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Majka J  Burgers PM 《DNA Repair》2005,4(10):1189-1194
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae heterotrimeric checkpoint clamp consisting of the Rad17, Mec3, and Ddc1 subunits (Rad17/3/1, the 9-1-1 complex in humans) is an early response factor to DNA damage in a signal transduction pathway leading to the activation of the checkpoint system and eventually to cell cycle arrest. These subunits show structural similarities with the replication clamp PCNA and indeed, it was demonstrated in vitro that Rad17/3/1 could be loaded onto DNA by checkpoint specific clamp loader Rad24-RFC, analogous to the PCNA-RFC clamp-clamp loader system. We have studied the interactions between the checkpoint clamp subunits and the activity of partial clamp complexes. We find that none of the possible partial complexes makes up a clamp that can be loaded onto DNA by Rad24-RFC. In agreement, overexpression of DDC1 or RAD17 in a MEC3Delta strain, or of MEC3 or RAD17 in a DDC1Delta strain shows no rescue of damage sensitivity.  相似文献   

How mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number is determined and modulated according to cellular demands is largely unknown. Our previous investigations of the related DNA helicases Pif1p and Rrm3p uncovered a role for these factors and the conserved Mec1/Rad53 nuclear checkpoint pathway in mtDNA mutagenesis and stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we demonstrate another novel function of this pathway in the regulation of mtDNA copy number. Deletion of RRM3 or SML1, or overexpression of RNR1, which recapitulates Mec1/Rad53 pathway activation, resulted in an approximately twofold increase in mtDNA content relative to the corresponding wild-type yeast strains. In addition, deletion of RRM3 or SML1 fully rescued the approximately 50% depletion of mtDNA observed in a pif1 null strain. Furthermore, deletion of SML1 was shown to be epistatic to both a rad53 and an rrm3 null mutation, placing these three genes in the same genetic pathway of mtDNA copy number regulation. Finally, increased mtDNA copy number via the Mec1/Rad53 pathway could occur independently of Abf2p, an mtDNA-binding protein that, like its metazoan homologues, is implicated in mtDNA copy number control. Together, these results indicate that signaling through the Mec1/Rad53 pathway increases mtDNA copy number by altering deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools through the activity of ribonucleotide reductase. This comprises the first linkage of a conserved signaling pathway to the regulation of mitochondrial genome copy number and suggests that homologous pathways in humans may likewise regulate mtDNA content under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis has suggested that RAD17, RAD24, MEC3, and DDC1 play similar roles in the DNA damage checkpoint control in budding yeast. These genes are required for DNA damage-induced Rad53 phosphorylation and considered to function upstream of RAD53 in the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Here we identify Mec3 as a protein that associates with Rad17 in a two-hybrid screen and demonstrate that Rad17 and Mec3 interact physically in vivo. The amino terminus of Rad17 is required for its interaction with Mec3, and the protein encoded by the rad17-1 allele, containing a missense mutation at the amino terminus, is defective for its interaction with Mec3 in vivo. Ddc1 interacts physically and cosediments with both Rad17 and Mec3, indicating that these three proteins form a complex. On the other hand, Rad24 is not found to associate with Rad17, Mec3, and Ddc1. DDC1 overexpression can partially suppress the phenotypes of the rad24Δ mutation: sensitivity to DNA damage, defect in the DNA damage checkpoint and decrease in DNA damage-induced phosphorylation of Rad53. Taken together, our results suggest that Rad17, Mec3, and Ddc1 form a complex which functions downstream of Rad24 in the DNA damage checkpoint pathway.  相似文献   

Hashimoto K  Shimizu K  Nakashima N  Sugino A 《Biochemistry》2003,42(48):14207-14213
DNA polymerases delta and epsilon (pol delta and epsilon) are the two major replicative polymerases in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The fidelity of pol delta is influenced by its 3'-5' proofreading exonuclease activity, which corrects misinsertion errors, and by enzyme cofactors. PCNA is a pol delta cofactor, called the sliding clamp, which increases the processivity of pol delta holoenzyme. This study measures the fidelity of 3'-5' exonuclease-proficient and -deficient pol delta holoenzyme using a synthetic 30mer primer/100mer template in the presence and absence of PCNA. Although PCNA increases pol delta processivity, the presence of PCNA decreased pol delta fidelity 2-7-fold. In particular, wild-type pol delta demonstrated the following nucleotide substitution efficiencies for mismatches in the absence of PCNA: G.G, 0.728 x 10(-4); T.G, 1.82 x 10(-4); A.G, <0.01 x 10(-4). In the presence of PCNA these values increased as follows: G.G, 1.30 x 10(-4); T.G, 2.62 x 10(-4); A.G, 0.074 x 10(-4). A similar but smaller effect was observed for exonuclease-deficient pol delta (i.e., 2-4-fold increase in nucleotide substitution efficiencies in the presence of PCNA). Thus, the fidelity of wild-type pol delta in the presence of PCNA is more than 2 orders of magnitude lower than the fidelity of wild-type pol epsilon holoenzyme and is comparable to the fidelity of exonuclease-deficient pol epsilon holoenzyme.  相似文献   

The relative positions of components of the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase delta (pol delta).proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA).DNA complex were studied. We have shown that pol delta incorporates nucleotides close to a template biotin-streptavidin complex located 5' (downstream) to the replicating complex in the presence or absence of PCNA. PCNA-dependent synthesis catalyzed by pol delta was nearly totally (95%) inhibited by a biotin. streptavidin complex located at the 3'-end of a template with a 15-mer primer (upstream of the replicating complex), but was only partially inhibited with a 19-mer primer. With either primer, PCNA-independent synthesis was not affected by the biotin. streptavidin complex. Quantification of results with primers of varying length suggested that pol delta interacts with between 8 and 10 nucleotides of duplex DNA immediately proximal to the 3'-OH primer terminus. Using UV photocross-linking, we determined that the 125-kDa subunit of pol delta, but not the 50-kDa subunit, interacted with a photosensitive residue of a substrate oligonucleotide. Interaction apparently takes place through the C terminus of p125. Based on these results, we conclude that PCNA is located "behind" pol delta in the polymerization complex during DNA synthesis and that only the large subunit of pol delta (two-subunit form) interacts directly with DNA. A detailed model of the enzymatically active complex is proposed.  相似文献   

DNA damage leads to activation of several mechanisms such as DNA repair and cell-cycle checkpoints. It is evident that these different cellular mechanisms have to be finely co-ordinated. Growing evidence suggests that the Rad9/Rad1/Hus1 cell-cycle checkpoint complex (9-1-1 complex), which is recruited to DNA lesion upon DNA damage, plays a major role in DNA repair. This complex has been shown to interact with and stimulate several proteins involved in long-patch base excision repair. On the other hand, the well-characterised DNA clamp-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) also interacts with and stimulates several of these factors. In this work, we compared the effects of the 9-1-1 complex and PCNA on flap endonuclease 1 (Fen1). Our data suggest that PCNA and the 9-1-1 complex can independently bind to and activate Fen1. Finally, acetylation of Fen1 by p300-HAT abolished the stimulatory effect of the 9-1-1 complex but not that of PCNA, suggesting a possible mechanism of regulation of this important repair pathway.  相似文献   

Base excision repair is an important mechanism for correcting DNA damage produced by many physical and chemical agents. We have examined the effects of the REV3 gene and the DNA polymerase genes POL1, POL2, and POL3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on DNA repair synthesis is nuclear extracts. Deletional inactivation of REV3 did not affect repair synthesis in the base excision repair pathway. Repair synthesis in nuclear extracts of pol1, pol2, and pol3 temperature-sensitive mutants was normal at permissive temperatures. However, repair synthesis in pol2 nuclear extracts was defective at the restrictive temperature of 37 degrees C and could be complemented by the addition of purified yeast DNA polymerase epsilon. Repair synthesis in pol1 nuclear extracts was proficient at the restrictive temperature unless DNA polymerase alpha was inactivated prior to the initiation of DNA repair. Thermal inactivation of DNA polymerase delta in pol3 nuclear extracts enhanced DNA repair synthesis approximately 2-fold, an effect which could be specifically reversed by the addition of purified yeast DNA polymerase delta to the extract. These results demonstrate that DNA repair synthesis in the yeast base excision repair pathway is catalyzed by DNA polymerase epsilon but is apparently modulated by the presence of DNA polymerases alpha and delta.  相似文献   

Activator 1 (A1) is a multiprotein complex which is essential for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-dependent DNA polymerase delta (pol delta) activity and efficient in vitro DNA synthesis in the SV40 dipolymerase replication system. In this report, we describe the isolation of A1 from HeLa cytosolic extracts. A1 stimulated pol delta activity in singly primed phi X174 DNA or (dA)4500.oligo(dT)12-18 in reactions containing PCNA, single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB), and ATP. Using this assay, A1 has been extensively purified. Purified preparations contained five discrete subunits of 145, 40, 38, 37, and 36.5 kDa. ATP hydrolysis to ADP and Pi is essential for A1-dependent pol delta activity, and we have shown that A1 contains an intrinsic ATPase which is stimulated by DNA. The DNA-dependent hydrolysis of ATP can be stimulated by PCNA and further activated by PCNA plus the human single-stranded DNA binding protein. These stimulatory effects were observed with (dA)4500.oligo(dT)12-18, but were not detected with each poly-deoxynucleotide alone. Furthermore, A1 formed a complex with (dA)4500.oligo(dT)12-18 which could be measured by nitrocellulose binding. No complex with (dA)4500 or oligo(dT)12-18 alone was detected by this procedure. Data are also presented which indicate that A1, in conjunction with PCNA, functions as a primer-recognition factor for pol delta, increasing its ability to utilize low levels of primer ends, but it does not increase the size of the DNA products. A1 also markedly reduced the amount of PCNA required for pol delta activity on a multiply primed DNA suggesting that PCNA interacts with A1 at the primer end. These multiple effects of A1 closely resemble the properties of the multisubunit protein RF-C described by Tsurimoto and Stillman (Tsurimoto, T., and Stillman, B. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 1023-1027).  相似文献   

In most cells, 100-1000 Okazaki fragments are produced for each replicative DNA polymerase present in the cell. For fast-growing cells, this necessitates rapid recycling of DNA polymerase on the lagging strand. Bacteria produce long Okazaki fragments (1-2 kb) and utilize a highly processive DNA polymerase III (pol III), which is held to DNA by a circular sliding clamp. In contrast, Okazaki fragments in eukaryotes are quite short, 100-250 bp, and thus the eukaryotic lagging strand polymerase does not require a high degree of processivity. The lagging strand polymerase in eukaryotes, polymerase delta (pol delta), functions with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamp. In this report, Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol delta is examined on model substrates to gain insight into the mechanism of lagging strand replication in eukaryotes. Surprisingly, we find pol delta is highly processive with PCNA, over at least 5 kb, on Replication Protein A (RPA)-coated primed single strand DNA. The high processivity of pol delta observed in this report contrasts with its role in synthesis of short lagging strand fragments, which require it to rapidly dissociate from DNA at the end of each Okazaki fragment. We find that this dilemma is solved by a "collision release" process in which pol delta ejects from PCNA upon extending a DNA template to completion and running into the downstream duplex. The released pol delta transfers to a new primed site, provided the new site contains a PCNA clamp. Additional results indicate that the collision release mechanism is intrinsic to the pol3/pol31 subunits of the pol delta heterotrimer.  相似文献   

The RAD50 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of several genes required for recombinational repair of double-strand DNA breaks during vegetative growth and for initiation of meiotic recombination. Rad50 forms a complex with two other proteins, Mre11 and Xrs2, and this complex is involved in double-strand break formation and processing. Rad50 has limited sequence homology to the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family of proteins and shares the same domain structure as SMCs: N- and C-terminal globular domains separated by two long coiled-coils. However, a notable difference is the much smaller non-coil hinge region between the two coiled-coils. We report here a structural analysis of full-length S. cerevisiae Rad50, alone and in a complex with yeast Mre11 by electron microscopy. Our results confirm that yeast Rad50 does have the same antiparallel coiled-coil structure as SMC proteins, but with no detectable globular hinge domain. However, the molecule is still able to bend sharply in the middle to bring the two catalytic domains together, indicating that the small hinge domain is flexible. We also demonstrate that Mre11 binds as a dimer between the catalytic domains of Rad50, bringing the nuclease activities of Mre11 in close proximity to the ATPase and DNA binding activities of Rad50.  相似文献   

The interaction between proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and DNA polymerase delta is essential for processive DNA synthesis during DNA replication/repair; however, the identity of the subunit of DNA polymerase delta that directly interacts with PCNA has not been resolved until now. In the present study we have used reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation experiments to determine which of the two subunits of core DNA polymerase delta, the 125-kDa catalytic subunit or the 50-kDa small subunit, directly interacts with PCNA. We found that PCNA co-immunoprecipitated with human p50, as well as calf thymus DNA polymerase delta heterodimer, but not with p125 alone, suggesting that PCNA directly interacts with p50 but not with p125. A PCNA-binding motif, similar to the sliding clamp-binding motif of bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase, was identified in the N terminus of p50. A 22-amino acid oligopeptide containing this sequence (MRPFL) was shown to bind PCNA by far Western analysis and to compete with p50 for binding to PCNA in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. The binding of p50 to PCNA was inhibited by p21, suggesting that the two proteins compete for the same binding site on PCNA. These results establish that the interaction of PCNA with DNA polymerase delta is mediated through the small subunit of the enzyme.  相似文献   

J Q Zhou  H He  C K Tan  K M Downey    A G So 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(6):1094-1099
DNA polymerase delta is usually isolated as a heterodimer composed of a 125 kDa catalytic subunit and a 50 kDa small subunit of unknown function. The enzyme is distributive by itself and requires an accessory protein, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), for highly processive DNA synthesis. We have recently demonstrated that the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase delta (p125) expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells, in contrast to the native heterodimeric calf thymus DNA polymerase delta, is not responsive to stimulation by PCNA. To determine whether the lack of response to PCNA of the recombinant catalytic subunit is due to the absence of the small subunit or to differences in post-translational modification in insect cells versus mammalian cells, we have co-expressed the two subunits of human DNA polymerase delta in insect cells. We have demonstrated that co-expression of the catalytic and small subunits of human DNA polymerase delta results in formation of a stable, fully functional heterodimer, that the recombinant heterodimer, similar to native heterodimer, is markedly stimulated (40- to 50-fold) by PCNA and that the increase in activity seen in the presence of PCNA is the result of an increase in processivity. These data establish that the 50 kDa subunit is essential for functional interaction of DNA polymerase delta with PCNA and for highly processive DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

We have used a set of seven temperature-sensitive mutants in the DNA polymerase I gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to investigate the role of DNA polymerase I in various aspects of DNA synthesis in vivo. Previously, we showed that DNA polymerase I is required for mitotic DNA replication. Here we extend our studies to several stages of meiosis and repair of X-ray-induced damage. We find that sporulation is blocked in all of the DNA polymerase temperature-sensitive mutants and that premeiotic DNA replication does not occur. Commitment to meiotic recombination is only 2% of wild-type levels. Thus, DNA polymerase I is essential for these steps. However, repair of X-ray-induced single-strand breaks is not defective in the DNA polymerase temperature-sensitive mutants, and DNA polymerase I is therefore not essential for repair of such lesions. These results suggest that DNA polymerase II or III or both, the two other nuclear yeast DNA polymerases for which roles have not yet been established, carry out repair in the absence of DNA polymerase I, but that DNA polymerase II and III cannot compensate for loss of DNA polymerase I in meiotic replication and recombination. These results do not, however, rule out essential roles for DNA polymerase II or III or both in addition to that for DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

To analyze plant mechanisms for resistance to UV radiation, mutants of Arabidopsis that are hypersensitive to UV radiation (designated uvh and uvr) have been isolated. UVR2 and UVR3 products were previously identified as photolyases that remove UV-induced pyrimidine dimers in the presence of visible light. Plants also remove dimers in the absence of light by an as yet unidentified dark repair mechanism and uvh1 mutants are defective in this mechanism. The UVH1 locus was mapped to chromosome 5 and the position of the UVH1 gene was further delineated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the uvh1-1 mutant with cosmids from this location. Cosmid NC23 complemented the UV hypersensitive phenotype and restored dimer removal in the uvh1-1 mutant. The cosmid encodes a protein similar to the S. cerevisiae RAD1 and human XPF products, components of an endonuclease that excises dimers by nucleotide excision repair (NER). The uvh1-1 mutation creates a G to A transition in intron 5 of this gene, resulting in a new 3' splice site and introducing an in-frame termination codon. These results provide evidence that the Arabidopsis UVH1/AtRAD1 product is a subunit of a repair endonuclease. The previous discovery in Lilium longiflorum of a homolog of human ERCC1 protein that comprises the second subunit of the repair endonuclease provides additional evidence for the existence of the repair endonuclease in plants. The UVH1 gene is strongly expressed in flower tissue and also in other tissues, suggesting that the repair endonuclease is widely utilized for repair of DNA damage in plant tissues.  相似文献   

The importance of the interdomain connector loop and of the carboxy-terminal domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) for functional interaction with DNA polymerases delta (Poldelta) and epsilon (Pol epsilon) was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Two alleles, pol30-79 (IL126,128AA) in the interdomain connector loop and pol30-90 (PK252,253AA) near the carboxy terminus, caused growth defects and elevated sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. These two mutants also had elevated rates of spontaneous mutations. The mutator phenotype of pol30-90 was due to partially defective mismatch repair in the mutant. In vitro, the mutant PCNAs showed defects in DNA synthesis. Interestingly, the pol30-79 mutant PCNA (pcna-79) was most defective in replication with Poldelta, whereas pcna-90 was defective in replication with Pol epsilon. Protein-protein interaction studies showed that pcna-79 and pcna-90 failed to interact with Pol delta and Pol epsilon, respectively. In addition, pcna-90 was defective in interaction with the FEN-1 endo-exonuclease (RTH1 product). A loss of interaction between pcna-79 and the smallest subunit of Poldelta, the POL32 gene product, implicates this interaction in the observed defect with the polymerase. Neither PCNA mutant showed a defect in the interaction with replication factor C or in loading by this complex. Processivity of DNA synthesis by the mutant holoenzyme containing pcna-79 was unaffected on poly(dA) x oligo(dT) but was dramatically reduced on a natural template with secondary structure. A stem-loop structure with a 20-bp stem formed a virtually complete block for the holoenzyme containing pcna-79 but posed only a minor pause site for wild-type holoenzyme, indicating a function of the POL32 gene product in allowing replication past structural blocks.  相似文献   

Checkpoints prevent DNA replication or nuclear division when chromosomes are damaged. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DDC1 gene belongs to the RAD17, MEC3 and RAD24 epistasis group which, together with RAD9, is proposed to act at the beginning of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Ddc1p is periodically phosphorylated during unperturbed cell cycle and hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage. We demonstrate that Ddc1p interacts physically in vivo with Mec3p, and this interaction requires Rad17p. We also show that phosphorylation of Ddc1p depends on the key checkpoint protein Mec1p and also on Rad24p, Rad17p and Mec3p. This suggests that Mec1p might act together with the Rad24 group of proteins at an early step of the DNA damage checkpoint response. On the other hand, Ddc1p phosphorylation is independent of Rad53p and Rad9p. Moreover, while Ddc1p is required for Rad53p phosphorylation, it does not play any major role in the phosphorylation of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p, which requires RAD9 and MEC1. We suggest that Rad9p and Ddc1p might function in separated branches of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway, playing different roles in determining Mec1p activity and/or substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Specific activity of the intranuclear DNA polymerase in cdc-mutant cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was found to be characteristically changed by arrest in their specific stage of cell division cycle without a notable alteration in the total cellular activity. The activities were low in the nuclei of cdc 25, cdc 28 and cdc 4, which were arrested in early to mid G1 phase by temperature shift-up, and in the nuclei of wild-type cells (A364A), which were arrested in early G1 phase by alpha-factor treatment, while high level of the activity was found in the nuclei of cdc 7 and cdc 8, which were arrested at late G1 and S phase, respectively. Activity-gel analysis of DNA polymerase in the nuclear extracts revealed the presence of two active peptides (120K and 72K), and the characteristic decrease in both active peptides was induced by arrest in early to mid G1 phase. Consequently, it is strongly suggested that intranuclear DNA polymerase activity alters in a dependent fashion on progression of cell division cycle. Subunit analysis indicated that the purified DNA polymerase I is constructed from two subunit peptides of 120K and 62K, and the large subunit possesses catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Proliferating cell nuclear antigen and the checkpoint clamp Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 topologically encircle DNA and act as mobile platforms in the recruitment of proteins involved in DNA damage response and cell cycle regulation. To fulfill these vital cellular functions, both clamps need to be opened and loaded onto DNA by a clamp loader complex—a process, which involves disruption of the DNA clamp’s subunit interfaces. Herein, we compare the relative stabilities of the interfaces using the molecular mechanics Poisson−Boltzmann solvent accessible surface method. We identify the Rad9-Rad1 interface as the weakest and, therefore, most likely to open during clamp loading. We also delineate the dominant interface disruption pathways under external forces in multiple-trajectory steered molecular dynamics runs. We show that, similar to the case of protein folding, clamp opening may not proceed through a single interface breakdown mechanism. Instead, we identify an ensemble of opening pathways, some more prevalent than others, characterized by specific groups of contacts that differentially stabilize the regions of the interface and determine the spatial and temporal patterns of breakdown. In Rad9-Rad1-Hus1, the Rad9-Rad1 and Rad9-Hus1 interfaces share the same dominant unzipping pathway, whereas the Hus1-Rad1 interface is disrupted concertedly with no preferred directionality.  相似文献   

Guillet M  Boiteux S 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(11):2833-2841
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mutations in APN1, APN2 and either RAD1 or RAD10 genes are synthetic lethal. In fact, apn1 apn2 rad1 triple mutants can form microcolonies of approximately 300 cells. Expression of Nfo, the bacterial homologue of Apn1, suppresses the lethality. Turning off the expression of Nfo induces G(2)/M cell cycle arrest in an apn1 apn2 rad1 triple mutant. The activation of this checkpoint is RAD9 dependent and allows residual DNA repair. The Mus81/Mms4 complex was identified as one of these back-up repair activities. Furthermore, inactivation of Ntg1, Ntg2 and Ogg1 DNA N-glycosylase/AP lyases in the apn1 apn2 rad1 background delayed lethality, allowing the formation of minicolonies of approximately 10(5) cells. These results demonstrate that, under physiological conditions, endogenous DNA damage causes death in cells deficient in Apn1, Apn2 and Rad1/Rad10 proteins. We propose a model in which endogenous DNA abasic sites are converted into 3'-blocked single-strand breaks (SSBs) by DNA N-glycosylases/AP lyases. Therefore, we suggest that the essential and overlapping function of Apn1, Apn2, Rad1/Rad10 and Mus81/Mms4 is to repair 3'-blocked SSBs using their 3'-phosphodiesterase activity or their 3'-flap endonuclease activity, respectively.  相似文献   

A large form of DNA polymerase delta from HeLa cells was recently purified in this laboratory as a factor required for conservative DNA synthesis in a reconstituted system utilizing UV-irradiated permeabilized human diploid fibroblasts (Nishida, C., Reinhard, P., and Linn, S. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 501-510). We have now purified this form of the enzyme utilizing its polymerase activity and further characterized it. The enzyme activity sediments at 11.1 S in low salt and 6.8 S in high salt. In both cases, activity cosediments with the major visible peptide displayed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels which has an Mr of 215,000. This value is consistent with the molecular mass calculated from the sedimentation coefficient and gel filtration behavior in high salt. In low salt the apparent molecular mass was approximately double. The enzyme prefers poly(dA).oligo(dT) as template/primer in low salt, with which it has a processivity of several thousand nucleotides in 1 mM MgCl2. At isotonic KCl or potassium phosphate concentrations, the preferred template/primer is activated DNA. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen, also characterized as a DNA polymerase delta auxiliary protein, does not increase the activity of this preparation of the enzyme. An antibody to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen has no inhibitory effect, nor is it able to recognize any peptides in immunoblots of purified enzyme fractions. Under polymerizing conditions, the enzyme removes mismatched, but not matched nucleotides from the 3' terminus of oligo(dT) annealed to poly(dA) suggesting a proofreading function. The properties of this form of DNA polymerase delta distinguish it from other preparations reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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