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An  L. Z.  Liu  G. X.  Zhang  M. X.  Chen  T.  Liu  Y. H.  Feng  H. Y.  Xu  S. J.  Qiang  W. Y.  Wang  X. L. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2004,51(5):658-662
Cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L., cv. Jingchun 3) were grown in a greenhouse under PAR illumination of 400–600 mol/(m2 s) at 30/15°C (day/night) temperature. Two enhanced biologically effective UV-B radiation levels per day were applied: 8.82 kJ/m2 (T1) and 12.6 kJ/m2 (T2). Cucumber seedlings were irradiated 7 h per day for 25 days under T1 and T2. A comparative study of growth, membrane permeability, and polyamine content in cucumber leaves under T1 and T2 treatments was conducted. UV-B radiation resulted in the dose-dependent decrease in leaf area, dry weight of foliage, and plant height. The T1 and T2 treatments caused an increase in the contents of putrescine, spermine, and spermidine. However, the total polyamine content declined slightly when electrolyte leakage increased dramatically on the 18th day of treatment, especially after T2 treatment. It can be concluded that polyamine accumulation in the cucumber leaves is an adaptive mechanism to the stress caused by UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

Cotyledons excised from dark-grown seedlings of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were cultured in vitro under UV radiation at different wavelengths, obtained by passage of light through cut-off filters with different transmittance properties. Growth and the synthesis of chlorophyll (Chl) in cotyledons were inhibited and malondialdehyde was accumulated upon irradiation at wavelengths below 320 nm. Exogenous application of scavengers of free radicals reversed the growth inhibition induced by UV-B. Measurement of the fluorescence of Chl a suggested that electron transfer in photosystems was affected by UV-B irradiation. On the basis of these results, the involvement is postulated of active species of oxygen in damages to thylakoid membranes and the growth inhibition that are induced by UV-B irradiation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Fm maximal fluorescence (dark) - Fm maximal fluorescence (light) - Fv variable fluorescence (dark) - Fv variable fluorescence (light) - MDA malondialdehyde - O2 Superoxide radical - PS photosystem - qN non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence - qP photochemical quenching of fluorescence - UV-BBE biologically effective UV-B radiation - WL(T = 0.5) wavelength at which 50% transmittance occurs  相似文献   

Hypocotyl elongation responses to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation were investigated in glasshouse studies of de-etiolated seedlings of a long-hypocotyl mutant ( lh ) of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) deficient in stable phytochrome, its near isogenic wild type (WT), and a commercial cucumber hybrid (cv. Burpless). A single 6- or 8-h exposure to UV-B applied against a background of white light inhibited hypocotyl elongation rate by ca 50% in lh and WT seedlings. This effect was not accompanied by a reduction in cotyledon area expansion or dry matter accumulation. Plants recovered rapidly from inhibition and it was possible to stimulate hypocotyl elongation in plants exposed to UV-B by application of gibberellic acid. In all genotypes inhibition of elongation was mainly a consequence of UV-B perceived by the cotyledons; covering the apex and hypocotyl with a filter that excluded UV-B failed to prevent inhibition. These results indicate that reduced elongation does not result from assimilate limitation or direct damage to the apical meristem or elongating cells, and strongly suggest that it is a true photomorphogenic response to UV-B. The fact that UV-B fluences used were very low in relation to total visible light, and the similarity in the responses of lh and wild-type plants, are consistent with the hypothesis that UV-B acts through a specific photoreceptor. It is argued that, given the weak correlation between UV-B and visible-light levels in most natural conditions, the UV-B receptor may play an important sensory function providing information to the plant that cannot be derived from light signals perceived by phytochrome or blue/UV-A sensors.  相似文献   

The behaviour of endogenous Mn2+ was studied by electron spin resonance spectro-scopy during benzyladenine-induced growth of excised cucumber ( Cucumis sativis L. cv. Long green) cotyledons. The level of endogenous Mn2+ was decreased by ben-zyladenine treatment, most pronounced after 96 h. MnCl2 applied alone promoted chlorophyll synthesis at relatively low concentrations but in the presence of ben-zyladenine higher concentrations of MnCl2 were required for stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis. A pronounced increase in growth was observed when Mn2+ was applied with benzyladenine at 96 h, when the decline in the endogenous level of paramagnetic Mn2+ was maximal.  相似文献   

The effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B between 290 and 320 nm) on photosynthesis and growth characteristics were investigated in field grown cassava (Manihot esculentum Crantz). Plants were grown at ambient and ambient plus a 5.5kJ m?2 d?1 supplementation of UV-B radiation for 95 d. The supplemental UV-B fluence used in this experiment simulated a 15% depletion in stratospheric ozone at the equator (0°N). Carbon dioxide exchange, oxygen evolution, and the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) were determined for fully expanded leaves after 64–76 d of UV-B exposure. AH plants were harvested after 95 d of UV-B exposure, assayed for chlorophyll and UV-B absorbing compounds, and separated into leaves, petioles, stems and roots. Exposure to UV-B radiation had no effect on in situ rates of photosynthesis or dark respiration. No difference in the concentration of UV-B absorbing compounds was observed between treatments. A 2-d daytime diurnal comparison of Fv to Fm ratios indicated a significant decline in Fv/Fm ratios and a subsequent increase in photoinhibition under enhanced UV-B radiation if temperature or PPF exceeded 35°C or 1800μmol m?2 s?1, respectively. However, UV-B effects on fluorescence kinetics appeared to be temporal since maximal photosynthetic rates as determined by oxygen evolution at saturated CO2 and PPF remained unchanged. Although total biomass was unaltered with UV-B exposure, alterations in the growth characteristics of cassava grown with supplemental UV-B radiation are consistent with auxin destruction and reduced apical dominance. Changes in growth included an alteration of biomass partitioning with a significant increase in shoot/root ratio noted for plants receiving supplemental UV-B radiation. The increase in shoot/root ratio was due primarily to a significant decrease in root weight (–32%) with UV-B exposure. Because root production determines the harvest-able portion of cassava, UV-B radiation may still influence the yield of an important tropical agronomic species, even though photosynthesis and total dry biomass may not be directly affected.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of solar ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B; 280–315 nm) on the growth of Colobanthus quitensis plants by placing them under contrasting UV‐B filters at Palmer Station, along the Antarctic Peninsula. The filters reduced diurnal biologically effective UV‐B (UV‐BBE) either by 83% (‘reduced UV‐B’) or by 12% (‘near‐ambient UV‐B’) over the 63 day experiment (7 November 1998–8 January 1999). Ozone column depletion averaged 17% during the experiment. Relative growth and net assimilation rates of plants exposed to near‐ambient UV‐B were 30 and 20% lower, respectively, than those of plants exposed to reduced UV‐B. The former plants produced 29% less total biomass, as a result of containing 54% less aboveground biomass. These reductions in aboveground biomass were mainly the result of a 45% reduction in shoot biomass, and a 31% reduction in reproductive biomass. Reductions in shoot biomass were owing to an 18% reduction in branch production by main shoots, while reductions in reproductive biomass were the result of a 19% reduction in individual capsule mass. Total plant leaf area was reduced by 19% under near‐ambient UV‐B, although total leaf biomass was unaffected because leaves had a greater specific leaf mass. The reduction in plant leaf area under near‐ambient UV‐B was attributable to: (1) production of 11% fewer leaves per main shoot system and plant, which resulted from an 18% reduction in branch production by main shoots. Leaf production per individual main shoot or branch was not affected; (2) shorter leaf longevity—main shoots contained 14% fewer green leaves at a given time; and (3) smaller individual leaves—leaf elongation rates were 14% slower and mature leaves were 13% shorter.  相似文献   

The effect of cinnamic acid on in vivo nitrate reductase activity and protein content in cucumber cotyledons was studied. Cinnamate increased in vivo nitrate reductase activity and also the total protein content at lower concentrations (0.01–0.1 mM). Higher concentration, however, proved inhibitory. The effect of cinnamate on nitrate reductase activity has been discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of UV-B radiation on photosynthesis and growth of terrestrial plants   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The photosynthetic apparatus of some plant species appears to be well-protected from direct damage from UV-B radiation. Leaf optical properties of these species apparently minimizes exposure of sensitive targets to UV-B radiation. However, damage by UV-B radiation to Photosystem II and Rubisco has also been reported. Secondary effects of this damage may include reductions in photosynthetic capacity, RuBP regeneration and quantum yield. Furthermore, UV-B radiation may decrease the penetration of PAR, reduce photosynthetic and accessory pigments, impair stomatal function and alter canopy morphology, and thus indirectly retard photosynthetic carbon assimilation. Subsequently, UV-B radiation may limit productivity in many plant species. In addition to variability in sensitivity to UV-B radiation, the effects of UV-B radiation are further confounded by other environmental factors such as CO2, temperature, light and water or nutrient availability. Therefore, we need a better understanding of the mechanisms of tolerance to UV-B radiation and of the interaction between UV-B and other environmental factors in order to adequately assess the probable consequences of a change in solar radiation.Abbreviations Amax light and CO2 saturated rate of oxygen evolution - Ci internal CO2 concentration - Fv/Fm ratio of variable to total fluorescence yield - PAR photosynthetically active radiation (400–700 nm) - PS II Photosystem II - app apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis - SLW specific leaf weight - UV-B ultraviolet-B radiation between 290–320 nm  相似文献   

Regulation by the active form of phytochrome (PFR) and the effect of Ca2+ was examined with nitrate reductase (NR) in etiolated cucumber ( Cucumis sativus cv. Beilpuig). Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was studied in excised cotyledons of cucumber seedlings grown in distilled water and in darkness for seven days at 24 ± 0.5°C. All experiments were performed in the dark and a dim green safelight was used during analyses. In etiolated cucumber cotyledons NRA was induced by nitrate and a brief irradiation (15 min) with red light (R) resulted in 62% increase in NRA. This effect was nullified when R was followed immediately by a brief (5 min) far-red light (FR). NRA also showed a semidian (12 h) rhythmicity. Both PFR, and nitrate effects were age dependent. Calcium seemed to be involved since the phytochrome effect was only observed when calcium was supplied in the external solution. The effect of R on NRA depended on the period of calcium nitrate incubation. An external supply of calcium ionophore mimicked the effect of R and, if supplied to R-irradiated cotyledons, produced a higher NR level than that caused by R alone. This suggested that intracellular free calcium was involved.  相似文献   

The activity of NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH, EC was investigated during the post-germinative growth of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Marketmore) seedlings. Isoelectric focusing showed the presence of several isoenzymes, two of which represented 70–80% of the total NADP+-ICDH activity in cotyledons of seedlings grown in the dark. They had pI values between 4.8 and 5.8. The isoenzyme with higher pI was purified to homogeneity by hydrophobic interaction, affinity, hydroxylapatite and anion exchange chromatography. The purified isoenzyme is a dimeric protein, consisting of two apparently identical 43-kDa subunits. It is specific for NADP+, inhibited by ATP and by 2-oxoglutarate, whereas it is not inhibited by citrate, succinate, and glyoxylate. The data indicate that NADP+-ICDH from cucumber is structurally similar to ICDHs from other plants, but it shows some peculiar biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of a short red light pulse followed by prolonged dark incubation on chlorophyll accumulation in etiolated cucumber cotyledons ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Elem) was reflected in the development of the internal membrane system of the mesophyll plastids. Dark incubation for 24 h after phytochrome activation produced the characteristic accelerating effect OB chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast development. However, longer intervening dark periods (48, 72 and 96 h) before white light exposure resulted not only in a diminished capacity to concentrate chlorophyll, but also in an impaired ability to form grana. The absence of stacking was consistent with a high chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b ratio.  相似文献   

The influence of solar UV-A and UV-B radiation at Beltsville, Maryland, on growth and flavonoid content in four cultivars of Cucumis sativus L. (Ashley, Poinsett, Marketmore, and Salad Bush cucumber) was examined during the summers of 1994 and 1995. Plants were grown from seed in UV exclusion chambers consisting of UV-transmitting Plexiglas, lined with Llumar to exclude UV-A and UV-B, polyester to exclude UV-B, or cellulose acetate to transmit UV-A and UV-B. Despite previously determined differences in sensitivity to supplemental UV-B radiation, all four cultivars responded similarly to UV-B exclusion treatment. After 19–21 days, the four cultivars grown in the absence of solar UV-B (polyester) had an average of 34, 55, and 40% greater biomass of leaves, stems, and roots, respectively, 27% greater stem height, and 35% greater leaf area than those grown under ambient UV-B (cellulose acetate). Plants protected from UV-A radiation as well (Llumar) showed an additional 14 and 22% average increase, respectively, in biomass of leaves and stems, and a 22 and 19% average increase, respectively, in stem elongation and leaf area over those grown under polyester. These findings demonstrate the extreme sensitivity of cucumber not only to present levels of UV-B but also to UV-A and suggest that even small changes in ozone depletion may have important biological consequences for certain plant species.  相似文献   

Direct evidence for the possible loss of photosystem II (PS II) activity in chloroplasts of Vigna sinensis L. cv. Walp after ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–320 nm) radiation treatment was provided by polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of PS II polypeptides. A 30 min UV-B treatment of chloroplasts caused a 50% loss of PS II activity. The artificial electron donor. Mn2+ failed to restore UV-B radiation induced loss of PS II activity, while diphenyl carbazide (DPC) and NH2OH only partially restored activity. Such a loss in PS II activity was found to be primarily due to a loss of 23 and 33 kDa extrinsic polypeptides. UV-B treatment induced the synthesis of a few polypeptides and a 29 kDa light-harvesting chlorophyll protein.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to test the sensitivity of grasses from a subarctic region to a range of different ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–320 nm) levels. Seedlings of Calama-grostis lapponica and tillers of Calamagrostis purpurea were grown for 50 days in a greenhouse at 4 different levels of UV-BBE radiation (no UV-B, ambient UV-B, UV-B corresponding to 15 and 25% ozone depletion, respectively, at 68°N, northern Sweden on July 27th).
In C. purpurea total plant dry weight was significantly reduced at the 15% level compared to all other treatments, whilst tiller number was reduced when compared to the non UV-B treatment only. Reduced growth at the 15% level was accompanied by significant increases in shoot to root ratio (S:R), leaf area ratio (LAR) and leaf weight ratio (LWR), which were due to changes in both specific leaf area (SLA) and root growth. Similarly, in C. lapponica there were reductions in total dry weight at the 15% level, although differences in partitioning were only observed in LWR which was significantly greater than in the non UV-B treatment.
There was a difference in tiller number in C, lapponica between all treatments. A reduced number of tillers was observed with increasing UV-B exposure from zero UV-B to the 15% level, whilst tiller number was significantly higher at the 25% level than in all other treatments.
In C, lapponica , differences were apparent in the amount of UV absorbing pigments. Plants exposed to ambient UV-B and the 15% level had significantly more UV-B absorbing compounds than those in the 25% and non UV-B treatments.
All these results suggest that the 15% ozone depletion level was the most harmful to plant growth and few damaging effects were observed at the higher 25% ozone depletion level.  相似文献   

Sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris L.) plants injected with Cercospora beticota Sace. as well as non-infected plants were grown under visible light with or without ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–320 nm) radiation for 40 days. An interaction between UV-B radiation and Cercospora leaf spot disease was observed, resulting in a large reduction in leaf chlorophyll content, dry weight of leaf laminae, petioles and storage roots. Lipid peraxidation in leaves also increased the most under the combined treatments. This was also true for ultraweak luminescence from both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces. However, no correlation between lipid peroxidation and ultraweak luminescence was observed. Ultraviolet-B radiation given alone appeared to have either a stimulating effect, giving an increase in dry weight of laminae and reducing lipid peroxidation, or no effect. This lack of effect was seen in the absence of change in dry weight of storage roots and chlorophyll content relative to controls. The :study demonstrated a harmful interaction between UV-B radiation and Cercospom leaf spot disease on sugar beet.  相似文献   


Exposure to UV-B at ambient or enhanced levels is known to trigger a variety of responses in all living organisms, including higher plants. Here we show that in Cucumis sativus L. UV-B radiation affects enzyme activity of key oxydative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP) enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P-DH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGlu-DH), of key phenolic compounds enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) as well as erythrose-4-phosphate, tryptophan and tyrosine levels. Furthermore, we found an increased activity of antioxidant enzymes such as peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT) in treated plants, with respect to the controls. In order to confirm the biochemical results, we isolated total RNA from both controls and UV-B treated plants to be used for gene expression analysis. We demonstrated that UV-B increases the gene expression level of peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL). Finally, our results are useful for understanding protective strategies against UV-B radiation and for elucidating what components are involved in stress-induced signals within the plant.  相似文献   

Impact of solar ultraviolet-B radiation (290-320 nm) upon marine microalgae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For years scientists and laymen alike have casually noted the impact of solar ultraviolet radiation upon the non-human component of the biosphere. It was not until recently, when human activities were thought to threaten the protective stratospheric ozone shield, that researchers undertook intensive studies into the biological stress caused by the previously neglected short-wavelength edge of the global solar spectrum. Stratospheric ozone functions effectively as an ultraviolet screen by filtering out solar radiation in the 220–320 nm waveband as it penetrates through the atmosphere, thus allowing only small amounts of the longer wavelengths of radiation in this waveband to leak through to the surface of the earth. Although this ultraviolet radiation (UV-B radiation, 290–320 nm) comprises only a small fraction (less than 1%) of the total solar spectrum, it can have a major impact on biological systems due to its actinic nature. Many organic molecules, most notably DNA and proteins, absorb UV-B radiation which can initiate photochemical reactions. It is life's ability, or lack thereof, to cope with enhanced levels of solar UV-B radiation that has generated the concern over the potential depletion of stratospheric ozone. The defense mechanisms that serve to protect both plants and animals from current levels of UV-B radiation are quite varied. Whether these mechanisms will suffice for marine microalgae under conditions of enhanced levels of UV-B radiation is the subject of this review.  相似文献   

The development of mitochondrial NAD+-malate dehydrogenase (EC in mung bean and cucumber cotyledons was followed. using the antibody raised against it, during and following germination. The developmental patterns were quite different between the two. In cucumber, the content of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase continued to increase through 3–4 days after the beginning of imbibition. This was, at least in part, due to active synthesis of the enzyme protein, and the synthesis seemed to be regulated by the availability of the translatable mRNA for the enzyme. In mung bean, on the other hand, the enzyme was present in dry cotyledons at a rather high concentration, and remained at a constant level between day 1 and day 3 after the reduction of the content to one-half its initial level during the first day. De novo synthesis of the enzyme could not be detected in mung bean cotyledons by pulse-labeling experiment.  相似文献   

A new modulated lamp system is described. This system has successfully provided an ultraviolet-B (UV-B) supplement in proportion to ambient UV-B. The modulated system was used to simulate the UV-B environment resulting from an annual mean reduction of 15% in the stratospheric ozone under UK field conditions, but taking account of seasonal variation in depletion. The effects of this enhanced level of UV-B on the growth, physiology and yield of four cultivars of pea were assessed. Enhanced UV-B resulted in small reductions in the number of stems and total stem length per plant (respectively 4.7 and 8.7%). There were also significant decreases in the dry weight of peas (10.1%), pods (10.3%) and stems (7.8%) per plant. UV-B treatment had no effect on the number of peas per pod or average pea weight, but did significantly reduce (12.1%) the number of pods per plant. This decrease in pod number was partly due to enhanced abscission of pods during the final month of plant growth. UV-B treatment had no significant effect on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics or CO2assimilation rate per unit leaf area. These results are consistent with previous controlled environment experiments, and suggest that reduction in yield may be due to direct effects of UV-B on plant growth rather than a decrease in photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area.  相似文献   

研究了不同剂量的紫外-B辐射与浓度倍增的CO2复合处理对大棚黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)生长发育过程中植株形态、叶绿素、可溶性蛋白质含量以及SOD、POD、CAT酶活性的影响。结果表明:作形态方面,UV-B辐射明显降低了植株的株高、叶柄长度、叶面积,而茎粗增加。复合处理B2C明显提高了黄瓜叶绿素的含量,整个处理对黄瓜蛋白质的含量没有大的影响;酶活性以B2C处理时,其SOD、POD、CAT酶活性最高。说明一定低剂量的UV-B与CO2相复合时,可以促进黄瓜的生长发育,其促进程度大于CO2单因子的效应。  相似文献   

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