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Effects of different fuchsin analogs on the Feulgen reaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Feulgen reaction is used for cytophotometric quantitation of nuclear DNA. Schiff's reagents used in the Feulgen reaction usually are prepared from basic fuchsin, a variable mixture of four triaminotriphenylmethane analogs. The effect of the several fuchsin analogs on the quality of Schiff's staining of hydrolyzed DNA is not known. In this investigation Schiff's reagents prepared from relatively pure fuchsin analogs were used to determine whether different fuchsin analogs affect the absorbance of the Schiff's reagent-DNA complexes formed in solution. It has been determined that the complex formed by pararosaniline-Schiff's reagent and hydrolyzed DNA exhibits lower absorption than do corresponding complexes formed by Schiff's reagents prepared from magenta II or from new fuchsin.  相似文献   

A method is described for the simple and rapid formation of saturated fatty aldehydes from the corresponding acid chlorides. It is not suitable for the preparation of unsaturated aldehydes because of the partial reduction and positional and geometrical isomerization of the double bond in the chain.  相似文献   

Microelectrode method was applied to the study of the influence of sodium bile salts (BS), saponin and between-80 on the end-plate potentials (EPP) of m. sartorius of Rana ridibunda. Bile salts in a concentration of 10(-5) g/ml did not change these potentials significantly. With increase of the BS concentration up to 10(-4) g/ml the amplitude of EPP increased 1.5- 3 times. The action of these substances in a concentration up to 10(-3) g/ml caused similar, but more rapid, increase in the EPP amplitude, and then the amplitude decreased. Saponin and tween-80 were less efffective in their action on EPP, but evoked muscle contraction. It is suggested that an increase in the EPP amplitude as a result of the action of the mentioned agents was chiefly connected with stimulation of the acetylcholine release by the nerve terminals.  相似文献   

The study of sensitivity of luminous bacteria isolated from the Black and Azov seas to surfactants from various classes was carried out. It was shown that cationic surfactants had a strong inhibition effect on bacterial luminescence in contrast to anionic and in particular nonionic surfactants. To increase the luminous bacteria sensitivity to the action of OP-10 (nonionic surfactant) and ABS (anionic surfactant), which are widely used in industry, several approaches have been developed. They include modulation of bacterial sensitivity by the additives of cationic substances, use of luminous bacteria at a logarithmic stage of growth, realization of biotesting at low pH = 5.5. The use of these approaches allows to lower effective concentrations of OP-10 and ABS, which caused a decrease of bioluminescence by 50%, 3-200 times and opens perspectives for the use of the bioluminescent method to study these surfactants toxicity on the principle of biosensorics.  相似文献   

The effect of d-amphetamine, cocaine, caffeine, morphine, imipramine, phenobarbital, LSD-25, benactyzine, meprobamate, diazepam, chloridiazepoxide on the lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation of rats was investigated. D-amphetamine, cocaine, caffeine, morphine, imipramine decreased the threshold of selfstimulation. Meprobamate, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide failed to influence this index, but increase the intensity of self-stimulation during the threshold, the optimum and more than the optimum cirrent intensity. Benactyzine, LSD-25, phenobarbital decreased the threshold and increased the frequency of self-stimulation during all the current intensities. A comparative study of the above results showed the agents of the first group to exert a direct stimulating action on the positive reinforcement system. Tranquillizers activated this system due to their depressive action on the negative reinforcement system. Benactyzine, LSD-25, phenobarbital activated the system and depressed the system of negative reinforcement.  相似文献   

A procedure for detection of bacteria destructing cationic surface active substances (CSAS) was developed. The procedure is based on changing colour of pyrocatechin violet, an organic dye from geen-blue in the presence of a CSAS to red-brown in its absence. After application of pyrocatechin violet to bacterial macrocolonies grown on a synthetic medium with a CSAS as the only source of C red-brown zones developed around the colonies which was probably indicative of the CSAS biodestruction. 55 strains of bacteria destructing undecylpyridinium bromide, a CSAS were isolated from water of sewage purification plants. The study of their spectrum with respect to CSASs of different chemical structure revealed 6 bacterial strains capable of destructing all the nine test preparations. It was shown that biodestruction of the CSASs was associated with the long carbon chain and depended on the presence of the substitute in the aromatic ring and branching in the side chain. Therefore, the procedure provides screening of microbes destructing CSASs and may be used for rapid determination of biodestruction of CSASs with different chemical structures.  相似文献   

The mutagenic activity of 16 industrial nonionic surfactant samples has been investigated in Ames-test without metabolic activation and with the use of mouse liver microsomal fraction in vitro. The genotoxical estimation of their possible biodegradation products is given. The mutagenicity of a number of high molecular polyethylene glycoles related to nonionic surfactants is shown.  相似文献   

The study on the mutagenic activity of commercial synthetic cationic, anionic, amphoteric and nonionogenic surface active substances with antimicrobial properties demonstrated that they had no mutagenic effect on the microbial test systems, i.e. the histidine-deficient strains of Salmonella typhimurium on direct contact and under conditions of metabolic activation in vitro and in vivo. The cationoactive preparation B Kh-14 with the benzyl radical adjoining the nitrogen atom and linear hydrophobic C13H27 with the amide group having a pronounced antimicrobial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi showed no carcinogenic activity in the experiments with its long-term action on the urinary bladder mucosa and skin of rats, guinea-pigs and dogs.  相似文献   

Microorganisms destroying nonionogenic surfactants (NS) were selected. The isolated cultures were assigned to the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus. Biodestruction of 19 NS was studied in Erlenmeyer flasks with shaking and in the course of continuous cultivation. The rate of destruction was shown to depend on the chemical structure of a substance: block-copolymers of ethylene and propylene oxides were more resistant to the action of microorganisms. The results indicate that sewage waters containing NS (at an initial concentration of 50 to 500 mg/l) can be purified on local installations using microbial cultures or their complexes.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effect of cationic surfactants (CS), such as alkyl(C8H17-C18H37)dimethylbenzylammonium (I), alkyl(C8H17-C16H33)benzyltrimethylammonium (II), alkyl(C8H17-C16H33)di-beta-hydroxyethylbenzylammonium (III) chlorides and chlorhydrate of glycine decyl ester (IV) on the ATPase activity of E. coli 1257 cell, spheroplasts, and isolated membranes. Changes in the ATPase activity of the E. coli cells and spheroplasts were found to depends on the concentration and the structure of the cationic surfactants. The removal of the cell wall increased the destroying effect of CS on the cytoplasmic membranes and enhanced the ATPase inhibition. The compounds with 16 and 18 carbon atom radical had the highest inhibitory effect. The action of cationic surfactants on the membrane is accompanied by changes in the protein and phospholipid composition and by significant solubilization of ATPase with pronounced inactivation of the enzyme. The kinetics of inhibition of E. coli membrane ATPase was studied to the presence of the homological series I and IV. The cationic surfactants under study inhibited the ATP hydrolysis catalysed by E. coli ATPase by a mixed type mechanism. Ki = 58.21.10(-4) M for IC10H21; 10.67.10(-4) M for IC12H25; 0.58.10(-4) M for IC16H33; 0.16.10(-4) M for IC18H37, and 5.93.10(-4) M for IV.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive method for protein determination (0.5-16 micrograms) in samples of any volume containing various surfactants in concentration up to 1% is suggested. The method includes the protein acid denaturation, the solution of acid insoluble precipitate of detergent in ethanol (25-30%), the protein determination on nitrocellulose filter, dyeing by aminoblack 10 B, elution of dyed complex and colorimetric determination at 630 nm.  相似文献   

The effect of cholesterol incorporation into multilamellar egg lecithin liposomes on the liposomes sensitivity toward N-acyl derivatives of amino acids was examined. Free energy of intermolecular interaction between lecithin head groups in the bilayer is estimated as 3.8 ± 0.1 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

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