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A thermal therapy for cancer in skin tissue is numerically investigated using three bioheat conduction models, namely Pennes, thermal wave and dual-phase lag models. A laser is applied at the surface of the skin for cancer ablation, and the temperature and thermal damage distributions are predicted using the three bioheat models and two different modeling approaches of the laser effect. The first one is a prescribed surface heat flux, in which the tissue is assumed to be highly absorbent, while the second approach is a volumetric heat source, which is reasonable if the scattering and absorption skin effects are of similar magnitude. The finite volume method is applied to solve the governing bioheat equation. A parametric study is carried out to ascertain the effects of the thermophysical properties of the cancer on the thermal damage. The temperature distributions predicted by the three models exhibit significant differences, even though the temperature distributions are similar when the laser is turned off. The type of bioheat model has more influence on the predicted thermal damage than the type of modeling approach used for the laser. The phase lags of heat flux and temperature gradient have an important influence on the results, as well as the thermal conductivity of the cancer. In contrast, the uncertainty in the specific heat and blood perfusion rate has a minor influence on the thermal damage.  相似文献   

Early-stage embryos must reshape the tissues of which they are made into organs and other life-sustaining structures; and if non-mammalian embryos fail to complete these tasks before the energy provided by their yolk runs out, they die. The aim of this study is to use a cell-level computational model to investigate the energetic cost of a variety of mechanisms that can drive an in-plane reshaping pattern known as convergent extension—a motif in which a tissue narrows in one in-plane direction and expands in another. Mechanisms considered include oriented lamellipodia, directed mitosis, stress fibers, and anisotropic external tension. Both isolated patches of tissue and actively contracting tissues that deform adjacent passive areas are considered. The cell-level finite element model used here assumes that the cell membrane and its associated proteins generate a net tension γ along each cell–cell interface and that the cytoplasm and its embedded networks and structures have an effective viscosity?μ. Work costs are based exclusively on mechanical considerations such as edge lengths and tensions, and because a traditional mechanical efficiency cannot be calculated, mechanisms are compared on the basis of the work they must do to the tissue to cause a specified rate of in-plane reshaping. Although the model contains a number of simplifications compared to real embryonic tissues, it is able to show that the work requirements for tissue reshaping by mitoses and by lamellipodia are of the same order. Lamellipodia are energetically most effective when their tensions are approximately twice as large as the interfacial tensions in the surrounding cells. The model also shows that stress fibers or other direct stretch or compression mechanisms are at least five times more efficient for tissue reshaping than are mitoses or lamellipodia and that the work needed to deform a typical cellular tissue is more than thirty times greater than if it did not contain cell boundaries. Collectively, these findings indicate that common tissue reshaping mechanisms have mechanical efficiencies of less than one percent and that mechanical efficiency is not the primary determinant of which mechanism(s) an embryo uses to reshape its tissues.  相似文献   

A parametric investigation was conducted to determine the effects on the load estimation method of varying: (1) the thickness of back-plates used in the two-dimensional finite element models of long bones, (2) the number of columns of nodes in the outer medial and lateral sections of the diaphysis to which the back-plate multipoint constraints are applied and (3) the region of bone used in the optimization procedure of the density-based load estimation technique. The study is performed using two-dimensional finite element models of the proximal femora of a chimpanzee, gorilla, lion and grizzly bear. It is shown that the density-based load estimation can be made more efficient and accurate by restricting the stimulus optimization region to the metaphysis/epiphysis. In addition, a simple method, based on the variation of diaphyseal cortical thickness, is developed for assigning the thickness to the back-plate. It is also shown that the number of columns of nodes used as multipoint constraints does not have a significant effect on the method.  相似文献   

A parametric investigation was conducted to determine the effects on the load estimation method of varying: (1) the thickness of back-plates used in the two-dimensional finite element models of long bones, (2) the number of columns of nodes in the outer medial and lateral sections of the diaphysis to which the back-plate multipoint constraints are applied and (3) the region of bone used in the optimization procedure of the density-based load estimation technique. The study is performed using two-dimensional finite element models of the proximal femora of a chimpanzee, gorilla, lion and grizzly bear. It is shown that the density-based load estimation can be made more efficient and accurate by restricting the stimulus optimization region to the metaphysis/epiphysis. In addition, a simple method, based on the variation of diaphyseal cortical thickness, is developed for assigning the thickness to the back-plate. It is also shown that the number of columns of nodes used as multipoint constraints does not have a significant effect on the method.  相似文献   

A mathematical elastodynamic model, Baseline I, consisting of eleven degrees of freedom and describing the human skull, brain, spinal cord, neck, arms and torso as a system of discrete masses, linear translational and torsional springs has been developed. Forced response solutions to the governing equations of motion, which contain selected nonlinear terms, are carried out on the IBM 7094 computer. A parametric study of the effects of location and force-time history of a blow to the head and variations in.neck stiffness was conducted. The significance of these perturbations is determined by comparison with selected response measures.  相似文献   

Aortic interleaflet triangle reshaping (AITR) is a surgical approach to aortic valve incontinence that involves placing three stitches at half of the interleaflet triangles height. In this work, the relationship between the actual stitch height and valve functioning, and the safety margin that the surgeon can rely on in applying the stitches were systematically investigated in vitro. AITR surgery was applied to six swine aortic roots placing the stitches empirically at 50%, 60% and 75% of the triangle heights. Then the actual stitch heights were measured and the hydrodynamic performances were evaluated with a pulsatile hydrodynamic mock loop. Actual stitch heights were 45±2%, 61±4% and 79±6%. As compared to untreated conditions, the 50% configuration induced a significant variation in the effective orifice area. With stitches placed at 60%, the mean systolic pressure drop increased significantly with respect to the untreated case, but no significant changes were recorded with respect to the 50% configuration. At 75%, all the hydrodynamic parameters of systolic valve functioning worsened significantly. Summarizing, the AITR technique, when performed in a conservative manner did not induce significant alterations in the hydrodynamics of the aortic root in vitro, while more aggressive configurations did. The absence of a statistically significant difference between the 50% and 60% configurations suggests that there is a reasonably limited risk of inducing valve stenosis in the post-op scenario due to stitch misplacement.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of rat brown adipose tissue (BAT) and of adipocytes cultured from BAT were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Brown adipocytes in the intact tissue were arranged in lobules with bundles of collagen among them; within each lobule 20- to 40-microns-large adipocytes were packed together. Fibers of reticular collagen enveloped each adipocyte and also connected each cell to vessels and nerves. At the adipocyte surface rounded protrusions were present, which corresponded to the BAT-typical multivacuolar lipid depot. Gradual digestion of the stroma with collagenase disclosed a more delicate, felt-like cover surrounding each adipocyte, probably representing the external lamina of the cell. Complete digestion of the stroma showed a smooth plasmalemma with occasional roundish blebs which varied in size. Cultured (24 h) brown adipocytes from the stromal-vascular fraction of BAT were elongated or polygonal in shape, with a flattened, central nucleus and a number of spherical cytoplasmatic inclusions which have the same dimension and location as lipid droplets. These inclusions were arranged either at cellular poles or around the nucleus; this suggests that brown adipocytes with mature features were present in the culture. Pictures suggesting the detachment of lipid droplets from the cell body were also visible. Lipid droplet extrusion could be a complementary mechanism which might explain the rapid delipidation of brown adipocytes in culture.  相似文献   

Biomechanical tests of human femora have shown that small variations of the loading direction result in significant changes in measured bone mechanical properties. However, the heterogeneity in geometrical and bone tissue properties does not make human bones well suited to reproducibly assess the effects of loading direction on stiffness and strength. To precisely quantify the influence of loading direction on stiffness and strength of femora loaded at the femoral head, we tested femora from C57BL/6 inbred mice. We developed an image-based alignment protocol and investigated the loading direction influence on proximal femur stiffness and strength. An aluminum femoral phantom and C57BL/6 femora were tested under compression with different loading directions. Both tests, with the aluminum phantom and the murine bones, showed and quantified the linear dependence of stiffness on loading direction: a 5 degrees change in loading direction resulted in almost 30% change in stiffness. Murine bone testing also revealed and quantified the variation in strength due to loading direction: 5 degrees change in loading direction resulted in 8.5% change in strength. In conclusion, this study quantified, for the first time, the influence of misalignment on bone stiffness and strength for femoral head loading. We showed the extreme sensitivity of this site regarding loading direction.  相似文献   

High performance computing on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is an emerging field driven by the promise of high computational power at a low cost. However, GPU programming is a non-trivial task and moreover architectural limitations raise the question of whether investing effort in this direction may be worthwhile. In this work, we use GPU programming to simulate a two-layer network of Integrate-and-Fire neurons with varying degrees of recurrent connectivity and investigate its ability to learn a simplified navigation task using a policy-gradient learning rule stemming from Reinforcement Learning. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we want to support the use of GPUs in the field of Computational Neuroscience. Second, using GPU computing power, we investigate the conditions under which the said architecture and learning rule demonstrate best performance. Our work indicates that networks featuring strong Mexican-Hat-shaped recurrent connections in the top layer, where decision making is governed by the formation of a stable activity bump in the neural population (a "non-democratic" mechanism), achieve mediocre learning results at best. In absence of recurrent connections, where all neurons "vote" independently ("democratic") for a decision via population vector readout, the task is generally learned better and more robustly. Our study would have been extremely difficult on a desktop computer without the use of GPU programming. We present the routines developed for this purpose and show that a speed improvement of 5x up to 42x is provided versus optimised Python code. The higher speed is achieved when we exploit the parallelism of the GPU in the search of learning parameters. This suggests that efficient GPU programming can significantly reduce the time needed for simulating networks of spiking neurons, particularly when multiple parameter configurations are investigated.  相似文献   

R F Dodson  L W Chu  Y Tagashira 《Cytobios》1978,23(89):33-43
The acute influence of reserpine injection on cerebral tissue was studied in baboon and rat models. Five h after the infusion of reserpine, bilateral cortical areas were found to contain perivascular changes only, whereas basal ganglia regions contained advanced oedematous responses. Mitochondrial swelling was commonly found in the latter regions, as were loci containing microvascular crenation with accompanying pericytic changes.  相似文献   

A parametric study was conducted to compare the resistance to shear force provided by three surgical implantation techniques and three endplate designs for use with a polymeric lumbar intervertebral disk spacer. While under an axial load, the implant was pushed out laterally through the surgical window created for implantation. Force at 0.3 mm displacement, slope of the initial portion of the force-displacement graph, and maximum force were measured. The results indicate that implants with pegs, inclined planes, or domes on the surfaces of the disk will add significantly to the shear stability of the implant while maintaining the simplicity of a single part device.  相似文献   

Proteins can organize into dynamic, functionally important assemblies on fluid membrane surfaces. Phase separation has emerged as an important mechanism for forming such protein assemblies on the membrane during cell signaling, endocytosis, and cytoskeleton regulation. Protein-protein phase separation thus adds novel fluid mosaics to the classical Singer and Nicolson model. Protein condensates formed in this process can modulate membrane morphologies. This is evident from recent reports of protein condensate-driven membrane reshaping in processes such as endocytosis, autophagosome formation, and protein storage vacuole morphogenesis in plants. Lateral phase separation (on the membrane surface) of peripheral curvature coupling proteins can modulate such membrane morphological transitions. Additionally, three-dimensional protein phase separation can result in droplets that through adhesion can affect membrane shape changes. How do these condensate-driven curvature generation mechanisms contrast with the classically recognized scaffolding and amphipathic helix insertion activities of specific membrane remodeling proteins? A salient feature of these condensate-driven membrane activities is that they depend upon both macroscopic features (such as interfacial energies of the condensate, membrane, and cytosol) as well as microscopic, molecular-level interactions (such as protein-lipid binding). This review highlights the current understanding of the mechanisms underlying curvature generation by protein condensates in various biological pathways.  相似文献   

Biomass steam gasification--an extensive parametric modeling study   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A model for steam gasification of biomass was developed by applying thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. With this model, the simulation of a decentralized combined heat and power station based on a dual fluidized-bed steam gasifier was carried out. Fuel composition (ultimate analysis and moisture content) and the operating parameters, temperature and amount of gasification agent, were varied over a wide range. Their influences on amount, composition, and heating value of product gas and process efficiencies were evaluated. It was shown that the accuracy of an equilibrium model for the gas composition is sufficient for thermodynamic considerations. Net electric efficiency of about 20% can be expected with a rather simple process. Sensitivity analysis showed that gasification temperature and fuel oxygen content were the most significant parameters determining the chemical efficiency of the gasification.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the frequency of regional lymph node metastasis of soft tissue tumors (STT) and to evaluate the utility of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) as an initial investigative modality. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective and retrospective study of over 6 years (1998-2004) was performed to look for frequency of STT metastasizing to lymph nodes. FNAC of enlarged nodes was performed as a routine outpatient procedure after obtaining complete clinical details. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry were correlated where available. RESULTS: Lymph node enlargement was seen in 23 of 241 patients with STTs, of which 19 cases showed involvement (7.88%), synchronous with primary in 12 cases and metachronous in 7 cases. The most common sites of primary tumor were the lower extremity and head and neck region with involved regional lymph nodes. STTs commonly involving lymph nodes were rhabdomyosarcoma and extraskeletal Ewing's/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET); other rare tumors included malignant granular cell tumor, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, mediastinal ganglioneuroblastoma, angiosarcoma and epithelioid sarcoma. CONCLUSION: Lymph node aspirates should be examined for alien cells, particularly smears that are paucicellular and demonstrate cystic change. Lymph node metastasis of STT is rare and influences staging, treatment and prognosis. Enlarged regional nodes should be examined with FNAC.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase in an estradiol sensitive tissue: a cytochemical study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Protein folding in the cell: reshaping the folding funnel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Models of protein folding have historically focused on a subset of 'well-behaved' proteins that can be successfully refolded from denaturants in vitro. Energy landscapes, including folding funnel 'cartoons', describe the largely uncomplicated folding of these isolated chains at infinite dilution. However, the frequent failure of many polypeptides to fold to their native state requires more comprehensive models of folding to accommodate the crucial role of interactions between partially folded intermediates. By incorporating additional deep minima, which reflect off-pathway interchain interactions, the folding funnel concept can be extended to describe the behavior of a more diverse set of proteins under more physiologically relevant conditions. In particular, the effects of ribosomes (translation), molecular chaperones and other aspects of the cellular environment on early chain conformations can be included to account for the folding behavior of polypeptide chains in cells.  相似文献   

To characterise the flow of a fluid through a uniform porous medium, the medium may be completely described by its permeability, a measure of flow resistance. Fluid flow in the intertrabecular spaces of cancellous bone has been recognised as an important factor in a number of physical phenomena. In order to investigate the interdependence of permeability, porosity and the structural parameters, we adapted a morphological model and systematically varied its structural parameters. By simulating a viscous Stokes flow regime, we were able to estimate the anisotropic permeability tensor and performed an extensive, stepwise multivariate regression analysis to establish empirical relationships between the morphological parameters and the permeability for the anatomical directions individually. The regression analysis indicated high values of determination coefficients [0.88 < R2 < 0.89 (transversal directions) and R2 = 0.60 (longitudinal direction), porosity-based prediction and R2 = 0.98 for all directions and information presented to the regression model]. We conclude that a pooled set of structural parameters may explain up to 98% of the permeability variability, the regression model predicts permeability values that match experimental data, and a good prediction performance could be achieved by only incorporating the porosity and either the degree of anisotropy (0.89 < R2 < 0.91) or the trabecular spacing predictor (0.96 < R2 < 0.97). These conclusions imply that trabecular thickness and shape parameters only play a minor role in the determination of vertebral trabecular bone permeability. However, a major limitation of the model is that it reflects an idealisation of the real, regionally varying structure of trabecular bone. Therefore, the goodness-of-fit estimates we are presenting should be considered as an upper bound limitation regarding the prediction performance.  相似文献   

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