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Zeng CL  Wang JB  Liu AH  Wu XM 《Annals of botany》2004,93(5):555-566
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seed coat morphology is known to be an excellent character for taxonomic and evolutionary studies, thus understanding its structure and development has been an important goal for biologists. This research aimed to identify the developmental differences of seed coats between amphidiploids and their putative parents in Brassica. METHODS: Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies were carried out on six species (12 accessions), three amphidiploids and their three diploid parents. KEY RESULTS: Twelve types of basic ornamentation patterns were recognized during the whole developmental process of the seed coat. Six types of seed coat patterns appeared in three accessions of Brassica rapa, five types in B. oleracea, B. nigra and B. carinata, seven types in B. napus, and eight types in B. juncea. There was less difference among seed coat patterns of the three accessions of B. rapa. The reticulate and blister types were two of the most common patterns during the development of seeds in the six species, the blister-pimple and the pimple-foveate patterns were characteristic of B. rapa, and the ruminate of B. oleracea and B. nigra. The development of seed coat pattern in amphidiploids varied complicatedly. Some accessions showed intermediate patterns between the two putative parents, while others resembled only one of the two parents. CONCLUSIONS: The variation in the patterns of seed coat development could be used to provide a new and more effective way to analyse the close relationship among amphidiploids and their ancestral parents.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is an amphidiploid species that originated from a spontaneous hybridisation of Brassica rapa L. (syn. campestris) and Brassica oleracea L., and contains the complete diploid chromosome sets of both parental genomes. The metaphase chromosomes of the highly homoeologous A genome of B. rapa and the C genome of B. oleracea cannot be reliably distinguished in B. napus because of their morphological similarity. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with 5S and 25S ribosomal DNA probes to prometaphase chromosomes, in combination with DAPI staining, allows more dependable identification of Brassica chromosomes. By comparing rDNA hybridisation and DAPI staining patterns from B. rapa and B. oleracea prometaphase chromosomes with those from B. napus, we were able to identify the putative homologues of B. napus chromosomes in the diploid chromosome sets of B. rapa and B. oleracea, respectively. In some cases, differences were observed between the rDNA hybridisation patterns of chromosomes in the diploid species and their putative homologue in B. napus, indicating locus losses or alterations in rDNA copy number. The ability to reliably identify A and C genome chromosomes in B. napus is discussed with respect to evolutionary and breeding aspects. Received: 13 July 2001 / Accepted: 23 August 2001  相似文献   

Pamela J. Ferrar 《Oecologia》1980,47(2):204-212
Summary The effects of temperature, radiation, water stress and humidity on net photosynthesis, transpiration and leaf resistances of the two savanna woody species, Grewia flavescens and Terminalia sericea were studied under controlled environmental conditions. Both species have developed morphological and physiological features resulting in low rates of transpiration even under non-stress conditions and are able to tolerate quite severe water stress. Grewia seemed particularly well adapted in this regard and prestressed plants of Grewia were able to photosynthesise down to leaf water potentials of-42 bars. The photosynthetic responses of both species to all the environmental parameters studied were predominantly under stomatal control. The mechanisms employed for maintaining production and conserving water are examined.This work was undertaken as part of the South African Savanna Ecosystem Project (SASEP) and was supported by a CSIR grant to Prof. C.F. Cresswell  相似文献   

The response of Brassica carinata hybrids and their parents to moisture stress at different growth stages was studied. B. carinata 226 was found to be susceptible to stress at pre-flowering and post-flowering stages while B. carinata 241 at flowering stage. Neither the changes in stomatal conductance nor in chlorophyll content could fully explain the reduction in net photosynthetic rate (PN) induced by stress. B. carinata 241 had higher leaf water potential (ψw) although, it had lower PN compared to B. carinata 226. Both the parents had lower PN as well as leaf ψw. The stress response of PN in hybrids followed that in their respective female parents. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Germination characteristics of native Japanese Taraxacum lineages of Taraxacum platycarpum (diploid), T. venustum (triploid and tetraploid), and T. albidum (pentaploid) have been studied at different temperatures. Taraxacum platycarpum ssp. hondoense is the putative diploid parent of T. venustum. Diploid T. platycarpum ssp. hondoense and the polyploids T. venustum and T. albidum are found in different areas of Japan, and distribution differences may reflect divergent ecological and physiological traits among ploidy levels. In this study, to prevent mixing of seeds of different polyploidy we used flow cytometry to examine the ploidy level of the plants from which seeds were collected. Results from seed-germination experiments showed that dependence on temperature of final percentage germination was qualitatively similar for both autopolyploids T. venustum and diploids T. platycarpum—germination was suppressed at high and low temperatures. It was also shown that seed germination of autopolyploids was suppressed more than that of the ancestral diploid at low temperatures and that seed germination for polyploids was higher than for the diploid. Threshold variations at low temperatures might affect the distribution of native dandelions. Taraxacum venustum, which occurs in cool climates, might have developed a distinctly lower germination threshold at low temperatures whereas T. albidum, which is native to warm climates, might have developed an adaptive threshold at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake measurements have shown that pressurized gas transport, resulting from the physical effect of thermo-osmosis of gases, improves oxygen supply to the roots of the seedlings in two alder speciesAlnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. andAlnus hirsuta (Spach) Rupr., which are both native in Japan. When gas transport conditions were established by irradiation of the tree stems the internal aeration was increased to a level nearly equal to the oxygen demand of the root system in leafless seedlings ofA. hirsuta, but was higher inA. japonica so that excess oxygen was excreted into the environment. An increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, which protects plants from toxic oxygen radicals and post-anoxic injury, has been observed in root tissues ofA. japonica when the seedlings were flooded for 3 days. The increase of SOD activity, in concert with high gas transport rates, may enable this tree species to grow in wet sites characterized by low oxygen partial pressure in the soil and by varying water tables. A less effective gas transport, flood-induced reduction of SOD activity in root tissues, and reduced height growth in waterlogged soil may be responsible for the fact thatA. hirsuta is unable to inhabit wettland sites.  相似文献   

The pigment composition of leaves from a number of different plant species collected from field sites in the region of Sheffield, UK, have been compared using high-performance liquid chromatography. Expression of pigment content per unit leaf area was dominated by variation in the total leaf chlorophyll. Neither chlorophyll per unit area nor the chlorophyll a/b ratio were found to be correlated with the habitat from which the plants originated. When the amounts of different carotenoids were expressed relative to the total carotenoid pool, it was found that whilst neither total carotene (α- +β-carotene) nor neoxanthin correlated with ability to grow in shade, the leaf content of both lutein and the total xanthophyll cycle carotenoids (zeaxanthin, anther-axanthin and violaxanthin) did, with lutein content being high in shade species and xanthophyll cycle intermediates low. There was a strong negative correlation between the relative amounts of each of these groups of carotenoids. The ratio of lutein to xanthophyll cycle carotenoids was strongly correlated to an index of shade tolerance.  相似文献   

M. Ashraf  S. Mehmood 《Plant and Soil》1990,121(2):203-209
Waterlogging tolerance of four Brassica species, Brassica campestris L., B. carinata A. Br., B. juncea (L.) Czern and Coss., and B. napus L. was assessed after 4 weeks growth in greenhouse at two waterlogging treatments, unflooded control soil, and fully waterlogged soil.Shoot fresh and dry biomass, in both mean and relative terms, was highest in B. juncea and lowest in B. napus at waterlogging treatment. B. carinata was as good as B. juncea in mean shoot fresh and dry matter but it had almost same relative shoot fresh matter as that in B. campestris, but was second highest in relative shoot dry weight.Waterlogging treatment caused a marked reduction in chlorophyll content in all four species but the species difference was not evident. However, B. juncea and B. napus had lower relative total chlorophyll than the other species.A marked increase in soluble protein content of B. juncea and a significant increase in total amino acids in B. carinata was observed under waterlogged conditions as compared to the other species.At the waterlogging regime, an increase in iron content in both shoots and roots was observed in all four species. B. juncea accumulated lower amount of iron in both shoots and roots as compared to the other species, whereas B. carinata had also lower iron in the roots. The species did not differ for shoot manganese content but B. carinata had significantly higher manganese in the roots as compared to the other species.  相似文献   

We evaluated survival percentage under salt stress in 46 diploid and tetraploid clones of rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana K.) with the aim of obtaining salt tolerant clones. Fifteen clones were selected at 600 mM NaCl under hydroponic conditions. Survival percentage of the selected clones ranged between 50–100% and 50–75% for diploid and tetraploid clones, respectively. Genetic diversity among the 15 salt-tolerant clones was assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). All tetraploid clones showed genetic diversity, whereas the diploid group included some genetically related clones. Clones tolerant at 600 mM NaCl and showed genetic diversity are proposed as parents for new synthetic varieties of each rhodesgrass ploidy.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (AACC genome) is an important oilseed crop that was formed by the fusion of the diploids B. rapa (AA) and B. oleracea (CC). The complete genomic sequence of the Brassica A genome will be available soon from the B. rapa genome sequencing project, but it is not clear how informative the A genome sequence in B. rapa (A(r)) will be for predicting the structure and function of the A subgenome in the allotetraploid Brassica species B. napus (A(n)). In this paper, we report the results of structural and functional comparative mapping between the A subgenomes of B. napus and B. rapa based on genetic maps that were anchored with bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs)-sequence of B. rapa. We identified segmental conservation that represented by syntenic blocks in over one third of the A genome; meanwhile, comparative mapping of quantitative trait loci for seed quality traits identified a dozen homologous regions with conserved function in the A genome of the two species. However, several genomic rearrangement events, such as inversions, intra- and inter-chromosomal translocations, were also observed, covering totally at least 5% of the A genome, between allotetraploid B. napus and diploid B. rapa. Based on these results, the A genomes of B. rapa and B. napus are mostly functionally conserved, but caution will be necessary in applying the full sequence data from B. rapa to the B. napus as a result of genomic rearrangements in the A genome between the two species.  相似文献   

An open gas exchange system was used to monitor the nonsteady state and steady state changes in nitrogenase activity (H2 evolution in N2:O2 and Ar:O2) and respiration (CO2 evolution) in attached, excised, and sliced nodules of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) exposed to external pO2 of 5 to 100%. In attached nodules, increases in external pO2 in steps of 10 or 20% resulted in sharp declines in the rates of H2 and CO2 evolution. Recovery of these rates to values equal to or greater than their initial rates occurred within 10 to 60 minutes of exposure to the higher pO2. Recovery was more rapid at higher initial pO2 and in Ar:O2 compared to N2:O2. Sequential 10% increments in pO2 to 100% O2 resulted in rates of H2 evolution which were 1.4 to 1.7 times the steady state rate at 20% O2 in Ar. This was attributed to a relief at high pO2 from the 40% decline in nitrogenase activity that was induced by Ar at a pO2 of 20%. Changes in nodule respiration rate could not account for the nodules' ability to adjust to high external pO2, supporting the hypothesis that soybean nodules have a variable barrier to O2 diffusion which responds slowly (within minutes) to changes in pO2. Nodule excision and slicing resulted in 45 and 78% declines, respectively, in total specific nitrogenase activity at 20% O2. In contrast with the result obtained with intact nodules, subsequent 10% increases in pO2 in Ar:O2 did not result in transient declines in H2 evolution rates, but in the rapid attainment of new steady state rates. Also, distinct optima in nitrogenase activity were observed at about 60% O2. These results were consistent with an increase in the diffusive resistance of the nodule cortex following nodule excision or nodule slicing. This work also shows the importance of using intact plants and continuous measurements of gas exchange in studies of O2 diffusion and nitrogenase activity in legume nodules.  相似文献   

The temperature responses for growth and survival have been experimentally tested for 6 species of the green algal genusCladophora (Chlorophyceae; Cladophorales) (all isolated from Roscoff, Brittany, France, one also from Connecticut, USA), selected from 4 distribution groups, in order to determine which phase in the annual temperature regime might prevent the spread of a species beyond its present latitudinal range on the N. Atlantic coasts. For five species geographic limits could be specifically defined as due to a growth limit in the growing season or to a lethal limit in the adverse season. These species were: (1)C. coelothrix (Amphiatlantic tropical to warm temperate), with a northern boundary on the European coasts formed by a summer growth limit near the 12°C August isotherm. On the American coasts sea temperatures should allow its occurrence further north. (2)C. vagabunda (Amphiatlantic tropical to temperate), with a northern boundary formed by a summer growth limit near the 15°C August isotherm on both sides of the Atlantic. (3)C. dalmatica, as forC. vagabunda. (4)C. hutchinsiae (Mediterranean-Atlantic warm temperate), with a northern boundary formed by a summer growth limit near the 12°C August isotherm, and possibly also a winter lethal limit near the 6°C February isotherm; and a southern boundary formed by a southern lethal limit near the 26°C August isotherm. It is absent from the warm temperate American coast because its lethal limits, 5° and 30°C, are regularly reached there. (5) Preliminary data forC. rupestris (Amphiatlantic temperate), suggest the southeastern boundary on the African coast to be a summer lethal limit near the 26°C August isotherm; the southwestern boundary on the American coast lies on the 20°C August isotherm. For one species,C. albida, the experimental growth and survival range was wider than expected from its geographic distribution, and reasons to account for this are suggested.Paper presented at the Seaweed Biogeography Workshop of the International Working Group on Seaweed Biogeography, held from 3–7 April, 1984 at the Department of Marine Biology, University of Groningen (The Netherlands). Convenor: C. van den Hoek.  相似文献   

Resource allocation, as well as the tradeoffs among different reproductive components, plays an important role in the adaptability of plants to different environments. The hybrid may exhibit a higher adaptability in life history in heterogeneous environments because of the genetic variation derived from its parents. In this study, we exploited three levels of water depths and two types of sediments to investigate the resource allocation pattern of the first generation of the natural hybrid Potamogeton ×intortifolius compared to its parents P. wrightii and P. perfoliatus. We also measured the ramet survivorship and the seed set of the hybrid P. ×intortifolius. Our results showed that P. ×intortifolius had higher ramet survival than its parents at 1.5-m water depth on clay sediment. The possible tradeoffs showed that in P. ×intortifolius the tradeoff pattern between sexual and clonal reproduction was more pronounced in limiting environments. The individuals allocated more resources to sexual reproduction when the environment was limiting, which might confer a higher ability to utilize resources, to produce offspring and to found new populations. Although the seed set of P. ×intortifolius was lower than its parents, it had a higher ability to increase its seed set when the environment was limiting (sandy sediment) than its parents, which might benefit its future survival. These results indicated that the F1 hybrid P. ×intortifolius was more able to adapt to limiting environments than one or both of its two parental taxa.  相似文献   

Exposure to ozone (O(3)) may affect vegetative and reproductive development, although the consequences for yield depend on the effectiveness of the compensatory processes induced. This study examined the impact on reproductive development of exposing Brassica campestris (Wisconsin Fast Plants) to ozone during vegetative growth. Plants were exposed to 70 ppb ozone for 2 d during late vegetative growth or 10 d spanning most of the vegetative phase. Effects on gas exchange, vegetative growth, reproductive development and seed yield were determined. Impacts on gas exchange and foliar injury were related to pre-exposure stomatal conductance. Exposure for 2 d had no effect on growth or reproductive characteristics, whereas 10-d exposure reduced vegetative growth and reproductive site number on the terminal raceme. Mature seed number and weight per pod and per plant were unaffected because seed abortion was reduced. The observation that mature seed yield per plant was unaffected by exposure during the vegetative phase, despite adverse effects on physiological, vegetative and reproductive processes, shows that indeterminate species such as B. campestris possess sufficient compensatory flexibility to avoid reductions in seed production.  相似文献   

The long-chain components of 75 strains of mycobacteria, cultivated from Mycobacterium leprae-infected or non-infected armadillos, and of eight clinical and 15 environmental isolates of M. gordonae, were compared. Four major groups could be distinguished based on the presence of 10-methyloctadecanoic (tuberculostearic) and 2-methyl 3-hydroxyeicosanoic acids and secondary alcohols (2-octadecanol and 2-eicosanol). Some heterogeneity was found in strains assigned to M. gordonae: the characteristic absence of tuberculostearic acid and secondary alcohols and the presence of the branched C14 and the hydroxylated C20 acids were seen in only 34 of the 49 strains studied. Three strains were identified as M. malmoense, one as M. kansasii, ten as belonging to the M. avium-M. intracellulare-M. scrofulaceum complex and eight as belonging to new groups of armadillo-derived mycobacteria (ADM 1, ADM 2 and ADM 3) by conventional bacteriological tests and fatty acid compositions, though M. malmoense was heterogeneous in its fatty acids composition. Four strains, identified as M. avium by conventional tests, differed from this species by their fatty acid compositions. Thirteen strains showed some similarity to M. simiae and ten strains differed from all other known mycobacteria.  相似文献   

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