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Negative frequency-dependent mating success--the rare male effect--is a potentially powerful evolutionary force, but disagreement exists as to whether previous work, focusing on copulating species, has robustly demonstrated this phenomenon. Noncopulating sessile organisms that release male gametes into the environment but retain their eggs for fertilization may routinely receive unequal mixtures of sperm. Although promiscuity seems unavoidable it does not follow that the resulting paternity obeys 'fair raffle' expectations. This study investigates frequency dependence in the mating of one such species, the colonial ascidian Diplosoma listerianum. In competition with an alternative sperm source males fathered more progeny if previously mated to a particular female than if no mating history existed. This suggests positive frequency-dependent selection, but may simply result from a mate order effect involving sperm storage. With fewer acclimation matings, separated by longer intervals, this pattern was not found. When, in a different experimental design, virgin females were given simultaneous mixtures of gametes at widely divergent concentrations, sperm at the lower frequency consistently achieved a greater than expected share of paternity--a rare male effect. A convincing argument as to why D. listerianum should favour rare sperm has not been identified, as sperm rarity is expected to correlate very poorly with ecological or genetic male characteristics in this pattern of mating. The existence of nongenetic female preferences at the level of colony modules, analogous in effect to fixed female preferences, is proposed. If visible to selection, indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of a sibship appear the only likely explanation of the rare male effect in this system as the life history presents virtually no costs to multiple mating, and a near absence of direct (resource) benefits, whereas less controversial hypotheses of female promiscuity (e.g. trade up, genetic incompatibility) do not seem appropriate.  相似文献   

After choosing a first mate, polyandrous females have access to a range of opportunities to bias paternity, such as repeating matings with the preferred male, facilitating fertilization from the best sperm or differentially investing in offspring according to their sire. Female ability to bias paternity after a first mating has been demonstrated in a few species, but unambiguous evidence remains limited by the access to complex behaviours, sperm storage organs and fertilization processes within females. Even when found at the phenotypic level, the potential evolution of any mechanism allowing females to bias paternity other than mate choice remains little explored. Using a large population of pedigreed females, we developed a simple test to determine whether there is additive genetic variation in female ability to bias paternity after a first, chosen, mating. We applied this method in the highly polyandrous Drosophila serrata, giving females the opportunity to successively mate with two males ad libitum. We found that despite high levels of polyandry (females mated more than once per day), the first mate choice was a significant predictor of male total reproductive success. Importantly, there was no detectable genetic variance in female ability to bias paternity beyond mate choice. Therefore, whether or not females can bias paternity before or after copulation, their role on the evolution of sexual male traits is likely to be limited to their first mate choice in D. serrata.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is important in species with reproductive strategies that involve multiple mating and prolonged sperm storage such as the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Cornu aspersum. Double mating trials in this species have revealed that mating order and courtship behaviour affect paternity success. We investigated the effect of behavioural and anatomical reproductive traits on paternity success from triple mating trials. Triple mating resulted in triple fertilization in 58% of the cases whereas zero paternity was observed in 16% of sperm donors. Third sperm donors achieved higher paternity followed by first and second sperm donors. Snails with a longer epiphallus, the spermatophore forming organ, sired more offspring regardless of their mating order. Genetic compatibility between sperm donor and recipient did not influence paternity success. The results of the present study identified mating order and epiphallus length, as traits affecting the outcome of sperm competition in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The proportion of offspring sired by the second male to mate with a doubly mated female, P2, is a ubiquitously measured statistic in the study of insect sperm competition. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanisms of sperm transfer, storage, and use that determine P2 are poorly understood. Typically the second male to mate gains moderate to high paternity. More rarely, the first male to mate gains the majority of fertilizations. Here we examine the transfer, storage, and use of sperm in the bushcricket Requena verticalis , a species with male parental investment and almost complete first male paternity. Sperm drain from an externally attached spermatophore into the female's reproductive tract, where they are transported to the sperm store or spermatheca. We find that only sperm from the first male to mate are transported to the spermatheca. We provide some data that address a number of different mechanisms that might account for the lack of storage of second-male sperm. DNA microsatellite markers are developed to assign paternity. By manipulating the numbers of sperm transferred by first and second males, we show that the size of the ejaculate transferred by the first male has a major impact on paternity; increasing ejaculate size of the first male assures his paternity. Paternity assurance in R. verticalis holds significant implications for the evolution of paternal investment via the male's nuptial gift.  相似文献   

The medfly, Ceratitis capitata, is an invasive species in which polyandry, associated with sperm precedence, is a common behaviour in the wild. In this species, characterized by internal fertilization, we disclose how the sperm from two males are stored in the female storage organs and how they are used in terms of paternity outcome. The experiments were designed to furnish comparable and unbiased estimates of sperm numbers and progeny in twice-mated females. Results are incorporated in a model through which it is possible to relate the amount of stored sperm with the progeny of twice-mated females. The results show that polyandrous medfly females conserve equal amounts of sperm from the two males to fertilize their eggs. However, we observed a clear advantage of the second male's sperm in siring progeny, which interestingly decreases in favor of the first male as ovipositions progress. The results enable us to exclude differential sperm mortality and suggest that it is the mechanics governing the storage organs which causes the initial, but decreasing second male sperm precedence during the female reproductive life. These outcomes allow us to correlate sperm use in polyandrous females with the mating strategies and invasiveness of this fly.  相似文献   

In haploid–diploid red seaweeds, the dispersal of male gametes is presumed limited due to their lack of flagella. It has been suggested that this group suffers from sperm limitation and, consequently, that fertilization is relatively inefficient. Fertilization in most floridean rhodophytes results in the formation a cystocarp, a swelling on the haploid female thallus housing the diploid zygote and its thousands of diploid daughter spores. To study the performance of non-motile male gametes in the sea, we evaluated both female and male fertilization success in a natural population of the red marine alga Gracilaria gracilis. Female fertilization success, estimated by cystocarp yield per unit female thallus, was evaluated with respect to the availability of male gametes. Male fertilization success, estimated by the individual contribution of different males to zygotes, was assessed by paternity analyses on 350 cystocarps produced in one reproductive season using two microsatellite loci. The results show that cystocarp yield is not sperm limited and that the large variation in male fertilization success cannot be solely explained by the distance travelled by the male gamete to find a mate. Taken together, the results suggest that, not only is fertilization efficient, but that male–male competition and/or female choice may play a role in shaping population mating patterns.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of conspecific sperm precedence in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The postmating, prezygotic isolating mechanism known as conspecific sperm precedence (CSP) may play an important role in speciation, and understanding the mechanism of CSP is important in reconstructing its evolution. When a Drosophila simulans female mates with both a D. simulans male and a D. mauritiana male, the vast majority of her progeny are fathered by D. simulans, regardless of the order of mating. The dearth of hybrid progeny does not result from inviability of eggs fertilized by heterospecific sperm or from the relative inviability of heterospecific larvae. Instead, CSP apparently results from a prefertilization obstacle to heterospecific sperm. We identified two independent barriers to heterospecific fertilization, sperm displacement and incapacitation, whose action depends on the order of mating. When a D. simulans female mates first with a conspecific male, the seminal fluid from this mating incapacitates heterospecific sperm transferred two days later. This sperm incapacitation occurs with no change in the retention of stored sperm over time, but does not occur when the conspecific mating lasts for only 5 min. When the order of matings is reversed, the seminal fluid from the second mating physically displaces heterospecific sperm from storage, even if the conspecific copulation lasts only 5 min. Conspecific sperm are not susceptible to displacement by a second conspecific copulation, but are susceptible to interference by heterospecific sperm if the conspecific copulation is interrupted after 12 min. Curing the D. mauritiana males of their infection with the endosymbiont Wolbachia had no effect on CSP. Sperm displacement and incapacitation involve the same basic mechanisms seen in second-male sperm precedence within species, supporting the hypothesis that CSP is an evolutionary by-product of adaptations affecting sperm competition within species.  相似文献   

Within populations of brooding sessile corals, sperm dispersal constitutes the mechanism by which gametes interact and mating occurs, and forms the first link in the network of processes that determine specieswide connectivity patterns. However, almost nothing is known about sperm dispersal for any internally fertilizing coral. In this study, we conducted a parentage analysis on coral larvae collected from an area of mapped colonies, to measure the distance sperm disperses for the first time in a reef‐building coral and estimated the mating system characteristics of a recently identified putative cryptic species within the Seriatopora hystrix complex (ShA; Warner et al. 2015). We defined consensus criteria among several replicated methods (colony 2.0, cervus 3.0, mltr v3.2) to maximize accuracy in paternity assignments. Thirteen progeny arrays indicated that this putative species produces exclusively sexually derived, primarily outcrossed larvae (mean tm = 0.999) in multiple paternity broods (mean rp = 0.119). Self‐fertilization was directly detected at low frequency for all broods combined (2.8%), but comprised 23% of matings in one brood. Although over 82% of mating occurred between colonies within 10 m of each other (mean sperm dispersal = 5.5 m ± 4.37 SD), we found no evidence of inbreeding in the established population. Restricted dispersal of sperm compared to slightly greater larval dispersal appears to limit inbreeding among close relatives in this cryptic species. Our findings establish a good basis for further work on sperm dispersal in brooding corals and provide the first information about the mating system of a newly identified and abundant cryptic species.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory sexual selection occurs when sperm from multiple males occupy a female’s reproductive tract at the same time and is expected to generate strong selection pressures on traits related to competitive fertilization success. However, knowledge of competitive fertilization success mechanisms and characters targeted by resulting selection is limited, partially due to the difficulty of discriminating among sperm from different males within the female reproductive tract. Here, we resolved mechanisms of competitive fertilization success in the promiscuous flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. Through creation of transgenic lines with fluorescent-tagged sperm heads, we followed the fate of focal male sperm in female reproductive tracts while tracking paternity across numerous rematings. Our results indicate that a given male’s sperm persist and fertilize eggs through at least seven rematings. Additionally, the proportion of a male’s sperm in the bursa (the site of spermatophore deposition), which is influenced by both timing of female’s ejecting excess sperm and male size, significantly predicted paternity share in the 24 h following a mating. Contrary to expectation, proportional representation of sperm within the female’s specialized sperm-storage organ did not significantly predict paternity, though spermathecal sperm may play a role in fertilization when females do not have access to mates for longer time periods. We address the adaptive significance of the identified reproductive mechanisms in the context of T. castaneum’s unique mating system and ecology.  相似文献   

Success in sperm competition is of fundamental importance to males, yet little is known about what factors determine paternity. Theory predicts that males producing high sperm numbers have an advantage in sperm competition. Large spermatophore size (the sperm containing package) also correlates with paternity in some species, but the relative importance of spermatophore size and sperm numbers has remained unexplored. Males of the small white butterfly, Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), produce large nutritious spermatophores on their first mating. On their second mating, spermatophores are only about half the size of the first, but with almost twice the sperm number. We manipulated male mating history to examine the effect of spermatophore size and sperm numbers on male fertilization success. Overall, paternity shows either first male or, more frequently, second male sperm precedence. Previously mated males have significantly higher fertilization success in competition with males mating for the first time, strongly suggesting that high sperm number is advantageous in sperm competition. Male size also affects paternity with relatively larger males having higher fertilization success. This may indicate that spermatophore size influences paternity, because in virgin males spermatophore size correlates with male size. The paternity of an individual male is also inversely correlated with the mass of his spermatophore remains dissected out of the female. This suggests that females may influence paternity by affecting the rate of spermatophore drainage. Although the possibility of female postcopulatory choice remains to be explored, these results clearly show that males maximize their fertilization success by increasing the number of sperm in their second mating.  相似文献   

In vitro paired-male sperm competition experiments in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar for a single female's eggs revealed that 2 s delays in sperm release caused significant reductions in paternity, with second males achieving only 30% fertilization success (against an expected 50%). This first-male fertilization precedence supports previous work suggesting that sperm competition follows the principles of a race in Atlantic salmon, and suggests that any timing asymmetry in sperm release within natural competitive spawnings could have significant consequences for male fertilization success.  相似文献   

A crucial factor determining sperm fertilization success in multiply mated Drosophila melanogaster females is the efficiency with which sperm are stored. This process is modulated by the accessory gland protein Acp36DE. In this study, we show that the effect of Acp36DE on sperm storage itself alters the outcome of sperm competition. As second-mating males, Acp36DE1 (null) males had significantly lower P2-values than Acp36DE2 (truncation) or Acp36DE+ (control) males, as might be expected as the null males' sperm are poorly stored. We used spermless males, which are null for Acp36DE, to show that, in the absence of sperm co-transfer, Acp36DE itself could not displace first-male sperm. The results therefore suggest that males null for Acp36DE suffer in sperm displacement because fewer sperm are stored or retained, not because Acp36DE itself displaces sperm. Acp36DE1 (null) males also gained significantly fewer fertilizations than controls when they were the first males to mate. Using spermless males, we also showed that significantly more second-male offspring were produced following the transfer of Acp36DE by spermless first-mating males. This implies that the transfer of Acp36DE itself by the first male facilitated the storage or use of the second male's sperm and that co-transfer with sperm is not necessary for Acp36DE effects on second-male sperm storage. Acp36DE may persist in the reproductive tract and aid the storage of any sperm including those of later-mating males or prime the female for future efficient sperm storage. Our results indicate that mutations in genes that affect sperm storage can drastically affect the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Fertilization success in sperm competition is often determined by laboratory estimates of the proportion of offspring sired by the first (P1) or second (P2) male that mates. However, inferences from such data about how sexual selection acts on male traits in nature may be misleading if fertilization success depends on the biological context in which it is measured. We used the sterile male technique to examine the paternity of the same male in two mating contexts in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species where males have alternative mating strategies based on the presence or absence of resources. We found no congruence in the paternity achieved by a given male when mating under different social conditions. P2 estimates were extremely variable under both conditions. Body size was unrelated to success in sperm competition away from a carcass but, most probably through pre-copulatory male-male competition, influenced fertilization success on a carcass. The contribution of sperm competition is therefore dependent on the conditions under which it is measured. We discuss our findings in relation to sperm competition theory and highlight the need to consider biological context in order to link copulation and fertilization success for competing males.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory sperm storage can serve a range of functions, including ensuring fertility, allowing delayed fertilization and facilitating sexual selection. Sperm storage is likely to be particularly important in wide‐ranging animals with low population densities, but its prevalence and importance in such taxa, and its role in promoting sexual selection, are poorly known. Here, we use a powerful microsatellite array and paternal genotype reconstruction to assess the prevalence of sperm storage and test sexual selection hypotheses of genetic biases to paternity in one such species, the critically endangered hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata. In the majority of females (90.7%, N = 43), all offspring were sired by a single male. In the few cases of multiple paternity (9.3%), two males fertilized each female. Importantly, the identity and proportional fertilization success of males were consistent across all sequential nests laid by individual females over the breeding season (up to five nests over 75 days). No males were identified as having fertilized more than one female, suggesting that a large number of males are available to females. No evidence for biases to paternity based on heterozygosity or relatedness was found. These results indicate that female hawksbill turtles are predominantly monogamous within a season, store sperm for the duration of the nesting season and do not re‐mate between nests. Furthermore, females do not appear to be using sperm storage to facilitate sexual selection. Consequently, the primary value of storing sperm in marine turtles may be to uncouple mating and fertilization in time and avoid costly re‐mating.  相似文献   

Mating order can have important consequences for the fertilization success of males whose ejaculates compete to fertilize a clutch of eggs. Despite an excellent body of literature on mating-order effects in many animals, they have rarely been considered in marine free-spawning invertebrates, where both sexes release gametes into the water column. In this study, we show that in such organisms, mating order can have profound repercussions for male reproductive success. Using in vitro fertilization for two species of sea urchin, we found that the 'fertilization history' of a clutch of eggs strongly influenced the size distribution of unfertilized eggs, and consequently the likelihood that they will be fertilized. Males that had first access to a batch of eggs enjoyed elevated fertilization success because they had privileged access to the largest and therefore most readily fertilizable eggs within a clutch. By contrast, when a male's sperm were exposed to a batch of unfertilized eggs left over from a previous mating event, fertilization rates were reduced, owing to smaller eggs remaining in egg clutches previously exposed to sperm. Because of this size-dependent fertilization, the fertilization history of eggs also strongly influenced the size distribution of offspring, with first-spawning males producing larger, and therefore fitter, offspring. These findings suggest that when there is variation in egg size, mating order will influence not only the quantity but also the quality of offspring sired by competing males.  相似文献   



In the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, a highly invasive agricultural pest species, polyandry, associated with sperm precedence, is a recurrent behaviour in the wild. The absence of tools for the unambiguous discrimination between competing sperm from different males in the complex female reproductive tract has strongly limited the understanding of mechanisms controlling sperm dynamics and use.


Here we use transgenic medfly lines expressing green or red fluorescent proteins in the spermatozoa, which can be easily observed and unambiguously differentiated within the female fertilization chamber. In twice-mated females, one day after the second mating, sperm from the first male appeared to be homogenously distributed all over the distal portion of each alveolus within the fertilization chamber, whereas sperm from the second male were clearly concentrated in the central portion of each alveolus. This distinct stratified sperm distribution was not maintained over time, as green and red sperm appeared homogeneously mixed seven days after the second mating. This dynamic sperm storage pattern is mirrored by the paternal contribution in the progeny of twice-mated females.


Polyandrous medfly females, unlike Drosophila, conserve sperm from two different mates to fertilize their eggs. From an evolutionary point of view, the storage of sperm in a stratified pattern by medfly females may initially favour the fresher ejaculate from the second male. However, as the second male's sperm gradually becomes depleted, the sperm from the first male becomes increasingly available for fertilization. The accumulation of sperm from different males will increase the overall genetic variability of the offspring and will ultimately affect the effective population size. From an applicative point of view, the dynamics of sperm storage and their temporal use by a polyandrous female may have an impact on the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Indeed, even if the female's last mate is sterile, an increasing proportion of sperm from a previous mating with a fertile male may contribute to sire viable progeny.

Evolutionary consequences of sperm cell aging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Animal breeding research, reproductive biology, and cellular biogerontology show that fertilization rates and zygote viability critically depend on sperm age. Sexual selection research focuses on differences between male genotypes in sperm performance, such as motility, competitive ability, or compatibility with eggs, but without considering sperm age. A combined view (that the thermodynamically inevitable decline in sperm performance selects for traits in diploid individuals to prevent fertilization with aged sperm) has received very little attention. In this paper, I correct this bias and show that many male and female traits affect sperm aging or the sperm age distribution at any reproductive event. Such traits coincide well with condition-dependent traits considered sexually selected: multiple mating by both sexes, high sperm production rates, the delivery of dense ejaculates containing many sperm (including nonfertilizing types), the packaging of sperm into spermatophores, male and female sperm ejection, sexual coercion, as well as the production of showy antioxidants and various cellular and nuclear repair mechanisms. I conclude that altering the sperm age distribution at any step during reproduction can be an origin of sexually selected traits, and may explain presently observed paternity variation without assuming genetic incompatibility of gametes.  相似文献   

In broadcast-spawning marine animals, rapid dilution and short lifespan of sperm following release may impose severely localized patterns of mating. Partial or total failure of external fertilization due to sperm limitation appears commonplace. However, it is not clear to what extent the restrictive kinetics of fertilization in water also constrain mating in animals that release sperm but retain their eggs for fertilization.<BR>The compound ascidian Diplosoma listerianum liberates sperm that are dispersed to other colonies and taken in prior to internal cross-fertilization. The fertile lifespan of sperm was found to be long (half-life ca. 8 hours), and a substantial number of fertilizations occurred with 24-hour-old sperm. Fertilizations were obtained from sperm concentrations that would typically produce little or no external fertilization. In a separate experiment, a very small piece of D. listerianum (dry weight less than 2 mg) sired abundant progeny throughout a 3840 l tank. Paternity of progeny in these experiments was confirmed by molecular markers. The same markers were used to extend, to over seven weeks, the known maximum period of storage of exogenous sperm prior to fertilization in this species.<BR>The production of only a few thousand sperm at a time by each zooid, poor synchronization of release between zooids, and the existence of many well-spaced exhalant openings in large colonies suggest that D. listerianum is incapable of generating a dense plume of sperm, even close to the source. It is suggested that, unlike external fertilization, successful internal cross-fertilization in D. listerianum is not dependent upon the interception of a dense cloud of gametes just released by a near neighbour. It seems instead that dilute, long-lived sperm can be extracted efficiently from seawater by this suspension feeder, potentially over a period of time. This capability, and other features of the life history, make it unlikely that sperm limitation is an acute problem in this species and comparable taxa, a conclusion with potential significance for expected patterns of mating, sex allocation and gamete attributes in sessile aquatic invertebrates. Variance in reproductive success between individuals due to differences in fertilization rate may be much lower than in broadcast spawners exhibiting external fertilization.  相似文献   

Polyandrous females often mate with more than two males, and yet most studies of postcopulatory sexual selection involve only two males. In insects, second-male sperm precedence is usually taken as evidence of overall last-male sperm precedence despite some studies to the contrary. Furthermore, the processes or mechanisms causing the patterns are often unknown and yet are important when estimating how postcopulatory sexual selection might act on males. Whether the patterns and processes change in normal sperm competitive situations and the effects of other factors besides mating order need to be examined to better assess the evolutionary potential of postcopulatory sexual selection. In this study, I assessed the effects of mating interval and number of mating males on sperm precedence patterns and their causal mechanisms in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor. Last-male sperm precedence was the same when two or three males mated, but also depended on mating intervals and hence mechanisms of paternity bias. However, when females mated with many males, one of the mechanisms no longer created last-male sperm precedence. This example illustrates the importance of knowing both the patterns and mechanisms of paternity bias and whether they change depending on female mating frequency to make reasonable inferences about the potential for postcopulatory sexual selection on males. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Sperm form and size is tremendously variable within and across species. However, a general explanation for this variation is lacking. It has been suggested that sperm size may influence sperm competition, and there is evidence for this in some taxa but not others. In addition to normal fertilizing sperm, a number of molluscs and insects produce nonfertile sperm that are also extremely morphologically variable, and distinct from fertilizing forms. There is evidence that nonfertile sperm play an indirect role in sperm competition by decreasing female remating propensity in Lepidopterans, but in most taxa the function of parasperm is unknown. We investigated the role of nonfertile (oligopyrene) sperm during sperm competition in the fresh water snail Viviparus ater. Previous studies found that the proportion of oligopyrene sperm increased with the risk of sperm competition, and hence it seems likely that these sperm influence fertilization success during competitive matings. In mating experiments in which females were sequentially housed with males, we examined a range of male characteristics which potentially influence fertilization success. We found that the size of oligopyrene sperm was the best predictor of fertilization success, with males having the longer sperm siring the highest proportion of offspring. Furthermore, we found a positive shell size and sperm concentration effect on paternity, and females with multiply sired families produced more offspring than females mating with only one male. This result suggests polyandry is beneficial for female snails.  相似文献   

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