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The HBx (X protein of hepatitis B virus) is a promiscuous transactivator implicated to play a key role in hepatocellular carcinoma. However, HBx-regulated molecular events leading to deregulation of cell cycle or establishment of a permissive environment for hepatocarcinogenesis are not fully understood. Our cell culture-based studies suggested that HBx had a profound effect on cell cycle progression even in the absence of serum. HBx presence led to an early and sustained level of cyclin-cdk2 complex during the cell cycle combined with increased protein kinase activity of cdk2 heralding an early proliferative signal. The increased cdk2 activity also led to an early proteasomal degradation of p27(Kip1) that could be reversed by HBx-specific RNA interference and blocked by a chemical inhibitor of cdk2 or the T187A mutant of p27. Further, our co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding studies with recombinant proteins suggested a direct interaction between HBx and the cyclin E/A-cdk2 complex. Interference with different signalling cascades known to be activated by HBx suggested a constitutive requirement of Src kinases for the association of HBx with these complexes. Notably, the HBx mutant that did not interact with cyclin E/A failed to destabilize p27(Kip1) or deregulate the cell cycle. Thus HBx appears to deregulate the cell cycle by interacting with the key cell cycle regulators independent of its well-established role in transactivation.  相似文献   

p45SKP2 promotes p27Kip1 degradation and induces S phase in quiescent cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The F-box protein p45SKP2 is the substrate-targeting subunit of the ubiquitin-protein ligase SCFSKP2 and is frequently overexpressed in transformed cells. Here we report that expression of p45SKP2 in untransformed fibroblasts activates DNA synthesis in cells that would otherwise growth-arrest. Expression of p45SKP2 in quiescent fibroblasts promotes p27Kip1 degradation, allows the generation of cyclin-A-dependent kinase activity and induces S phase. Coexpression of a degradation-resistant p27Kip1 mutant suppresses p45SKP2-induced cyclin-A-kinase activation and S-phase entry. We propose that p45SKP2 is important in the progression from quiescence to S phase and that the ability of p45SKP2 to promote p27Kip1 degradation is a key aspect of its S-phase-inducing function. In transformed cells, p45SKP2 may contribute to deregulated initiation of DNA replication by interfering with p27Kip1 function.  相似文献   

The transition from G1 phase to S phase of the mammalian cell cycle is controlled by many positive and negative regulators, among which cyclin E and p27Kip1, respectively, undergo the most marked changes in concentration at this transition. The abundance of both cyclin E and p27Kip1 is regulated predominantly by posttranslational mechanisms, in particular by proteolysis mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Cyclin E and p27Kip1 each bind to and undergo polyubiquitination by the same ubiquitin ligase, known as SCF(Skp2). The degradation of cyclin E and p27Kip1 is greatly impaired in Skp2-deficient mice, resulting in intracellular accumulation of these proteins. In this article, recent progress in characterization of the molecular mechanisms that control the proteolysis of cyclin E and p27Kip1 is reviewed.  相似文献   

Skp2 is well known as the F-box protein of the SCF(Skp2) x Roc1 complex targeting p27 for ubiquitylation. Skp2 also forms complexes with cyclin A, which is particularly abundant in cancer cells due to frequent Skp2 overexpression, but the mechanism and significance of this interaction remain unknown. Here, we report that Skp2-cyclin A interaction is mediated by novel interaction sequences on both Skp2 and cyclin A, distinguishing it from the well known RXL-hydrophobic patch interaction between cyclins and cyclin-binding proteins. Furthermore, a short peptide derived from the mapped cyclin A binding sequences of Skp2 can block Skp2-cyclin A interaction but not p27-cyclin A interaction, whereas a previously identified RXL peptide can block p27-cyclin A interaction but not Skp2-cyclin A interaction. Functionally, Skp2-cyclin A interaction is separable from Skp2 ability to mediate p27 ubiquitylation. Rather, Skp2-cyclin A interaction serves to directly protect cyclin A-Cdk2 from inhibition by p27 through competitive binding. Finally, we show that disruption of cyclin A binding with point mutations in the cyclin A binding domain of Skp2 compromises the ability of overexpressed Skp2 to counter cell cycle arrest by a p53/p21-mediated cell cycle checkpoint without affecting its ability to cause degradation of cellular p27 and p21. These findings reveal a new functional mechanism of Skp2 and a new regulatory mechanism of cyclin A.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway plays an important role in control of the abundance of cell cycle regulators. Mice lacking Skp2, an F-box protein and substrate recognition component of an Skp1-Cullin-F-box protein (SCF) ubiquitin ligase, were generated. Although Skp2(-/-) animals are viable, cells in the mutant mice contain markedly enlarged nuclei with polyploidy and multiple centrosomes, and show a reduced growth rate and increased apoptosis. Skp2(-/-) cells also exhibit increased accumulation of both cyclin E and p27(Kip1). The elimination of cyclin E during S and G(2) phases is impaired in Skp2(-/-) cells, resulting in loss of cyclin E periodicity. Biochemical studies showed that Skp2 interacts specifically with cyclin E and thereby promotes its ubiquitylation and degradation both in vivo and in vitro. These results suggest that specific degradation of cyclin E and p27(Kip1) is mediated by the SCF(Skp2) ubiquitin ligase complex, and that Skp2 may control chromosome replication and centrosome duplication by determining the abundance of cell cycle regulators.  相似文献   

p27 mediates Cdk2 inhibition and is also found in cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes. The present data support a role for p27 in the assembly of D-type cyclin-Cdk complexes and indicate that both cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 assembly and kinase activation are regulated by p27 phosphorylation. Prior work showed that p27 can be phosphorylated by protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt) at T157 and T198. Here we show that PKB activation and the appearance of p27pT157 and p27pT198 precede p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4 assembly in early G1. PI3K/PKB inhibition rapidly reduced p27pT157 and p27pT198 and dissociated cellular p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4. Mutant p27 allele products lacking phosphorylation at T157 and T198 bound poorly to cellular cyclin D1 and Cdk4. Cellular p27pT157 and p27pT198 coprecipitated with Cdk4 but were not detected in Cdk2 complexes. The addition of p27 to recombinant cyclin D1 and Cdk4 led to cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 complex formation in vitro. p27 phosphorylation by PKB increased p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4 assembly in vitro but yielded inactive Cdk4. In contrast, Src pretreatment of p27 did not affect p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4 complex formation. However, Src treatment led to tyrosine phosphorylation of p27 and catalytic activation of assembled cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 complexes. Thus, while PKB-dependent p27 phosphorylation appears to increase cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 assembly or stabilize these complexes in vitro, cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 activation requires the tyrosine phosphorylation of p27. Constitutive activation of PKB and Abl or Src family kinases in cancers would drive p27 phosphorylation, increase cyclin D1-Cdk4 assembly and activation, and reduce the cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitory function of p27. Combined therapy with both Src and PI3K/PKB inhibitors may reverse this process.  相似文献   

Tissue homeostasis requires precise control of cell proliferation and arrest in response to environmental cues. In situation such as wound healing, injured cells are stimulated to divide, but as soon as confluence is reached proliferation must be blocked. Such reversible cell cycle exit occurs in G1, requires pRb family members, and is driven by p27Kip1-dependent Cdk inactivation. This implies that, while dividing, cells should simultaneously prepare the exit once mitosis is accomplished. For a long time, the decision to cycle or not was presumed to occur in G1, prior to the restriction point, beyond which the cells were bound to divide even in the absence of mitogens, before finally arresting after mitosis. However, more recent reports suggested that the commitment to cycle in response to serum occurs already in G2 phase and requires the Ras-dependent induction of cyclin D1, which promotes following G1/S transition. To test whether this hypothesis applies to arrest induced by contact inhibition, we used an in vitro wounding model where quiescent human dermal fibroblasts, stimulated to proliferate by mechanical injury, synchronously exit cell cycle after mitosis due to renewed confluence. We show that this exit is preceded by p27-dependent inhibition of cyclin A-Cdk1/2, cyclin D1 downregulation and reduced pre-mitotic pRb pocket protein phosphorylation. Over-expression of cyclin D1 but not p27 depletion reversed this phenotype and compromised confluence-driven cell cycle exit. Thus, a balance between cyclin D1 and p27 may provide sensitive responses to variations in proliferative cues operating throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The members of the Rho GTPase family are well known for their regulation of actin cytoskeletal structures. In addition, they influence progression through the cell cycle. The RhoA and RhoC proteins regulate numerous effector proteins, with a central and vital signaling role mediated by the ROCK I and ROCK II serine/threonine kinases. The requirement for ROCK function in the proliferation of numerous cell types has been revealed by studies utilizing ROCK-selective inhibitors such as Y-27632. However, the mechanisms by which ROCK signaling promotes cell cycle progression have not been thoroughly characterized. Using a conditionally activated ROCK-estrogen receptor fusion protein, we found that ROCK activation is sufficient to stimulate G1/S cell cycle progression in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Further analysis revealed that ROCK acts via independent pathways to alter the levels of cell cycle regulatory proteins: cyclin D1 and p21(Cip1) elevation via Ras and the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, increased cyclin A via LIM kinase 2, and reduction of p27(Kip1) protein levels. Therefore, the influence of ROCK on cell cycle regulatory proteins occurs by multiple independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Whether p27 is a cyclin D-cdk4/6 inhibitor or not is controversial, and how it might switch between these two modes is unknown. Arguing for a two-state mechanism, we show that p27 bound to cyclin D-cdk4 can be both inhibitory and noninhibitory, due to its differential-growth-state-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation. We found that p27 from proliferating cells was noninhibitory but that p27 from arrested cells was inhibitory, and the transition from a bound noninhibitor to a bound inhibitor was not due to an increase in p27 concentration. Rather, two tyrosine residues (Y88 and Y89) in p27's cdk interaction domain were phosphorylated preferentially in proliferating cells, which converted p27 to a noninhibitor. Concordantly, mutation of these sites rendered p27 resistant to phosphorylation and locked it into the bound-inhibitor mode in vivo and in vitro. Y88 was directly phosphorylated in vitro by the tyrosine kinase Abl, which converted p27 to a cdk4-bound noninhibitor. These data show that the growth-state-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of p27 modulates its inhibitory activity in vivo.  相似文献   

In T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) NOTCH 1 receptors are frequently mutated. This leads to aberrantly high Notch signaling, but how this translates into deregulated cell cycle control and the transformed cell type is poorly understood. In this report, we analyze downstream responses resulting from the high level of NOTCH 1 signaling in T-ALL. Notch activity, measured immediately downstream of the NOTCH 1 receptor, is high, but expression of the canonical downstream Notch response genes HES 1 and HEY 2 is low both in primary cells from T-ALL patients and in T-ALL cell lines. This suggests that other immediate Notch downstream genes are activated, and we found that Notch signaling controls the levels of expression of the E3 ubiquitin ligase SKP2 and its target protein p27Kip1. We show that in T-ALL cell lines, recruitment of NOTCH 1 intracellular domain (ICD) to the SKP2 promoter was accompanied by high SKP2 and low p27Kip1 protein levels. In contrast, pharmacologically blocking Notch signaling reversed this situation and led to loss of NOTCH 1 ICD occupancy of the SKP2 promoter, decreased SKP2 and increased p27Kip1 expression. T-ALL cells show a rapid G1-S cell cycle transition, while blocked Notch signaling resulted in G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, also observed by transfection of p27Kip1 or, to a smaller extent, a dominant negative SKP2 allele. Collectively, our data suggest that the aberrantly high Notch signaling in T-ALL maintains SKP2 at a high level and reduces p27Kip1, leading to more rapid cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

IFN-alpha has presented antitumor effect in about 50% of carcinoid tumor patients, though the antitumor mechanism of IFN-alpha is still to be elucidated. In this study we demonstrated that IFN-alpha could result in accumulation of S-phase population and upregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CKI), p27. Moreover, IFN-alpha inhibits DNA synthesis assessed by [3H] thymidine incorporation and colony formation on soft agar. Immunodepletion of p27 increased CDK2- and cyclin E-associated kinase activities. These data suggest that IFN-alpha exerts its antiproliferative effects in the neuroendocrine differentiated cell lines by: 1) inhibition of DNA synthesis and colony formation, 2) upregulation on the mRNA and protein expressions of the CKI, p27.  相似文献   

DNA tumour viruses have evolved a number of mechanisms by which they deregulate normal cellular growth control. We have recently described the properties of a cyclin encoded by human herpesvirus 8 (also known as Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) which is able to resist the actions of p16(Ink4a), p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) cdk inhibitors. Here we investigate the mechanism involved in the subversion of a G1 blockade imposed by overexpression of p27(Kip1). We demonstrate that binding of K cyclin to cdk6 expands the substrate repertoire of this cdk to include a number of substrates phosphorylated by cyclin-cdk2 complexes but not cyclin D1-cdk6. Included amongst these substrates is p27(Kip1) which is phosphorylated on Thr187. Expression of K cyclin in mammalian cells leads to p27(Kip1) downregulation, this being consistent with previous studies indicating that phosphorylation of p27(Kip1) on Thr187 triggers its downregulation. K cyclin expression is not able to prevent a G1 arrest imposed by p27(Kip1) in which Thr187 is mutated to non-phosphorylatable Ala. These results imply that K cyclin is able to bypass a p27(Kip1)-imposed G1 arrest by facilitating phosphorylation and downregulation of p27(Kip1) to enable activation of endogenous cyclin-cdk2 complexes. The extension of the substrate repertoire of cdk6 by K cyclin is likely to contribute to the deregulation of cellular growth by this herpesvirus-encoded cyclin.  相似文献   

It is thought that environmental pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), contribute to human breast tumorigenesis, yet their roles remain incompletely elucidated. The prototypical PAH 7,12-dimethylbenz(alpha)anthracene (DMBA) specifically and effectively induces mammary tumor formation in rodent models. In an attempt to explore the molecular mechanisms by which PAH initiates and promotes mammary tumorigenesis, we examined the expression of several cell cycle regulators in rat mammary tumors induced by DMBA. Expression of cyclin D1, murine double minute-2 (MDM2), and Akt was up-regulated in tumors in comparison to normal mammary glands, as indicated by RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and immunohistochemical staining. Expression of p27Kip1 protein was also elevated in the tumors with increased cytoplasmic localization. However, RB protein remained hyperphosphorylated. To directly test the effects of DMBA, the MCF-7 human breast cancer cells were treated. DMBA induced MDM2 expression in a dose- and time-dependent fashion in the MCF-7 cells, and this activation appeared to be p53 dependent. These data suggest that activation of cyclin D1, MDM2, and AKT as well as increased expression and cytoplasmic localization of p27Kip1 may play a role in this model of environmental pollutant-induced mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

p27Kip1 is a critical modulator of cell proliferation by controlling assembly, localization and activity of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK). p27Kip1 also plays important roles in malignant transformation, modulating cell movement and interaction with the extracellular matrix. A critical p27Kip1 feature is the lack of a stable tertiary structure that enhances its “adaptability” to different interactors and explains the heterogeneity of its function. The absence of a well-defined folding underlines the importance of p27Kip1 post-translational modifications that might highly impact the protein functions. Here, we characterize the metabolism and CDK interaction of phosphoserine10-p27Kip1 (pS10- p27Kip1), the major phosphoisoform of p27Kip1. By an experimental strategy based on specific immunoprecipitation and bidimensional electrophoresis, we established that pS10-p27Kip1 is mainly bound to cyclin E/CDK2 rather than to cyclin A/CDK2. pS10- p27Kip1 is more stable than non-modified p27Kip1, since it is not (or scarcely) phosphorylated on T187, the post-translational modification required for p27Kip1 removal in the nucleus. pS10-p27Kip1 does not bind CDK1. The lack of this interaction might represent a mechanism for facilitating CDK1 activation and allowing mitosis completion. In conclusion, we suggest that nuclear p27Kip1 follows 2 almost independent pathways operating at different rates. One pathway involves threonine-187 and tyrosine phosphorylations and drives the protein toward its Skp2-dependent removal. The other involves serine-10 phosphorylation and results in the elongation of p27Kip1 half-life and specific CDK interactions. Thus, pS10-p27Kip1, due to its stability, might be thought as a major responsible for the p27Kip1-dependent arrest of cells in G1/G0 phase.  相似文献   

The cell cycle of cultured cells appears to be regulated by opposing actions of the cyclins together with their partners, the cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk), and their inhibitors (Cki). Consistent with this situation null mutations in the genes for cyclin D1 and Cki p27(Kip1) in mice give opposite phenotypes of dwarfism and gigantism. To test their genetic interactions, we generated mice nullizygous for both genes. Correction of cyclin D1 or p27 null to wild-type phenotypes was observed for many but not all traits. These included, for cyclin D1(-/-) mice, body weight, early lethality, retinal hypoplasia, and male aggressiveness and, for p27(-/-) mice, body weight, retinal hyperplasia, and embryo implantation. p27(-/-) traits that were not corrected were the aberrant estrus cycles, luteal cell proliferation, and susceptibility to pituitary tumors. This mutual correction of these phenotypes is the first genetic demonstration of the interaction of these inhibitory and stimulatory cell cycle-regulatory molecules in vivo. The molecular basis for the correction was analyzed in the neonatal retina. Retinal cellularity was rescued in the cyclin D1 null mouse by loss of p27 with only a partial restoration of phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (Rb) and Cdk4 activity but with a dramatic elevation of Cdk2 activity. Our data provide in vivo genetic validation of cell culture experiments that indicated that p27 acts as a negative regulator of cyclin E-Cdk2 activity and that it can be titrated away by cyclin D-Cdk4 complexes. It also supports the suggestion that the cyclin E/Cdk2 pathway can largely bypass Rb in regulating the cell cycle in vivo.  相似文献   

Enhanced intracellular iron levels are essential for proliferation of mammalian cells. If cells have entered S phase when iron is limiting, an adequate supply of deoxynucleotides cannot be maintained and the cells arrest with incompletely replicated DNA. In contrast, proliferating cells that are not in S phase, but have low iron pools, arrest in late G1. In this report the mechanism of iron-dependent G1 arrest in normal fibroblasts was investigated. Cells were synchronized in G0 by contact inhibition and serum deprivation. Addition of serum caused the cells to re-enter the cell cycle and enter S phase. However, if the cells were also treated with the iron chelator deferoxamine, S phase entry was blocked. This corresponded to elevated levels of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 and inhibition of CDK2 activity. Expression of other cell cycle regulatory proteins was not affected, including the induction of cyclins D1 and E. When the quiescent serum starved cells were supplemented with a readily usable form of iron in the absence of serum or any other growth factors, a significant population of the cells entered S phase. This was associated with downregulation of p27Kip1 and increased CDK2 activity. Using an IPTG-responsive construct to artificially raise p27Kip1 levels blocked the ability of iron supplementation to promote S phase entry. Thus it appears that p27Kip1 is a mediator of G1 arrest in iron depleted Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. We propose that this is part of an iron-sensitive checkpoint that functions to ensure that cells have sufficient iron pools to support DNA synthesis prior to entry into S phase.  相似文献   

Extracellular mitogen signal transduction is initiated by ligand binding to specific receptors of target cells. This causes a cellular response that frequently triggers the activation of tyrosine kinases. Non-receptor kinases like Src and Lyn can directly phosphorylate the Cdk inhibitor protein p27Kip1. Tyrosine phosphorylation can cause impaired Cdk-inhibitory activity and decreased stability of p27. In addition to these non-receptor tyrosine kinases, the receptor-associated tyrosine kinase Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) was recently identified to phosphorylate p27. JAK2 becomes activated through binding of various cytokines and growth factors to their corresponding receptors and can directly bind and selectively phosphorylate tyrosine residue 88 (Y88) of the Cdk inhibitor p27. This impairs Cdk inhibition by p27 and promotes its ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation. Via this mechanism, JAK2 can link cytokine and growth factor initiated signal transduction to p27 regulation, whereas oncogenes like JAK2V617F or BCR-Abl can use this mechanism to inactivate the Cdk inhibitor.  相似文献   

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