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The lack of immunocompetent laboratory animal models has limited our understanding of functional immune responses to Cryptosporidium parvum infection, but such responses have been studied in susceptible laboratory rodents with genetic, acquired, or induced immunodeficiencies. We previously observed that athymic C57BL/6J nude mice inoculated with C. parvum oocysts had lower or absent fecal oocyst excretion when compared to inoculated athymic BALB/cJ nude mice. This discrepancy prompted us to explore potential differences in intestinal immune responses in both strains. Prior to and after C. parvum challenge, BALB/cJ nude and C57BL/6J nude mice did not differ in either spleen cell numbers or in parasite-specific proliferation. However, both strains of mice exhibited a significant increase in intra-epithelial lymphocyte (IEL) numbers prior to and following C. parvum inoculation when compared to uninoculated controls (P<0.05). Prior to challenge, C57BL/6J nude mice had a higher percentage of both CD8+ and CD8+ gammadelta+ IEL than BALB/cJ nude mice. Following challenge, resistant C57BL/6J nude mice had a higher percentage of gammadelta+, CD4+, and CD8+ gammadelta+ IEL than uninoculated C57BL/6J nude mice and than susceptible BALB/cJ nude mice (P<0.05). Conversely, inoculated C57BL/6J nude mice had a significantly lower percentage of alphabeta+ IEL than inoculated BALB/cJ nude mice (P<0.05). We conclude that gammadelta+, CD4+, and/or CD8+ gammadelta+ IEL may influence responses to cryptosporidiosis in athymic murine models, and that the increased percentage of alphabeta+ IEL in susceptible BALB/cJ nude mice could reflect a preferential expression during chronic C. parvum infection and/or might downregulate local protective responses.  相似文献   

The effects of Heligmosomoides bakeri infection on the course of a concurrent Cryptosporidium parvum infection were studied in C57BL/6 mice. Mice were initially infected with 80 L3 of H. bakeri and then challenged with 104 oocysts of C. parvum, administered during the patent period of the nematode infection (28 day post H. bakeri infection). The number of C. parvum oocysts excreted in the feces and the number of adult H. bakeri in the small intestine were monitored during the experiment. Concurrent H. bakeri infection resulted in a prolonged course of infection with C. parvum. The intensities of both parasite infections were higher in co-infections. We also investigated the cellular immune response at 14 and 42 days post infection C. parvum. During infection with C. parvum there was an increase in production of IFN-γ and IL-12 but co-infection with H. bakeri inhibited IFN-γ secretion. The present study is the first to demonstrate that infection with H. bakeri markedly exacerbates the intensity of a concurrent C. parvum infection in laboratory mice and also affects immune effectors mechanisms in co-infection with H. bakeri.  相似文献   

Serum colony-forming activity (CSA) and colony-forming cells (CFC) of resistant (C57BL/10 ScSn) and susceptible (BALB/cJ) mice were studied during Listeria monocytogenes infection. Key findings were also checked in susceptible CBA/H mice. Prompt, bacterial dose-dependent increases in serum CSA were observed in all mice following infection. In response to the same challenge dose, serum CSA increased more in susceptible mice, possibly because rapid bacterial proliferation lead to high bacterial numbers. Thus CSA is not a limiting factor which accounts for the differences in Listeria resistance, but is produced in response to bacterial load. In uninfected mice, there were higher numbers of colony-forming cells in the bone marrow and spleen of resistant mice than in susceptible mice. By 24 hr postinfection there was a sharp drop in total cell numbers including CFC, in the bone marrow of resistant C57BL/10 ScSn mice. This coincides with the time when monocytes have been first observed in the blood of infected mice and when differences in bacterial growth between the mouse strains were first observable. Since the superior resistance of C57BL/10 mice has been shown to be radiosensitive, it is probable that this larger, readily mobilized reserve of monocyte/granulocyte precursors in the resistant mice plays an important role in early control of infection. The significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   

Consumption of a high-fat diet decreases hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) and increases proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and brown adipose uncoupling protein (UCP)-1 mRNA in obesity-resistant SWR/J but not obesity-prone C57Bl/6J mice. Although leptin was elevated in both strains in response to a high-fat diet, its role in the development of diet-induced obesity has remained unclear since insulin and other factors that affect similar tissue targets are altered. Thus, we administered recombinant leptin by subcutaneous infusion to chow-fed mice to mimic the changes in plasma leptin across its broad physiologic range. We observed strain differences in responsiveness to reduced and elevated leptin levels. A reduction in leptin during fasting evoked a greater response in C57Bl/6J mice by decreasing energy expenditure and thyroxin, increasing corticosterone and stimulating food intake and weight gain during refeeding. However, C57Bl/6J mice were less responsive to an increase in leptin in the fed state. Conversely, the leptin-mediated response to fasting was blunted in SWR/J mice, whereas an increase in leptin profoundly reduced food intake and body weight in SWR/J mice fed ad libitum. Sensitivity to fasting in C57Bl/6J mice was associated with higher hypothalamic NPY mRNA and reduced POMC and UCP-1 mRNA expression, while the robust response to high leptin levels in SWR/J mice was associated with suppression of NPY mRNA. These results indicate that differences in leptin responsiveness between strains might occur centrally or peripherally, leading to alteration in the patterns of food intake, thermogenesis and energy storage.  相似文献   

The contribution of cytokines IL-12, IL-18, IL-23, and IFN-γ, and Stat1 signaling molecules involved in Th1 responses associated with host resistance to Cryptosporidium parvum infection was investigated in adult IL-12p40−/−mice. Host resistance to C. parvum infection was assessed in different mouse strains lacking IL-12, IL-18, and IL-23 genes. We found that as in IL-12p40−/− mice (which lack both IL-12 and IL-23), IL-12p35−/− mice (which lack IL-12) and IL-18 deficient mice were also susceptible to infection with C. parvum. Varied levels of resistance were observed when mice were treated with cytokines like IL-18, IL-23 and IFN-γ. Mice treated with IL-12, as expected, were completely resistant to infection until day 5 post infection, and had significantly decreased (85%) parasite loads at peak infection (day 7), whereas rIL-23 had a lesser effect, decreasing parasite load by approximately 45%. Interestingly, IL-18 appears to play a significant role in initial immune response, even in the absence of IL-12, since treatment with IL-18 in IL-12p40−/− knockout mice decreased parasite load by approximately 70%. In addition, the establishment of C. parvum infection in mice lacking the Stat1 gene demonstrated the involvement of this pathway in resolution of infection. These observations indicate a strong requirement for Th1 response in the development of immunity to C. parvum in the adult IL-12p40−/− mice, information that will be essential to further investigate the immune responses during infections and in the development of potential vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of mousepox due to infection with ectromelia virus strain NIH-79 was characterized in genetically susceptible (BALB/cAnNCr) and genetically resistant (C57BL/6NCr) mice. BALB/c mice inoculated subcutaneous (s.c.) or intranasally (i.n.) had high mortality. Most mice died within 7 days from severe necrosis of the spleen and liver. Necrotic foci in livers of BALB/c mice that survived beyond 7 days often were accompanied by mononuclear cell infiltrates and by hyperplasia of lymphoid tissues. C57BL/6 mice inoculated by either route remained asymptomatic and necrotic lesions were mild or absent, whereas focal non-suppurative hepatitis and lymphoid hyperplasia were prominent. Infectious virus and viral antigen were distributed widely in tissues of BALB/c mice, but had limited distribution in C57BL/6 mice. Both mouse strains had infection of the respiratory tract, genital tract, oral tissues and bone marrow, and BALB/c mice also had infection of the intestines. Both strains also developed serum antibody to vaccinia virus antigen after infection. The results show that ectromelia virus occurs in tissues conducive to mouse to mouse transmission and that the severity and character of mousepox lesions correlate directly with resistance and susceptibility to infection. They also support the concept that cellular immunity contributes to survival from infection.  相似文献   

A quantitative colorimetric in situ hybridization assay was developed for detecting Cryptosporidium parvum infection in cell cultures using a digoxigenin-labeled probe targeting 18S rRNA. Intra-cellular developmental stages of C. parvum such as trophozoites and meronts were clearly discerned by light microscopy as localized areas of dark purple/black precipitate against a colorless background. Infections developed focally and the term infectious focus was applied to each cluster of developmental stages. There were no significant differences in the number of infectious foci following 24 h or 48 h incubation. However, 24 h and 48 h dose response curves were significantly different when infectivity was measured as the number of developmental stages per monolayer, with an average of 5.3-fold more stages following 48 h incubation. When infectivity was expressed as the number of infectious foci per inoculum oocyst converted to a percentage, it was demonstrated that the rate of infection decreased with increasing oocyst age. Oocysts of the Iowa isolate that were 7-10 days old demonstrated 7.8+/-2.4% infectivity (mean +/- standard deviation) compared to 4.2+/-0.8% for 21-28 day-old oocysts and 1.4+/-1.3% for 42-70 day-old oocysts. The assay also detected infection with other genotype 2 oocysts and a genoptye 1 isolate. This assay provides a direct quantitative approach for measuring C. parvum infectivity in cell culture.  相似文献   

Lethal irradiation (850 rads) of mice made resistant to Trichuris muris markedly depressed their ability to expel a challenge infection. Expulsion was restored within 7-10 days when MLNC from uninfected mice were transferred on the day of infection, but no significant restoration was evident after transfer of immune serum. Transfer of BM alone had no restorative effect within 10 days and no synergism was seen when both BM and MLNC were transferred. MLNC from uninfected donors did not restore challenge expulsion when transfer was delayed until day 7 and the mice were killed 3 days later, although MLNC from resistant donors were effective within this time. When irradiated mice were given BM and the challenge infection allowed to continue for 15 days expulsion was restored, as it was when challenge was delayed for 7 days after BM transfer in thymectomized mice. The results confirm that expulsion of T. muris involves both antibody-mediated and lymphoid cell-mediated phases and offer no evidence for the involvement of other cell types.  相似文献   

Apoptosis plays a major role in the development of pathogenesis due to a number of microbial infections. Epithelial cells have been previously shown to die through apoptosis during in vitro infection by the Apicomplexan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum. We now test the possibility that Fas (APO-1/CD95)-dependent apoptosis of uninfected cells, due to enhanced expression of the Fas ligand (FasL) on infected cells, may contribute to the pathology of cryptosporidiosis. Expression of the FasL increased by a large amount on the surface of intestinal epithelial cells infected with C. parvum, and the increase was limited exclusively to infected cells. In addition, a significant increase in FasL expression was observed in epithelial cells from the small intestine of mice infected with C. parvum. Finally, whereas wild-type mice depleted of CD4(+) lymphocytes lost weight during C. parvum infection, CD4(+) cell-depleted lpr mice (deficient in Fas function) infected with C. parvum gained weight at the same rate as undepleted wild-type or lpr mice. These results suggest that bystander Fas-dependent apoptosis of uninfected epithelial cells may exacerbate the weight loss associated with cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

Clinical responses to infection with ectromelia virus strain NIH-79 were determined in several strains of inbred mice. All mice were equally susceptible to infection, but mortality was strain dependent. BALB/c AnNCr, A/JNCr, DBA/2NCr and C3H/He/NCr MTV- mice were highly susceptible to lethal infection whereas AKR/NCr and SJL/NCr mice were moderately susceptible and C57BL/6NCr mice were highly resistant. Death rates were influenced strongly by virus dose and by route of inoculation. High doses were associated with early and high mortality. For a given dose, intraperitoneal inoculation resulted in the highest mortality and death rates were progressively reduced in mice inoculated by the footpad, subcutaneous and intranasal routes. Footpad swelling was prominent in resistant mice and in survivors among susceptible strains. Deaths among AKR and SJL mice were sporadic and often occurred late irrespective of virus dose. It is suggested that this pattern could be influenced by secondary contact infections or by immunologic injury associated with host responses to ectromelia virus.  相似文献   

The important role of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in protective immunity in mycosis is well established, except for its participation in fungal granulomas. Herein, we employ immunohistochemical reactions to describe the in situ localization of IFN-γ in granulomas of susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice to infection with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb). After infection with the highly virulent Pb18, IFN-γ-positive lymphomononuclear cells were localized mainly at the periphery of granulomas in both mouse strains. The numbers of positive cells found in compact granulomas of A/J mice increased significantly from 15 to 120 days postinfection. At this time, significantly more positive cells were detected in the compact granulomas of resistant mice than in the loose, multifocal lesions of the susceptible ones. In infection with the slightly virulent Pb265, the same pattern of IFN-γ localization was found as in Pb18 infection, but there was decreased staining at 120 days due to the presence of only residual lesions in both mouse strains. The marked IFN-γ staining observed in the granulomas of resistant mice at the later stage of Pb infection confirms its importance in fungal dissemination control, and suggests a contribution to the development of paracoccidioidal granuloma.  相似文献   

The course of anemia and the erythropoietic response in the bone marrow, spleen, and blood were studied during Plasmodium chabaudi AS infection in resistant C57BL/6 (B6) and susceptible A/J (A) mice. Infections in B6 mice were characterized by moderate levels of both parasitemia and anemia and survival. In contrast, A mice experienced high parasitemia, severe anemia, and high mortality rates. During the period of anemia, erythropoiesis, as measured by in vivo 59Fe incorporation, was significantly more depressed in bone marrow and more increased in the spleen in resistant B6 mice. The increase in splenic 59Fe incorporation was a function of the size of the spleen. Bone marrow CFU-E were decreased to 50% of control in both strains, while splenic CFU-E were increased twofold greater in B6 mice compared to those in A mice. However, the absolute numbers of CFU-E per spleen in the two strains were not significantly different during peak parasitemia. Bone marrow BFU-E were transiently increased before peak parasitemia whereas splenic BFU-E peaked during peak parasitemia. A mice had significantly lower numbers of BFU-E per spleen on all days except at peak parasitemia. The frequency of blood-borne BFU-E and plasma erythropoietin titers was increased earlier and to a greater extent in A mice. These results suggest that an impaired amplification of late-stage splenic erythropoiesis may be an important determinant in the severity of anemia and lethality of infection with P. chabaudi AS in A mice. Moreover, these results demonstrate that the defective amplification of splenic erythropoiesis in A mice is neither caused by a defect in the mobilization of BFU-E from the bone marrow to the spleen nor caused by a defect in erythropoietin production.  相似文献   

The present work deals with optimization of excystation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and the infection process of tissue culture cells by the parasite. It was shown that presence of the bile salt sodium taurocholate in the incubation medium expedited excystation of the tested GCH1 isolate and enhanced it, as compared with bleaching of the oocysts. This bile salt had no effect on the viability of tissue culture cell lines MDBK and HCT-8 at the tested concentration of 0.375% for up to 2 hr of coincubation. Infection studies conducted on tissue culture cells showed higher infection rates in the presence of sodium taurocholate than with bleached oocysts in the absence of this bile salt. It may be concluded that, at least as regards the GCH1 strain of C. parvum, the whole infection process can be performed in the presence of sodium taurocholate, and does not require separation and cleaning of the excysted sporozoites before their application to tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

The infection with blood stages of Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (AS) was followed in BALB/c and DBA/2 mice. Both strains show a peak parasitemia by 7-9 days after infection, display splenic hypercellularity of T and B cells, thymic atrophy, nearly complete depletion of B cells in the bone marrow, and mount comparable polyclonal IgM and IgG responses in the serum. In contrast, these strains diverge in some aspects of the immune response and susceptibility to infection: while BALB/c survive, 70-80% of DBA/2 die within 2 weeks; BALB/c but not DBA/2 show marked increases in the levels of splenic gamma/delta and regulatory T cells, dendritic cells and macrophages and parasite-specific IgM and IgG levels; however, lower levels of TNF-alpha and IL-12 were observed. These results suggest the relevance of different cell populations that are known to participate/regulate specific antibody responses and cytokine production in the susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

C57B1/6 mice develop significant levels of protection to a challenge infection after percutaneous exposure to irradiated Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. Although some circumstantial evidence has suggested that antigen-presenting cells (APCs) within the skin play a role in priming anti-schistosomula effector mechanisms, no direct evidence has been presented. In this study, we describe efforts to directly test whether skin-resident APCs exposed to irradiated cercariae are capable of mediating responses consistent with previously proposed mechanisms associated with delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. We demonstrate that a population of APCs emigrates from the skin after percutaneous vaccination and that these cells are able to induce proliferation of S. mansoni-specific lymphocytes. We describe our experiments conducted to confirm that proliferation is dependent on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class-II interactions and cell-to-cell contact between APCs and lymphocytes. Immunohistological staining of emigrating cells revealed a population of large MHC Class-II+ cells with a morphology characteristic of mature dendritic cells. On recovery and adoptive transfer into naive mice, these cells demonstrated the ability to mediate protection to a challenge infection at levels similar to those in percutaneously vaccinated controls. This confirms that cutaneous APCs can initiate anti-schistosomula effector mechanisms in C57B1/6 mice after percutaneous vaccination.  相似文献   

Inbred strains of mice inoculated with the T cruzi Y strain behaved as susceptible (A/J, C3H/HeN), intermediate (BALB/c) or relatively resistant (C57BL/6) with respect to the magnitude of parasitaemia and mortality rate. C57BL/10 mice were susceptible in relation to parasitaemia but resistant when mortality was analyzed. Infection with T cruzi CL strain presented the same results, except for C57BL/6 which behaved as susceptible mice. Athymic mice of various backgrounds revealed no differences in susceptibility, presenting the same dramatic parasitaemia, tissue colonization pattern and no inflammatory reaction in any of the tissues studied. Infection of euthymic and athymic BALB/c mice elicited the production of parasite-specific antibodies, which reached similar levels on the first 9 days but differed after day 13. Serum transfer experiments in BALB/c mice did not show great differences in parasitaemia but altered T. cruzi polymorphism reducing the slender forms in athymic mice. Histopathology of athymic BALB/c mice showed the same tissue tropism when infected either with T cruzi Y or CL strain.  相似文献   

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