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SYNOPSIS. The end of the molting process in the tobacco hornwormincludes the rapid digestion of the old cuticle, molting fluidresorption, ecdysis of the old cuticle, and expansion and hardeningof the new cuticle. The coordination of these processes is accomplishedby three hormones. Each ecdysis during the life of Manduca appearsto be triggered by eclosion hormone. Depending on developmentalstage, the hormone comes either from the brain-corpora cardiacacomplex or from the chain of ventral ganglia. The neural programstriggered by eclosion hormone include a neuroendocrine event,the release of the tanning hormone, bursicon, thereby ensuringthat tanning of the new cuticle must follow ecdysis. Ecdysis,itself, appears to be controlled by the ecdysteroid levels sinceecdysteroid injections delay ecdysis at physiological concentrationsand in a dose dependent fashion. This delay is due to inhibitionof eclosion hormone secretion and to the retardation of theterminal phases of the molt including the digestion of the oldcuticle and the onset of sensitivity to eclosion hormone. Thus,eclosion hormone secretion and the ecdysis it triggers are coordinatedwith the end of development because both are influenced by thesame endocrine signal—the decline in the ecdysteroid titer.  相似文献   

The Pollen-stigma Interaction: Pollen-tube Penetration in Crocus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In a compatible pollination in Crocus, pollen tube tips enterthe stigma papillae after the enzymic erosion of the cuticle,and the tubes continue downward growth towards the ovary betweenthe cuticle and the underlying pectocellulosic wall. The cuticleof the receptive zone of the stigma papilla is chambered, thechambers containing a secretion accumulated during the maturationof the stigma. Pollen exudates contain various acid hydrolases,but are incapable alone of eroding stigma cutin. Furthermore,there is no penetration when the proteins of the wall-held stigmasecretions are degraded enzymically. These facts are taken toindicate that the pollen contributes a ‘cutinase’precursor which is activated by a factor or factors held inthe stigma secretion. Pollens of certain Cruciferae producetubes capable of penetrating the Crocus stigma cuticle, suggestingthat notwithstanding the taxonomic remoteness of Cruciferaeand Iridaceae the enzyme activation systems are quite similar.  相似文献   

As in other papilionoid Leguminosae, the receptive surface ofthe stigma of Vicia faba L. is invested by a detached cuticle.This cuticle, the so-called ‘stigma membrane’ ofplant breeding literature, is lifted away from the epidermisduring development by the accumulation of a lipid-rich secretionreleased into the intercellular spaces of the stigma head bythe epidermal cells and the underlying three to four cell layers.The cuticle is thickened over the prominences left by the epidermalpapillae, thinning out between. Pollen, whether self or cross,cannot hydrate and germinate in contact with the intact stigmasurface, but must await the disruption of the cuticle and therelease of the retained secretion. In most genotypes this takesplace only when the flower is tripped by visiting pollinatorsor in consequence of severe agitation by wind. A comparison of lines differing in their degree of autofertilityin field conditions has revealed various differences in stigmastructure. A highly autofertile line had low papillae at thereceptive tip, with a relatively thin intervening cuticle, whilean autosterile line had longer papillae and a thicker cuticle.A line with partial autofertility was intermediate in thesecharacteristics. These properties of the stigma surface, togetherwith other differences in flower structure, are probably adequateto account for the variation in the degree of autosterility,since no evidence was obtained suggesting the presence of aneffective physiological self-incompatibility system in any ofthe lines studied. Since the rupturing of the stigma cuticle is affected by theturgor pressure of the cells of the stigma and style, some degreeof environmental interaction is to be expected: autofertilityshould be at the highest in conditions of adequate water supply,and lowest where there is water deprivation. Pollen-stigma interaction, Vicia faba L., Leguminosae, breeding system, self-incompatibility  相似文献   

The extensible cuticle of Argas (P.) robertsi is tuberculate and deeply folded when the tick is unfed but expands rapidly during feeding. During this expansion the epicuticle becomes less convoluted and the underlying endocuticle stretches but there is no significant alteration in thickness. However, the stretched cuticle has taken on a more open structure. Increase in surface area is restricted to a blister-like expansion because of an inextensible lateral suture which separates the dorsal and ventral surfaces. The cuticle is very hydrophobic, contains 9.9% chitin in the female and 8.9% in the male and the cuticular proteins are largely basic. The cuticle has similar properties to that of the ixodid tick Boophilus microplus but differs from it in fine structure. These differences appear to be related to the time sequence of cuticle synthesis and deposition and to the cycle of expansion and contraction which takes place each time A. (P.) robertsi feeds.  相似文献   

LYSHEDE  OLE B. 《Annals of botany》1992,69(4):365-371
The seeds of Cuscuta pedicellata have been investigated by transmissionand scanning electron microscopy. Additional observations havebeen made on seeds of C. campestris by SEM only. The seed coatconsists of an outer single epidermis, two different palisadelayers, and an inner multiparenchyma layer. The outer epidermalwall in C. pedicellata has a thick cuticle and zones rich inpectic substances. The thicker ‘U-shaped’ cell wallsin the outer palisade layer are strengthened by a wall layerof hemicellulose. The inner palisade layer has thick walledcells with a ‘light line’. The inner cell wall ofthe compressed multiparenchyma layer has a thin cuticle. A fairlythick cuticle is positioned directly on the endosperm surface.The aleurone cell walls are different from the remaining endospermwalls. The latter are thick and believed to be of galactomannans.There is a ‘clear’ zone between the plasmalemmaand the cell wall in the aleurone cells. The embryo cells arepacked with lipids and proteins. In Cuscuta campestris mostendosperm has been absorbed during the seed development. Theembryo apex has two minute leaf primordia. The features of theCuscuta seeds are discussed in relation to functional and environmentalconditions. Cuscuta pedicellata, Cuscuta campestris, seed, seed coat, cuticle, cell walls, endosperm, aleurone cells, galactomannan, embryo, TEM, SEM  相似文献   

The cuticle, epidermis and stomatal ontogeny of Casuarina equisetifoliaForst. is described. The cuticle shows well marked impressionsof the epidermal cells and stomata. The epidermis of leaf andstem shows transversely oriented, tetracytic, mesoperigenousstomata with two lateral mesogene subsidiaries and two polarperigene neighbouring cells. Although the epidermal structureof Casuarina shows a good deal of resemblance with that of theBennettitales, it may not indicate any phylogenetic relationshipssince there are important differences in the structure and reproductionof the plants of these two groups.  相似文献   

As a result of continuing volume and hence surface-area growth, the skins of most fruit species suffer ongoing strain throughout development. Maintenance of surface integrity is essential to protect the underlying tissues from desiccation and pathogen attack. Fruit skins are commonly “primary” in structure. They comprise a polymeric cuticle overlying an epidermis and a hypodermis. The cuticle is responsible for the skin's barrier function and the cellular layers for the skin's load-bearing functions. Skin failure can be just of the cuticle layer (microcracking) resulting in barrier impairment or it can involve cuticle and cellular layers (macrocracking) resulting in both barrier and structural impairment. Fruit skin failure is associated with a number of disorders including shriveling, cracking, russeting, and skin spots. All result in reduced market value. Our objective is to review the literature on the strategies adopted by fruit to cope with the challenge of continuing skin expansion. We uncover a multistep strategy to prevent or minimize the risk of fruit skin failure. This comprises: (1) area expansion of the load-bearing skin-cell layer(s) by ongoing cell division and (2) the avoidance of skin stress or strain concentrations by matching patterns of skin-cell division to those of area expansion. Also involved, (3) are the partitioning of cuticle strain into plastic and viscoelastic components at the expense of the elastic one. For this, wax and cutin are deposited in the cuticle during growth. Wax and cutin deposition “fix” the strain in the cuticle. Cutin is preferentially deposited on the inner surface of the cuticle, which fixes the strain, but it leaves the outer cuticle surface more strained. Last, (4) if the primary skin is damaged, the barrier functions are restored by the formation of a “secondary” fruit surface (periderm). Lignin can also be used to strengthen the underlying cells following structural failure.  相似文献   

PETTITT  J. M. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):257-271
This paper describes the characteristics of the pollen and thereceptive surfaces of the stigmas in the three marine angiospermsincluded in the Hydrocharitaceae. The pollen in Enhalus acoroidesand Thalassia hemprichii is spherical and has an ornamentedexine. An exine layer is not found in Halophila stipulacea wherereniform pollen grains are contained within transparent moniliformtubes. Cytochemical tests show that the pollen wall in the threespecies contains acidic and neutral polysaccharides and acidhydrolase acitivity is detected in the intine of H. stipulaceaand T. hemprichii. In Thalassia, one of the intine enzymes,acid phosphatase, is unambiguously associated with cytoplasmicinclusions. Flowering in Thalassia is coincident with the spring tides andthe pollen is released as a mass suspended in a thecal slimewhich contains approximately 5 per cent by weight carbohydrate,the principal mono-saccharide being mannose. Electrophoreticanalysis of the pollen-free slime shows a single glycoproteincomponent. The stigmas of the three seagrasses are papillate and of the‘dry’ type possessing a continuous protein-aceouspellicle subtended by a cuticle. The stigma pellicle exhibitscytochemically detectable esterase activity and binds the lectinconcanavalin A. Acid phosphatase activity is localized beneaththe cuticle at the tips of the stigma papillae. The discoveries show that the characteristics of the pollenand stigmas in the seagrasses are comparable with those foundin terrestrial flowering plants. The similarity in enzymaticproperites of the pollen wall and stigma pellicle suggests that,intriguingly, a similar mechanism of cuticle erosion might wellfollow compatible pollination both on land and in the sea. Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila stipulacea, Halophila decipiens, seagrasses pollen wall, stigma surface, hydrolytic enzymes  相似文献   

GILLY  C.; ROHR  R.; CHAMEL  A. 《Annals of botany》1997,80(2):139-145
Cuticle ultrastructure and radiolabelling of isolated cuticlesafter incorporation of [14C] acetate in foliar discs were investigatedwith ivy plants grownin vitrothenex vitro. Results show an increasein thickness, mass and wax content, between young and expandedleaves, for bothin vitroandex vitrocuticles. The cuticle ofinvitrounexpanded leaves was very thin and only constituted alamellate zone. The ultrastructure ofin vitroyoung and expandedleaf cuticles showed characteristics similar toin situcuticles.The thickness of the lamellate zone remained fairly constantand represented 33% of the cuticle thickness in young leaves,but only 11.4% in expanded leaves. The number of lamellar unitsdecreased from 14 to nine between these two growth stages. Themain difference between young leaves developedin vitroorex vitrowasa thinner lamellate zone forex vitrocuticles. However, theselatter cuticles had an intermediary zone between the lamellateand reticulate zones. The cuticle thickness of expanded leaveswas greater forin vitrocuticles suggesting a temporary decreasein cuticle biosynthesis after transfer of the plant fromin vitrotoexvitro.Results from cuticle radiolabelling show higher radioactivityincorporation in cuticles isolated from leaves developedex vitrocomparedtoin vitro. This radiolabelling was particularly marked forexvitroyoung leaf cuticles and depended on the duration of theexvitrogrowth period revealing a progressive activation of cuticlebiosynthesis in response to new environmental conditions. Hedera helix; ivy leaf cuticle; in vitroplants; electron microscopy; radiolabelling; isolated cuticles  相似文献   

Petioles of the semi-aquatic fern Regnellidium diphyllum donot show acid growth but low wall pH is a necessary conditionfor maximum rates of IAA-induced cell expansion. Measurementsof wall pH by two indirect methods indicate an unusually lowvalue, in the range pH 4 to 5. This is one to two pH units belowthat estimated for petioles of the semi-aquatic dicotyledonNymphoides peltata, a species in which IAA aand ethylene causegrowth responses very similar to those in Regnellidium but whereacid growth occurs. Having shown previously that fusicoccinenhances proton secretion in both Regnellidium and Nymphoides,we now show that although it causes a reduction in the estimatedapoplast pH to below 4·0 in Regnellidium, cell expansionis not promoted. The FC-induced reduction in pH in Nymphoidesis less and occurs more slowly, but growth is promoted significantly;when IAA and fusicoccin are present together, growth promotionis approximately additive for Nymphoides A model is proposed for Regnellidium in which equilibrium wallpH is maintained at a low value that is optimal for acid growth,the availability of acid-labile sites in the wall being thechief limitation to cell extension. We suggest that this controlmechanism may be widespread for organs without a cuticle, includingroots and the gametophytes of lower plants growing in acidicconditions. Key words: Acid growth, wall pH, fusicoccin, Regnellidium diphyllum, Nymphoides peltata  相似文献   

Apple Fruit Cuticles and the Occurrence of Pores and Transcuticular Canals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(3):355-371
Developmental studies were made on the dewaxed thin-sectionedapple fruit cuticles of 10 Malus sylvestris Mill, cultivarsfrom 4 weeks before anthesis through fruit maturation and harvest.Cuticular development appears to correlate well with the generalgrowth of the fruit. However, no correlation exists betweenfruit size and cuticle thickness. Cuticular pores were evidentas early as 1 week before anthesis and transcuticular canalsbecame evident by 1 week following anthesis. Dewaxed thin-sectioned,as well as isolated, mature fruit cuticles of 16 cultivars andfour crab-apples consistently revealed the distinct presenceof ubiquitous pores and canals. Evidence is provided by lightmicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Measurementswere taken of cuticle thicknesses during development and ofcuticular pore dimensions, and calculations were made of poreand canal numbers. Fruit size alone is not directly indicativeof total pore numbers per surface area. Canal lengths are directlyrelated to the developmental thickness of the cuticle. No correlationwas found between the thickness of the mature cuticle and eitherthe number of pores present or the pore diameters. Malus sylvestris Mill, apple fruit, morphology, cuticle, cuticular flanges, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Pseudopanax crassifolius (A. Cunn.) C. Koch. is a strongly heteroblastictree indigenous to New Zealand. Changes in the morphology andanatomy of leaves are described for seedling, juvenile, transitionaland adult phases of development. Seedlings produce five leaftypes; all are relatively small, thin, anthocyanic, have a lowspecific weight, and are anatomically comparable to the leavesof many shade plants. Juvenile leaves are long, linear, deflexed,coriaceous and sharply-toothed. They have a high specific weight,a thick, ornamented cuticle, a multiseriate hypodermis composedof collenchyma, well developed palisade and many spongy mesophylllayers. Juvenile leaves are strong relative to adult leavesand to the leaves of other species. Leaf strength is providedby fibres associated with the midrib. Adult leaves are shorter,broader and less massive than juvenile leaves, and are orientedhorizontally. Transitional leaves are morphologically intermediatebetween juvenile and adult leaves. The anatomy of juvenile,transitional and adult leaves is similar. The heteroblasticseries may be associated with changes in leaf construction costs,light interception and heat dissipation.Copyright 1993, 1999Academic Press Lancewood, Pseudopanax crassifolius (A. Cunn.) C. Koch., leaf heteroblasty, anatomy, morphology, structural adaptations  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on structural and cytochemical aspectsof the stigma and style ofVitis vinifera . The stigma is ofthe wet papillate type with a continuous cuticle and pellicle.During the development of the papillae, the cell walls increasein thickness and produce a secretion product constituted oflipids that pass through the wall forming the exudate. The styleis solid with a central core of transmitting tissue which hasconspicuous intercellular spaces that increase remarkably fromthe periphery to the centre where the cuticle is present. Theintercellular spaces, where the pollen tubes grow, contain amatrix that includes polysaccharides, pectic substances andscattered areas of lipidic nature. Cytochemistry; stigma; style; ultrastructure; Vitis vinifera  相似文献   

The dendroid colleters of the leaf nodulated Rubiaceous shrubPsychotria kirkii Hiern. have been studied with respect to theirdevelopment, structure and function. The colleters, which arisefrom the adaxial surface of stipules of apical and lateral shoots,secrete a protein/carbohydrate mucilaginous substance in whichis maintained a colony of leaf nodule bacteria. The colletersare multicellular and multiseriate, consisting of a two to fourcell thick stalk from which radiate up to 70 elongate secretorybranch cells. Cuticle envelops both stalk and branch cells inearly developmental stages and as secretory activity increasesthis cuticle is largely lost in two different ways. The majorpart is forced off the branch cell surface through the passageof a largely carbohydrate component of the mucilage which surroundsthe colleters: a second method of cuticle loss involves thepassage from the cell of small electron-translucent bodies whichbecome coated with cuticle as they exit the cell. The mucilagein which the bacterial cells are found provides a vehicle wherebythe bacteria are able to enter the leaves, thus leading to theinitiation of leaf nodules. Psychotria kirkii Hiern., secretory dendroid colleters, symbiosis, ultrastructure, trichome development  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on structural and cytochemical aspectsof the pistil of Sternbergia lutea (L.) KerGawl. The stigmais of the wet papillate type; the papillae are unicellular andare arranged densely around the rim of a funnel-shaped stigma.The stigma exudate is limited and is confined to the bases ofthe papillae and the inner lining of the stigma. The papillaeare smooth in the distal part and are covered with intact cuticle-pelliclelining. The cuticle is disrupted at places towards the baseof the papillae releasing the exudate. The exudate is rich inpectins and other polysaccharides but poor in proteins and lipids.The papillae show dense cytoplasmic profiles with extensiveendoplasmic reticulum (ER), abundant mitochondria, polyribosomesand active dictyosomes. The style is hollow. The stylar cavityis surrounded by two to four layers of glandular cells. In theyoung pistil the canal is lined with a continuous cuticle, butin the mature pistil the cuticle becomes disrupted and the canalis filled with the secretion produced by the cells of the surroundingglandular tissue. Ultrastructurally, the cells of the glandulartissue are very similar to the stigmatic papillae. The innertangential wall of the cells bordering the canal is uniformlythicker than other walls. The secretion in the stylar canal,as well as the intercellular spaces of the glandular tissue,stain intensely for pectins and polysaccharides but poorly forproteins and lipids. Pollen tubes grow through the stylar canal.Structural and cytochemical details of the pistil of Sternbergiaare compared with other hollow-styled systems. Pistil, Sternbergia lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl., stigma and style, structure and cytochemistry  相似文献   

MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(3):407-416
This investigation is in part an extension of previous leafcuticle observations made on 52 other taxa among 34 families.Dewaxed, chemically isolated, adaxial and abaxial cuticularmembranes and transverse leaf sections of the wax-flower plant(Hoya carnosa R. Br.) were examined using ordinary stainingtechniques and light-microscopy methods. Evidence is presentedfor the existence of ubiquitous, discrete, naturally occurringcuticular pores, concomitant with anticlinally oriented trans-cuticularcanals, distributed randomly throughout the cuticular matrix.The surface of the adaxial cuticular membrane contains approx.6540 unclustered pores per mm2, the abaxial approx. 4680 poresper mm2. Pore and canal diameters range between 0.5 and 0.75µm. The canals are often arcuate and their lengths aredirectly related to cuticle thickness. No correlations werefound between cuticle thickness and either pore numbers or poreand canal diameters. Based upon experiments with various pHindicators, solutions, and stains, the dewaxed, dry cuticularmembrane of H. carnosa appears to be both distinctly hydrophilicand selectively permeable through a myriad of microscopicallyvisible pores and canals permeating its matrix. A de novo interpretationof gross cuticle morphology based solely upon light microscopyobservations is presented by semi-diagrammatic illustrations. Hoya carnosa R. Br., wax-flower (wax-plant), cuticular membranes, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals, permeability  相似文献   

STUR  W. W. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(4):569-575
The development of Brachiaria decumbens tillers, as based onapex morphology, may be conveniently divided into six phases.These are the (1) vegetative, (2) raceme initiation, (3) spikeletinitiation, (4) spikelet differentiation, (5) inflorescenceexsertion and anthesis, and (6) seed maturation phases. Theonset of reproductive development is characterized by an increasein apex length and proceeds with the expansion of a bud in theaxil of the most recently initiated leaf primordium. This budgives rise to the first raceme and further racemes are formedin basipetal succession. Changes in apex morphology during thefirst four phases of development are described and illustratedwith scanning electron microscope and median longitudinal sectionphotomicrographs. Brachiaria decumbens, signal grass, apex morphology, SEM, median longitudinal sections, developmental phases  相似文献   

Neurosecretion and Molting in Some Parasitic Nematodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adult female of Ascaris lumbricoides possesses a numberof nerve cells containing material which stains with paraldehyde-fuchsin.Among others, most of the primary sensory cells in the lipsare fuchsinophilic. Ascaris does not survive outside its host,so that it is impossible to ascribe a function to these cells. Phocanema decipiens possesses similar cells in the dorsal andventral ganglia which exhibit a cycle of secretion correlatedwith the burst of cytological activity which accompanies thedeposition of the new cuticle. Ligation experiments have demonstratedthat a new cuticle can be deposited in the absence of theseneurosecretory cells. Our most recent experiments suggest thatthe neurosecretory cells may control the release of leucineaminopeptidase in the excretory gland, a substance which isthought to be responsible for ecdysis.  相似文献   

Some physical and morphological factors of grape berry cuticlewere investigated at different developmental stages of threeclones ofVitis vinifera cv. Pinot noir. The surface morphologyof grape berries was examined by scanning electron microscopyand cuticle anatomy was examined by light and transmission electronmicroscopy. During the period from flowering to maturity, thecomposition of the cuticular waxes changed, corresponding withan increase of waxy deposits and significant modifications ofthe wax surface morphology. The content in cutin per unit surfacedecreased more than 2.5-fold between berry set (16 d after anthesis)and veraison of the grape berries, and might predispose thegrape berry to fungal infection. This result was correlatedwith the differentiation of the cuticle layers and particularlywith a decrease in the thickness of the primary cuticle at harvest. Key words: Botrytis cinerea, cuticle, cutin, epicuticular waxes, Vitis vinifera L  相似文献   

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