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A combination of xylogalacturonan (XGA), homogalacturonan, and rhamnogalacturonan was extracted from watermelon fruit cell walls with 0.1 M NaOH. In contrast to the resistance of xylogalacturonans from most other sources to endopolygalacturonase (EPG), about 50% of the extracted XGA could be converted into oligosaccharides by EPG digestion with a commercial EPG from Megazyme International. The oligosaccharides were fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography, and their structures were investigated by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. The smallest oligosaccharide was beta-D-Xylp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4)-GalAp. The most abundant was beta-D-Xylp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4)(beta-D-Xylp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4))-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalAp-(1-->4)-GalAp. Given that the nonreducing ends of the oligosaccharides often were xylosylated GalA residues, and that fungal EPG digests homogalacturonans between the third and fourth GalA bound to the enzyme, it appears that EPG can accommodate a xylosylated GalA in the site that binds the fourth GalA. Since all of the oligosaccharides characterized had three unsubstituted GalA residues at their reducing ends, the enzyme appears not to accommodate xylosylated residues in the first three sugar-binding sites. Thus, XGA regions with fewer than three unsubstituted residues between branch points will be resistant to EPG. The EPG-susceptible XGA was not recovered from cell walls prepared using phosphate buffer for the homogenization of the watermelon tissue, probably because it was degraded by endogenous watermelon EPG and lost during isolation of the walls. Use of Tris-buffered phenol during wall isolation to prevent enzyme action caused some amidation of GalA residues with Tris.  相似文献   

The three molecular forms of the carp liver acid phosphatase (AcPase) were shown to be dimeric proteins, two of them differing in molecular weights. An activating effect of ConA binding on the AcPases has been observed. AcPase I and AcPase II showed a mol. wt of 122,500 and of 58,884 +/- 3000 for their subunits. It is assumed that AcPase I is a sialylated derivative of AcPase II. AcPase III has a mol. wt of 93,132 and the two subunits of 46,556 +/- 4000. A homogeneous AcPase I was obtained and its carbohydrate composition is presented.  相似文献   

The anomeric structure of glycosphingolipids significantly influences their activity to stimulate natural killer T cells. In this study the chemical structure of the galacturonosyl-ceramide in Sphingomonas yanoikuyae, designated GSL-1'sy, was re-examined to prove the anomeric structure of the Dgalacturonic acid (GalA) in the lipid, which was reported as beta-configuration by Naka et al., but was suggested as alpha-configuration in our preliminary study. GSL-1'sy was purified from the bacterial cells with the same procedure as Naka et al. The 1H-NMR analysis of GSL-1'sy revealed that the coupling constant of the anomeric proton of GalA was 3.0 Hz, indicating that GalA in GSL-1'sy is alpha-anomer, the configuration active for the stimulation of natural killer T cells.  相似文献   

Candida utilis was found to utilize d-galacturonic acid for cell growth, the incubation conditions being similar to those reported for growth on other substrates. At concentrations of d-galacturonic acid below 3 g l−1cell yields were similar to those obtained using glucose, although at higher concentrations cell yields were reduced. Small, regular increases in the concentration of d-galacturonic acid substantially increased cell yields under the incubation conditions employed. Poly-d-galacturonic acid, hydrolysed by a fungal polygalacturonase [poly(1,4-α-d-galacturonide) glycanohydrolase, EC] prior to cell growth, yielded 27 g C. utilis cells/100 g substrate. Acid-hydrolysed pectin yielded 23 g cells/100 g substrate but no cell growth was found using pectin which had been degraded by alkali. The possibility of using pectin materials for the production of singlecell protein in a modified Symba process is discussed.  相似文献   

Novel stepwise approaches to the calculation of enzyme digest patterns are described and used in the validation of a computer simulation. Results obtained using the simulation show that, while a previously proposed model of endo-PG action captures some of the salient features of this enzymes behaviour, it is not sufficient to successfully predict experimental digest patterns from pectic substrates. Subsequently, it has been shown that a modified model incorporating existing information regarding subsite architecture and speculative site tolerances for esterified residues, goes someway towards improving the situation.  相似文献   

A method to determine the amount of galacturonic acid in blocksequence (BS) in pectin homogalacturonan (HG) is described. The method is based on a combination of endopolygalacturonase II (endo-PG II) and exopolygalacturonase (exo-PG) digestion followed by quantification of the liberated galacturonic acid monomer. The amount of monomers released is directly related to the amount of non-esterified galacturonic acid units located between two other non-esterified galacturonic acids units on the HG chain. The amount released for exo-PG digestion only corresponds to the BS located at the non-reducing end of the polymer. The difference between total- and exo-BS was calculated to be the amount of endo-BS located either within or on the reducing end of the HG. Three series of model pectins obtained by de-esterification of a high-ester pectin with either plant pectin methyl-esterase (p-PME, P-series), fungal pectin methyl-esterase (f-PME, F-series) and chemical de-esterification using base (B-series) were analysed and compared with a fully de-esterified pectic acid sample obtained from the same raw material. Clear differences for the increase of the amounts of blocksequence could be seen between de-esterification of the P- and F-series samples supporting a blockwise and a homogenous de-esterification mechanism, respectively. f-PME and base treatment showed only minor differences in the increase of galacturonic acid units in BS, despite differences seen in their methyl-esterification pattern. Differences between the amounts of galacturonic acid located in exo- and endo-BS, provided evidence for the need of a certain start side or blocklength for p-PME to de-esterify blockwise.  相似文献   

As a prerequisite to solid-phase and sequence analyses and for the study of the fine structure of pectin, we have developed oriented and chemoselective methodologies to couple model pectin fragments onto a solid support. Polyethylene glycol polyacrylamide (PEGA) resins were selected due to their excellent swelling properties in a wide range of solvents, including water, and their easy accessibility to enzymes. Following appropriate derivatization of amino-terminated PEGA resins, oligomers of alpha-D-galacturonic acid (GalA), up to the trimer, were anchored to the support through their reducing end. In addition to reductive amination, the strategies included the formation of an oxime bond, a glycosyl hydrazide, and a pyroglutamyl ring. Further, we developed a new immobilization approach based on the formation of a thiazolidine ring. All methods proved efficient and did not require modification of the GalA oligomers prior to coupling. In addition, very mild conditions and few steps for derivatization of the support were required. Immobilization by thiazolidine ring and oxime bond formation were the preferred methods, given the stability of the linkages formed, their compatibility with aqueous solvents, the few number of steps required, and their potential for application to larger pectin fragments. Thiazolidine and pyroglutamyl anchoring were developed further by the insertion of a disulfide bond which allowed release of the saccharides under mild, selective conditions.  相似文献   

Pectin shares with many other polysaccharides an intrinsic chemical and physical complexity. The widespread industrial applications have made it one of the most studied polysaccharides. This work presents a theoretical model of poly(galacturonic acid), the major constituent of pectin, suitable to study its structural and dynamical properties. In particular, the effects of solvent and charge status are studied. The dynamics is shown to be severely affected by the presence of charged groups on each residue, making the charged chain much more rigid than the uncharged one. A key structural property for a semirigid polymer, the asymptotic persistence length, is calculated for relatively short charged and uncharged chains in molecular water solvent using a new method. The influence of charge on structural properties of poly(galacturonic acid) is shown to be strong and solvent-dependent. In fact, a large difference is found between continuum solvent adiabatic map calculations and molecular dynamics with explicit solvent, with the latter showing a much larger persistence length.  相似文献   

Soybean inhibitor C-II, which inhibits trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin, and elastase, was reduced and S-carboxymethylated, and digested with trypsin. The amino acid sequences of the resulting tryptic peptides were determined by conventional methods, establishing the complete 76-amino acid sequence of the inhibitor. Inhibitor C-II was found to be homologous with soybean (Glycine max) Bowman-Birk inhibitor and more closely related to an inhibitor from garden beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). The homology with these inhibitors and the limited proteolysis of C-II indicated the reactive sites of C-II for elastase and trypsin to be alanine-22 and arginine-49, respectively. Arginine-49 was also identified as a reactive site for alpha-chymotrypsin. It was found that only a few replacements of one or two amino acid residues around the reactive sites resulted in considerable alteration of the inhibitory specificity.  相似文献   

The structures of complexes of Fusarium moniliforme endopolygalacturonase (endoPG) with non-methylated or partly methylated homogalacturonan fragments were modeled to identify the residues involved in substrate binding and to correlate the cleavage pattern with the experimental productive modes. The conformational space of the complex was extensively explored and malto- to hexo-oligogalacturonates were modeled in the active cleft. To select the most highly probable productive complex for each oligomer between DP2 and 6, four energetic criteria were defined. Noteworthingly, the results were in accordance with the experimental results showing the mode of action of this enzyme towards un-methyl-esterified oligogalacturonates. Furthermore, the amino-acid residues involved in the binding were confirmed by similar studies performed on other endoPGs. Then, the oligomers were gradually methyl-esterified at one or more positions and similar docking experiments were carried out. Markedly, the docking energies were not significantly modified by the methyl-esterification of the substrate and it is likely that the methyl-esterification of the substrate does not alter the mode of action of the enzyme. Finally, 1D sequence and 3D structure of the endopolygalacturonase of Aspergillus niger II, known to be strictly non-tolerant to methylesters, were compared with the sequence and structure of the tolerant F. moniliforme endopolygalacturonase to get to a structural comprehension of the tolerant-or not-behaviour of endoPGs with methyl-esterified pectins.  相似文献   

The bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum produces three extracellular polygalacturonases (PGs): PehA, PehB, and PehC. All three PGs hydrolyze pectin's polygalacturonic acid backbone, but each releases different reaction products. PehA and PehB contribute significantly to pathogen virulence, probably by facilitating root invasion and colonization. To determine the collective contribution of PGs to virulence and saprophytic survival, we cloned, characterized, and mutated the R. solanacearum pehC gene, which encodes a distinctive monogalacturonate-releasing exo-PG. The virulence of a pehC mutant on tomato was indistinguishable from that of its wild-type parent; thus, this exo-PG alone does not contribute significantly to wilt pathogenesis. Unexpectedly, a completely PG-deficient triple pehA/B/C mutant was slightly more virulent than a pehA/B mutant. PehC may degrade galacturonide elicitors of host defense, thereby protecting the pathogen from plant antimicrobial responses. A galacturonate transporter gene, exuT, is immediately downstream of pehC and the two genes are co-transcribed. It has been hypothesized that galacturonic acid released by PGs from plant cell walls nourishes bacteria during pathogenesis. To separate the pectolytic and nutrient-generating roles of the PGs, we made an exuT mutant, which still produces all three isozymes of PG but cannot uptake PG degradation products. This exuT mutant had wild-type virulence on tomato, demonstrating that metabolism of galacturonic acid does not contribute significantly to bacterial success inside the plant.  相似文献   

A comprehensive range of phenylacetic acids substituted with nitro, halogen, methyl, amino, hydroxyl and N-acetylamino groups have been synthesized and their growth-regulating activities assessed in the wheat cylinder, pea curvature and pea segment tests. The influence of substituents on molecular shape is shown to be more important in determining activity than their effects on electron distribution. Studies with 2,6-disubstituted phenylacetic acids have indicated that the most active compounds can attain a certain spatial configuration in which one surface of the molecule, including the plane of the ring system, is flat and the carboxyl group is above with its axis of rotation perpendicular to this surface. Positional requirements for growth-regulating activity in phenylacetic acids are shown to be less important than in the phenoxyacetic and benzoic acids.  相似文献   

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