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Herpesvirus ateles, nonpathogenic in its natural host, the spider monkey, induces a fatal lymphoproliferative syndrome in a variety of New World primate species. Whereas the closely related New World primate virus Herpesvirus saimiri immortalizes in vitro common marmoset lymphocytes that express a TCR and phenotypically are CD4-CD8+NKH1+, we now show that H. ateles-immortalized marmoset lymphocytes are CD3+ and CD4+. Furthermore, these CD4+ lymphocytes coexpress CD8 and NKH1. The NK function of cloned H. ateles-immortalized lymphocyte populations is proportional to the extent to which they express the CD8 antigen. These studies illustrate an interesting example of restricted viral tropism and may indicate a potentially useful means of generating phenotypically stable, functionally competent, cloned lymphocyte populations for study.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ HSV-specific CTL, we compared the characteristics of CTL generated by different methods of in vitro HSV stimulation by treatment of effectors with anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 mAb and C after the elimination of nonspecific cytotoxic effector cells. Cell-free HSV mainly activated CD4+ CTL precursors, whereas HSV-infected fibroblasts were more effective in activating CD8+ CTL precursors than CD4+ CTL precursors. In addition, limiting dilution analyses with enriched T cells from two HSV-seropositive donors revealed that the frequency of HSV-specific CD4+ CTL precursors responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/4,000 to 6,000 CD4+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/19,000 to 22,000 CD4+ T cells. Conversely, the frequency of CD8+ CTL precursors in peripheral blood responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/28,000 to 30,000 CD8+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/10,000 to 11,000 CD8+ T cells. The present data suggest that generalized viral infection due to cell-free viruses is fought mainly by CD4+ CTL, which have previously been reported to possess both cytotoxicity and helper function, and that localized viral infection on HLA class II-negative fibroblasts is prevented from spreading to adjacent cells mainly by CD8+ CTL. Such differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ CTL seems probable when considering the protective mechanisms against viral infection.  相似文献   

Several CD4- CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cell lines and clones have been isolated from the same mixed lymphocyte cultures. They express the alpha beta T cell receptor, are CD3+, V beta 8- and heat stable antigen-, and exhibit highly specific cytolytic activity mapping to H2Db. However, monoclonal antibody against H2Db failed to block lysis by CD4- CD8- cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). One possible explanation is that the "double negative" cytotoxic T lymphocytes may recognize H2Db in the context of other class I molecules (Qa/Tla). CD4 and CD8 could be detected on some lines cloned in high concentrations of EL4 supernatant and the cell surface expression was influenced by growth conditions. The alpha beta+ CD4- CD8- CTL described in this report are clearly different from the so-called "autoimmune double negatives" which suggests a function for them in normal immune responses.  相似文献   

The development of methods of avoiding graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) while retaining the alloengraftment-promoting and anti-leukemic effects of allogeneic T cells is a major goal of research in bone marrow transplantation (BMT). We have recently obtained evidence suggesting that natural suppressor (NS) cells derived from T cell-depleted (TCD) syngeneic marrow can protect against GVHD while permitting alloengraftment. We have now attempted to enrich and then propagate NS cells in vitro, with the goal of obtaining an enhanced anti-GVHD effect by adoptive transfer in vivo. Two long-term cell lines were generated culturing BMC depleted of Mac1-positive cells and of Mac1-positive plus Thy1-positive cells in high concentrations of IL-2. Both cell lines showed anti-GVHD effects when administered along with a GVHD-producing inoculum, while permitting complete allogeneic reconstitution. A clone derived from Mac1-depleted BMC protected completely against a more chronic pattern of GVHD. These cell lines demonstrated suppressive activity in vitro, cytolytic activity against a broad range of natural killer (NK)-sensitive and NK-resistant targets, and a novel cell surface phenotype, with characteristics of both alpha beta-TcR-bearing T cells and of NK cells. In some respects, these cells resemble LAK cells and differ from fresh NS cells, and from the cloned NS cells derived from spleens of total lymphoid irradiation (TLI)-treated mice and neonatal mice. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed phenotypic analysis of cell lines with in vivo anti-GVHD activity. If applicability can be demonstrated in large animal models, the ability to use bone marrow as a source of such protective cell lines might also have potential utility in clinical BMT.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells can be primed in vitro to produce IL-4.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
IL-4 production by T lymphocytes from naive mice in response to stimulation by plate-bound anti-CD3 is concentrated among CD4+ T cells. In vitro stimulation of lymph node T cells with anti-CD3 plus IL-2 and IL-4 strikingly increases the frequency of cells that produce IL-4 in response to subsequent stimulation with anti-CD3 plus IL-2. Separation of these primed cell populations into CD4+ and CD8+ T cell by cell sorting reveals that the frequency of IL-4-producing cells in both population is similar. Verification that CD8+ T cells produce IL-4 is provided by the capacity of anti-IL-4 mAb to inhibit the response of the indicator cell line to the growth factor produced by the primed cells and by detection of IL-4 by an IL-4-specific ELISA. The in vitro "priming" of CD8+ T cells to produce IL-4 is not dependent on the presence of CD4+ T cells because highly purified CD8+ T cells can be stimulated to develop into cells capable of producing IL-4 by culture with plate-bound anti-CD3 plus IL-2 and IL-4.  相似文献   

Immature CD4- CD8+ murine thymocytes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mature thymocytes are usually defined and separated from other less mature thymocytes on the basis of their mutually exclusive expression of either CD4 or CD8. However, such murine "single positives" include a subpopulation of immature cells with properties resembling CD4- CD8- thymocytes or CD4+ CD8+ cortical blasts. Most of these immature single positives are CD4- CD8+, some expressing relatively low levels of CD8. They are large, dividing cortisone-sensitive cells found in the outer cortex. They express high levels of the heat-stable antigen (recognized by the monoclonals M1/69, B2A2, and J11d) but they are MEL-14-. The absence of detectable surface CD3, the absence of alpha-chain messenger RNA, and the predominance of the truncated form of the beta-chain messenger RNA all indicate that they do not express the T-cell antigen-receptor complex. Strategies for eliminating such immature cells from preparations of mature thymocytes are given, and their developmental significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Macaque monkeys are frequently used in models for studies of infectious diseases, immunity, transplantation and vaccine development. Such use is largely due to the conservation of functionally important cell surface molecules and the phylogenetic proximity of their immune systems to that of humans. Some monoclonal antibodies (mAb) raised against human leukocyte antigens can be utilized in the monkey. Until recently, many primate centers have utilized the CD2 monoclonal antibody to enumerate T lymphocytes. We have evaluated the anti-human CD3 mAb in macaques and sooty mangabeys. Using this monoclonal antibody, pigtailed macaques were found to have a much higher proportion of CD2+ CD3- CD8+ cells as compared with rhesus macaques and sooty mangabeys. Such cells comprised approximately one-half of all CD8+ cells in the pigtailed macaque, but only one-quarter of CD8+ cells in the rhesus, and one-fifth in the sooty mangabey. Use of the CD2 monoclonal antibody as the T-cell marker resulted in underestimating CD4/CD8 ratios compared with using the CD3 mAb in pigtailed macaques. Phenotypic characterization of this subset of CD3- CD8+ cells indicated that they are CD16+, CD45RA+, CD11b+, CD69+ and CD28-. This would indicate that these cells represent an activated natural killer cell subset.  相似文献   

The long terminal repeat from a thymotropic mouse mammary tumor virus variant, DMBA-LV, was used to drive the expression of two reporter genes, murine c-myc and human CD4, in transgenic mice. Expression was observed specifically in thymic immature cells. Expression of c-myc in these cells induced oligoclonal CD4+ CD8+ T-cell thymomas. Expression of human CD4 was restricted to thymic progenitor CD4- CD8- and CD4+ CD8+ T cells and was shut off in mature CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells, known to be derived from the progenitor double-positive T cells. These results suggest the existence of similar and common factors in CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells and support a model of differentiation of CD4+ CD8+ T cells through common signal(s) involved in turning off the expression of the CD4 or CD8 gene.  相似文献   

The functional capabilities of human peripheral blood CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones were examined. The clones were generated by culturing purified populations of CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cells at limiting dilution (0.3 cell/well) in the presence of PHA, rIL-2, and irradiated PBMC as feeders. Twelve CD3+CD4-CD8- and 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were generated. Clonality was documented by analyzing TCR gamma- and beta-chain rearrangement patterns. All CD3+CD4-CD8- clones were stained by the TCR-delta 1 mAb that identifies a framework epitope of the TCR delta-chain, but not by mAb WT31 that identifies the TCR-alpha beta on mature T cells. In contrast, the CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were all stained by WT31 and not by TCR-delta 1. All 17 clones were screened for various functional activities. Each secreted IL-2, IFN-gamma, and lymphotoxin/TNF-like factors when stimulated with immobilized mAb to CD3 (64.1), albeit in varying quantities. These clones secreted far less IL-2 and IFN-gamma than CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta expressing clones, but comparable amounts of lymphotoxin/TNF. All clones also functioned as MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic cells. This activity was comparable to that mediated by the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. Nine of 12 CD3+CD4-CD8- and 4 of 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were able to support B cell differentiation when activated by immobilized anti-CD3, but usually not as effectively as the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. The differences in the functional capabilities of the various clones could not be accounted for by alterations in the signaling capacity of the CD3 molecular complex as mAb to CD3 induced comparable increases in intracellular free calcium in each clone examined. When clones were stimulated with PWM, each suppressed B cell differentiation supported by mitomycin C-treated fresh CD4+ T lymphocytes. Suppression was dependent on the number of clone cells added to culture, but could be observed with as few as 12,500 cells per microtiter well. Phenotypic analysis of the clones revealed that all expressed CD29, CD11b, and the NKH1 surface Ag. These results demonstrate that the CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones exhibit many of the functional characteristics of mature T cells, although they produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma and provide help for B cell differentiation less effectively than CD3+CD4+CD8- and CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta T cell clones.  相似文献   

Classical CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells recognize Ag presented by MHC class II (MHCII) and MHC class I (MHCI), respectively. However, our results show that CD4(-/-) mice mount a strong, readily detectable CD8(+) T cell response to MHCII-restricted epitopes after a primary bacterial or viral infection. These MHCII-restricted CD8(+)CD4(-) T cells are more similar to classical CD8(+) T cells than to CD4(+) T cells in their expression of effector functions during a primary infection, yet they also differ from MHCI-restricted CD8(+) T cells by their inability to produce high levels of the cytolytic molecule granzyme B. After resolution of a primary infection, epitope-specific MHCII-restricted T cells in CD4(-/-) mice persist for a long period of time as memory T cells. Surprisingly, upon reinfection the secondary MHCII-restricted response in CD4(-/-) mice consists mainly of CD8(-)CD4(-) T cells. In contrast to CD8(+) T cells, MHCII-restricted CD8(-)CD4(-) T cells are capable of producing IL-2 in addition to IFN-gamma and thus appear to have attributes characteristic of CD4(+) T cells rather than CD8(+) T cells. Therefore, MHCII-restricted T cells in CD4(-/-) mice do not share all phenotypic and functional characteristics with MHCI-restricted CD8(+) T cells or with MHCII-restricted CD4(+) T cells, but, rather, adopt attributes from each of these subsets. These results have implications for understanding thymic T cell selection and for elucidating the mechanisms regulating the peripheral immune response and memory differentiation.  相似文献   



Detection of a retrovirus, xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus (XMRV), has recently been reported in 67% of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. We have studied a total of 170 samples from chronic fatigue syndrome patients from two UK cohorts and 395 controls for evidence of XMRV infection by looking either for the presence of viral nucleic acids using quantitative PCR (limit of detection <16 viral copies) or for the presence of serological responses using a virus neutralisation assay.


We have not identified XMRV DNA in any samples by PCR (0/299). Some serum samples showed XMRV neutralising activity (26/565) but only one of these positive sera came from a CFS patient. Most of the positive sera were also able to neutralise MLV particles pseudotyped with envelope proteins from other viruses, including vesicular stomatitis virus, indicating significant cross-reactivity in serological responses. Four positive samples were specific for XMRV.


No association between XMRV infection and CFS was observed in the samples tested, either by PCR or serological methodologies. The non-specific neutralisation observed in multiple serum samples suggests that it is unlikely that these responses were elicited by XMRV and highlights the danger of over-estimating XMRV frequency based on serological assays. In spite of this, we believe that the detection of neutralising activity that did not inhibit VSV-G pseudotyped MLV in at least four human serum samples indicates that XMRV infection may occur in the general population, although with currently uncertain outcomes.  相似文献   

Although the thymic microenvironment provides the necessary elements for T-cell differentiation, the precise role of individual components remains to be determined. In this paper, attempts were made to address the possibility that CD4 or CD8 single-positive (SP) thymocytes could be developed from immature CD4+CD8+ (double-positive; DP) thymocytes in a suspension culture in the presence of soluble factors. We observed that IL-4 and IFN-gamma weakly induced DP cells to differentiate to CD4 cells, but not to CD8. In contrast, IL-2 weakly induced differentiation to CD8. Interestingly, Con A sup strongly induced differentiation to CD8 SP from the purified DP thymocytes prepared from C57BL/6 or LCMV TCRtg mice. In particular, it was found that thymocyte culture with Con A sup generated CD69+DP cells, and the CD69+DP differentiated to CD8 SP under the suspension culture with soluble factors. Thus, Con A sup or combinations of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-7 strongly induced differentiation of CD69+DP to CD8 SP, whereas individual cytokines did not. These results suggest that soluble factors like cytokines play an important role in the generation of SP thymocytes in the absence of thymic stromal cells, at least from a distinctive subpopulation like CD69+DP thymocytes, and perhaps from those of broader range when in conjunction with TCR/MHC interaction.  相似文献   

T cell-mediated protection against a recombinant vaccinia virus was evaluated in mice with respect to the relative contributions of CTL vs that of T cell-dependent IL and of CD4+ cells. H-2b mice primed with the wildtype of vesicular stomatitis virus serotype Indiana (VSV-IND wt) mount an in vitro measurable cytotoxic response against the nucleoprotein (NP) of VSV-IND and are protected against a challenge infection with a vaccinia-VSV recombinant virus expressing the NP of VSV-IND (vacc-IND-NP). Their protective mechanism was highly susceptible to in vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells, but resistant to CD4+ depletion or treatment with anti-IFN-gamma and anti-TNF-alpha. Surprisingly, also VSV-CTL nonresponder H-2k mice were protected against a challenging infection with vacc-IND-NP when primed with VSV-IND wt. In contrast to the CTL responder H-2b mice, this protection was highly susceptible to CD4+ T cell depletion and to anti-IFN-gamma or anti-TNF-alpha treatment, but resistant to CD8+ T cell depletion. Antibodies were not responsible because they failed to transfer protection; in contrast CD4+ T cells conferred significant protection. VSV-CTL responder H-2b and nonresponder H-2k mice were protected almost equally well against a challenge dose of 10(3) pfu vacc-IND-NP inoculated intracerebrally. However, after intracerebral challenge with 5 x 10(6) pfu vacc-IND-NP, the CTL nonresponder mice died, whereas the CTL responder mice eliminated the virus by day 5. These results collectively show that CD4+ T cell-dependent IL may mediate antiviral protection, but their efficiency is relatively weak compared with CD8-mediated protection correlating with cytotoxic activity in vitro.  相似文献   

Activation of CD4+ T cells helps establish and sustain other immune responses. We have previously shown that responses against a broad set of nine CD4+ T-cell epitopes were present in the setting of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) Armstrong infection in the context of H-2d. This is quite disparate to the H-2b setting, where only two epitopes have been identified. We were interested in determining whether a broad set of responses was unique to H-2d or whether additional CD4+ T-cell epitopes could be identified in the setting of the H-2b background. To pursue this question, we infected C57BL/6 mice with LCMV Armstrong and determined the repertoire of CD4+ T-cell responses using overlapping 15-mer peptides corresponding to the LCMV Armstrong sequence. We confirmed positive responses by intracellular cytokine staining and major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide binding assays. A broad repertoire of responses was identified, consisting of six epitopes. These epitopes originate from the nucleoprotein (NP) and glycoprotein (GP). Out of the six newly identified CD4+ epitopes, four of them also stimulate CD8+ T cells in a statistically significant manner. Furthermore, we assessed these CD4+ T-cell responses during the memory phase of LCMV Armstrong infection and after infection with a chronic strain of LCMV and determined that a subset of the responses could be detected under these different conditions. This is the first example of a broad repertoire of shared epitopes between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the context of viral infection. These findings demonstrate that immunodominance is a complex phenomenon in the context of helper responses.  相似文献   

A L Rothman  I Kurane    F A Ennis 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):6540-6546
The target epitopes, serotype specificity, and cytolytic function of dengue virus-specific T cells may influence their theoretical roles in protection against secondary infection as well as the immunopathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic fever. To study these factors in an experimental system, we isolated dengue virus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell clones from dengue-2 virus-immunized BALB/c mice. The T-cell response to dengue virus in this mouse strain was heterogeneous; we identified at least five different CD4+ phenotypes and six different CD8+ phenotypes. Individual T-cell clones recognized epitopes on the dengue virus pre-M, E, NSl/NS2A, and NS3 proteins and were restricted by the I-Ad, I-Ed, Ld, and Kd antigens. Both serotype-specific and serotype-cross-reactive clones were isolated in the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets; among CD8+ clones, those that recognized the dengue virus structural proteins were serotype specific whereas those that recognized the nonstructural proteins were serotype cross-reactive. All of the CD8+ and one of five CD4+ clones lysed dengue virus-infected target cells. Using synthetic peptides, we identified an Ld-restricted epitope on the E protein (residues 331 to 339, SPCKIPFEI) and a Kd-restricted epitope on the NS3 protein (residues 296 to 310, ARGYISTRVEM GEAA). These data parallel previous findings of studies using human dengue virus-specific T-cell clones. This experimental mouse system may be useful for studying the role of the virus serotype and HLA haplotype on T-cell responses after primary dengue virus infection.  相似文献   

Production of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMC) from many seropositive individuals is inhibited by the presence of CD8+ T lymphocytes. In a study of 10 subjects, high levels of virus replication could be detected in cultures of purified CD4+ cells, but not in unseparated PMC. Addition of highly purified, autologous CD8+ cells to the enriched CD4+ cells resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of HIV growth and revealed that for some individuals, even low numbers of CD8+ cells can prevent replication of the virus. The data also indicated that culturing enriched CD4+ cells could greatly enhance detection of infectious virus in blood specimens and demonstrated that the CD4+ molecule is expressed on infected T cells isolated directly from the peripheral blood.  相似文献   

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