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范志勤  陈金山 《生态学报》1986,6(4):371-378
许多动物的尿液中含有重要的外激素信息,其生理意义多种多样。雌性尿液中多有表示本身性别及性状况的化学信息存在,行为学调查表明,犁鼻器的主要功能在于识别尿液气味。公羊正是依据这些化学信息识别并选择配偶的。通常公羊嗅到母羊,尤其是发情母羊尿液时,表现伸颈、抬头、卷缩上唇的特有行为型式,称之为卷唇行为或性嗅反射。这个行为是与犁鼻器的功能相联系的。它的作用在于关闭外鼻孔,堵闭会厌,使吸进的空气进入犁鼻器内,犁鼻器两侧的肌肉运动,腔内静脉窦的膨胀和收缩,又促进空气的流入和排出,如此使携带化学信息的载体不断进入犁鼻器官,成为绵羊感受化学信息的方式之一。 犁鼻器的作用可为公羊及早地、准确地选择发情的配偶提供信息;同时又能唤起公羊本身的性行为,刺激雌、雄发情及性活动的同步,对保证繁殖的成功具有一定的意义。说明绵羊犁鼻器作为化学感受器在化学通讯中特别是对繁殖行为具有重要作用。  相似文献   

绵羊对化学信息的识别及其在繁殖行为中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在动物生殖的各个阶段,都包含有嗅觉的作用。家畜经历了长期驯养过程之后,某些化学通讯行为有时会逐渐消失,但是它们仍然保持着野生祖先释放和感知气味的能力。 本项实验的目的在于测定绵羊产生和感知气味的能力及其在生殖中的作用。 取新疆细毛羊和哈萨克羊尿液和阴道分泌物作为外激素源,实验测定公、母羊对异性外激索的反应,记录嗅闻时间和行为表现。 结果表明,细毛公羊仅仅通过嗅觉,就有选择发情母畜的能力。它们对发情母羊化学倩息的趋近频次和嗅闻时间均高于对未发情者的频次和时间。 未曾交配过的一龄畜也能区分发情和未发情母畜的气味,但识别能力不如成畜。一定的性经验及随后的学习过程影响这种能力的发展。 实验表明,公羊在发情母畜阴遭分泌物处停留时间较长,嗅闻频次却并不高于对未发情畜阴道分泌物的次数。试畜对尿液的反应较阴道分泌物强。可见两处都含有表明性及性状况的化学信息存在。公畜对母畜化学信息表现蜷唇、舐、嗅、拱刺激源等行为。阴道分泌物所引起的行为类型则较尿液贫乏。 母羊亦表现出选择公畜化学信息的特性,它们在公羊气味处舐、排尿等。一龄畜反应亦弱于成畜。 新疆细毛羊和哈萨克公羊两个品种都表现了选择异品种信息的倾向。 绵羊是在近距离感受化学信息的,这就在一定程  相似文献   

化学通讯对哺乳动物的生存和繁殖起着重要作用。研究了雄性大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)对同伴个体尿液气味行为反应的发育模式。结果显示,在成年雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,雄性个体表现显著多的嗅闻行为和嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,但是嘶咬气味刺激物的行为明显减少。在雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,不同年龄段的雄性个体行为表现不同,成年雄性个体表现较亚成年和幼年个体显著多的舔舐行为。此外,成年个体和亚成年个体均表现较多的嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,而幼年个体则无该行为表现。幼年个体较成年和亚成年个体表现显著多的气味涂抹行为,而且嘶咬气味刺激物的时间较亚成年个体显著多。幼年个体和亚成年个体对雌性和雄性个体尿液气味刺激的行为反应不存在显著差异。研究结果表明,雄性大熊猫对同种个体尿液中化学信息的行为反应呈现出年龄差异。  相似文献   

化学通讯对哺乳动物的生存和繁殖起着重要作用。研究了雄性大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)对同伴个体尿液气味行为反应的发育模式。 结果显示,在成年雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,雄性个体表现显著多的嗅闻行为和嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,但是嘶咬气味刺激物的行为明显减少。在雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,不同年龄段的雄性个体行为表现不同,成年雄性个体表现较亚成年和幼年个体显著多的舔舐行为。此外,成年个体和亚成年个体均表现较多的嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,而幼年个体则无该行为表现。幼年个体较成年和亚成年个体表现显著多的气味涂抹行为,而且嘶咬气味刺激物的时间较亚成年个体显著多。幼年个体和亚成年个体对雌性和雄性个体尿液气味刺激的行为反应不存在显著差异。研究结果表明,雄性大熊猫对同种个体尿液中化学信息的行为反应呈现出年龄差异。  相似文献   

甘肃酒泉县祁明区撒里维吾尔族牧民安里泰进行延迟羊只产羔季节,改冬羔为春羔的试验已获成功,大大提高了羊只的繁殖率。安里泰改变羊只冬季产羔为春季产羔的辨法是:在头一年农历五月母羊开始发情时,把公羊和母羊分群圈养、分群放牧,避免交配。九、十月间再合群交配。这样,就把母羊的产羔期由农历的正月前后推迟到三月间。这样改变的好处是:(1)春天天气暖和,不会冻死母羊和羊羔;(2)母羊有青草吃、营养好、奶多,羊羔能吃到充足的奶和青草,使母羊和羊羔体肥健壮;(3)控制公羊、母羊的交配季节,可以使母羊能同时受孕,同时产羔,牧羊人因而就能集中精力做好接羔工作,并能改善母羊和羊羔的饲养管理。安里泰是一个养羊老手,他有丰富的养羊经验。当他改变了羊只的产羔季节后,去年他的羊羔的成活率就达95%。他的羊群发展极快,去年绵羊繁殖率达48%,山羊繁殖率达42%。  相似文献   

于2008年6月至2009年1月期间,采用焦点动物取样法,记录了甘肃兴隆山马麝驯养场的54头圈养马麝的刻板行为发生频次,按性别、年龄及年龄组、繁殖季节、动物来源和繁殖成效等变量区分样本动物,比较各类别间的刻板行为表达强度.结果表明,圈养马麝在单位取样时间(5 min)内平均表达(0.084±0.025)次刻板行为(n=54).圈舍活动场面积对马麝刻板行为表达强度的效应不显著,在面积较小圈舍中的马麝刻板行为的表达有较多的趋势.因雌麝的哺乳及育幼等原因,雌麝的刻板行为发生频次((0.07±0.03)次,n=31)显著低于雄麝((0.11±0.04)次,n=23,P<0.05),但雌雄马麝的刻板行为频次均无显著月间差异,呈连续变化趋势,从8月开始,雌麝的刻板行为频次逐月攀升至1月的最大值( (0.020±0.012)次),而雄麝的刻板行为频次升至12月即急剧下降.马麝非交配季节的刻板行为频次( (0.037±0.017)次,n=47)显著少于交配季节((0.140±0.05)次,n=32).虽年龄较大的马麝的刻板行为有表达较强的趋势,但年龄及年龄组对马麝的刻板行为频次的效应均不显著.自繁圈养个体的刻板行为发生频次((0.10±0.06)次,n=15)有高于野捕圈养个体((0.07±0.02)次,n=30)的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05).性不活跃雌麝的刻板行为频次((0.17±0.12)次,n=10)显著地多于性活跃雌麝((0.05±0.02)次,n=15,P<0.05),性不活跃雄麝的刻板行为频次((0.10±0.04)次,n=13)高于性活跃雄麝((0.06±0.02)次,n=9),但差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

季节性繁殖是限制绵羊生产效率的重要因素。季节性繁殖分子机制的深入解析是提高绵羊休情季节发情配种率的前提。研究发现,长光照与短光照条件下绵羊季节性繁殖通路中出现一系列相关信号分子变化及细胞形态学改变。基于季节性繁殖分子机制,研究者已研发出若干休情季节诱导母羊发情配种的技术或方法。本文从季节性繁殖分子机制方面总结了上述光照信号分子及垂体和下丘脑组织中细胞形态学的变化特征,及休情季节诱导母羊发情配种技术的应用效果及其利弊,并提出解决问题的关键在于寻找能够提高休情季节配种率的绿色高效的新型技术。  相似文献   

2011年1月、7月、10~12月,采用事件记录法记录并分析了成都动物园圈养的2只(1♀1 ♂)亚洲象的刻板行为发生频次(次·h-1)和持续时间.结果表明,在刻板行为类型及其时间分配格局中,雌象以摇头最多,占73.93%,而雄象则以刻板踱步最多,占69.58%.雌象和雄象的刻板行为的发生频次和持续时间均是下午(12:00~17:00)多于上午(9:00~11:00);刻板行为持续时间最长的时间段均是16:00~17:00,雌象和雄象的刻板行为发生频次和持续时间还存在个体差异性.  相似文献   

2011年8月到2012年4月间,在上海市浦东新区华夏公园獐重引入试点,采用目标取样、扫描取样和全事件记录法,对圈养条件下6只成体雄獐(Hydropotes inermis)的6种领域行为进行观察,并利用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定雄獐粪便中的睾酮水平变化.结果表明,雄獐的许多领域行为发生频次表现出明显的月间变化,包括打斗、威胁、取代、追逐和粪尿标记;擦额标记行为频次虽月间差异不显著,但与其他领域行为一样在11月份出现频次峰值.发情期(2011年10月~2012年1月)和非发情期(2011年9月、2012年2~4月),打斗、威胁、粪尿标记和擦额标记行为发生频次差异显著;取代和追逐行为频次差异不显著.6种领域行为的发生频次均在发情期明显高于非发情期.粪便睾酮含量在发情期和非发情期差异显著,发情期明显高于非发情期,其含量在12月份达到峰值(51.16±9.85) ng/g.雄獐的威胁、擦额标记、粪尿标记和打斗行为发生频次与睾酮水平呈显著的正相关性,而取代和追逐行为与睾酮水平变化不具有显著相关性.  相似文献   

为了探索绵羊产羔性状与绵羊BMPR-IB基因多态性位点关系,找寻调控绵羊繁殖力的分子标记,以小尾寒羊(多胎母羊)、湖羊(多胎母羊)、蒙古羊(单,双胎母羊)、和甘肃高山细毛羊(单,双胎母羊)样本为试验材料,运用DNA直接测序及PCR-SSCP技术的方法,对BMPR-IB基因CDS区864位点进行分析。试验羊品种出现3种基因型AA、AB、BB,该基因编码区第846位点发生TC的突变。湖羊母羊以及小尾寒羊母羊的优势基因型均为AA型,而蒙古羊母羊和甘肃高山细毛羊母羊AB型基因频率略高于AA型。4种绵羊的优势等位基因均为A。小尾寒羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、湖羊三种绵羊x2值和G2值均未达到显著水平(p0.05),而蒙古羊的x2值和G2值达到显著水平(p0.05),说明除了蒙古羊其他3种羊均达到Hardy-weinberg平衡状态。四种绵羊的观测值F在BMPR-IB基因中均处于95%置信区间内,且接近于上线。根据各品种间的PIC多态信息含量可知,属于低度多态的是小尾寒羊和湖羊(PIC0.25),而在蒙古羊和甘肃高山细毛羊信息含量处于中度多态(0.25PIC0.5)。显著性检验分析表明:甘肃高山细毛羊与小尾寒羊、湖羊,蒙古羊与小尾寒羊、湖羊中差异呈现显著(p0.05)。BMPR-IB基因编码区第846位点突变在不同繁殖力母羊群体中分布不同,该位点可以作为绵羊潜在分子标记位点。  相似文献   

The response of dairy bulls to the urine of cows in various stages of the reproductive cycle was quantified by presenting 200 ml of urine in a stainless steel bowl to the stanchioned bulls for 10 min. Estrous mucus was also presented in the same manner. Sniffs, nose licks and flehmen responses were recorded. Of 15 bulls tested only 7, or 47%, met the criteria of two flehmens in response to estrous urine. Among these bulls, the rate of flehmen was higher to estrous urine 6.1 +/- 1 flehmen/10 min) than to nonestrous urine (3.5 +/- 0.6 flehmen/10 in, paired t = 3.1, P < 0.03). Flehmen duration was also longer in response to estrous urine (6.4 +/- 0.4 sec) than to nonestrous urine (5.7 +/- 0.4 sec, t = 2.65, P < 0.03). There were no significant differences between the sniff frequencies and durations or in the number of licks to estrous and diestrous urine. There were significantly more flehmen responses to estrous urine (7 +/- 1.4 10 min ) than to mucus (2.25 +/- 0.9 10 min , t = 4.75, P < 0.01). The response to water (0.6 +/- 0.3 10 min ) was not different from that to mucus (t = 2.37, P < 0.10). The spontaneous flehmen rate of dairy bulls in their home stalls was 3.2 +/- 0.7 24 h . Although estrous cows did not exhibit flehmen frequently, they did sniff bull urine more frequently (3.6 +/- 0.6 10 min ) than nonestrous cows (1.8 +/- 0.3 10 min , t = 2.4, P < 0.03).  相似文献   

Felids are the main group of animals, other than ungulates, that display flehmen behavior during sociosexual interactions. In ungulates the behavior is evoked most readily by olfactory investigation of urine and vaginal secretions, and is believed to be involved in the transport of fluid-borne chemical stimuli, such as sex pheromones, from the oral cavity to the vomeronasal organ. In this study of cats flehmen was virtually always preceded by nasooral contact with the stimulus material, supporting the notion that flehmen in this species is also involved in the transport of fluid-borne stimuli. As in ungulates, flehmen in cats during heterosexual encounters was found to be displayed by males only. However, the sexual dimorphism was situation specific. In exploring a urine-marked room without another cat present, females also performed flehmen, albeit less frequently than males, and when urine was applied to the nasooral surface, flehmen was evoked equally reliably in females and males. Administration of testosterone propionate to spayed female cats paired with estrogen-treated females markedly increased their tendency to genitally inspect the female partner and subsequently perform flehmen. Thus the sexually dimorphic attributes of flehmen behavior are not only stimulus dependent, but also influenced by concurrent hormone stimulation.  相似文献   

A male common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) was observed giving a flehmen grimace on 14 occasions in July and August of 1998 at the Denver Zoo. Twelve instances of flehmen occurred after anogenital investigation of the female as she was exiting the pool. The two other instances of flehmen occurred in the terrestrial portion of the enclosure after the male examined samples of the female's freshly voided urine. The frequency of flehmen increased as the female approached estrus. Flehmen in common hippos may be an example of an evolutionary remnant. Zoo Biol 18:415–420, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pheromonal cues present in the urine and vaginal mucus during the estrus period elicit courtship behaviour in mammals including the characteristic flehmen behaviour. In the present study, the flehmen behaviour was assessed in male buffaloes by exposing them to heifers for three consecutive estrous cycles. Behavioural observations revealed that the bulls sniffed the female's external genitalia, responded to the chemical signal(s) and exhibited the flehmen behaviour similar to those reported in other ungulates. The flehmen behaviour was recorded daily during 15-min contact with females for three consecutive estrous cycles. Out of 180 observations during five days estrus periods (-3 to +1 days) which included high frequency of flehmen behaviour and out of 637 observations with or without flehmen behaviour during diestrus periods, the bull displayed 365 and 441 flehmen behaviour, respectively. Average numbers of all (2.03 +/- 0.66) and repeated flehmen (1.05 +/- 0.64) behaviour during estrus periods were significantly higher than those of diestrus periods of all (0.69 +/- 0.25) and repeated flehmen (0.11 +/- 0.10). The statistical significance was higher (P < 0.001) in repeated flehmen behaviour of estrus as compared to that in diestrus. In case of all flehmen behaviour, the statistical significance was higher (P < 0.01) in estrus when compared to that in diestrus. The occurrence of flehmen behaviour in male buffaloes clearly indicates that the specific pheromonal compound(s) present in the urine/vaginal mucus during estrus significantly influence the flehmen behaviour.  相似文献   

Flehmen is a behaviour characterized by an open mouth and the upper lip curled back and up. It is given by feral goats of both sexes. Males give flehmen most often in response to the urine of females, but also to their own urine and to the urine of other males. Females give flehmen and a related behaviour, riech-gähnen, after sniffing their own and unrelated neonates. Flehmen in the feral goat may function in the olfaction of a number of compounds, enabling males to assess oestrus in females and the relative condition of other males, and females to differentiate between their own and unrelated neonates. Two functional classes can be recognized: monitoring processes, involving regular, frequent testing, and discriminatory learning processes, involving relatively rare decision-making. It is emphasized that the relative frequency of flehmen in different contexts may not reflect its biological significance.  相似文献   

Flehmen, a conspicuous posture characterized by eversion of the upper lip, facilitates the transfer of nonvolatile urinary chemicals to the vomeronasal organ and therefore has been implicated in the control of reproduction in ungulates. The ontogeny of urine sampling and flehmen was investigated in semi-free-ranging sable antelope, Hippotragus niger, at the National Zoological Park's Conservation and Research Center because behavioural evidence suggests that flehmen is a mechanism of reproductive synchronization among females. During the first year of life, flehmen rates increased with age in both sexes. Flehmen rates of female calves equalled those of adult females by 4 months of age. Male calves first exhibited flehmen at younger ages than did female calves and showed greater increases in flehmen rate during development. Both sexes exhibited flehmen primarily after sampling urine of female conspecifics as it was being voided. During the first 2 months of life, sable antelope preferred to sample urine of other calves, but by 1 year of age adult females were the preferred targets. Females approaching sexual maturity preferred to sample urine from postpartum females (presumably resuming oestrous cycling) rather than from pregnant females, as expected if they were attempting to synchronize oestrus with experienced females. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that flehmen serves to coordinate reproduction among females and further suggest that flehmen may affect reproductive maturation.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(3):735-738
Flehmen by rams occurred after the ram sniffed urine voided by the female but each flehmen was very variable in both duration (range 1–34s) and intensity. The duration of each flehmen was not affected by the stage of the oestrous cycle of the female. Flehmen to urine occurred least often in the presence of the oestrous ewe due to the low occurrence of marking behaviour by the female at this time. Flehmen also occurred after the ram investigated the vulva of the ewe but such flehmens were always short (range 1–8 s). Again the duration of each flehmen was not greatly influenced by the reproductive state of the female. Flehmen following investigation of the vulva occurred most frequently on the day before oestrus. These observations support the hypothesis that flehmen by the ram is an olfactory mechanism for confirming the reproductive state of the ewe. The pheromone detected by flehmen appears to be produced in the vagina and carried in the urine.  相似文献   

Chemicals present in urine are thought to play an important role in mate identification in the solitary giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). During the breeding season, females will deposit chemical signals to advertise sexual receptivity to potential mates. The goal of this study was to determine if specific volatile compounds found in female urine could be considered as pheromones that elicit behavioral and physiological responses in males. Experimental simultaneous choice trials were conducted with captive male giant pandas (n = 3) housed at Memphis Zoo, San Diego Zoo, and Zoo Atlanta. Octanoic acid, 1H-pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde, decanoic acid, and civetone were selected as stimuli because previous studies reported their elevation in urine during the breeding season. Male interest was determined by a behavioral preference toward these volatile compounds diluted in synthetic urine compared with nontreated synthetic urine. Male urine samples were collected 1 week prior, during, and 1 week after the experimental period to assess changes in urinary semiochemical composition and urinary androgen concentrations. No significant differences in investigation response (p = .395) or flehmen response (p = .600) were found when stimuli were compared; however, decanoic acid and civetone elicited a behavioral preference over the control (response ratio > 0.5). The relative abundance of 16 compounds identified in male urine was significantly elevated (p < .05) above baseline values after the males were exposed to the stimuli. Androgen levels were significantly elevated (p < .05) in one male after exposure to 1H-pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde, decanoic acid, and civetone. These data suggested that civetone and decanoic acid in female urine may motivate sexual responses in males.  相似文献   

The first reported occurrence of flehmen in the marsupialia is described. In addition to its previously suggested role of aiding olfactory analysis of urine, the evolution and occurrence of flehmen is discussed in terms of social structure at mating, and sexuality of adult males.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if the display of lordosis behavior in the male rat could be influenced by the olfactory environment. Unexperienced adult male rats were orchidectomized (ORCH). They were primed with 75 μg estradiol benzoate and 1 mg progesterone was injected at an interval of 39 hr following long-term (LT = 3 weeks) or short-term (SHT = 8 hr 30 min) exposure to the odor of male or female urine. For 10 min they were placed in the presence of a “stimulus” male of proven sexual vigor 9 hr 30 min ± 1 hr after progesterone injection. Both LT and SHT exposure to the odor of male urine caused a significant increase in the number of ORCH rats which showed lordosis response to male mounts compared to either the ORCH rats exposed to the odor of female urine or to the controls. Following complete olfactory bulb removal (COBR), no difference was observed in the occurrence of lordosis behavior between the ORCH rats whether or not exposed to the odor of urine. For the ORCH-COBR rats exposed to male urine the proportion of animals responding to mounts did not differ from that of their nonbulbectomized counterparts. In comparing the effects of COBR vs anterior olfactory bulb removal (AOBR) lordosis behavior occurred more frequently in COBR than in AOBR-ORCH rats. The lordosis quotient (LQ) was not affected by exposure to the odor of male urine in the nonbulbectomized ORCH rats. In contrast, it appeared to be higher in both COBR and AOBR animals than in their nonbulbectomized counterparts. The olfactory bulbs were then concluded to inhibit the display of lordosis behavior in the male rat. It was also thought that the olfactory stimuli originating from male urine were capable of releasing the hypothalamic structures involved in the control of lordosis behavior of the male rat from an olfactory inhibitory influence.  相似文献   

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