加背景下EM树木优势度增加而AM树木优势度减少的生理机制。  相似文献   

Forest biomass plays a key role in the global carbon cycle. In the present study, a general allometric model was derived to predict the relationships among the stem biomass Ms, aboveground biomass MA and total biomass MT, based on previously developed scaling relationships for leaf, stem and root standing biomass. The model predicted complex scaling exponents for MT and/or MA with respect to Ms. Because annual biomass accumulation in the stem, root and branch far exceeded the annual increase in standing leaf biomass, we can predict that MT ∝MA ∝ Ms as a simple result of the model. Although slight variations existed in different phyletic affiliations (i.e. conifers versus angiosperms), empirical results using Model Type Ⅱ (reduced major axis) regression supported the model's predictions. The predictive formulas among stem, aboveground and total biomass were obtained using Model Type I (ordinary least squares) regression to estimate forest biomass. Given the low mean percentage prediction errors for aboveground (and total biomass) based on the stem biomass, the results provided a reasonable method to estimate the biomass of forests at the individual level, which was insensitive to the variation in local environmental conditions (e.g. precipitation, temperature, etc.).  相似文献   

本文是1980--1983年本所湖南会同森林生态实验站成年杉木纯林中进行定位研究根据所取得的观测资料,分析和论述了营养元素在林内的积累与分配;以及从降雨中的输入量,计算了营养元素的年吸收量和归还量。研究表明,杉木纯林在21--23年生时,即达到主伐年龄期,营养元素年吸收量仍大于归还量,整个林分还处在养分消耗阶段。  相似文献   

Soil microbes are active players in energy flow and material exchange of the forest ecosystems, but the research on the relationship between the microbial diversity and the vegetation types is less conducted, especially in the subtropical area of China. In this present study, the rhizosphere soils of evergreen broad-leaf forest (EBF), coniferous forest (CF), subalpine dwarf forest (SDF) and alpine meadow (AM) were chosen as test sites. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP) analysis was used to detect the composition and diversity of soil bacterial communities under different vegetation types in the National Natural Reserve of Wuyi Mountains. Our results revealed distinct differences in soil microbial composition under different vegetation types. Total 73 microbes were identified in soil samples of the four vegetation types, and 56, 49, 46 and 36 clones were obtained from the soils of EBF, CF, SDF and AM, respectively, and subsequently sequenced. The Actinobacteria, Fusobacterium, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria were the most predominant in all soil samples. The order of Shannon-Wiener index (H) of all soil samples was in the order of EBF>CF>SDF>AM, whereas bacterial species richness as estimated by four restriction enzymes indicated no significant difference. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the soil bacterial communities’ structures of EBF, CF, SDF and AM were clearly separated along the first and second principal components, which explained 62.17% and 31.58% of the total variance, respectively. The soil physical-chemical properties such as total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total potassium (TK) were positively correlated with the diversity of bacterial communities.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine how varied is the response of C cycling to temperature and irradiance in tundra vegetation. We used a large chamber to measure C exchange at 23 locations within a small arctic catchment in Alaska during summer 2003 and 2004. At each location, we determined light response curves of C exchange using shade cloths, twice during a growing season. We used data to fit a simple photosynthesis-irradiance, respiration-temperature model, with four parameters. We used a maximum likelihood technique to determine the acceptable parameter space for each light curve, given measurement uncertainty. We then explored which sites and time periods had parameter sets in common—an indication of functional similarity. We found that seven distinct parameter sets were required to explain observed C flux responses to temperature and light variation at all sites and time periods. The variation in estimated maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) was strongly correlated with measurements of site leaf area index (LAI). The behavior of tussock tundra sites, the dominant vegetation of arctic tundra, could largely be described with a single parameter set, with a Pmax of 9.7 μmol m−2 s−1. Tussock tundra sites had, correspondingly, similar LAI (mean = 0.66). Non-tussock sites (for example, sedge and shrub tundras) had larger spatial and temporal variations in both C dynamic parameters (Pmax varying from 9.7–25.7 μmol m−2 s−1) and LAI (0.6–2.0). There were no clear relationships between dominant non-tussock vegetation types and a particular parameter set. Our results suggest that C dynamics of the acidic tussock tundra slopes and hilltops in northern Alaska are relatively simply described during the peak growing season. However, the foot-slopes and water tracks have more variable patterns of LAI and C exchange, not simply related to the dominant vegetation type.  相似文献   

Orchard understory represents an important component of the orchards, performing numerous functions related to soil quality, water relations and microclimate, but little attention has been paid on its effect on soil C sequestration. In the face of global climate change, fruit producers also require techniques that increase carbon (C) sequestration in a cost-effective manner. Here we present a case study to compare the effects of understory management (sod culture vs. clean tillage) on soil C sequestration in four subtropical orchards. The results of a 10-year study indicated that the maintenance of sod significantly enhanced the soil C stock in the top 1 m of orchard soils. Relative to clean tillage, sod culture increased annual soil C sequestration by 2.85 t C ha-1, suggesting that understory management based on sod culture offers promising potential for soil carbon sequestration. Considering that China has the largest area of orchards in the world and that few of these orchards currently have sod understories, the establishment and maintenance of sod in orchards can help China increase C sequestration and greatly contribute to achieving CO2 reduction targets at a regional scale and potentially at a national scale.  相似文献   

In order to observe the tree species effect on soil N status, soil microbial biomass C and N (Cmic, Nmic), potential N mineralization and potential nitrification (under laboratory incubation conditions, 22 °C) in different subhorizons (LOf1, Of2, Oh and mineral soil at 0–10 cm depth) were determined at three forest sites in central Germany. At each site, two contrasting stands (Beech, Norway spruce or Scots pine) were selected, where the initial soil conditions were similar. Three sampling dates that represented different stages of tree growth were selected: growing season - August, dormant season - November, after budbreak – April. In organic layers, Cmic-to-total C (Ct) ratios under beech and under conifer were 0.72–4.74% and 0.34–2.11%, respectively. Nmic-to-total N (Nt) ratios were 2.47–11.61% and 0.71–5.77%, respectively. Both concentrations of Cmic and Nmic were significantly affected by the stand type and sampling time. Potential N mineralization rates, ranging from 3.7 to 19.7 mg N kg−1 d−1, showed no clear pattern in relation to stand type. However, potential nitrification rates were mostly significantly higher under beech than under contrasting conifer. In mineral soils, concentrations of Cmic and Nmic showed a clear temporal pattern in the order: August>November>April. The average Nmic and Nmic-to-Nt were higher in soils from beech than conifer, while Cmic and Cmic-to-Ct ratios were similar between the two forest types. In organic layers, the highest values of Cmic-to-Nmic ratio and Cmic were found in November samples, especially under beech. By contrast, in mineral soils the highest value of Cmic-to-Nmic ratios were found in April samples, and at that time the Cmic concentrations were the lowest, especially under conifer. These results revealed the differences in microbial growth form and survival strategy associated with different tree species and soil layers.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Decomposition of dead fine roots contributes significantly to nutrient cycling and soil organic matter stabilization. Most knowledge of tree fine-root decomposition stems from studies...  相似文献   

Abstract Leaf area index (LAI) is a key parameter controlling plant productivity and biogeochemical fluxes between vegetation and the atmosphere. Tropical forests are thought to have comparably high LAIs; however, precise data are scarce and environmental controls of leaf area in tropical forests are not understood. We studied LAI and stand leaf biomass by optical and leaf mass-related approaches in five tropical montane forests along an elevational transect (1,050–3,060 m a.s.l.) in South Ecuador, and conducted a meta-analysis of LAI and leaf biomass data from tropical montane forests around the globe. Study aims were (1) to assess the applicability of indirect and direct approaches of LAI determination in tropical montane forests, (2) to analyze elevation effects on leaf area, leaf mass, SLA, and leaf lifespan, and (3) to assess the possible consequences of leaf area change with elevation for montane forest productivity. Indirect optical methods of LAI determination appeared to be less reliable in the complex canopies than direct leaf mass-related approaches based on litter trapping and a thorough analysis of leaf lifespan. LAI decreased by 40–60% between 1,000 and 3,000 m in the Ecuador transect and also in the pan-tropical data set. This decrease indicates that canopy carbon gain, that is, carbon source strength, decreases with elevation in tropical montane forests. Average SLA decreased from 88 to 61 cm2 g−1 whereas leaf lifespan increased from 16 to 25 mo between 1,050 and 3,060 m in the Ecuador transect. In contrast, stand leaf biomass was much less influenced by elevation. We conclude that elevation has a large influence not only on the leaf traits of trees but also on the LAI of tropical montane forests with soil N (nitrogen) supply presumably being the main controlling factor.  相似文献   

Acetone, ethanol and water extracts of mature fruits of yaupon (llex vomitoria Ait.) inhibited germination of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora Swartz DC. var. glandulosa (Torr.) Cockerell and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Extracts of guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.) inhibited cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seed germination. Water soluble inhibitors were found in fruits, leaves, roots and bark of several tropical species representing 10 different families. Strong inhibition of cucumber seed germination and growth did not occur in sand when water extracts containing inhibitors were applied. Growth of corn, sorghum, cucumber and bean was reduced in soils collected beneath Malay apple (Eugenia malaccensis L.) trees. Plant growth-inhibitors occurred in all species studied in various plant parts, and some apparently affect the growth and ecology of other plant species.  相似文献   

Structure and Biomass of Four Lowland Neotropical Forests   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

To assess the overall vegetation changes and their ecological significance, following landscape evolution, plant composition and physical structures of the homegardens (woodlots and vegetation patches with hedgerow fence) and field boundaries were examined in the rural landscape of subtropical China in order to determine their ecological significance. Field surveys on landscape changes and plant composition were carried out in two typical villages in the Yangtze river plain. Analysis of landscape changes and plant composition showed that the rural landscape is diverse both in terms of types of elements and plant species. The vegetation types in the area have undergone frequent alterations by human beings following major changes of landscape management due to economic and social reforms. The plant diversity of the various vegetation types in the area is related to the duration of colonization of the vegetation type, the extent of disturbance by human beings, and the physical structure diversity of the vegetation type. In the discussion, the plant diversity and heterogeneity of the physical environment in any vegetation type is of importance for the ecological sustainability of the landscape.  相似文献   

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