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We have used associations of different microfacies to define facies (or microfacies associations) which form reasonably well-defined sequences, which we infer, from analogies with recent and ancient carbonate environments, to have been deposited in a shelf environment characterized by small-scale topographic differentiation into shoal, slope and basinal environments.Shoal environments are characterized by typically cross-bedded, well-sorted bioclastic sands, with intershoal areas consisting of interbedded bioclastic sands and heavily bioturbated finer-grained carbonates.Slope and “basinal” environments are typically represented by “proximal” and “distal” cycles respectively. These we compare with deposits of carbonate ramp bypass channels, and with the more thoroughly studied deep-water clastic submarine fans. Many of the strong variations in environmental energy in these proximal and distal cycles can be attributed to migration of channels on the fans and the effect of funnelling of storm surges down the channels.Although hardground morphology and faunas are mostly related to local effects such as intensity of scouring, time of exposure, topographic differentiation of the surface and other factors, differing hardground types tend to be found in different environments. Smooth and rolling hardgrounds occur in the deeper distal environments, where the beds were subject to only slight scour and often limited exposure before renewed sedimentation. Hummocky and undercut hardgrounds are characteristic of the middle parts of proximal cycles, where they developed marginally to the main bypass channel, and in intershoal areas. Both these areas are sites of intermittent sedimentation and moderate turbulence, where cemented beds may be exposed for some time in environments optimal for attached benthos. These hardgrounds usually contain the most diverse hardground biotas. Pebbly and reworked hardgrounds occur in coarse, basal units of proximal cycles, which are interpreted as the grain-flow fillings of the central parts of bypass channels, though isolated examples occur in intershoal areas and in the higher parts of proximal channels. These hardgrounds contain low-diversity faunas, reflecting the stresses imposed by intermittent or constant abrasion; though some contain more diverse faunal assemblages formed after redeposition.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance and composition of photosynthetic picoplankton (0.2-2 μm) was compared among five oligotrophic to mesotrophic lakes in Ontario. Epilimnetic picocyanobacteria abundance followed a similar pattern in all lakes; maximum abundance (2-4 × 105 cells · ml−1) occurred in late summer following a period of rapid, often exponential increase after epilimnetic temperatures reached 20 °C. In half of the lakes picocyanobacteria abundance was significantly correlated with temperature, while in other lakes the presence of a small spring peak resulted in a poor correlation with temperature. In all lakes there was a significant correlation between epilimnetic abundance and day of the year. Correlations with water chemistry parameters (soluble reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, particulate C: P and C: N) were generally weaker or insignificant. However, in the three lakes with the highest spring nitrate concentrations, a significant negative correlation with nitrate was observed. During summer stratification, picocyanobacteria abundance reached a maximum within the metalimnion and at or above the euphotic zone (1% of incident light) in all lakes. These peaks were not related to nutrient gradients. The average total phytoplankton biomass ranged from 0.5 g m−3 (wet weight) in the most oligotrophic lake to 1.4 g m−3 for the most mesotrophic with picoplankton biomass ranging from 0.01 g m−3 to 0.3 g m−3. Picocyanobacteria biomass comprised 1 to 9 % of total phytoplankton biomass in late summer, but in one year for one lake represented a maximum of 56%. Other photosynthetic picoplankton (unidentified eukaryotes, Chlorella spp. Nannochloris spp.), although less abundant (103 cells · ml−1) than picocyanobacteria, represented biomass equal or greater than that of the picocyanobacteria in spring and early summer. On average, half of the photosynthetic picoplankton biomass was eukaryotic in the more coloured lakes, while in the clear lakes less than 20% was eukaryotic. Among the lakes there was a significant positive correlation between the average light extinction coefficient and the proportion of eukaryotic biomass of the picoplankton. In mesotrophic Jack's Lake, the contribution of picoplankton to the maximum photosynthetic rate ranged from 10 to 47% with the highest values in the spring (47%) and late summer (33%), as a result of eukaryotic picoplankton and picocyanobacteria respectively. Picocyanobacteria cell specific growth rates were high during July (0.6-0.8 day−1) and losses were close to 80% of the growth rate. Thus, despite low biomass, photosynthetic picoplankton populations appeared to turn over rapidly and potentially contributed significantly to planktonic food webs in early spring and late summer.  相似文献   

The 12 fish species living in three temporary streams in Southern Ontario, Canada, during 1973–1974, are listed. Environmental parameters are recorded together with details of the abundance, distribution, age structure, growth, reproduction and food of the more common species. These species are thought to be either physiologically very tolerant, or to be capable of temporal or spatial migrations. Colonization of temporary streams bestows benefits in terms of plentiful invertebrate food, although resource sharing may occur, earlier spring breeding and reduced predation.  相似文献   

Sylvatic trichinosis in Ontario, Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Samples of muscle from 4,773 specimens of 18 species of wild mammals from Ontario were examined for Trichinella. One of 12 mink (Mustela vison), 83 of 1,821 fisher (Martes pennanti) and 68 of 1,980 marten (Martes americana) had T. spiralis. Prevalences of infections by Trichinella were determined for fisher and marten from the Algonquin region, over a 10-yr period. Prevalences ranged from 0.9-9.2% in fisher and 1.3-8.7% in marten indicating that the parasite is well-established in the region. Prevalences of Trichinella increased with age of both fisher and marten. Intensities determined for the 1981-1982 sample ranged from 0.4-15.8 larvae/g for fisher and 22.4-159.7 larvae/g for marten. Higher intensities were not correlated with older hosts. Fisher and marten appeared to be the key hosts maintaining Trichinella in the Algonquin region, but transmission dynamics were unclear. Transmission may include an unidentified small rodent or other host and natural carrion-feeding.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the paleoproductivity of meromictic Crawford Lake, near Toronto, are inferred from a study of its sedimentary pigments, and diatoms. Several stages of lake development are observed over the 35 cm-deep sediment core removed from the center of Crawford Lake. Evidence of changes in lake productivity during the last 300 years was reflected by significant stratigraphic sediment pigment changes which were associated with European settlement in the Crawford Lake watershed and recent alterations associated with the area's operation by the Conservation Authority (1969 — present). One of the most important factors correlated with paleoproductivity was land clearance (mainly logging of white oak and pine). Deforestation during the last century is correlated with an increase in the amount of algal pigments deposited in the lake's sediments during the 1800's. During the last 10 years a striking increase in the accumulation of chlorophyll derivatives was observed. This is correlated with a dramatic increase in the number of visitors to the lake.Stratigraphic changes in the ratio of cyanobacterial to phototrophic bacterial pigment accumulation are used to infer changes which occurred during the shift from mesotrophy to eutrophy in Crawford Lake.  相似文献   

We conducted a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in fecal Escherichia coli isolates from raccoons (Procyon lotor) living in Ontario, Canada. From June to October 2007, we trapped raccoons in three areas: one primarily urban site around Niagara, one primarily rural site north of Guelph, and one at the Toronto Zoo. In addition, we conducted a longitudinal study at the Toronto Zoo site to investigate the temporal dynamics of fecal E. coli and AMR in raccoons. Reduced susceptibility to ≥1 antimicrobial agent was detected in E. coli isolates from 19% of 16 raccoons at the urban site, 17% of 29 raccoons from the rural site, and 42% of 130 samples collected from 59 raccoons at the zoo site. Raccoons from the zoo site were significantly more likely to shed E. coli with reduced susceptibility to ≥1 antimicrobial agent than animals from the rural site (odds ratio [OR], 3.41; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.17 to 12.09; P = 0.02). Resistance to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins (and the associated bla(CMY-2) gene) was detected in two animals from the zoo site and one animal from the rural site. Serotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis show that raccoons on the zoo grounds harbor a diverse assemblage of E. coli, with rapid bacterial turnover within individuals over time. Our study indicates that raccoons may shed resistant bacteria of public health significance and that raccoons have the potential to disseminate these bacteria throughout their environment.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic pathways (e.g. C3, C4) and morphological functional types (e.g. trees, shrubs, high perennial grasses, perennial forbs) were identified for the native species from the Saskatchewan mixed prairie, using the data from references published between 1950 and 2003. Of the total 219 identified species in 145 genera and 45 families, 208 species in 137 genera and 44 families were found with C3 photosynthesis, and most of these species are dominants (e.g. Agropyron dasystachyum Hook. and Stipa spartea var. curtiseta Hitchc.). 11 species in 10 genera and 3 families were identified with C4 photosynthesis (e.g. Atriplex argentea Nutt., Andropogon scoparius Michx., Boutelou gracilis Lag., Calamovilfa longifolia Hook.). The amount of total identified C4 species in the region is much less than that from the South Dakota mixed prairie (27 species). Gramineae is the leading family with C4 photosynthesis (8 species), Chenopodiaceae ranks the second (2 species). Relatively less forb types [50 % perennial forbs (PEF) and 12 % annual forbs (ANF)] and more graminoid types (25 %) composition suggested that the rangelands in the region are relatively stable. Lacking of the knowledge on the optimal traits for PFTs classification in the region, further studies (e.g. C3 and C4 plant identification and optimal trait selection) are needed to explore the relationships between PFTs and vegetation variations, as well as land-use and climate changes.  相似文献   

Although some populations remain stable, moose (Alces alces) density and distribution have been declining in many areas along the southern edge of their North American distribution. During 2006–2009, we deployed 99 vaginal implant transmitters (VITs) in 86 adult female moose in central Ontario, Canada to assist in locating and radiocollaring neonatal moose calves. We monitored radiocollared calves to estimate calf survival and assess the relative importance of specific causes of death. Calves in the western portion of our study area (WMU49) were exposed to a 6-day general hunting season, whereas calves in the eastern portion of our study area (Algonquin Provincial Park [APP]) were not exposed to hunting. Annual survival for 87 collared calves was greater in the protected area than the harvested area (72.4 ± 6.8% and 55.8 ± 8.3%, respectively) and averaged 63.7 ± 7.1% overall. Predation by wolves (Canis sp.) and American black bears (Ursus americanus) was the dominant cause of death but occurred predominately in APP, whereas other natural mortality agents were 4× more common in WMU49. Only 16% of the collared calves in WMU49 were harvested each year despite a high proportion (approx. 50%) of accessible, public land. Most natural mortality occurred prior to the autumn hunting season such that reductions in natural mortality had little potential to compensate for calf harvest. Overall, calf survival in our study area was moderate to high and our findings suggest predator control or further restrictions of calf hunting in this area is not justified. © The Wildlife Society, 2013  相似文献   

We determined concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in precipitation, throughfall, forest floor and mineral soil leachates from June 2004 to May 2006 across an age-sequence (2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-year-old) of white pine (Pinus strobus L.) forests in southern Ontario, Canada. Mean DOC concentration in precipitation, throughfall, leachates of forest floor, Ah-horizon, and of mineral soil at 1 m depth ranged from ∼2 to 7, 9 to 18, 32 to 88, 20 to 66, and 2 to 3 mg DOC L−1, respectively, for all four stands from April (after snowmelt) through December. DOC concentration in forest floor leachates was highest in early summer and positively correlated to stand age, aboveground biomass and forest floor carbon pools. DOC fluxes via precipitation, throughfall, and leaching through forest floor and Ah-horizon between were in the range of ∼1 to 2, 2 to 4, 0.5 to 3.5, and 0.1 to 2 g DOC m−2, respectively. DOC export from the forest ecosystem during that period through infiltration and groundwater discharge was estimated as ∼7, 4, 3, and 2 g DOC m−2 for the 2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-year-old sites, respectively, indicating a decrease with increasing stand age. Laboratory DOC sorption studies showed that the null-point DOC concentration fell from values of 15 to 60 mg DOC L−1 at 0 to 5 cm to <15 mg DOC L−1 at 50 cm. Specific ultraviolet light absorption at 254 nm (SUVA254) increased from precipitation and throughfall to a maximum in forest floor and decreased with mineral soil depth. No age-related pattern was observed for SUVA254 values. DOC concentration in forest floor soil solutions showed a positive exponential relationship with soil temperature, and a negative exponential relationship with soil moisture at all four sites. Understanding the changes and controls of DOC concentrations, chemistry, and fluxes at various stages of forest stand development is necessary to estimate and predict DOC dynamics on a regional landscape level and to evaluate the effect of land-use change.  相似文献   

From 1999 to 2006, 132 cases of raccoon rabies, caused by the raccoon variant of rabies virus, were confirmed in eastern Ontario, Canada. Trap-vaccinate-release (TVR) and point infection control (PIC) programs were implemented to control the disease; 43,014 raccoons (Procyon lotor) were vaccinated against rabies by injection (Imrab3) during that period. Two vaccinated raccoons were diagnosed with rabies at 6 mo and at 2 wk postvaccination. One may have been due to a vaccination failure. The other was likely due to the animal being in the late stages of incubation for rabies at the time of vaccination. This information will be useful to wildlife rehabilitators and agencies that hold raccoons in captivity in that a vaccinated raccoon is not necessarily immune to rabies.  相似文献   

Kao  W.-Y.  Tsai  T.-T.  Shih  C.-N. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(3):415-419
Responses of photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of three wild soybeans, Glycine soja, G. tomentella, and G. tabacina occurring in different habitats of Taiwan, to four NaCl treatments, 0S, LS, MS, and HS (i.e. 0, 17, 51, and 85 mM NaCl) were compared. In G. soja following exposure to NaCl treatment for one month, the photon saturated photosynthetic rate (P N), the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm), the quantum yield of photosystem 2 (PS2), and the electron transport rate (ETR) decreased dramatically. These reductions increased with increasing concentration of NaCl treatment. Plants of MS and HS treatments did not survive after extending the treatment to two months. Reductions in P N, PS2, and ETR (but not in Fv/Fm) were found in G. tabacina after two months of exposure to MS and HS treatments, but the reduction was not as severe as that in G. soja. In G. tomentella, significant reductions in P N and g s were found only in HS plants after two months of treatment, but no significant differences in Fv/Fm, PS2, and ETR were found among plants of the four treatments. Thus the three wild soybeans in Taiwan have differentiated in their photosynthetic susceptibility to salinity, G. tomentella being the least susceptible, G. soja the most sensitive, and G. tabacina the intermediate. Different mechanisms are attributed to the inhibition effect of salinity on photosynthesis of the three species.  相似文献   

该试验以玉米、花生2∶4间作模式为对象,采用开顶式气室法控制环境CO_2浓度,于2018-2019年设环境CO_2浓度(Ca, 390μmol·mol~(-1))和升高CO_2浓度(Ce, 700μmol·mol~(-1)),以及不施磷(P_0)和施磷(180 kg P_2O_5·hm~(-2),P_(180))处理下,分析CO_2浓度升高对间作玉米和间作花生功能叶光合碳同化关键酶活性、净光合速率以及籽粒产量的影响,以明确CO_2浓度升高影响玉米、花生间作体系光合作用的机理,为将来CO_2浓度升高环境下间作高产高效提供理论基础。结果表明:(1) Ce处理提高了间作玉米功能叶的PEPC、PPDK、NADP-MDH、Rubisco、GAPDH和Ru5PK等光合碳同化酶活性,其中PEPC和NADP-MDH在苗后43 d以及PPDK、Rubisco、GAPDH和Ru5PK在苗后59 d增幅均达到显著水平,此时施磷对其有正向调控作用。(2) Ce处理增强了间作花生功能叶的Rubisco、GAPDH、Ru5PK和FBPase等光合碳同化酶活性,在苗后43 d和59 d增幅均达到显著水平,此时施磷进一步显著提高了Rubisco与FBPase活性。(3) Ce处理下间作玉米、间作花生的净光合速率显著提高,间作玉米、间作花生和间作体系的籽粒产量分别显著提高了4.4%~52.0%、10.3%~24.0%和5.7%~47.0%;CO_2浓度升高和施磷对间作玉米、花生功能叶的净光合速率和间作体系产量具有正协同效应。研究表明,CO_2浓度升高可以通过提高间作玉米功能叶片的PEPC、PPDK、Rubisco、GAPDH和Ru5PK及间作花生功能叶片的Rubisco、GAPDH、Ru5PK和FBPase等光合碳同化酶活性,增强其对CO_2羧化固定能力,提高间作玉米、间作花生的光合速率,最终显著增加玉米、花生及间作体系的产量,并且增施磷肥对其具有正调控效应。  相似文献   

植物对低温的光合响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低温是影响植物生长和发育的主要环境因子之一.低温下,植物的许多生理生化过程受到影响,而其中光合作用是对低温最敏感的过程.光合作用是地球上最重要的生理生化过程,所以研究光合作用在低温下的响应机制具有重要意义.本文系统地总结了当前国内外最新研究进展,综述了低温下植物的光合响应,主要内容包括影响低温下光合响应的因素、低温下光合响应的关键问题--能量平衡的调节,以及植物的低温光合响应信号通路,并展望了低温光合响应研究的新方向.  相似文献   

Diatom Flora of the Grand River,Ontario, Canada   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Summary This paper describes the diatom flora of the Grand River, Ontario, Canada. Samples were collected systematically from the river over a period of several years at tweleve stations. The diatom flora of the river is typical of temperate alkaline rivers. The flora is rich in species and variaties, and is similar to that from many parts from North Eastern United States. A total of 273 taxa of diatoms were identified. There is a tendency for the number of species per sample to increase downstream. The flora of the estuary in characteristic with a great variety of taxa occuring in small numbers. Most of the species are alkaliphilous and indifferent in the halolian spectra. Part of Ph. D. thesis (1970) of senior author  相似文献   

Abstract Aim An analysis is presented to examine whether variation in breeding waterfowl estimates can be explained by weather patterns prior to annual surveys. Location The location of the study is north‐western Ontario, Canada. Methods Annual, systematic survey data for breeding waterfowl are available from the 1950s to the present for north‐western Ontario. Regional monthly climate data for this area were compiled using weather data derived from interpolated annual climate surfaces. These data were analysed using stepwise multiple linear regression for each species and for waterfowl functional groups to assess whether monthly climate data accounted for some of the variation in waterfowl numbers. Results For all dabbling ducks pooled, 12% of the variation in annual abundance was explained by April temperatures, with more dabbling ducks observed in years when April was relatively cool. For diving ducks, 23% of the variation in pooled abundance was explained by April temperatures and February precipitation, where more diving ducks were observed in years when February had relatively less precipitation and April was cool. Patterns for individual species varied. Main conclusions Mean monthly weather data for months prior to surveys explained some of the variation in numbers of waterfowl observed in annual surveys. This suggests that future incorporation of weather data into waterfowl population models may help refine population estimates.  相似文献   

The correlation of landscape features with genetic discontinuities reveals barriers to dispersal that can contribute to understanding present and future spread of wildlife diseases. This knowledge can then be used for targeting control efforts. The impact of natural barriers on raccoon dispersal was assessed through genetic analysis of samples from two regions, Niagara ( N  = 666) and St. Lawrence ( N  = 802). These areas are transected by major rivers and are at the northern front of a raccoon rabies epizootic. Genetic clusters were identified in each region using Bayesian clustering algorithms. In the Niagara region, two clusters were identified corresponding to either side of the Niagara River. For the St. Lawrence region, spatially congruent clusters were not identified, despite the presence of the intervening St. Lawrence River. These genetic data are consistent with raccoon rabies incidence data where rabies has been detected across the St. Lawrence River in Ontario while no cases have been detected in Ontario across the Niagara River. This is despite expectations of rabies incidence in Niagara before the St. Lawrence based on the progression of rabies from New York. The results from the two regions suggest different permeabilities to raccoons between New York and Ontario that may be attributed to the rivers. However, other factors have also been explored that could contribute to this difference between these study sites including the shape of the landscape and resource distribution.  相似文献   

Chironomidae (Diptera) of peatlands in northwestern Ontario, Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eighty-four species of Chironomidae were collected, using emergence traps, from three poor fens located in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) of northwestern Ontario. Of these, 37 were considered to be true peatland fauna. The majority (23) of the peatland species are new North American or Canadian records and, of these, 10 are previously undescribed. Numbers m−2 yr−1 emerging from the fens were similar to neighbouring lakes but biomass (mg) m−2 yr−1 emerging was much less, indicating the small average size of the fen chironomids. Emergence began in early May and was virtually completed by late July-early August in all three years of the study. Most of the emergence occurred early in the season. Eight species accounted for ≥90% of the emergence. Five of these, Gymnometriocnemus (R.) acigus Saeth., Doithrix villosa Saeth. and Subl., Pseudorthocladius (s.s.) destitutus Saeth. and Subl., P. (s.s.) curtistylus (Goetgh.), and Paramerina nr. smithae (Subl.) had univoltine life cycles and relatively stichronous emergences. Pseudosmittia forcipata (Goetgh.) was bivoltine, and Limnophyes minimus (Meig.) and Smittia nr. nudipennis Geotgh. had protracted emergence periods that made voltinism difficult to determine. Characteristic features of the chironomid fauna of peatlands at ELA are discussed. The general applicability of these features to peatlands, and needs for further research in these neglected but extensive Canadian habitats are considered.  相似文献   

Historical changes in anthropogenic lead fallout in southern Ontario,Canada   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Evans  R. D.  Dillon  P. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):131-137
A quantitative historical record of anthropogenic lead deposition has been determined for the Haliburton region of southern Ontario from a) the relative change in lead concentration in undisturbed sediment cores, and b) the total anthropogenic lead deposition measured in the region. The first parameter was measured on two sediment cores from a meromictic lake. Total lead deposition was assumed to be the average of that measured for eight other lakes in the study area. The validity of this historical record was tested on sediment cores from nearby dimictic lakes. Predicted lead concentration profiles closely resembled observed profiles.  相似文献   

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