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γ-Glutamyl cyclotransferase (GGCT) contributes to the γ-glutamyl cycle that regulates glutathione metabolism. Although GGCT has been implicated in several studies as a possible cancer marker, little is known about its distribution in cells and tissues. The authors investigated GGCT expression in normal tissues and tumors using Western blots and immunohistochemistry with a novel anti-GGCT monoclonal antibody. GGCT was detected in most organs and was mainly found in epithelial cells. Although the intracellular distribution was mainly cytoplasmic, in some situations, nuclear staining was strong. A significant increase in the expression of GGCT was found in tumors of the lung, esophagus, stomach, bile duct, and uterine cervix. In contrast, there was a significant decrease in expression in renal and urothelial tumors. These results suggest that GGCT may be a biomarker of tumors in a limited range of organs.  相似文献   

γ-Glutamylamine cyclotransferase (GGACT) is an enzyme that converts γ-glutamylamines to free amines and 5-oxoproline. GGACT shows high activity toward γ-glutamyl-ϵ-lysine, derived from the breakdown of fibrin and other proteins cross-linked by transglutaminases. The enzyme adopts the newly identified cyclotransferase fold, observed in γ-glutamylcyclotransferase (GGCT), an enzyme with activity toward γ-glutamyl-α-amino acids (Oakley, A. J., Yamada, T., Liu, D., Coggan, M., Clark, A. G., and Board, P. G. (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 22031–22042). Despite the absence of significant sequence identity, several residues are conserved in the active sites of GGCT and GGACT, including a putative catalytic acid/base residue (GGACT Glu82). The structure of GGACT in complex with the reaction product 5-oxoproline provides evidence for a common catalytic mechanism in both enzymes. The proposed mechanism, combined with the three-dimensional structures, also explains the different substrate specificities of these enzymes. Despite significant sequence divergence, there are at least three subfamilies in prokaryotes and eukaryotes that have conserved the GGCT fold and GGCT enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Bittner S  Win T  Gupta R 《Amino acids》2005,28(4):343-356
Summary. The discovery of the dipeptide γ-glutamyltaurine (γ-GT; glutaurine, Litoralon) in the parathyroid in 1980 and later in the brain of mammals gave rise to studies on intrinsic and synthetic taurine peptides of this type. It was suggested that γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT; γ-glutamyltranspeptidase) in the brain is responsible for the in vivo formation of this unusual dipeptide. γ-GT has been prepared by both synthetic and enzymatic methods. The chemical syntheses included the use of protecting groups and coupling methods. A wide spectrum of analytical and spectroscopic methods was used to confirm the structure of the synthetic compounds and to elucidate the position of the peptide bond. Enzymatic preparation of γ-GT from taurine takes advantage of the selective transpeptidation action of GGT on L-glutamine, glutathione, γ-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide or other glutamine donors. Although the functional roles of γ-GT in the brain are only poorly understood, many of its established CNS effects have been reported in the last 25 years. Its effect on emotional arousal and its anti-conflict potencies are synergistic with the anxiolytic drug diazepam. γ-GT exhibits anti-conflict potency, which is exerted by reducing aversion or phobia and/or the anxiety levels. γ-GT also acts as endogenous modulator in excitatory aminoacidergic neurotransmission. It is suggested that such acidic peptides through N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors could be part of the neurochemical substrate underlying self-stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex. Other γ-GT effects in neural systems include: effects on the monoamine concentration in the brain; effects on aggressive behavior in the cat; effects on thyroid hormones in the rat; amelioration of electroshock-induced amnesia; potent and long-lasting antiepileptic action (on intra-amygdaloid injection); affect the glutamatergic system in schizophrenic disorders. Roles for γ-GT in non-neural systems have also been reported, e.g., effects on the metamorphosis of amphibians; on plasma rennin regulation; on radiation protection; on uric acid levels; on human antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and many more.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2019,29(11):R398-R400

用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法测定了广西和湖南省侗族居住区的120例侗族新生儿脐血胎儿血红蛋白中B.subtilis与~Ar比值(~Gr/~Ar值)。显示出119例新生儿的~Gr值(%~Gr)在56—76%之间,均值与标准差为69.4±3.1%;一例新生儿~Gr值高达81.4%,基因图谱分析确定其基因型为~Gr-~(AG)r-~Ar/~Gr-~Ar。  相似文献   

Serum des-γ-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) is a useful marker for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but the exact mechanism of its synthesis and its structural properties in liver diseases are unknown. DCP is measured by the monoclonal antibody MU-3. The purpose of this study was to examine the epitope of MU-3 and to characterize the differences in DCP between HCC and benign liver diseases. The epitope of MU-3 was examined by ELISA using prothrombin Gla domain polypeptides and was determined to be amino acid residues 17–27 of the prothrombin Gla domain, which has four γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues (Gla) at positions 19, 20, 25 and 26. Peptides having a glutamic acid residue (Glu) at these positions reacted strongly to MU-3 but lost reactivity when Glu 19 or 20 was changed to Gla. In the order of γ-carboxylation, MU-3 reacted strongly to DCP containing 0–1 Gla, weakly to 2–4 Gla and not at all to DCP containing more than five Gla. After adsorbing normal prothrombin with barium carbonate, DCP reaction to MU-3 was measured by determining the amount of DCP that was adsorbed by MU-3-coated beads. The proportion of DCP reacting to MU-3 in HCC was 41.0–76.8%, whereas in patients with benign liver diseases, only 0–42.1% reacted to MU-3. These results indicate that DCP variants preferentially synthesized in HCC have less than four Gla, which are restricted to positions 16, 25, 26 and 29, whereas DCP variants in benign liver diseases have more than five Gla.  相似文献   

干扰素-γ研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
干扰素-γ(interferon-gamma,IFN-γ)是一种具有抗病毒、抗肿瘤和免疫调节作用的细胞因子,主要由活化的T细胞和NK细胞产生。IFN-γ对机体免疫系统具有强大的调节作用,是机体发挥免疫功能、清除体内病原体不可缺少的成分。因此,IFN-γ在疾病的诊断、治疗和疫苗免疫效果检测等方面起着重大作用,是现代分子生物学、免疫学和临床医学研究的热点之一。对干扰素-γ产生、分子结构、生物学活性及作用机制等方面做以下简要综述。  相似文献   

作者用高效液相层析(HPLC)法测定了汉、回、维吾尔(维)、哈萨克(哈)族新生儿胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)中~Gγ/~Aγ、~Aγ~I/~Aγ~T比值,共372例,其中汉族和回族各102例、维族99例、哈族69例。%~Gγ(~Gγ/~Aγ)均值:汉、回、维、哈族分别为66.83%、68.33%、70.44%和69.70%。低~Gγ者(<50%)4例:其中回族3例、哈族1例。高~Gγ者(>80%)25例:汉和哈族各5例、回族4例,维族11例。发现~Aγ~T杂合子99例分别为:汉21例、回23例、维26例、哈族29例。4个民族各发现1例~Aγ~T纯合子。%~Aγ~I(~Aγ~I/~Aγ~T)均值:汉56.83%、回55.58%、维50.94%、哈54.68%。~Aγ~T基因频率依次为0.113、0.123、0.141及0.225。两例比值异常者(1例维族高~Gγ85.42%、~Aγ~T杂合体。1例回族低~Gγ43.4%,~Aγ~I纯合体)经γ基因图谱分析,确定高~Gγ值者γ珠蛋白基因型为-~Gγ-~(AG)γ-~Aγ~T(~Aγ~I)-/-~Gγ-~Aγ~I,(~Aγ~T)-;低~Gγ值者为-~(GA)γ~I-/-~Gγ-~Aγ~I-。  相似文献   

用HPLC法测定新疆蒙古族78例、锡伯族60例新生儿胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)中Gγ/Aγ以及AγI/AγI比值。%Gγ均值为:蒙古族73.99%,锡伯族74.59%。%GγI均值分别为蒙古族56.04%和锡伯族64.33%。在蒙古族中发现AγT纯合体4例、杂合作12例;锡伯族中发现AγT杂合体6例。蒙古族中AγT基因频率(ρAγT)为0.128,锡伯族为0.05  相似文献   

用HPLC法测定新疆蒙古族78例、锡伯族60例新生儿胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)中Gγ/Aγ以及AγI/AγT比值。%Gγ均值为:蒙古族73.99% ,锡伯族74.59%。%AγI均值分别为蒙古族56.04%和锡伯族64.33%。在蒙古族中发现AγT纯合体4例、杂合体12例;锡伯族中发现AγT杂合体6例。蒙古族中AγT基因频率(fAγT)为0.128,锡伯族为0.05。 Abstract: Gγ/Aγ、AγI/Aγ Ratios of fetal hemoglobin(HbF) in 138 cases of newborns of Megnol (n=78)and Sibo(n=60)ethnic groups in Urumuqi,Xinjiang were determined by HPLC.The means of % Gγ of Mongol and sibo ethnic groups were 73.99% and 7459% respectively.12 Aγ/T cases of heterozygotes in Mongol,6 in Sibo and 4 cases of AγT homozygotes in Mongol were found.The frequencies of AγT gene were 0.128 in Mongol and 0.05 in Sibo respectively.The means of AγT of Mongol and Sibo ethnic groups were 56.04% and 64.33% respectively.  相似文献   

贵州苗族新生儿HbF中Gγ/Aγ比值测定与AγT基因频率分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用含Triton X-100的酸性尿素聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)法测定了贵州省108例苗族新生儿脐带血胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)中Gγ/Aγ值.显示107例(占99.07%)新生儿的Gγ值在55-78%之间,均值与标准差为70.42±3.45;高Gγ值者1例(占0.925%);低Gγ值者未发现。用Large-pore Vydac C4柱反相高效液相层析法对108例样本进行了AγT基因频率(fAγT)分析,fAγT为0.0648。 The ratio of Gγ to Aγ of fetal hemoglobin inn 108 cord blood samples of Miao nationality newborns in Guizhou province was determined by the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE).The result showed that one case had high Gγ value(0.925%) and 107 babies the normal Gγ values of 55 to 78%(70.42+3.45)。The AγT gene frequency(fAγT) analysis in 108 samples was done by high pressure liquid chromatography using a large pore Vydac C4 column,the fAγT was 0.0648.  相似文献   

The human low affinity FcγRII family includes both the activating receptor FcγRIIA and the inhibitory receptor FcγRIIB2. These receptors have opposing signaling functions but are both capable of internalizing IgG-containing immune complexes through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. We demonstrate that upon engagement by multivalent aggregated human IgG, FcγRIIA expressed in ts20 Chinese hamster fibroblasts is delivered along with its ligand to lysosomal compartments for degradation, while FcγRIIB2 dissociates from the ligand and is routed separately into the recycling pathway. FcγRIIA sorting to lysosomes requires receptor multimerization, but does not require either Src family kinase activity or ubiquitylation of receptor lysine residues. The sorting of FcγRIIB2 away from a degradative fate is not due to its lower affinity for IgG and occurs even upon persistent receptor aggregation. Upon co-engagement of FcγRIIA and FcγRIIB2, the receptors are sorted independently to distinct final fates after dissociation of co-clustering ligand. These results reveal fundamental differences in the trafficking behavior of different Fcγ receptors.  相似文献   

以聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法测定了331例辽宁满族新生儿脐带血血红蛋白F中Gγ/Aγ比值。结果显示:高Gγ(>80%)者4例,占1.21%,其基因频率(f)为0.00604,低Gγ(30-48%)者6例,占1.81%,其基因频率为0.00906,其余正常,Gγ平均值为65.23±6.38%。未发现AγT链。对其中八例异常者(4例高Gγ值,4例低Gγ值)的染色体DNA进行了基因图谱分析,确定4例高Gγ值者基因型有两种:Gγ-Gγ/Gγ-Aγ二例,Gγ-AGγ-Aγ/Gγ-Aγ二例;4例低Gγ值者基因型有二种,分别为:Aγ-Aγ/Gγ-Aγ二例和-GAγ/Gγ-Aγ二例。其中Aγ-Aγ基因型在中国人群中未见报道过。  相似文献   

以聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法测定了331例辽宁满族新生儿脐带血血红蛋白F中Gγ/Aγ比值。结果显示:高Gγ(>80%)者4例,占1.21%,其基因频率(f)为0.00604,低Gγ(30-48%)者6例,占1.81%,其基因频率为0.00906,其余正常,Gγ平均值为65.23±6.38%。未发现AγT链。对其中八例异常者(4例高Gγ值,4例低Gγ值)的染色体DNA进行了基因图谱分析,确定4例高Gγ值  相似文献   

γ—谷氨酸半胱氨酸合成酶(γ—GCS)与肿瘤耐药   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷胱甘肽(glutathione,GSH)及其相关酶类对化疗药物的解毒作用是恶性肿瘤化疗耐药形成的主要原因之一。γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶(γ-GCS)是GSH体内生物合成的限速酶,大量的体外及临床实验已证实γ-GCS与多种肿瘤细胞的耐药有关,抑制γ-GCS活性可降低细胞内GSH水平,同时使肿瘤细胞耐药得到不同程度的逆转。本文综述了γ-GCS的生物学特性、基因表达的调控及在肿瘤耐药形成中的作用。  相似文献   

磷脂酶C-γ(PLC-γ)被激活后,通过两种不同的活化机制催化水解PIP2,产生IP3和DAG。IP3和DAG分别介导钙离子从钙泵中释放以及激活蛋白激酶C,从而形成一个关键的跨膜转导信号组分。现已知道,PLC-γ在细胞周期、细胞转化、生长和发育、细胞凋亡以及调控细胞肌动蛋白骨架等生命活动过程中起着重要的调节作用。另外,PLC-γ与其他转导信号,如PKC、Ras、Ca^2 等存在cross-talk关系。  相似文献   

通过用不同剂量的 ̄(60)Co—γ射线辐照硫磺软膏、鞣酸软膏、土肥氏软膏及辐照后贮藏效应的研究表明,γ辐照对软膏剂灭菌效果显著,杂菌存活量随辐照剂量及辐照后的贮藏时间增加而降低。对于上述三种软膏,最适辐照剂量为2.0—4.0KGy。  相似文献   

γ-转角是所有转角中数量位居第二的结构,约占整个蛋白质结构的3.4%。γ-转角有助于球形结构的形成,帮助肽链改变折叠方向,因此就更加有必要研究γ-转角的预测方法,从而提高蛋白质二级结构的预测精度。近几十年来关于γ-转角的预测方法越来越成熟,预测精度越来越高。本文综述了近年来对γ-转角研究进展,包括它的研究方法以及预测的准确度等。  相似文献   

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