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The nucleotide sequence of rabbit embryonic globin gene beta 3   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The nucleotide sequence of a rabbit embryonic globin gene, beta 3, has been determined from 161 base pairs (bp) on the 5' side of the mRNA cap site to 209 base pairs beyond the 3' poly A addition site. The 5' and 3' ends of mRNA from both embryonic globin genes beta 3 and beta 4 have been determined by an S1 protection assay. Sequences that are highly conserved in the 5' flanking region of eukaryotic structural genes, AATAAAA and CCAAT, are located -25 to -31 nucleotides and -81 to -85 nucleotides, respectively, before the cap site. The CCAAT sequence is duplicated at -108 to -112 nucleotides, as it is in the human fetal gamma-globin genes. Small (124 bp) and large (817 bp) intervening sequences are located between codons 30 and 31 and between 104 and 105, respectively. The sequence AATAAA precedes the predominant poly(A) addition site by 19 nucleotides. Although rabbit globin gene beta 3 is transcribed and translated almost exclusively in embryonic erythrocytes, it shares striking homology with the human gamma-globin genes which are expressed in erythrocytes from fetal liver. The evolutionary conservation of rabbit beta 3 and human gamma correlates well with their similar chromosomal positions in the two genes families.  相似文献   

A 7.5 kb Hsu I restriction fragment of genomic DNA containing a beta-globin gene has been isolated from a patient doubly heterozygous for beta + thalassaemia and a delta beta (Lepore globin fusion gene. This fragment must be derived from the chromosome carrying the beta +-thalassaemia determinant. The gross structure of the cloned gene plus flanking sequences is indistinguishable from that of a normal beta-globin gene. Within in 1606 base-pair transcribed region of the gene there is only one nucleotide difference from the normal beta-globin gene sequence. This is a G leads to A replacement 21 nucleotides upstream from the 3' terminus of the small intron. This nucleotide lies within a 10 base-pair sequence repeated in an inverted configuration near the 5' terminus of the small intron. The nucleotide replacement may result in a precursor mRNA less amenable to RNA splicing than its normal counterpart.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the entire beta-like globin gene cluster of rabbits has been determined. This sequence of a continuous stretch of 44.5 x 10(3) base-pairs (bp) starts about 6 x 10(3) bp upstream from epsilon (the 5'-most gene) and ends about 12 x 10(3) bp downstream from beta (the 3'-most gene). Analysis of the sequence reveals that: (1) the sequence is relatively A + T rich (about 60%); (2) regions with high G + C content are associated with OcC repeats, a short interspersed repeated DNA in rabbits; (3) the distribution of polypurines, polypyrimidines and alternating purine/pyrimidine tracts is not random within the cluster; (4) most open reading frames are associated with known globin coding regions, OcC repeats or long interspersed repeats (L1 repeats); (5) the most prominent open reading frames are found in the L1 repeats; (6) different strand asymmetries in base composition are associated with embyronic and adult genes as well as the tandem L1 repeats at the 3' end of the cluster; and (7) essentially all the repeats appear to have been inserted by a transposon mechanism. A comparison of the sequence with itself by a dot-plot analysis has revealed nine new members of the OcC family of repeats in addition to the six previously reported. The OcC repeats tend to be clustered, particularly in the epsilon-gamma and gamma-psi delta intergenic regions. Dot-plot comparisons between the rabbit and the human clusters have revealed extensive sequence matches. Homology starts about 6 x 10(3) bp 5' to epsilon or as far upstream as the rabbit sequence is available. It continues throughout the entire cluster and stops about 0.7 x 10(3) bp 3' to beta, at which point several repeats have inserted in both rabbits and humans. Throughout the gene cluster, the homology is interrupted mainly by insertions or deletions in either the rabbit or the human genome. Almost all of the insertions are of known short or long repeated DNAs. The positions of the insertions are different in the two gene clusters, which indicates that both short and long repeats have been transposing throughout the genome for the time since the mammalian radiation. An alignment of rabbit and human sequences allows the calculation of the substitution rate around epsilon. Sequences far removed from the gene are evolving at a rate equivalent to the pseudogene rate, although some short regions show an apparently higher rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transcription unit of the rabbit beta 1 globin gene.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  

A beta globin gene from a patient with homozygous beta+ thalassemia has been cloned and completely sequenced. No changes from normal are found in the 200 nucleotides 5' to the cap site, in the 3' untranslated region up to the poly A addition site, in the small intervening sequence (IVS 1), or in the coding sequence except for a third base change in codon 2. The only other differences are in the large intervening sequence (IVS 2). One of these, at a position 16 nucleotides from the 5' end of IVS 2, has been reported previously in normal individuals, and is probably a polymorphism. Four other changes, at positions 74, 81, 666, and 705 are also seen in IVS 2. Abnormal beta globin mRNA precursors detected in the bone marrow cells of this patient, and abnormal beta globin RNA splicing observed when this gene is transcribed in a tissue culture system taken together with these IVS 2 changes, suggest that the beta+ thalassemia phenotype is produced by a decrease in normal beta globin mRNA processing.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the beta globin gene cluster of the prosimian Galago crassicaudatus has been determined. A total sequence spanning 41,101 bp contains and links together previously published sequences of the five galago beta-like globin genes (5'-epsilon-gamma-psi eta-delta-beta-3'). A computer-aided search for middle interspersed repetitive sequences identified 10 LINE (L1) elements, including a 5' truncated repeat that is orthologous to the full-length L1 element found in the human epsilon-gamma intergenic region. SINE elements that were identified included one Alu type I repeat, four Alu type II repeats, and two methionine tRNA-derived Monomer (type III) elements. Alu type II and Monomer sequences are unique to the galago genome. Structural analyses of the cluster sequence reveals that it is relatively A+T rich (about 62%) and regions with high G+C content are associated primarily with globin coding regions. Comparative analyses with the beta globin cluster sequences of human, rabbit, and mouse reveal extensive sequence homologies in their genic regions, but only human, galago, and rabbit sequences share extensive intergenic sequence homologies. Divergence analyses of aligned intergenic and flanking sequences from orthologous human, galago, and rabbit sequences show a gradation in the rate of nucleotide sequence evolution along the cluster where sequences 5' of the epsilon globin gene region show the least sequence divergence and sequences just 5' of the beta globin gene region show the greatest sequence divergence.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of a 2296-bp DNA fragment containing the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) ARG4 gene has been determined. This gene specifies the synthesis of the arginine biosynthetic enzyme, argininosuccinate lyase (EC The sequence contains one major open reading frame of 463 codons, giving a calculated Mr of 52010 for the protein, in good agreement with the experimentally determined value of 53 000. The sequence upstream from the ARG4 gene shares structural features in common with other yeast genes subject to general amino acid control.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of rabbit liver transferrin cDNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cDNA sequence of rabbit liver transferrin has been determined. The largest cDNA was 2279 base pairs (bp) in size and encoded 694 amino acids consisting of a putative 19 amino acid signal peptide and 675 amino acids of plasma transferrin. The deduced amino acid sequence of rabbit liver transferrin shares 78.5% identity with human liver transferrin and 69.1% and 44.8% identity with porcine and Xenopus transferrins, respectively. At the amino acid level, vertebrate transferrins share 26.4% identity and 56.5% similarity. The most conserved regions correspond to the iron ligands and the anion binding region. Optimal alignment of transferrin sequences required the insertion of a number of gaps in the region corresponding to the N-lobe. In addition, the N-lobes of transferrins share less amino acid sequence similarity than the C-lobes.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing messenger RNA isolated from rabbit reticulocytes as estimated by periodate oxidation and condensation with [3H]isoniazid has two oxidizable end groups per molecule of mol. wt. 220000. When the mRNA is subjected to stepwise degradation by beta-elimination, only one oxidizable end-group is found. This indicates that one of the 2',3' hydroxyl end-groups is linked through the normal 3'--5' phosphodiester bond, but that the other is linked in such a way that after stepwise degradation no new 2',3 hydroxyl group is revealed. This structure could be a 5'-linked 5'-phospho di- or tri-ester. On digestion with ribonuclease the isoniazid-labelled RNA produced oligonucleotide hydrazones consistent with a poly(A) sequence at the 3' end plus fragments that are not found after stepwise degradation. These fragments have a charge of --6 and --8 from pancreatic ribonuclease or --7 from ribonuclease T1 digestion. These charges are changed to --3.4 and --4.1 after pancreatic ribonuclease, ribonuclease T2 and alkaline phosphatase digestion. methyl-3H-labelled-poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from late erythroid cells contain a methyl-labelled fragment resistant to endonuclease and phosphodiesterase II digestion. After digestion with phosphodiesterase I this fragment produces methyl-3 H-labelled nucleotides with the electrophoretic mobility of pm7G and pAm. It is concluded that globin mRNA has the 5' sequences m7G(5')ppp'AmpYpGp ... and m7G(5')pppAmpApGpYp.  相似文献   

In previous studies we identified and sequenced clones containing two adult alpha globin genes of the goat. Additional studies have revealed the presence of an embryonic alpha globin gene termed zeta. Sequence analysis of the gene shows that it is the largest mammalian or avian globin gene cloned to date. Its unusual size is mainly due to a 14 base-pair tandem repeat sequence in its first intron. A similar sequence is also found in the first intron of the human zeta gene. The goat zeta coding sequence differs greatly from that of the adult alpha, particularly at amino acid position 38, where it codes for the amino acid replacement of Gln for Thr. This change may confer a higher intrinsic O2 affinity on the zeta globin protein, ensuring a sufficient O2 supply for the developing goat embryo. The cloning and sequencing of this gene completes the alpha globin locus of the goat, composed of three genes in the following order 5'-zeta-I alpha-II alpha-3'. Evolutionary comparisons of the goat alpha locus with other amphibian, avian and mammalian loci reveal several interesting features. Statistical analysis confirms the hypothesis that the embryonic alpha gene is much older (400 million years) than the embryonic beta gene (200 million years), and that it is descended from a primordial gene, whose present-day counterpart is the Xenopus larval alpha globin gene. Our results also suggest that after the divergence of the avian line, the alpha A gene converted the alpha D gene during the evolution of the pre-mammalian line. The alpha D globin gene remains unconverted in the avian line, potentially because of insertion/deletion sequences that may prevent any gene conversion event. The divergence rates of specific globin genes have been analyzed and found to form an essentially straight line, in agreement with the neutralist view of evolution.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the human beta-globin gene   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
We report the complete nucleotide sequence of the human beta-globin gene. The purpose of this study is to obtain information necessary to study the evolutionary relationships between members of the human beta-like globin gene family and to provide the basis for comparing normal beta-globin genes with those obtained from the DNA of individuals with genetic defects in hemoglobin expression.  相似文献   

Human alpha-chain globin messenger: prediction of a nucleotide sequence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The presence in human serum of inhibitory activity to rat liver insulin specific protease has been detected in an alpha1 globulin preparation (Cohn Fraction IV1). Separation into four components and partial purification (40 to 107 fold) has been achieved by heat denaturation of non-active protein, Sephadex G-100 gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography upon QAE Sephadex. Each of the inhibitors was found to be competitive in nature. The molecular weight of the inhibitors is between 4,000–7,000 and the activity is destroyed for the most part by chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the beta subunit of rabbit lutropin (lLH) has been determined. The amino terminus of about 97% of the beta subunit has a two amino acid extension (pyro-Glu-Pro) compared to other lutropin beta sequences. Overlapping peptides from trypsin and chymotrypsin digestions of the performic acid-oxidized beta subunit and trypsin digestion of the S-aminoethylated cysteine beta subunit were isolated by chromatography on TSK Fractogel 40F and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sequencing was by a combination of the dansyl-Edman method and the direct Edman method. Amide placements were established by HPLC analysis of the PTH amino acid derivatives. The proposed sequence of lLH subunit is: This sequence is highly homologous to the other known lutropin beta subunits, especially rat and pig lutropin beta (91%). Partial cleavage of the peptide bond between Asp-79 and Pro-80 was observed during cyanogen bromide treatment. Rabbit thyrotropin and thyrotropin beta subunit copurified with lLH and lLH except at a final chromatography on Sephadex G-100.  相似文献   

As an approach to understand how the expression of globin genes are regulated during development, clones containing globin DNA sequences were selected from a recombinant library of goat genomic DNA. The type of globin gene present in each of the recombinants was determined by cross-hybridization to the DNA of mouse alpha- and beta-globin cDNA-containing plasmids. Of 11 clones isolated, eight hybridized specifically to the DNA of the mouse beta-globin plasmid, while one clone hybridized only to the DNA of the alpha globin plasmid. The location of each globin sequence within its DNA insert was determined by a combination of restriction enzyme mapping and Southern transfer-hybridizations. Selected fragments were sequenced; comparisons of the amino acids coded for by these regions with those of the goat globins identified clones carrying beta A-, beta C-, and gamma-globin genes. Another recombinant coded for amino acid sequences resembling, but not identical with, the known goat globins, and was identified tentatively as containing an embryonic or epsilon-gene. Detailed analysis of the clone containing the beta C gene and an overlapping clone revealed that three other beta-like sequences are located 6, 12, and 21 kilobases on the 5'-side of the beta C gene. The globin sequence of the locus nearest to the beta C gene has an altered translation termination codon and, if transcribed and translated, would give a globin chain seven amino acids longer than the normal goat beta C-globin. In addition, the sequence following this termination codon is very AT-rich, unlike that of other globin genes. The recombinants described contain extensive regions of DNA surrounding the globin genes, making them useful for identifying regulatory sequences as well as determining the sequence organization of the goat globin genes.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the chick cytoplasmic beta-actin gene   总被引:48,自引:19,他引:48       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of the chick beta-actin gene was determined. The gene contains 5 introns; 4 interrupt the translated region at codons 41/42, 120/122, 267, 327/328 and a large intron occurs in the 5' untranslated region. The gene has a 97 nucleotide 5'-untranslated region and a 594 nucleotide 3'-untranslated region. A slight heterogeneity in the position of the poly A addition site exists; polyadenylation can occur at either of two positions two nucleotides apart. The gene codes for an mRNA of 1814 or 1816 nucleotides, excluding the poly(A) tail. In contrast to the chick skeletal muscle actin gene the beta-actin gene lacks the Cys codon between the initiator ATG and the codon for the N-terminal amino acid of the mature protein. In the 5' flanking DNA, 15 nucleotides downstream from the CCAAT sequence, is a tract of 25 nucleotides that is highly homologous to the sequence found in the same region of the rat beta-actin gene.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Escherichia coli rts gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J A Flamm  J D Friesen  A J Otsuka 《Gene》1988,74(2):555-558
The nucleotide sequence of rts, an essential Escherichia coli gene, has been determined. Transformation of an rts mutant with the plasmid, pJAF1, containing the rts gene resulted in rescue of the defect. The transformation experiments indicate that the rts gene is distinct from the flanking birA, tRNA and tufB genes.  相似文献   

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