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Studies of social learning in the wild are important to complement findings from experiments in captivity. In this field study, immature Bornean orangutans rarely foraged independently but consistently followed their mothers' choices. Their diets were essentially identical to their mothers' even though not all mothers had the same diet. This suggests vertical transmission of diet by enhancement. Also, immatures selectively observed their mothers during extractive foraging, which increased goal‐directed practice but not general manipulation of similar objects, suggesting observational forms of learning of complex skills. Teaching was not observed. These results are consistent with the reported presence of food traditions and skill cultures in wild orangutans. We suggest that food traditions can develop wherever association commonly allows for social learning. However, the capacity for observational learning, and thus more complex culture, is more likely to evolve among extractive foragers with prolonged association between adults and immatures. Am. J. Primatol. 72:62–71, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Infant marmosets and tamarins obtain solid food items from adults during and after the time of weaning. In addition to providing nutrients, food transfers may provide infants with the opportunity to learn about diet. The aim of this study was to investigate patterns of begging and food transfer in captive groups of common marmosets during tests with 1) palatable novel food, 2) unpalatable novel food, and 3) familiar food. Infants may gain an opportunity to learn about diet breadth by preferentially begging for novel rather than familiar items, while adults may facilitate infant learning by differing in their willingness to transfer food depending upon the food's novelty or palatability. In this study, infants exhibited more interest and begging with novel food items than with familiar ones. However, food transfers were not more likely to occur with novel foods than with familiar ones, and in fact adults were more likely to refuse infant begging attempts with novel foods. The palatability of the food also did not influence the rates of refusal and transfer: adults transferred palatable and unpalatable novel foods with similar frequencies. These results suggest that infant marmosets gain an opportunity to learn about diet breadth by begging for novel foods, but adults do not preferentially transfer novel or palatable food items.  相似文献   



Insectivory likely contributed to survival of early humans in diverse conditions and influenced human cognitive evolution through the need to develop harvesting tools. In living primates, insectivory is a widespread behavior and frequently seasonal, although previous studies do not always agree on reasons behind this. Since western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) diet is largely affected by seasonal variation in fruit availability, we aimed to test three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses (habitat use, frugivory and rainfall) to explain seasonality in termite feeding across age/sex classes in three habituated groups (Nindividuals = 27) in Central Africa.

Materials and Methods

We used 4 years of ranging, scan and continuous focal sampling records of gorillas (Nranging days = 883, Nscans = 12,384; Nhours = 891) in addition to 116 transects recording vegetation and termite mound distribution.


Depending on the age/sex classes, we found support for all three hypotheses. Time spent in termite-rich vegetation positively impacted termite consumption in all age/sex classes, but subadults. Lengthier travels increased termite feeding in females but decreased it in subadults. Frugivory decreased termite consumption in adults. Daily rainfall had a positive effect on termite feeding and foraging in silverbacks and juveniles, but a negative effect in subadults. For females, rainfall had a positive effect on termite feeding, but a negative effect for termite foraging.


In great apes, seasonal insectivory seems to be multifactorial and primarily opportunistic with important differences among age/sex classes. While insectivory has potentials to be traditional, it likely played a crucial role during primate evolution (including ours), allowing diet flexibility in changing environments.  相似文献   

Ectoparasites are a ubiquitous environmental component of breedingbirds, and it has repeatedly been shown that hematoph-agousectoparasites such as fleas and mites reduce the quality andnumber of offspring of bird hosts, thereby lowering the valueof a current brood. Selection acting on the hosts will favorphysiological and behavioral responses that will reduce theparasites' impact. However, the results of the few bird studiesthat addressed the question of whether parasitism leads to ahigher rate of food provisioning are equivocal, and the beggingresponse to infestation has rarely been quantified. A changein begging activity and parental rate of food provisioning couldbe predicted in either direction: parents could reduce theirinvestment in the brood in order to invest more in future broods,or they could increase their investment in order to compensatefor the parasites' effect on the current brood. Since the nestlingsare weakened by the ectoparasites they may beg less, but onthe other hand they may beg more in order to obtain more food.In this study we show experimentally that (1) hen fleas (Ceratophyllusgallinae) reduce the body mass and size of great tit (Parusmajor) nestlings, (2) nestlings of parasitized broods more thandouble their begging rate, (3) the male parents increase thefrequency of feeding trips by over 50%, (4) the females do notadjust feeding rate to the lowered nutritional state of nestlings,and (5) food competition among siblings of parasitized broodsis increased. Ultimately the difference in the parental feedingresponse may be understood as the result of a sex-related differencein the trade-off of i0vesting in current versus future broods.  相似文献   

Primate tool use varies among species, populations, and individuals. Individual variation is especially poorly understood. Orang-utans in the Sumatran swamp forest of Suaq Balimbing varied widely in rates of tool use to extract honey, ants or termites from tree holes and in the degree to which they specialized on this tree-hole tool use. We tested whether individual variation was best explained by effects of social dominance, habitat differences, or by opportunities for socially learning the skills during ontogeny. There was no evidence for the first two hypotheses. However, we found a strong relationship between tool use specialization and mean female party size, which was used as a proxy for the opportunities for socially mediated learning in a foraging context during their development. This use was justified because females are rather philopatric and their mean party size remained stable over time, thus reflecting long-term tendencies. The correlation was not an artifact of a direct effect of party size on tool use tendencies, and did not hold for males, the dispersing sex. Thus, variation in the number of opportunities for social learning explains tool use variation within populations, corroborating hypotheses for between-population variation. The emergence of human culture was accompanied by vastly improved mechanisms of social learning. In order for these improvements to be favored by natural selection, the cultural potential must have actually been expressed. Thus, a combination of strong sociability and a reliance on tool-using or other technical skills acquired through social learning must have characterized early hominins.  相似文献   

Psychiatry faces an internal contradiction in that it regards mild sadness and low mood as normal emotions, yet when these emotions are directed toward a new infant, it regards them as abnormal. We apply parental investment theory, a widely used framework from evolutionary biology, to maternal perinatal emotions, arguing that negative emotions directed toward a new infant could serve an important evolved function. If so, then under some definitions of psychiatric disorder, these emotions are not disorders. We investigate the applicability of parental investment theory to maternal postpartum emotions among Shuar mothers. Shuar mothers' conceptions of perinatal sadness closely match predictions of parental investment theory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Successive contacts with a food that was initially acceptable to the acridid Schistocerca americana (Drury) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) were monitored. It was found that acceptability, as measured by meal length, declined with experience until the food, spinach, was completely rejected. Reduced acceptability of spinach was maintained even after feeding for three meals on a fully acceptable and suitable food, a period of 2–3 h. Experiments with spinach-filled capsules placed in the gut suggested that the decline in acceptability was not due to direct feedback from the gut or haemolymph on the sensory or feeding control systems. Food aversion learning is indicated as the mechanism underlying the decline in acceptability.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflicts of interest between family members areexpected to influence patterns of parental investment. In altricialbirds, despite providing the same kind of parental care, patternsof investment in different offspring can differ between parents,a situation termed parentally biased favoritism. Previous explanationsfor parentally biased favoritism have received mixed theoreticaland empirical support. Here, we test the prediction that inblue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, females bias their food allocationrules to favor the smallest offspring during the nestling stage.By doing so, females could increase the subsequent amount ofpaternal care supplied by their partner during the fledgingperiod, as a previous study showed that males feed the largestfledglings. When size differences within the brood are lesspronounced, all offspring will require similar amounts of postfledgingcare, and thus, the male parent will lose the advantage of caringfor the largest offspring that are closest to independence.In this study, we controlled the hunger of the smallest andlargest nestlings in the brood and compared the food allocationrules of the 2 parents. We found that the male parent had astronger preference than the female to feed the closest nestlingsand made no distinction between nestlings based on size, whereasthe female provisioned small hungry nestlings more when theywere at intermediate distances from her. These differences inparental food allocation rules are consistent with predictionsbased on sexual conflict over postfledging parental investment.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine if providing affectively positive information about a flavor to preschool-aged children during tasting will increase recognition of and liking for the flavor and if the recognition and liking are associated. Forty-six 3- to 6-year-old children tasted 10 flavors: 5 presented with affectively positive information and 5 without. The 10 flavors were then presented again interspersed with 10 distracter flavors. Children reported whether they had tasted the flavor previously and provided hedonic ratings for each flavor. Children's ability to remember having tasted a flavor was greater when the flavor was presented with affectively positive information than without in children throughout the age range of 3-6 years. In children younger than 4.5 years, the provision of information had no effect on hedonic rating, whereas in older children, the provision of information was associated with greater hedonic ratings. We conclude that providing affectively positive information to children about a flavor can increase their ability to recognize the flavor as previously tasted and increases hedonic rating of the flavor in children older than 4.5 years.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex interactions among food security, bioenergy sustainability, and resource management requires a focus on specific contextual problems and opportunities. The United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals place a high priority on food and energy security; bioenergy plays an important role in achieving both goals. Effective food security programs begin by clearly defining the problem and asking, ‘What can be done to assist people at high risk?’ Simplistic global analyses, headlines, and cartoons that blame biofuels for food insecurity may reflect good intentions but mislead the public and policymakers because they obscure the main drivers of local food insecurity and ignore opportunities for bioenergy to contribute to solutions. Applying sustainability guidelines to bioenergy will help achieve near‐ and long‐term goals to eradicate hunger. Priorities for achieving successful synergies between bioenergy and food security include the following: (1) clarifying communications with clear and consistent terms, (2) recognizing that food and bioenergy need not compete for land and, instead, should be integrated to improve resource management, (3) investing in technology, rural extension, and innovations to build capacity and infrastructure, (4) promoting stable prices that incentivize local production, (5) adopting flex crops that can provide food along with other products and services to society, and (6) engaging stakeholders to identify and assess specific opportunities for biofuels to improve food security. Systematic monitoring and analysis to support adaptive management and continual improvement are essential elements to build synergies and help society equitably meet growing demands for both food and energy.  相似文献   

We examined age‐related differences in wild brown capuchins' foraging efficiency and the food‐processing behaviors directed toward maripa palm fruit (Maximiliana maripa). A detailed comparison of the different foraging techniques showed that plucking the fruit from the infructescence constituted the main difficulty of this task. Foraging efficiency tended to increase with age, with a threshold at which sufficient strength allowed immatures by the age of three to reach adult‐level efficiency. Youngsters spent more time than older individuals browsing the infructescence and pulling the fruit in an attempt to harvest it. Infants tried to compensate for their inability to pluck fruit by adopting alternative strategies but with low payback, such as gnawing unplucked fruit and opportunistically scrounging others' partially processed food. Although around 2 years of age, young capuchins exhibited all of the behaviors used by adults, they did not reach adult‐level proficiency at feeding on maripa until about 3 years (older juveniles). We compared this developmental pattern with that of extractive foraging on beetle larvae (Myelobia sp.) hidden in bamboo stalks, a more difficult food for these monkeys [Gunst N, Boinski S, Fragaszy DM. Behaviour 145:195–229, 2008]. For maripa, the challenge was mainly physical (plucking the fruit) once a tree was encountered, whereas for larvae, the challenge was primarily perceptual (locating the hidden larvae). For both foods, capuchins practice for years before achieving adult‐level foraging competence, and the timeline is extended for larvae foraging (until 6 years) compared with maripa (3 years). The differing combinations of opportunities and challenges for learning to forage on these different foods illustrate how young generalist foragers (i.e. exploiting a large number of animal and plant species) may compensate for their low efficiency in extractive foraging tasks by showing earlier competence in processing less difficult but nutritious foods, such as maripa fruit. Am. J. Primatol. 72:960–973, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lead contamination is a global problem affecting a large number of bird species around the world. Among the different avian guilds, vultures and facultative scavengers are particularly threatened by this toxic metal. However, little information is available about differences in exposure to this metal for sympatric vulture species that share food resources. We compared blood lead concentrations of two closely related sympatric obligate scavenger species, the abundant Black Vulture Coragyps atratus and the threatened Andean Condor Vultur gryphus in north-western Patagonia, Argentina. We sampled 28 Andean Condors and 29 Black Vultures trapped foraging in the same area in the steppe. We also sampled 16 Black Vultures foraging in a rubbish dump to determine whether there were differences in lead contamination among foraging sites. Andean Condors had significantly higher mean blood lead concentrations than Black Vultures. There was no difference in lead concentrations between Black Vultures trapped in the steppe and in the rubbish dump. The prevalence and probability of lead concentrations above the threshold level (20 µg/dL) was higher for Andean Condors than for Black Vultures, potentially producing different effects on their health. This disparity in lead contamination may be due to differences in their foraging habits or in their susceptibility to this toxic metal. Overall, our results suggest caution in using an abundant surrogate species to infer lead contamination in a closely related but harder to sample species.  相似文献   

Acrylamide is a processing contaminant and Group 2a carcinogen that was discovered in foodstuffs in 2002. Its presence in a range of popular foods has become one of the most difficult problems facing the food industry and its supply chain. Wheat, rye and potato products are major sources of dietary acrylamide, with biscuits, breakfast cereals, bread (particularly toasted), crispbread, batter, cakes, pies, French fries, crisps and snack products all affected. Here we briefly review the history of the issue, detection methods, the levels of acrylamide in popular foods and the risk that dietary acrylamide poses to human health. The pathways for acrylamide formation from free (non‐protein) asparagine are described, including the role of reducing sugars such as glucose, fructose and maltose and the Maillard reaction. The evolving regulatory situation in the European Union and elsewhere is discussed, noting that food businesses and their suppliers must plan to comply not only with current regulations but with possible future regulatory scenarios. The main focus of the review is on the genetic and agronomic approaches being developed to reduce the acrylamide‐forming potential of potatoes and cereals and these are described in detail, including variety selection, plant breeding, biotechnology and crop management. Obvious targets for genetic interventions include asparagine synthetase genes, and the asparagine synthetase gene families of different crop species are compared. Current knowledge on crop management best practice is described, including maintaining optimum storage conditions for potatoes and ensuring sulphur sufficiency and disease control for wheat.  相似文献   

  • 1 Polistes metricus Say (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Polistinae) field colonies were supplemented with dilute honey during the pre-emergence and early post-emergence phases of colony development.
  • 2 Supplementation did not increase number of nest cells constructed or rates of loss to predation or foundress disappearance compared with controls.
  • 3 Colonies receiving honey supplementation produced first offspring earlier in the season than control colonies. The difference is due to a shorter time span between founding and first emergence.
  • 4 Foundresses of supplemented and control colonies did not differ in wing length or per cent body fat.
  • 5 Offspring of both supplemented and control colonies had shorter wing lengths than did foundresses of supplemented colonies. Offspring of control colonies had shorter wing lengths than did foundresses of control colonies but not foundresses of supplemented colonies.
  • 6 The per cent body fat of offspring from control colonies was lower than that of all foundresses and of offspring from supplemented colonies.
  • 7 The per cent body fat of offspring from supplemented colonies was higher than that of all foundresses.

The feeding behavior of final-instar nymphs ofSchistocerca americana was observed when they first encountered plants that ranged in acceptability from being eaten in large amounts to not being eaten at all. Growth and survival on the same plants through the last stadium were also studied and the results combined as a suitability index to facilitate comparison with the behavior. Although the plants that were eaten most gave the highest suitability index and those that were not eaten permitted no survival, there was no simple relationship between the amounts eaten and the suitability for growth and survival. The possibility that the insects might become habituated to plants that were initially unacceptable was investigated, but no habituation was found over a 3-day period. It is suggested that food intake is largely determined by the presence of deterrent compounds in the less acceptable foods and that nutritional differences between the plants are likely to have been of minor importance. The behavior on some foods suggests that food aversion learning may be involved. It is concluded that the variability of the insects' behavior makes it impossible to predict the suitability of a plant from their immediate behavioral responses. In the field, insects may sometimes reject foods that would be suitable for survival and development, and feed on plants that are nutritionally deficient or even toxic.  相似文献   

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