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The kinetics of rat liver glucose-6-phosphatase (EC were studied in intact and detergent-disrupted microsomes from normal and diabetic rats at pH 7.0 using two buffer systems (50 mM Tris-cacodylate and 50 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid) and glucose-6-P varied from 20 microM to 10 mM. Identical data were obtained when the phosphohydrolase activity was quantified by a colorimetric determination of Pi or by measuring 32Pi formed during incubations with [32P]glucose-6-P. In every instance the initial rate data displayed excellent concordance with that expected for a reaction obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The present findings agree with recently reported results of Traxinger and Nordlie (Traxinger, R. R., and Nordlie, R. C. 1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 10015-10019) that glucose-6-phosphatase activity in intact microsomes exhibits hyperbolic kinetics at concentrations of glucose-6-P above 133 microM, but fail to confirm their finding of sigmoid kinetics at substrate concentrations below 133 microM. We conclude that glucose-6-P hydrolysis conforms to a hyperbolic function at concentrations of glucose-6-P existing in livers of normal and diabetic rats in vivo.  相似文献   

The ability of glucose 6-phosphate and carbamyl phosphate to serve as substrates for glucose-6-phosphatase (D-glucose-6-phosphate phosphohydrolase; EC of intact and disrupted microsomes from rat liver was compared at pH 7.0. Results support carbamyl phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate as effective substrates with both. Km values for carbamyl phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate were greater with intact than with disrupted microsomes, but Vmax values were higher with the latter. The substrate translocase-catalytic unit concept of glucose-6-phosphatase function is thus confirmed. The Km values for 3-O-methyl-D-glucose and D-glucose were larger when determined with intact than with disrupted microsomes. This observation is consistent with the involvement of a translocase specific for hexose substrate as a rate-influencing determinant in phosphotransferase activity of glucose-6-phosphatase.  相似文献   

The effects of added polyamines on carbamylphosphate (carbamyl-P):glucose phosphotransferase and glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) phosphohydrolase activities of rat hepatic D-Glc-6-P phosphohydrolase (EC of intact and detergent-treated microsomes have been investigated. With the former preparation, in the presence of 1.4 mM phosphate substrate and 90 mM D-glucose (phosphotransferase), 1 mM spermine, spermidine, and putrescine activated Glc-6-P phosphohydrolase 67%, 57%, and 35%, respectively. Carbamyl-P:glucose phosphotransferase, under comparable conditions, was activated 57%, 34%, and 18%. NH+4 (0.25--5.0 mM) produced at best but a minor activation (0--14%), while poly(L-lysine) (Mr = 3400; degree of polymerization 16) equimolar relative to other polyamines with respect to ionized free amino groups activated the hydrolase 358% and the transferase 222%. Treatment of microsomes with the detergent deoxycholate reduced, but did not abolish, polyamine-induced activation. The stimulatory effects of polyamines persisted in the presence of excess catalase, indicating their independence from H2O2 formation; and were eliminated in the presence of Ca2+. Kinetic analysis revealed that all tested polyamines decreased the apparent Michaelis constant values for carbamyl-P and Glc-6-P, but had no effect on the Km for glucose. Poly(L-lysine) increased the V value for both Glc-6-P phosphohydrolase and apparent V values for phosphotransferase extrapolated to infinite concentrations of either carbamyl-P or glucose. The other tested polyamines elevated only this last velocity parameter. It is proposed that a major mechanism by which polyamines activate glucose-6-phosphatase-phosphotransferase is through their electrostatic interactions with phospholipids of the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum of which this enzyme is a part. Conformational alterations thus induced may in turn affect catalytic behavior. It is suggested that polyamines, or similar positively charged peptides, might participate in the cellular regulation of synthetic and hydrolytic activities of glucose-6-phosphatase.  相似文献   

Rapid kinetics of both glucose-6-P uptake and hydrolysis in fasted rat liver microsomes were investigated with a recently developed fast-sampling, rapid-filtration apparatus. Experiments were confronted with both the substrate transport and conformational models currently proposed for the glucose-6-phosphatase system. Accumulation in microsomes of 14C products from [U-14C]glucose-6-P followed biexponential kinetics. From the inside to outside product concentrations, it could be inferred that mostly glucose should accumulate inside the vesicles. While biexponential kinetics are compatible with the mathematical predictions of a simplified substrate transport model, the latter fails in explaining the "burst" in total glucose production over a similar time scale to that used for the uptake measurements. Since the initial rate of the burst phase in untreated microsomes exactly matched the steady-state rate of glucose production in detergent-treated vesicles, it can be definitely concluded that the substrate transport model does not describe adequately our results. While the conformational model accounts for both the burst of glucose production and the kinetics of glucose accumulation into the vesicles, it cannot explain the burst in 32Pi production from [32P]glucose-6-P measured under the same conditions. Since the amplitude of the observed bursts is not compatible with a presteady state in enzyme activity, we propose that a hysteretic transition best explains our results in both untreated and permeabilized microsomes, thus providing a new rationale to understand the molecular mechanism of the glucose-6-phosphatase system.  相似文献   

The effect of streptozocin diabetes on the expression of the catalytic subunit (p36) and the putative glucose-6-phosphate translocase (p46) of the glucose-6-phosphatase system (G6Pase) was investigated in rats. In addition to the documented effect of diabetes to increase p36 mRNA and protein in the liver and kidney, a approximately 2-fold increase in the mRNA abundance of p46 was found in liver, kidney, and intestine, and a similar increase was found in the p46 protein level in liver. In HepG2 cells, glucose caused a dose-dependent (1-25 mM) increase (up to 5-fold) in p36 and p46 mRNA and a lesser increase in p46 protein, whereas insulin (1 microM) suppressed p36 mRNA, reduced p46 mRNA level by half, and decreased p46 protein by about 33%. Cyclic AMP (100 microM) increased p36 and p46 mRNA by >2- and 1.5-fold, respectively, but not p46 protein. These data suggest that insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia might each be responsible for up-regulation of G6Pase in diabetes. It is concluded that enhanced hepatic glucose output in insulin-dependent diabetes probably involves dysregulation of both the catalytic subunit and the putative glucose-6-phosphate translocase of the liver G6Pase system.  相似文献   

The multicomponent hepatic glucose 6-phosphatase (Glc-6-Pase) system catalyzes the terminal step of hepatic glucose production and plays a key role in the regulation of blood glucose. We used the chlorogenic acid derivative S 3483, a reversible inhibitor of the glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) translocase component, to demonstrate for the first time upregulation of Glc-6-Pase expression in rat liver in vivo after inhibition of Glc-6-P translocase. In accordance with its mode of action, S 3483-treatment of overnight-fasted rats induced hypoglycemia and increased blood lactate, hepatic Glc-6-P, and glycogen. The metabolic changes were accompanied by rapid and marked increases in Glc-6-Pase mRNA (above 35-fold), protein (about 2-fold), and enzymatic activity (about 2-fold). Maximal mRNA levels were reached after 4 h of treatment. Glycemia, blood lactate, and Glc-6-Pase mRNA levels returned to control values, whereas Glc-6-P and glycogen levels decreased but were still elevated 2 h after S 3483 withdrawal. The capacity for Glc-6-P influx was only marginally increased after 8.5 h of treatment. Prevention of hypoglycemia by euglycemic clamp did not abolish the increase in Glc-6-Pase mRNA induced by S 3483 treatment. A similar pattern of hypoglycemia and possibly of associated counterregulatory responses elicited by treatment with the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase inhibitor 3-mercaptopicolinic acid could account for only a 2-fold induction of Glc-6-Pase mRNA. These findings suggest that the significant upregulation of Glc-6-Pase gene expression observed after treatment of rats in vivo with an inhibitor of Glc-6-P translocase is caused predominantly either by S 3483 per se or by the compound-induced changes of intracellular carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

The mechanism of activation of hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (EC in vitro by pentamidine has been investigated in both intact and fully disrupted microsomes. The major effect of pentamidine is a 4.7-fold reduction in the Km of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in intact diabetic rat liver microsomes. The site of action of pentamidine is T1 the hepatic microsomal glucose 6-phosphate transport protein. The activation of T1 by pentamidine may contribute to the disturbed blood glucose homeostasis seen in many patients after the administration of the drug pentamidine.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca2+ on the microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase activity were investigated. Evidence is provided that increases by Ca2+ in both the pyrophosphatase and the glucose-6-phosphate-hydrolysing activities are due to an increase in microsomal transport capacity of T2, the phosphate/pyrophosphate-transport protein.  相似文献   

Sigmoid kinetics of human erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several disagreements and inconsistencies have appeared regarding whether human erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase exhibits sigmoid or classical kinetics with respect to NADP+ binding. The latest report is that the purified enzyme exhibits classical kinetics while the intracellular enzyme exhibits sigmoid kinetics (H. N. Kirkman, and G. F. Gaetani (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4033-4038). The various investigations were carried out at fixed pH, ionic strength, and temperature. The steady-state kinetics of crude and purified erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase are reported here at various temperatures, ionic strengths, and pH values and as a function of glucose 6-phosphate concentration. Sigmoid kinetics were observed for both purified and crude enzyme samples at high pH, temperature, ionic strength, and concentration of glucose 6-phosphate with Hill coefficients varying between 1.40 and 1.90. In contrast, at low pH, temperature, and ionic strength, the crude enzyme samples exhibit sigmoid kinetics while the purified samples exhibit classical kinetics despite the high concentration of glucose 6-phosphate. High concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate and factors favoring the enzyme in the dimeric form are necessary conditions for the observation of sigmoid kinetics in human erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These factors are high pH, ionic strength, and temperature. The observed sigmoid kinetics in this enzyme is explained as arising from tetramer-dimer transitions.  相似文献   

We present a method to determine glucose 6-phosphate activity. This assay measures the rate of glucose released in the glucose-6-phosphatase reaction. The glucose is oxidized to beta-D-gluconolactone by glucose dehydrogenase in a coupled reaction that uses NAD(P)+. The determination is rapid, reproducible, and does not require withdrawal, precipitation, centrifugation, or neutralization steps. This method provides a simple resolution to the problem of the nonspecific appearance of Pi, which is especially important in studies of regulation of glucose-6-phosphatase performed in the presence of ATP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The flavonoid silibinin has been reported to be beneficial in several hepatic disorders. Recent evidence also suggests that silibinin could be beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, owing to its anti-hyperglycemic properties. However, the mechanism(s) underlying these metabolic effects remains unknown. METHODS: The effects of silibinin on liver gluconeogenesis were studied by titrating hepatocytes from starved rats with sub-saturating concentrations of various exogenous substrates in a perifusion system. Hepatocytes from fed rats were also used to investigate glycogenolysis from endogenous glycogen. The effect of silibinin on glucose-6-phosphatase kinetics was determined in intact and permeabilized rat liver microsomes. RESULTS: Silibinin induced a dose-dependent inhibition of gluconeogenesis associated with a potent decrease in glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis. This effect was demonstrated whatever the gluconeogenic substrates used, i.e. dihydroxyacetone, lactate/pyruvate, glycerol and fructose. In addition, silibinin decreased the glucagon-induced stimulation of both gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, this being associated with a reduction of glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis. Silibinin inhibits glucose-6-phosphatase in rat liver microsomes in a concentration-dependent manner that could explain the decrease in glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis seen in intact cells. CONCLUSION: The inhibitory effect of silibinin on both hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase and gluconeogenesis suggests that its use may be interesting in treatment of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The mechanism of activation of hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (EC in vitro by pentamidine has been investigated in both intact and fully disrupted microsomes. The major effect of pentamidine is a 4.7-fold reduction in the Km of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in intact diabetic rat liver microsomes. The site of action of pentamidine is T1 the hepatic microsomal glucose 6-phosphate transport protein. The activation of T1 by pentamidine may contribute to the disturbed blood glucose homeostasis see in many patients after administration of the drug pentamidine.  相似文献   

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