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持续农业是生态农业的继续与发展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
持续农业是生态农业的继续与发展袁从,赵强基(江苏省农业科学院,南京210014)SustainableAgriculture—TheContinuationandDevelopmentofEcologicalAgriculture.¥YuanCongyi;ZhaoQiangji(JiangsuAcadenzyofAgriculturalSciences,Nanjing210014).ChineseJoumalofEcology,1993,12(2):13-15.Inlightoftheconditionofourcountry,thispaperintroducestheconceptsandcontentsofsustainablea-gricultureanditsquantitativeevaluationindices──sustainability,stability,equalityandharmonity(di-versity).Simplifiedsysteminput—outputequilibriumisusedtoestimatethedynamicsofsoilfertility.P  相似文献   

沈阳水资源保护与水质管理李秀鸿(沈阳环境科学研究所,110005)WaterResourceConscrvancyandWaterQualityControlinShenyang¥LiXiouhong(ShenyangInstituteofEnvironmentalscieilce,110005).(ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(5):45-48。Theoverallandlongtermimpactsofwaterresourceshortageandwaterpollutiononeconomicdevelop-ment,humanlifeandecologicalenvironmentinShenyangarediscussedinthispaper.Itispointedoutthatinordertosolvetheseproblems,areasonablecontrolpolicyandcorrespondingtechnologymustbeadoptedincombiningwiththedevelopmentandConservancyofexistin  相似文献   

生态农业与乡村经济持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态农业与乡村经济持续发展张壬午,计文瑛,孙鸿良(天津农业部环境保护研究所,300191)(中国农科院,北京100081)EcologicalAgricultureandSustainableDevelopmentofRuralEconomy¥.ZhangRenwu;JiWenying(Agro-environmentProteclionInstitute,Tianjin300191),SunHongliang(ChineseAcademyofAgriculturalScienccs,Beijing100081).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):19—20.ThispaperbrieflypresentsthecurrentdevelopmentofecologicalagricultureinChinaandcompareswiththe''sustainableagricultureandruraldevelopment''(SARD)putforwardbyFAO,China’ssustainablea-gricultureisnotonlyaningenious  相似文献   

我国南海海龟资源的调查与保护研究现状与展望王亚民(中华人民共和国农业部水产司,北京100026)AchievementandPerspectiveoftheResearchesonSoutbChinaSeaTurtleResourcesandProtectioninCbina¥WangYamin(DivisionofScienceandTechnology,DepartmentofFishery,People’sRepublicofChinaMinistryofAgriculture,Beijing100026).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(6):60-61.ThispaperintroducestheresearchesinfieldofSouthChinaSeaturtleresourcesandprotectioninChina.TherearefivespeciesseaturtlesinChina,about90%ofthemliveinSouthChinasea。During1959-1988,3184.Itseaturtlewerecatched(about  相似文献   

太湖地区持续农业的发展战略与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太湖地区持续农业的发展战略与对策杨林章,徐琪(中国科学院南京土壤研究所,210008)StrategiesforDevelopingSustainableAgricultureinTaiLakeRegion¥.YangLinzhang;XuQi(InstituteofSoilScience,AcademiaSinica,Nanjing,210008).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):27—28.problemsandchallengesfacedbyagriculturaldevelopmentinTaiLakeregion,oneofthemostindustrial-izedregionsinChinaarediscussedandstrategiesfordevelopingitssustainableagricultureareproposedinthispaper.Keywords:sustainableagriculture,TaiLakeregion.1关于持续农业(sustainableagriculture)近年来在一些地区由于不合理的利用土地资源,过  相似文献   

农业生态学在我国发展的回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农业生态学在我国发展的回顾与展望骆世明(华南农业大学,广州510642)ReviewandPerspectiveonDevelopmentofAgroecologyChina.¥LuoShiming(SouthChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Guangzhou510642).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):4-6.Inlastdecade,greatprogresshasbeenmadeintheteachingandresearchofagriculturalecologyinChi-na,butsomeobstaclesstillexistonhowtounderstandagroecology.Ifwecanrecognizethesocialde-mandofagroecologyanditspositioninagriculturalscienceandpayattentiontothedescription,assess-ment,experimentandanalysisofagroecosystemmodels,thequanti  相似文献   

持续农业与中国的生态农业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
持续农业与中国的生态农业李萍萍,章熙谷(南京农业大学农学系,210014)SustainableAgricultureandChina’sEcologicalAgriculture¥.LiPingping;ZhangXigu(NanjingAgricul-turalUniversity,210014).ChineseJournaJofEcolegy,1993,12(2):16-18.Thebackground,conceptandcharacteristicsofsustainableagriculturearediscussed,anditssimilaritiesanddifferencestoChina’secologicalagriculturearedescribed.It’sconsideredthatChina’secologicalagri-cultureisaconcretereflectionofsustainableagricultureandasuccessfulmodelforagriculturaldevelop-ment.Keywords:sustainableagricult  相似文献   

河南开封淀粉厂生态经济示范工程结构模型与投入产出模型的研究刘玉萃,赵伟(河南农业大学,郑州450002)StructuralModelandInput-OutputModelofEcolomicalDemonstrationProjectinKaifengStarchFac-toryofHenanProvince¥.LiuYucui;ZhaoWei(HenanAgriculturalUniwrsity,Zhengzhou450002).Chi-neseJourualofEcology,1993,12(2):61-65.Basedontheintegrityofsystemandrelationshipbetweenvarioussubsystemsandemployingtransitionalstructuralmodel,themultilevelgradientstructuresofsystemarefoundfromtemporalandspatialdimen-sions.Accordingtothedissipateandreproductivefeaturesofecosystemandus  相似文献   

大别山山核桃林植物组成与区系特征研究张旭东,黄成林(安徽农业大学,合肥230036)叶志琪(合肥林业学校,合肥230031)FloristiccompositionanditscharacteristicsofCaryacathayensisfore...  相似文献   

本文对沟稃草属Anisebytron Merrill的系统分类进行了初步的整理与修订。认为Aulacolepis Hackel(1907)(Neoaulacolepis S.Rauschert(1982)pro nom.nov.Aulacdepis)non C.v.Eitingshausen(1893)、Aniselytron Merrill(1910)与Anisachne Keng(1958)是  相似文献   

水青冈属(Fagus L.)在北温带呈间断分布, 已发现的丰富的第三纪化石为讨论其起源和演化提供了证据。该文采用泛生物地理学的轨迹分析方法对水青冈属的分布进行了研究, 试图分析水青冈属的分布格局, 进而讨论其进化问题。结果表明, 水青冈属在中国、日本、北美、欧洲的分布是完全间断的, 没有一个共有轨迹连接它们, 即使在毗邻的、且有植物亲缘关系的中国和日本, 也没有一个共有轨迹连接。完全间断的轨迹对分析水青冈属的起源、演化和扩散学说, 没有提供任何信息。仅有两条共有轨迹分别分布在中国东南部和日本, 分别代表了中国4种和日本3种水青冈属种类的连接, 说明水青冈属经历了漫长的历史演化, 扩散能力是有局限性的, 仅在分化和多样性中心进行了一些分化和演化, 整个属并未进行长距离的扩散, 或者长距离扩散早已销声匿迹了, 现代的分布格局完全是以间断为最主要特征的。间断分布的动力解释为古地中海西撤、青藏高原隆起、东亚季风活动等地质历史事件, 第三纪以来特别是第四纪冰期活动等气候波动, 以及水青冈属植物的生物学特性(特别是喜温喜湿)。  相似文献   

王献溥  李俊清   《广西植物》1996,16(3):251-258
水青冈林是北半球重要的森林类型之一,广泛分布在欧洲、北美和东亚的平原和山地.东亚拥有水青冈属植物种类最多,特别是在中国,但对它们研究较少,在林业上几乎还没有得到应有的利用.本文主要概略地介绍台湾拉拉山台湾水青冈林的群落学特点,并与广西越城岭的长柄水青冈林和光叶水青冈林作生态比较,为今后进一步开展水青冈林的研究提供一些参考资料.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of Salix species among the continents. There are about 526 species of Salix in the world, most of which are distributed in the Northern Hemisphere with only a few species in the Southern Hemisphere. In Asia, there are about 375 species, making up 71.29 percent of the total in the world, including 328 endemics; in Europe, about 114 species, 21.67 percent with 73 endemics; in North America, about 91 species, 17.3 percent with 71 endemics; in Africa, about 8 species, 1.5 percent, with 6 endemics. Only one species occurs in South America. Asia, Europe and North America have 8 species in common (excluding 4 cultivated species). There are 34 common species between Asia and Europe, 14 both between Europe and North America and between Asia and North America, 2 between Asia and Africa. Acording to the Continental Drift Theory, the natural circumstances which promoted speciation and protected newly originated and old species were created by the orogenic movement of the Himalayas in the middle and late Tertiary. Besides, the air temperature was a little higher in Asia than in Europe and North America (except its west part) and the dominant glaciers were mountainous in Asia during the glacial epoch in the Quaternary Period. Then willows of Europe moved southwards to Asia. During the interglacial period they moved in opposite direction. Such a to-and-fro willow migration between Asia and Europe and between and North America occurred so often that it resulted in the diversity of willow species in Asia. Those species of willows common among the continents belong to the Arctic flora. 2. The multistaminal willows are of the primitive group in Salix. Asia has 28 species of multistaminal willows, but Europe has only one which is also found in Asia. These 28 species are divided into two groups, “northern type” and “southern type”, according to morphology of the ovary. The boundary between the two forms in distribution is at 40°N. The multistaminal willows from south Asia, Africa and South America are very similar to each other and may have mutually communicated between these continents in the Middle or Late Cretaceous Period. The southern type willows in south Asia are similar to the North American multistaminal willows but a few species. The Asian southern type willows spreaded all over the continents of Europe, Asia and North America through the communication between them before the Quaternany Period. Nevertheless, it is possible that the willows growing in North America immigranted through the middle America from South America. The Asian northern type multistaminal willows may have originated during the ice period. The multistaminal willows are more closed to populars in features of sexual organs. They are more primitive than the willows with 1-3 stamens and the most primitive ones in the genus. 3. The center of origin and development of willows Based on the above discussion it is reasonable to say that the region between 20°-40°N in East Asia is the center of the origin and differentiation of multistaminal willows. It covers Southern and Southwestern China and northern Indo-China Pennisula.  相似文献   

反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)是苋属入侵种中发生频率最多、分布最广、危害最严重的杂草。基于反枝苋在世界范围内4 207个实际分布点及其对应的气候、地形和土壤3类要素28个环境因子的定量关系,利用主成分分析确定了影响其分布的主要环境因子,据此估测其中心可能分布区和最大可能分布区,并与实际分布点进行比较。结果表明:14个环境因子在决定反枝苋全球分布格局中起着重要作用。反枝苋中心分布区位于新西兰南部、澳大利亚东南部、南美洲北部少数地区、北美洲西北部及东南部部分地区、欧洲大部分地区和中国东南部,最大可能分布区位于南美洲中南部、北美洲大部分、非洲北部小部分、澳大利亚南部及北部少数区域、欧洲大部分地区和亚洲大部分地区及中国除西藏、青海、新疆、四川西部以外的地区。中心分布区的预测结果与实际分布点吻合较好,而最大分布区则过于广阔。  相似文献   

Deviacer guangxiensis Chen & Manchester sp. nov. is described based on asymmetric samaras from the Oligocene Ningming Formation in Guangxi, South China, representing the first documentation of Deviacer fossils in Asia. The Oligocene species, with relatively large fruits, represents the youngest record of the genus so far known; all other records are from the Paleocene and Eocene, or late Eocene—early Oligocene in western North America and Europe. It indicates that the extinct genus, Deviacer, was widely distributed in the northern hemisphere during the Paleogene.  相似文献   

Aim  Establishing possible relationships between the magnitudes of the glacial distribution of the European beech, Fagus sylvatica L., and its post-glacial spread.
Location  Europe.
Methods  A database of over 400 pollen records has been used to locate Fagus populations at the end of the last glacial and during the post-glacial in Europe and to assess the areal extent of their past distribution.
Results  The rate of late-glacial and post-glacial increase in the number of pollen sites where Fagus was locally present conforms well to a logistic model of population growth. This suggests that the area occupied by beech populations expanded exponentially from the glacial refugia for a duration of over 10,000 years, until about 3500 yr bp . In the past three millennia beech populations increased at a slower rate, tending towards an equilibrium value.
Main conclusions  The conformity of the increase in beech distribution to the classical logistic model of population growth indicates that: (1) a multiplicative biological process was the main factor shaping the pattern of the post-glacial expansion of F. sylvatica in Europe, (2) climate conditions, human activity and competition may have influenced its rate of spread, and (3) beech populations did not expand with a moving closed front, but with a diffuse spread from scattered nuclei. The distribution of Fagus in Europe at the end of the last glacial appears to have been of two orders of magnitude less extensive than at present. Pleistocene refugia were likely to have been a mosaic of sparse stands of small populations scattered in multiple regions. Fagus populations appear to have increased very slowly and to a moderate extent in southern Europe, where they are now declining slightly. The central European populations increased quickly and extensively, reaching northern Europe, and are now approaching their carrying capacity.  相似文献   

冻原丝瓜藓(Pohlia tundrae)在北美被首次描述,随后在欧洲中部、俄罗斯远东地区和西伯利亚西北部也相继报道。最近,作者在西藏林芝也发现了冻原丝瓜藓的分布。该文详细描述了冻原丝瓜藓的形态结构特征,提供了显微形态学照片,并对其生境、地理分布以及与相似种的形态学进行了比较讨论。凭证标本存放于中国农业大学标本馆(BAU)。  相似文献   

神农架地区米心水青冈-曼青冈群落的结构与格局研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
 米心水青冈(Fagus engleriana)-曼青冈(Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon)常绿落叶阔叶混交群落是神农架山地植被垂直带谱的重要类型。通过分析乔木层结构及优势种的分布格局,探讨群落的特点及动态。结果表明,群落乔木层可分为3个亚层:第一亚层落叶阔叶树种占优势,势树种为米心水青冈;第二及第三亚层以常绿树种为主,优势种为曼青冈。应用偏离指数、Lloyd的平均拥挤度和聚块性指数及Morisita指数,在8个尺度下对米心水青冈及曼青冈两种优势树种进行格局分析,发现两者总体上均为聚集分布,米心水青冈的聚集强度高于曼青冈。按1~4cm, 4~8cm及8cm以上3个径级对曼青冈分布格局进行比较,各径级间聚集强度相似,没有自疏现象。由于米心水青冈及曼青冈占据乔木层不同的高度,且均不缺乏更新贮备,因此形成稳定共存的群落。  相似文献   

Abstract. Using comprehensive range information of northern Hemisphere birds and mammals, we assessed the taxonomic diversity of these two groups in four different regions: Europe, east Asia, and western and eastern North America. East Asia is the richest region in the number of bird and mammal species, genera, families and orders, except that mammal species richness is highest in western North America. Eastern North America is taxonomically the poorest region, but when only forest-associated taxa were considered in mammals taxonomic diversity is equally low in Europe and in eastern North America, and in birds, Europe is the least diverse region. Patterns in endemic taxa follow overall taxonomic diversity. The proportion of shared taxa between regions is higher among boreal species and genera than among all taxa. A comparison with tree species diversity underpins the role of east Asia as the most diverse of all northern biota. Largely congruent patterns at different taxonomic levels emphasizes the role of historical processes, such as differential extinction rate in response to paleoenvironmental fluctuations, in producing these patterns, but we stress the need for more research on the coevolution of species diversity and habitat diversity.  相似文献   

In this paper new mitochondrial COI sequences of Common Barn Owl Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769) and Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763) from southern Chile are reported and compared with sequences from other parts of the World. The intraspecific genetic divergence (mean p-distance) was 4.6 to 5.5% for the Common Barn Owl in comparison with specimens from northern Europe and Australasia and 3.1% for the Short-eared Owl with respect to samples from north America, northern Europe and northern Asia. Phylogenetic analyses revealed three distinctive groups for the Common Barn Owl: (i) South America (Chile and Argentina) plus Central and North America, (ii) northern Europe and (iii) Australasia, and two distinctive groups for the Short-eared Owl: (i) South America (Chile and Argentina) and (ii) north America plus northern Europe and northern Asia. The level of genetic divergence observed in both species exceeds the upper limit of intraspecific comparisons reported previously for Strigiformes. Therefore, this suggests that further research is needed to assess the taxonomic status, particularly for the Chilean populations that, to date, have been identified as belonging to these species through traditional taxonomy.  相似文献   

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