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资源异质性环境中的植物克隆生长;觅食竺为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
董鸣 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1996,38(10):828-835

异质性生境中的植物克隆生长:风险分摊   总被引:116,自引:13,他引:116       下载免费PDF全文
董鸣 《植物生态学报》1996,20(6):543-548
在异质生境中克隆生长使克隆分株处于不同的小生境中,从而将基株死亡风险以不同方式分摊。分摊有利于维持或提高基株适合度,因此,植物克隆生长被认为具有对小尺度生境异质性的生态对策性意义。拟—年生克隆草本Trientalis europaea对养分梯度的反应给出了基株风险分摊的实例。文中提出—个关于分株间连接维持时间对生境异质性反应的假说。  相似文献   

资源异质性环境中的植物克隆生长 :觅食行为   总被引:67,自引:1,他引:67  
植物行为(plantbehaviour)[1,2]和植物克隆生长(clonalgrowthinplants)[3~5]是欧美近年来新兴的两个生态学研究领域。他们的交叉部——克隆植物的觅食行为(foragingbehaviour)[6~8]研究的成果不断地发表在各种重要国际学术刊物上[5,6,8,9]。它主要探讨克隆植物在资源异质性分布的环境中获取需资源的生态对策[8,10]。它突破了传统的植物个体“固定着生”的观念,与其它克隆植物生态学研究结果一道丰富了主要在研究非克隆植物基础上建立的(尤其是关于个体及个体以上组织水平)生物学和生态学的理论。并且具有潜在的应用价值。1 植物克隆生长…  相似文献   

 采用样线法和点样法对鄂尔多斯风蚀沙化梁地上的植物进行了调查,研究了梁地上克隆植物的分布、克隆植物在群落中的重要性及其与群落物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明:1)在梁顶的典型草原植物群落和梁底的滩地盐生植物群落中克隆植物的物种丰富度较高,而在梁坡的沙生植物群落中较少,非克隆植物物种在梁顶出现频率较高,在梁坡和梁底较少;密集型克隆植物物种丰富度的变化与非克隆植物相同,游击型克隆植物在梁顶植物群落中没有出现,在梁坡群落中也很少,而在梁底的滩地中较多。2)梁底群落中克隆植物的重要值高于梁顶和梁坡群落中克隆植物的重要值,梁顶与梁坡群落中非克隆植物的重要值高于梁底群落中非克隆植物的重要值;在梁坡与梁底群落中,克隆植物的重要值都高于非克隆植物的重要值,而在梁顶群落中克隆植物与非克隆植物的重要值之间无差异;梁顶与梁坡群落中密集型克隆植物的重要值高于梁底群落中密集型克隆植物的重要值,而游击型克隆植物的重要值在梁底群落中较高;在梁顶与梁坡群落中,密集型克隆植物的重要值分别高于游击型克隆植物的重要值,而在梁底群落中,密集型克隆植物的重要值低于游击型克隆植物的重要值。3)梁顶的典型草原植物群落中,群落物种多样性随非克隆植物的重要值、克隆植物的重要值、密集型克隆植物的重要值的变化趋势相同,都为抛物线型。梁坡的沙生植物群落中,群落物种多样性与非克隆植物的重要值呈正相关,而分别与克隆植物和密集型克隆植物的重要值呈负相关。梁底的滩地盐生植物群落中,群落物种多样性与非克隆植物的重要值呈正相关,而与克隆植物和游击型克隆植物的重要值呈负相关。  相似文献   

湿地克隆植物的繁殖对策与生态适应性   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
湿地是地球上独特的生态系统,它是水陆交替的过渡带,而湿地植物为了适应这种特殊的环境,必须有其相应的生长格局(growthpattern)和繁殖对策(reproductivestrategy)。有些湿地植物具有密丛型的生态特点,这是对过湿的土壤和氧气供给不足环境的一种适应方式。随着有机质的不断积累,每年从分蘖节向上长出新枝,向下生长不定根,其分蘖节不断上移,以便从地表面上获得氧气,并使植物体免遭埋没,这样年复一年的生长,在地表面上形成了草丘。生殖是生物繁衍后代延续种族最基本的行为和过程,它不仅是…  相似文献   

植物克隆性的生态学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
克隆性(Clonality)是指生物在自然状况下自发地产生遗传结构相同的后代个体的生物学习性(Jackson et al.,1985;Stuefer et al.,2002),包括克隆生长(Clonal growth)和克隆生殖(Clonal reproduction)两大类(de Kroon & van Groenendael,1997)。克隆性普遍存在于植物界,以不同的比例分布在许多不同的分类单元中。  相似文献   

植物基因识别及克隆策略研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着基因组数据的积累,同时识别多个基因、解读其功能,正在成为揭示环境信号调控植物组织分化及器官形成分子机制必不可少的途径。我们从基因组水平、转录水平和蛋白质水平,回顾总结了识别发育及代谢相关基因、解读其功能的一般策略,讨论并比较了各主要策略的优缺点,并提出方法选择的一般原则。  相似文献   

生态学研究热点克隆植物生态学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过去人们都认为,除水螅和珊瑚等少数低等动物外,绝大多数动物的体细胞成熟后便失去了其全能性,因而在自然条件下,这些动物是不能自行克隆的。但自从1997年,英国科学家用绵羊的体细胞成功克隆绵羊“多利”以来,特别是此后又有不少科学家成功地对其它动物进行了克隆的事实,充分表明了人类在诱导、控制生物繁殖技术领域取得了长足进展,意义十分重大。动物的克隆是运用人工克隆技术而控制实现的个体的繁殖,因而克隆动物在严格意义上讲应当是动物的克隆。而这里所说的克隆植物却与上述截然不同。克隆植物是指在自然生境条件下,能通过营…  相似文献   

植物生长调节物质的研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
述评了近几年国内外在植物激素与植物体内信使的传递、植物激素与基因诱导和表达、植物生长物质的复合使用、新型植物生长物质的开发及植物激素对提高植物抗逆性的作用等方面的研究进展,并展望了植物生长物质的发展趋势。  相似文献   

生境异质性是自然生态系统的基本特征,植物生长的必需资源和环境胁迫因子均存在着复杂的时间和空间异质性。克隆植物是指在自然条件下具有克隆特性的植物,即可通过与母株相连的芽、根茎、分蘖或枝条等繁殖体产生无性繁殖的植物,这些繁殖体一旦定居便可成为潜在的独立个体。克隆植物具有独特的生境适应策略(如形态可塑性、克隆整合、克隆分工、觅食行为、风险分摊等),面对异质性的生境条件,它可以通过调整自身的生理和形态结构来适应异质生境。目前,对于克隆植物在异质生境适应行为的研究已有很多报道,然而系统性的归纳和总结尚有欠缺。综述了克隆植物在不同资源异质生境(光照、养分、水分)和不同胁迫生境(盐碱胁迫、风沙胁迫、重金属胁迫)下独特的适应对策。最后,针对克隆植物对异质生境的适应对策,进行了总结并对未来的重点研究方向提出建议:(1)时间异质性尺度上的考量;(2)异质性生境中生物因子的调控作用;(3)克隆植物入侵机制;(4)克隆植物在生态修复中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

滨海湿地是地球上脆弱的自然生态系统和重要的生物景观成分。采用植物区系谱、相关性分析、主坐标分析及聚类分析等方法,研究了中国不同地区滨海湿地植物区系性质及属分布区类型组成的类似关系。结果表明:中国不同地区滨海湿地植物属级分布类型所占的比例随着纬度降低,温带分布型呈递减趋势,热带分布型呈递增的特点,这与不同区系成分的生态特性和纬度梯度上的能量格局分布是一致的;不同滨海湿地植物区系Shannon-Weiner指数具显著差异(1.430-2.154),而Simpson指数无明显变化(0.662-0.842),区系间相关系数为0.369-0.989;通过聚类分析和主坐标分析获得的聚类树状图和最小生成树,可将9个滨海湿地划分为5个集合组,较为一致地揭示了植物区系的类似性和分布格局。多种分析方法对比结合能客观地反映植物区系中属分布区类型关系的类似性,可为多个滨海湿地区系地理分布类似性的比较提供有效依据和参考。  相似文献   

Many studies have chronicled the early development of vegetation in wetlands created as mitigation for wetland impacts; however, very few studies have followed the floristics of wetlands that are more than 10 years post-creation. This article reports the results of vegetation composition and structural analysis within eleven 20-yr-old created non-tidal, emergent wetlands. Vegetation and inundation were sampled in 173 plots within 11 wetlands during the 1992 and 1994 growing seasons. A drought occurred in 1993, thus analyses characterized vegetative response and included weighted average (weighted by the tolerance of the species to excess soil moisture), species richness, species composition, and life history strategy. Weighted average and species richness increased in 7 and 10 of the 11 sites, respectively. There was little change among most species including Typha latifolia and Scirpus cyperinus, the two species with highest importance values (IV). However, among the top 10 species ranked by IV, two aquatic species decreased and a facultative species increased. Only one of the 10 most important species, Eleocharis obtusa, was an annual and only one, Salix nigra, was a woody perennial and the IV of both species declined during the study. After 20 years, a transition from annual to perennial graminoid life histories is suggested; however, succession from emergent to shrub–scrub or forested wetland is not indicated.  相似文献   

从第五届国际湿地会议看湿地保护与研究趋势   总被引:56,自引:5,他引:56  
从第五届国际湿地会议看湿地保护与研究趋势王仁卿刘纯慧晁敏(山东大学生命科学院生物系,济南250100)WetlandConservationandAdvancesDerivedfromthefifthInternationalWetlandsConf...  相似文献   

This study compared the hydrology, physiochemistry, and amphibian biomass between a complex of created vernal pools and a complex of natural vernal pools in 2007 in central Ohio, United States. Hydrologic connectivity of surface water and groundwater differed between the natural and the created pool complexes. Surface inundation duration for created pools exceeded that of natural pools, although spring water depths were similar. Dissolved oxygen (p= 0.05) and hourly temperature (p= 0.00) were 1.2% and 1.1% higher, respectively, in the created pools, and conductivity was 1.5% higher (p= 0.00) in the natural pools. Amphibian dip net results found no significant difference in biomass between natural and created pools or family (hylid, ranid, and ambystomatid) biomass in both pool types. Amphibian families were evenly represented by both capture methods in the created wetlands; however, the distribution of families was not even in natural pools and the proportion of ranids was four times greater for samples obtained by funnel traps than dip netting. Eleven years after construction, the created vernal pools did not mimic natural pools in surface inundation and groundwater–surface water exchange, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature. The created pools are perched wetlands and are never likely to mimic reference pool hydrology. Dissolved oxygen and temperature differences are likely due to the separation of surface water and groundwater in the created pools. However, the created pools exhibited a higher taxa diversity than the natural pools due to a more even distribution of organisms between the three families.  相似文献   

Restoration of coastal plain depressions, a biologically significant and threatened wetland type of the southeastern United States, has received little systematic research. Within the context of an experimental project designed to evaluate several restoration approaches, we tested whether successful revegetation can be achieved by passive methods (recruitment from seed banks or seed dispersal) that allow for wetland "self-design" in response to hydrologic recovery. For 16 forested depressions that historically had been drained and altered, drainage ditches were plugged to reestablish natural ponding regimes, and the successional forest was harvested to open the sites and promote establishment of emergent wetland vegetation. We sampled seed bank and vegetation composition 1 year before restoration and monitored vegetation response for 3 years after. Following forest removal and ditch plugging, the restored wetlands quickly developed a dense cover of herbaceous plant species, of which roughly half were wetland species. Seed banks were a major source of wetland species for early revegetation. However, hydrologic recovery was slowed by a prolonged drought, which allowed nonwetland plant species to establish from seed banks and dispersal or to regrow after site harvest. Some nonwetland species were later suppressed by ponded conditions in the third year, but resprouting woody plants persisted and could alter the future trajectory of revegetation. Some characteristic wetland species were largely absent in the restored sites, indicating that passive methods may not fully replicate the composition of reference systems. Passive revegetation was partially successful, but regional droughts present inherent challenges to restoring depressional wetlands whose hydrologic regimes are strongly controlled by rainfall variability.  相似文献   

湖北省湿地药用植物资源初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从湖北省湿地的自然条件对湿地药和植物资源种类、药用价值和保护等方面作了初步介绍并探讨了药用植物的利用前景和存在的问题。  相似文献   

We examined the areal extent and changes in thefreshwater tidal wetlands along a 56.4 km and a80.6 km reach of the Delaware River between Chester,Pa. and Trenton, N.J. Most of the remainingfreshwater tidal wetlands of the Delaware River arefound along tributaries which drain the coastal plainof New Jersey. We identified polygons of marsh, mud,and open water using color infrared aerial photographyobtained at low tide in 1977 and 1978. Marsh polygonswere classified into either high marsh or low marshaccording to the dominant visual signature of thevegetation of each polygon, and placed in a geographicinformation system for subsequent analysis. The totalarea of marsh within the two reaches totaled 1416 ha,of which 71% was high marsh and 29% low marsh. Asite re-examination in 1997 and 1998 of marsh arearepresenting 32% of the total marsh area revealedthat, while the total area of wetland appears to haveremained constant, high marsh vegetation along thelower reaches of the tributaries has been replaced bylow marsh vegetation. The fraction of the sample thatwas low marsh increased from 9% in 1977–78 to 34% in1997/8.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地生态的特点及其合理开发利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
三江平原位于我国的东北角。北邻黑龙江南抵兴凯湖,东起乌苏里江,西到小兴安岭和张广才岭。按流域在,面积计算,土地总面积为1.088  相似文献   

The flux of materials across ecosystem boundaries has significant effects on recipient systems. Because of edge effects, seasonal wetlands in upland forest are good systems to explore these linkages. The purpose of this study was to examine flux of coarse particulate organic matter as litter fall into seasonal wetlands in Minnesota, and the relationship of this flux to development of mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti). We hypothesized that litter flux into seasonal wetlands was dominated by upland plant litter that was lower quality and slower to breakdown than wetland litter, and that development rate of mosquitoes reared on upland litter was less than those reared on wetland litter. Of total litter fall into the wetlands, 71% originated in upland forest. Carbon to nitrogen ratios differed between upland litter (mostly sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) leaves) and wetland litter (mostly black ash (Fraxinus nirgra) leaves), averaging 63.9 and 47.7, respectively over two years. Breakdown rate of black ash leaves was faster than upland leaves (k (day−1) = 0.00329 and 0.00156, respectively), based on the average between wetland margins and centers. Development of mosquito larvae fed black ash leaves was faster than larvae fed upland leaves. Our results demonstrate linkages between upland forests and seasonal wetlands through litter fall. The abundance of upland litter in the wetlands may influence litter breakdown and carbon assimilation by invertebrates. Wetlands receiving high amounts of upland versus wetland litter may be lower quality habitats for invertebrates that depend on detrital pools for their development.  相似文献   

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