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BACKGROUND INFORMATION: CF (cystic fibrosis) is a disease caused by mutations within the CFTR (CF transmembrane conductance regulator) gene. The most common mutation, DeltaF508 (deletion of Phe-508), results in a protein that is defective in folding and trafficking to the cell surface but is functional if properly localized in the plasma membrane. We have recently demonstrated that overexpression of the PDZ protein NHERF1 (Na(+)/H(+)-exchanger regulatory factor 1) in CF airway cells induced both a redistribution of DeltaF508CFTR from the cytoplasm to the apical membrane and the PKA (protein kinase A)-dependent activation of DeltaF508CFTR-dependent chloride secretion. In view of the potential importance of the targeted up-regulation of NHERF1 in a therapeutic context, and since it has been demonstrated that oestrogen treatment increases endogenous NHERF1 expression, we tested the hypothesis that oestrogen treatment can increase NHERF1 expression in a human bronchiolar epithelial CF cell line, CFBE41o(-), with subsequent rescue of apical DeltaF508CFTR chloride transport activity. RESULTS: We found that CFBE41o(-) cells do express ERs (oestrogen receptors) in the nuclear fraction and that beta-oestradiol treatment was able to significantly rescue DeltaF508CFTR-dependent chloride secretion in CFBE41o(-) cell monolayers with a peak between 6 and 12 h of treatment, demonstrating that the DeltaF508CFTR translocated to the apical membrane can function as a cAMP-responsive channel, with a significant increase in chloride secretion noted at 1 nM beta-oestradiol and a maximal effect observed at 10 nM. Importantly, knock-down of NHERF1 expression by transfection with siRNA (small interfering RNA) for NHERF1 inhibited the beta-oestradiol-dependent increase in DeltaF508CFTR protein expression levels and completely prevented the beta-oestradiol-dependent rescue of DeltaF508CFTR transport activity. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that beta-oestradiol-dependent up-regulation of NHERF1 significantly increases DeltaF508CFTR functional expression in CFBE41o(-) cells.  相似文献   

The lethal genetic disease cystic fibrosis is caused predominantly by in‐frame deletion of phenylalanine 508 in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). F508 is located in the first nucleotide‐binding domain (NBD1) of CFTR, which functions as an ATP‐gated chloride channel on the cell surface. The F508del mutation blocks CFTR export to the surface due to aberrant retention in the endoplasmic reticulum. While it was assumed that F508del interferes with NBD1 folding, biophysical studies of purified NBD1 have given conflicting results concerning the mutation's influence on domain folding and stability. We have conducted isothermal (this paper) and thermal (accompanying paper) denaturation studies of human NBD1 using a variety of biophysical techniques, including simultaneous circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence, and static light‐scattering measurements. These studies show that, in the absence of ATP, NBD1 unfolds via two sequential conformational transitions. The first, which is strongly influenced by F508del, involves partial unfolding and leads to aggregation accompanied by an increase in tryptophan fluorescence. The second, which is not significantly influenced by F508del, involves full unfolding of NBD1. Mg‐ATP binding delays the first transition, thereby offsetting the effect of F508del on domain stability. Evidence suggests that the initial partial unfolding transition is partially responsible for the poor in vitro solubility of human NBD1. Second‐site mutations that increase the solubility of isolated F508del‐NBD1 in vitro and suppress the trafficking defect of intact F508del‐CFTR in vivo also stabilize the protein against this transition, supporting the hypothesize that it is responsible for the pathological trafficking of F508del‐CFTR.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an apical membrane chloride channel critical to the regulation of fluid, chloride, and bicarbonate transport in epithelia and other cell types. The most common cause of cystic fibrosis (CF) is the abnormal trafficking of CFTR mutants. Therefore, understanding the cellular machineries that transit CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface is important. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) plays an important role in CFTR-dependent chloride transport. The present study was designed to observe the affection of VIP on the trafficking of CFTR, and channel gating in human bronchial epithelium cells (HBEC). Confocal microscopy revealed CFTR immunofluorescence extending from the apical membrane deeply into the cell cytoplasm. After VIP treatment, apical extension of CFTR immunofluorescence into the cell was reduced and the peak intensity of CFTR fluorescence shifted towards the apical membrane. Western blot showed VIP increased cell surface and total CFTR. Compared with the augmented level of total CFTR, the surface CFTR increased more markedly. Immunoprecipitation founded that the mature form of CFTR had a marked increase in HBEC treated with VIP. VIP led to a threefold increase in Cl(-) efflux in HBEC. Glibenclamide-sensitive and DIDS-insensitive CFTR Cl(-) currents were consistently observed after stimulation with VIP (10(-8) mol/L). The augmentation of CFTR Cl(-) currents enhanced by VIP (10(-8) mol/L) was reversed, at least in part, by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H-89 and the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, H-7, suggesting PKA and PKC participate in the VIP-promoted CFTR Cl(-) currents.  相似文献   

There is evidence that cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) interacting proteins play critical roles in the proper expression and function of CFTR. The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger regulatory factor isoform 1 (NHERF1) was the first identified CFTR-binding protein. Here we further clarify the role of NHERF1 in the regulation of CFTR activity in two human bronchial epithelial cell lines: the normal, 16HBE14o-, and the homozygous DeltaF508 CFTR, CFBE41o-. Confocal analysis in polarized cell monolayers demonstrated that NHERF1 distribution was associated with the apical membrane in 16HBE14o- cells while being primarily cytoplasmic in CFBE41o- cells. Transfection of 16HBE14o- monolayers with vectors encoding for wild-type (wt) NHERF1 increased both apical CFTR expression and apical protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent CFTR-mediated chloride efflux, whereas transfection with NHERF1 mutated in the binding groove of the PDZ domains or truncated for the ERM domain inhibited both the apical CFTR expression and the CFTR-dependent chloride efflux. These data led us to hypothesize an important role for NHERF1 in regulating CFTR localization and stability on the apical membrane of 16HBE14o- cell monolayers. Importantly, wt NHERF1 overexpression in confluent DeltaF508 CFBE41o- and DeltaF508 CFT1-C2 cell monolayers induced both a significant redistribution of CFTR from the cytoplasm to the apical membrane and a PKA-dependent activation of CFTR-dependent chloride secretion.  相似文献   

Norez C  Noel S  Wilke M  Bijvelds M  Jorna H  Melin P  DeJonge H  Becq F 《FEBS letters》2006,580(8):2081-2086
In the disease cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common mutation delF508 results in endoplasmic reticulum retention of misfolded CF gene proteins (CFTR). We show that the alpha-1,2-glucosidase inhibitor miglustat (N-butyldeoxynojirimycin, NB-DNJ) prevents delF508-CFTR/calnexin interaction and restores cAMP-activated chloride current in epithelial CF cells. Moreover, miglustat rescues a mature and functional delF508-CFTR in the intestinal crypts of ileal mucosa from delF508 mice. Since miglustat is an orally active orphan drug (Zavesca) prescribed for the treatment of Gaucher disease, our findings provide the basis for future clinical evaluation of miglustat in CF patients.  相似文献   

Structural knowledge of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) requires developing methods to purify and stabilize this aggregation-prone membrane protein above 1 mg/ml. Starting with green fluorescent protein- and epitope-tagged human CFTR produced in mammalian cells known to properly fold and process CFTR, we devised a rapid tandem affinity purification scheme to minimize CFTR exposure to detergent in order to preserve its ATPase function. We compared a panel of detergents, including widely used detergents (maltosides, neopentyl glycols (MNG), C12E8, lysolipids, Chaps) and innovative detergents (branched alkylmaltosides, facial amphiphiles) for CFTR purification, function, monodispersity and stability. ATPase activity after reconstitution into proteoliposomes was 2–3 times higher when CFTR was purified using facial amphiphiles. ATPase activity was also demonstrated in purified CFTR samples without detergent removal using a novel lipid supplementation assay. By electron microscopy, negatively stained CFTR samples were monodisperse at low concentration, and size exclusion chromatography showed a predominance of monomer even after CFTR concentration above 1 mg/ml. Rates of CFTR aggregation quantified in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that detergents which best preserved reconstituted ATPase activity also supported the greatest stability, with CFTR monomer half-lives of 6–9 days in MNG or Chaps, and 12–17 days in facial amphiphile. Cryoelectron microscopy of concentrated CFTR in MNG or facial amphiphile confirmed mostly monomeric protein, producing low resolution reconstructions in conformity with similar proteins. These protocols can be used to generate samples of pure, functional, stable CFTR at concentrations amenable to biophysical characterization.  相似文献   

Deletion of Phe-508 (F508del) in the first nucleotide-binding domain (NBD1) of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) results in destabilization of the domain, intramolecular interactions involving the domain, and the entire channel. The destabilization caused by F508del manifests itself in defective channel processing and channel gating defects. Here, we present NMR studies of the effect of F508del and the I539T stabilizing mutation on NBD1 dynamics, with a view to understanding these changes in stability. Qualitatively, F508del NMR spectra exhibit significantly more peak broadening than WT spectra due to the enhanced intermediate time scale (millisecond to microsecond) motions in the mutant. Unexpectedly, studies of fast (nanosecond to picosecond) motions revealed that F508del NBD1 tumbles more rapidly in solution than WT NBD1. Whereas F508del tumbles at a rate nearly consistent with the monomeric state, the WT protein tumbles significantly more slowly. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement experiments confirm that NBD1 homodimerizes in solution in the expected head-to-tail orientation. NMR spectra of WT NBD1 reveal significant concentration-dependent chemical shift perturbations consistent with NBD1 dimerization. Chemical shift analysis suggests that the more rapid tumbling of F508del is the result of an impaired ability to dimerize. Based on previously published crystal structures and NMR spectra of various NBD1 mutants, we propose that deletion of Phe-508 affects Q-loop conformational sampling in a manner that inhibits dimerization. These results provide a potential mechanism for inhibition of channel opening by F508del and support the dimer interface as a target for cystic fibrosis therapeutics.  相似文献   

Scaffolding proteins are molecular switches that control diverse signaling events. The scaffolding protein Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) assembles macromolecular signaling complexes and regulates the macromolecular assembly, localization, and intracellular trafficking of a number of membrane ion transport proteins, receptors, and adhesion/antiadhesion proteins. NHERF1 begins with two modular protein-protein interaction domains—PDZ1 and PDZ2—and ends with a C-terminal (CT) domain. This CT domain binds to ezrin, which, in turn, interacts with cytosekeletal actin. Remarkably, ezrin binding to NHERF1 increases the binding capabilities of both PDZ domains. Here, we use deuterium labeling and contrast variation neutron-scattering experiments to determine the conformational changes in NHERF1 when it forms a complex with ezrin. Upon binding to ezrin, NHERF1 undergoes significant conformational changes in the region linking PDZ2 and its CT ezrin-binding domain, as well as in the region linking PDZ1 and PDZ2, involving very long range interactions over 120 Å. The results provide a structural explanation, at mesoscopic scales, of the allosteric control of NHERF1 by ezrin as it assembles protein complexes. Because of the essential roles of NHERF1 and ezrin in intracellular trafficking in epithelial cells, we hypothesize that this long-range allosteric regulation of NHERF1 by ezrin enables the membrane-cytoskeleton to assemble protein complexes that control cross-talk and regulate the strength and duration of signaling.  相似文献   

A direct interaction of the regulatory domain (R domain) of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR) with PR65, a regulatory subunit of the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), was shown in yeast two hybrid, pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. The R domain could be dephosphorylated by PP2A in vitro. Overexpression of the interacting domain of PR65 in Caco-2 cells, as well as treatment with okadaic acid, showed a prolonged deactivation of the chloride channel. Taken together our results show a direct and functional interaction between CFTR and PP2A.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic Ca2+ is a master regulator of airway physiology; it controls fluid, mucus, and antimicrobial peptide secretion, ciliary beating, and smooth muscle contraction. The focus of this review is on the role of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in fluid secretion by airway exocrine secretory cells. Airway submucosal gland serous acinar cells are the primary fluid secreting cell type of the cartilaginous conducting airways, and this review summarizes the current state of knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of serous cell ion transport, with an emphasis on their regulation by intracellular Ca2+. Many neurotransmitters that regulate secretion from serous acinar cells utilize Ca2+ as a second messenger. Changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration regulate the activities of ion transporters and channels involved in transepithelial ion transport and fluid secretion, including Ca2+-activated K+ channels and Cl channels. We also review evidence of interactions of Ca2+ signaling with other signaling pathways (cAMP, NO) that impinge upon different ion transport pathways, including the cAMP/PKA-activated cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) anion channel. A better understanding of Ca2+ signaling and its targets in airway fluid secretion may identify novel strategies to intervene in airway diseases, for example to enhance fluid secretion in CF airways.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the CBb subunit of crotoxin, a β-neurotoxin with phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity, targets the human ΔF508CFTR chloride channel implicated in cystic fibrosis (CF). By direct binding to the nucleotide binding domain 1 (NBD1) of ΔF508CFTR, this neurotoxic PLA2 acts as a potentiator increasing chloride channel current and corrects the trafficking defect of misfolded ΔF508CFTR inside the cell.Here, for a therapeutics development of new anti-cystic fibrosis agents, we use a structure-based in silico approach to design peptides mimicking the CBb-ΔF508NBD1 interface. Combining biophysical and electrophysiological methods, we identify several peptides that interact with the ΔF508NBD1 domain and reveal their effects as potentiators on phosphorylated ΔF508CFTR. Moreover, protein-peptide interactions and electrophysiological studies allowed us to identify key residues of ΔF508NBD1 governing the interactions with the novel potentiators. The designed peptides bind to the same region as CBb phospholipase A2 on ΔF508NBD1 and potentiate chloride channel activity. Certain peptides also show an additive effect towards the clinically approved VX-770 potentiator. The identified CF therapeutics peptides represent a novel class of CFTR potentiators and illustrate a strategy leading to reproducing the effect of specific protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

Keyword index     
《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

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