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By manipulating an infectious cDNA clone of poliovirus, we have introduced a single-codon insertion into the 3A region of the viral genome which has been proposed to encode a functional precursor of the virion-linked protein VPg. The resulting mutant was cold sensitive in monkey kidney cells. Viral RNA synthesis was poor at 32.5 degrees C, although no other function of the virus was obviously affected. The synthesis of both positive and negative strands was severely depressed. Temperature shift experiments suggest that a normal level of production of the affected function was required only during the early (exponential) phase of RNA synthesis. Analysis of viral polyprotein processing at the nonpermissive temperature revealed that some of the normal cleavages were not made, most likely as a consequence of the defect in RNA synthesis or as a result of the concomitant reduction in the level of virally encoded proteases.  相似文献   

The structure of a ribonucleoprotein complex formed at the 5'-end of poliovirus RNA was investigated. This complex involves the first 90 nucleotides of poliovirus genome which fold into a cloverleaf-like structure and interact with both uncleaved 3CD, the viral protease-polymerase precursor, and a 36 kDa ribosome-associated cellular protein. The cellular protein is required for complex formation and interacts with unpaired bases in one stem-loop of the cloverleaf RNA. Amino acids within the 3C protease which are important for RNA binding were identified by site-directed mutagenesis and the crystal structure of a related protease was used to model the RNA binding domain within the viral 3CD protein. The physiologic importance of the ribonucleic-protein complex is suggested by the finding that mutations that disrupt complex formation abolish RNA replication but do not affect RNA translation or stability. Based on these structural and functional findings we propose a model for the initiation of poliovirus RNA synthesis where an initiation complex consisting of 3CD, a cellular protein, and the 5'-end of the positive strand RNA catalyzes in trans the initiation of synthesis of new positive stranded RNA.  相似文献   

Assembly of poliovirus virions requires proteolytic cleavage of the P1 capsid precursor polyprotein between two separate glutamine-glycine (QG) amino acid pairs by the viral protease 3CD. In this study, we have investigated the effects on P1 polyprotein processing and subsequent assembly of processed capsid proteins caused by substitution of the glycine residue at the individual QG cleavage sites with valine (QG-->QV). P1 cDNAs encoding the valine substitutions were created by site-directed mutagenesis and were recombined into wild-type vaccinia virus to generate recombinant vaccinia viruses which expressed the mutant P1 precursors. The recombinant vaccinia virus-expressed mutant P1 polyproteins were analyzed for proteolytic processing defects in cells coinfected with a recombinant vaccinia virus (VVP3) that expresses the poliovirus 3CD protease and for processing and assembly defects by using a trans complementation system in which P1-expressing recombinant vaccinia viruses provide capsid precursor to a defective poliovirus genome that does not express functional capsid proteins (D. C. Ansardi, D. C. Porter, and C. D. Morrow, J. Virol. 67:3684-3690, 1993). The QV-substituted precursors were proteolytically processed at the altered sites both in cells coinfected with VVP3 and in cells coinfected with defective poliovirus, although the kinetics of cleavage at the altered sites were slower than those of cleavage at the wild-type QG site in the precursor. Completely processed capsid proteins VP0, VP3, and VP1 derived from the mutant precursor containing a valine at the amino terminus of VP3 (VP3-G001V) were unstable and failed to assemble stable subviral structures in cells coinfected with defective poliovirus. In contrast, capsid proteins derived from the P1 precursor with a valine substitution at the amino terminus of VP1 (VP1-G001V) assembled empty capsid particles but were deficient in assembling RNA-containing virions. The assembly characteristics of the VP1-G001V mutant were compared with those of a previously described VP3-VP1 cleavage site mutant (K. Kirkegaard and B. Nelsen, J. Virol. 64:185-194, 1990) which contained a deletion of the first four amino-terminal residues of VP1 (VP1-delta 1-4) and which was reconstructed for our studies into the recombinant vaccinia virus system. Complete proteolytic processing of the VP1-delta 1-4 precursor also occurred more slowly than complete cleavage of the wild-type precursor, and formation of virions was delayed; however, capsid proteins derived from the VP1-G001V mutant assembled RNA-containing virions less efficiently than those derived from the VP1-delta 1-4 precursor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aichi virus, a member of the family Picornaviridae, encodes a leader (L) protein of 170 amino acids (aa). The Aichi virus L protein exhibits no significant sequence homology to those of other picornaviruses. In this study, we investigated the function of the Aichi virus L protein in virus growth. In vitro translation and cleavage assays indicated that the L protein has no autocatalytic activity and is not involved in polyprotein cleavage. The L-VP0 junction was cleaved by 3C proteinase. Immunoblot analysis showed that the L protein is stably present in infected cells. Characterization of various L mutants derived from an infectious cDNA clone revealed that deletion of 93 aa of the center part (aa 43 to 135), 50 aa of the N-terminal part (aa 4 to 53), or 90 aa of the C-terminal part (aa 74 to 163) abolished viral RNA replication. A mutant (Delta114-163) in which 50 aa of the C-terminal part (aa 114 to 163) were deleted exhibited efficient RNA replication and translation abilities, but the virus yield was 4 log orders lower than that of the wild type. Sedimentation analysis of viral particles generated in mutant Delta114-163 RNA-transfected cells showed that the mutant has a severe defect in the formation of mature virions, but not in that of empty capsids. Thus, the data obtained in this study indicate that the Aichi virus L protein is involved in both viral RNA replication and encapsidation.  相似文献   

The phenotypic defects of two type 1 Mahoney poliovirus mutants, termed VP1-101 and VP1-102, were caused by two different small deletions in the region of the RNA genome encoding the amino terminus of the capsid protein VP1. This portion of VP1 was unresolved in the three-dimensional structure of the poliovirion, buried within the virion, and likely to interact with the viral RNA. Both VP1-101 and VP1-102 showed a diminished ability to enter CV1 but not HeLa cells; both mutants formed plaques on CV1 and HeLa cells that were smaller than wild type. Neither the rate of binding to cells nor the rate of subsequent receptor-dependent conformational change of the mutant poliovirions was affected. However, both mutants displayed delayed kinetics of RNA release compared with wild-type virus. One of the mutants, VP1-102, also displayed a defect in viral morphogenesis: 75S empty capsids formed normally, but 150S particles that contained RNA accumulated much more slowly. We suggest that the VP1-102 mutation affects RNA encapsidation as well as RNA release, whereas the VP1-101 mutation affects only RNA release. Therefore, RNA packaging and RNA release are genetically linked but can be mutated separately in different VP1 alleles, and both processes involve the amino terminus of VP1.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gag gene product Pr55gag self-assembles when expressed on its own in a variety of eukaryotic systems. Assembly in T lymphocytes has not previously been studied, nor is it clear whether Pr55gag particles can package genomic RNA or if the Gag-Pol polyprotein is required. We have used a series of constructs that express Gag or Gag-Pol proteins with or without the viral protease in transient transfections in COS-1 cells and also expressed stably in CD4+ T cells to study this. Deletion of the p6 domain at the C terminus of protease-negative Pr55gag did not abolish particle release, while truncation of the nucleocapsid protein reduced it significantly, particularly in lymphocytes. Gag-Pol polyprotein was released from T cells in the absence of Pr55gag but did not encapsidate RNA. Pr55gag encapsidated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA whether expressed in a protease-positive or protease-negative context. p6 was dispensable for RNA encapsidation. Marked differences in the level of RNA export were noted between the different cell lines.  相似文献   

Specific encapsidation of fragments of TMV RNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in vitro reconstitution of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is initiated by the binding of a disk of TMV protein to the 'disk recognition site', a region of the RNA chain at or near the 5'-terminus for which the disk has special affinity. In order to gain insight into the recognition process, we have studied the ability of disks to encapsidate short RNA fragments produced by partial pancreatic or T1 RNase digestion of TMV RNA. The disk is capable of dicriminating among such fragments, encapsidating only a few of the many present in the digest. The products of encapsidation are short nucleoprotein rods of the same diameter as TMV and of length proportional to that of the encapsidated RNA fragment. The particles differ from TMV, however, in one significant aspect (apart from their length): they possess rings of RNA-free protein at one or both extremities of the rod. In the case of T1 RNase digestion the principal encapsidated fragments were fragments T1 (105 nucleotides) and a family of smaller fragments containing elements of the same sequence. Partial digestion with pancreatic RNase generated only one major fragment (fragment P1; 150 nucleotides) with affinity for the disk. Fragment T1 has been sequenced and shown to represent a portion of the coat protein cistron. Fragment P1 has been partially sequenced but its function is not yet known. Several lines of evidence indicate that fragment T1 is not the disk recognition site. The portion of the TMV RNA chain from which fragment P1 is derived, on the other hand, is encapsidated early in the reconstitution process; thus fragment P1 may contain the disk recognition site. Fragment T1 and fragment P1 both have purine-rich and cytosine-poor sequences near their termini. In addition, fragment T1, and possibly fragment P1, possess a periodicity of order three in purine residues. It seems likely that one or both of the aforesaid properties are largely responsible for the affinity of these fragments for the disk.  相似文献   

Isolation of poliovirus 2C mutants defective in viral RNA synthesis.   总被引:29,自引:24,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
J P Li  D Baltimore 《Journal of virology》1988,62(11):4016-4021
Two poliovirus mutants were isolated that contain an oligonucleotide linker insertion in the 2C-coding region of the viral genome. One, 2C-31, has a strongly temperature-sensitive phenotype and the other, 2C-32, forms small plaques on HeLa cell monolayers at all temperatures. Both mutants have a severe temperature-sensitive defect in viral RNA synthesis but little effect on the types of viral protein that are made. Temperature shift experiments showed that the 2C function is continuously required for viral RNA synthesis to proceed. The 2C mutants could be complemented in trans by mutants with mutations in other viral proteins. Protein 2C is also the locus of the guanidine resistance and dependence mutants, a drug whose action also affects viral RNA synthesis. Thus, protein 2C is one that is needed continually for viral RNA synthesis and, at least with these temperature-sensitive alleles, can be provided in trans.  相似文献   

Hepadnaviruses, as well as other pararetroviruses, express their pol (P) gene product unfused to the preceding core gene implying that these retroelements have developed a mechanism for initiating assembly and replication that is principally different from the one used by retroviruses and retrotransposons. We have analysed this mechanism for the human hepatitis B virus by using a newly developed, highly sensitive detection method based upon radiolabelling of the P protein at newly introduced target sites for protein kinase A. The results obtained demonstrate that polymerase encapsidation depends on the concomittant encapsidation of the HBV RNA pregenome and that packaging of the viral RNA, in turn, depends on the presence of P protein. Loss of P protein encapsidation by mutations inactivating the HBV RNA encapsidation signal epsilon could be compensated by trans-complementation with recombinant RNA molecules carrying the epsilon sequence. Thus, in contrast to retroviral replication, the interaction of the hepadnaviral P protein and the RNA genome at its packaging signal appears to be crucial for initiating the formation of replication-competent nucleocapsids. Furthermore, RNA control of P protein packaging stringently limits the number of polymerase molecules that can be encapsidated.  相似文献   

Poliovirus RNA recombination in cell-free extracts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The nucleocapsid (N) protein encapsidates both viral genomic RNA (vRNA) and the antigenomic RNA (cRNA), but not viral mRNA. Previous work has shown that the N protein has preference for vRNA, and this suggested the possibility of a cis-acting signal that could be used to initiate encapsidation for the S segment. To map the cis-acting determinants, several deletion RNA derivatives and synthetic oligoribonucleotides were constructed from the S segment of the Hantaan virus (HTNV) vRNA. N protein-RNA interactions were examined by UV cross-linking studies, filter-binding assays, and gel electrophoresis mobility shift assays to define the ability of each to bind HTNV N protein. The 5' end of the S-segment vRNA was observed to be necessary and sufficient for the binding reaction. Modeling of the 5' end of the vRNA revealed a possible stem-loop structure (SL) with a large single-stranded loop. We suggest that a specific interaction occurs between the N protein and sequences within this region to initiate encapsidation of the vRNAs.  相似文献   

The process of retroviral RNA encapsidation involves interaction between trans-acting viral proteins and cis-acting RNA elements. The encapsidation signal on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA is a multipartite structure composed of functional stem-loop structures. The nucleocapsid (NC) domain of the Gag polyprotein precursor contains two copies of a Cys-His box motif that have been demonstrated to be important in RNA encapsidation. To further characterize the role of the Cys-His boxes of the HIV-1 NC protein in RNA encapsidation, the relative efficiency of RNA encapsidation for virus particles that contained mutations within the Cys-His boxes was measured. Mutations that disrupted the first Cys-His box of the NC protein resulted in virus particles that encapsidated genomic RNA less efficiently and subgenomic RNA more efficiently than did wild-type virus. Mutations within the second Cys-His box did not significantly affect RNA encapsidation. In addition, a full complement of wild-type NC protein in virus particles is not required for efficient RNA encapsidation or virus replication. Finally, both Cys-His boxes of the NC protein play additional roles in virus replication.  相似文献   

To characterize the cis-acting determinants that function in RNA dimer formation and maintenance, we examined the stability of RNA dimers isolated from virus particles containing mutations in the encapsidation region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The genomic RNAs of all mutants containing lesions in elements required for in vitro dimerization exhibited thermal stability similar to that of wild-type (WT) HIV-1. These data indicate that the eventual formation of stable dimeric RNA in vivo is not absolutely dependent on the elements that promote dimer formation in vitro. Surprisingly, mutants that lacked a large segment of the middle portion of the genome, outside the likely primary dimer linkage region, formed RNA dimers that were measurably more stable than WT. In addition, the insertion of one or multiple copies of a foreign gene, which resulted in a series of vectors that approached RNA length similar to that of WT RNA, still exhibited augmented dimer stability. These results suggest that there are regions in the HIV-1 genome outside the primary dimer initiation and dimer linkage regions that can negatively affect dimer stability.  相似文献   

The specific encapsidation of genomic RNA by an alphavirus requires recognition of the viral RNA by the nucleocapsid protein. In an effort to identify individual residues of the Sindbis virus nucleocapsid protein which are essential for this recognition event, a molecular genetic analysis of a domain of the protein previously suggested to be involved in RNA binding in vitro was undertaken. The experiments presented describe the generation of a panel of viruses which contain mutations in residues 97 through 111 of the nucleocapsid protein. All of the viruses generated were viable, and the results suggest that, individually, the residues mutated do not play a critical role in encapsidation. However, one mutant which had lost the ability to specifically encapsidate the genomic RNA was identified. This mutant virus, which contained a deletion of residues 97 to 106, encapsidated both the genomic RNA and the subgenomic mRNA of the virus. It is proposed that the encapsidation of this second species of RNA, which is not present in wild-type virions, is the result of the loss of a domain of the nucleocapsid protein required for specific recognition of the genomic RNA packaging signal. The results suggest that this region of the protein is important in dictating specificity in the encapsidation reaction in vivo. The isolation and preliminary characterization of two independent second-site revertants to this deletion mutant are also described.  相似文献   

BPHE-1 cells, which harbor 50 to 200 viral episomes, encapsidate viral genome and generate infectious bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) upon coexpression of capsid proteins L1 and L2 of BPV1, but not coexpression of BPV1 L1 and human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) L2. BPV1 L2 bound in vitro via its C-terminal 85 residues to purified L1 capsomers, but not with intact L1 virus-like particles in vitro. However, when the efficiency of BPV1 L1 coimmunoprecipitation with a series of BPV1 L2 deletion mutants was examined in vivo, the results suggested that residues 129 to 246 and 384 to 460 contain independent L1 interaction domains. An L2 mutant lacking the C-terminal L1 interaction domain was impaired for encapsidation of the viral genome. Coexpression of BPV1 L1 and a chimeric L2 protein composed of HPV16 L2 residues 1 to 98 fused to BPV1 L2 residues 99 to 469 generated infectious virions. However, inefficient encapsidation was seen when L1 was coexpressed with either BPV1 L2 with residues 91 to 246 deleted or with BPV1 L2 with residues 1 to 225 replaced with HPV16 L2. Impaired genome encapsidation did not correlate closely with impairment of the L2 proteins either to localize to promyelocytic leukemia oncogenic domains (PODs) or to induce localization of L1 or E2 to PODs. We conclude that the L1-binding domain located near the C terminus of L2 may bind L1 prior to completion of capsid assembly, and that both L1-binding domains of L2 are required for efficient encapsidation of the viral genome.  相似文献   

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