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The object of this work was to study the effect of sulfochlorantine (SCA), a new disinfecting compound containing chlorine, on Mycobacterium rubrum cells. The sensitivity of the cells to this agent was studied as well as their ultrastructure at the doses 0.01, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1%. Even at high doses, the cells did not die off immediately when their growth and division stopped. Changes in the ultrastructural organization of the cells depended on the concentration of SCA. The structure of the nucleoid, membranes and ribosomes was damaged. Considerable changes were found in the formation of cross septa. The structure of the cells wall was modified to a lesser degree. The results are consistent with the biochemical data available.  相似文献   

The action of penicillin taken at subbacterioscopic doses on Mycobacterium rubrum cells causes changes in the size and shape of the cells, in the structure of the cell wall, in the intracellular membrane systems and in functions associated with them, and in the structure of nucleoids whose DNA packing becomes more loose. If the antibiotic is added at bacteriostatic doses, the size and shape of the cells do not change, but peptidoglycan precursors being synthesized are not incorporated into the polymer and accumulate in the periplasm. DNA overspiralization in nucleoids is a non-specific reaction, which indicates that DNA is physiologically passive. DNA is isolated with a membrane from the cytoplasm in certain cells. It is possible that the resistance of cells against penicillin is associated with the capability of DNA to become inactive in physiological terms.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane ultrastructural changes after the action of epidermal growth factor were studied in A-431 cells using freeze-fracture methods. The incubation with EGF (100 ng/ml, 0 degree C, 60 min) led to a decrease in density of intramembrane particles on the P surface of ventral cell membrane, while the number of coated pits increased there. The revealed effects of EGF may be related to direct consequences of EGF-receptor complex formation, because all the temperature dependent steps of its processing were blocked. The data obtained testify to an active involvement of the membrane ventral surface in the formation of cell response towards growth factors.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd2+) is one of the most toxic heavy metal pollutants in nature. Mesophyll cells from the leaf of radish seedlings exposed to 0.25 and 1.0 mM of CdCl2 during 24 h exhibited structural changes of chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei when compared to non-treated control plants. Chloroplasts from Cd2+-exposed samples exhibited changes in the organelle shape, an increase in the stroma volume and a deposition of electron-dense material in the double membrane. The changes in the chloroplast membranes were not very drastic, however and reorganization of the thylakoids and stroma was observed. In contrast, the breakdown of the nuclear envelope of the plant cells treated with Cd2+ was very clear. The accumulation of electron-dense granules was also observed in mitochondria. No alterations were observed in the vacuoles of radish seedlings grown at different Cd2+ concentrations for the periods tested.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure changes in the thyroid gland cells of rats were studied when feeding of bethazine and diiodthyrozine to rats at doses 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg of body's weight for 12 months. The ultrastructure changes in thyrocytes typical both for hyper- and for hypofunction of the gland were revealed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Retzius cell (gigantic neurone) mitochondria of the medical leech was investigated. After seven repeated injections of hydrocortisone into the coelomic cavity, the transformation of laminar cristae of mitochondria into tubule-vesiculated structures was discovered. A question of correlation between the structure and function independently of the systematical position of the organism is discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes in the populations of the pertussis causative agent maintained for a prolonged period of time on nutrient media containing antibiotics were studied with the method of electron microscopy. Significant changes in the ultrastructure of the cells and the population composition due to the effect of tetracycline, levomycetin or erythromycin were observed. The ultrastructure of the populations affected by penicillin or streptomycin and their biological properties were most similar to those of the initial strains. The electronogrammes revealed morphological heterogeneity of the initial and experimental cultures and changes in the subpopulation composition induced by the antibiotics.  相似文献   

It has been well established that certain heterologous tissue antibodies may induce abnormal embryonic development when injected into pregnant rodents during the organogenetic period. It has been postulated that these antibodies indirectly cause embryopathy by interfering with the normal functions of the yolk-sac placenta. The exact mechanism whereby these antibodies may induce placental pathology is not known. Specific teratogenic antibodies against a homogeneous rat kidney glycoprotein or a visceral yolk-sac glycoprotein antigen were injected intraperitoneally into 9th day pregnant rats. Electron microscopic examinations of the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells of the egg cylinder were performed at 4, 6, 9, and 24 hours after the administration of the teratogenic antibodies. Control animals were injected with normal rabbit serum proteins. Extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells were similarly processed and examined as the experimental groups. The results seemed to indicate that the teratogenic antibodies induced increased autophagocytosis and morphologic changes associated with the phagolysosomes (secondary lysosomes) within the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells at 9 hours following antibody administration. After 24 hours there was an apparent reduction or a complete disappearance of the supranuclear phagolysosome-like and lysosome-like structures, and the appearance of many large and small electron lucent vacuoles containing finely granular materials. Similar ultrastructural pathology was not observed in the 4 and 6 hour experimental and all of the control groups of animals. No other obvious intracellular or intercellular changes were observed in all of the experimental groups. Although the exact mechanism whereby the teratogenic antibodies may induce pathologic changes in the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells remains to be determined, the present ultrastructural study demonstrated, for the first time, that teratogenic antibodies induced abnormal pathology in the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells during the critical period of organogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Early effects of ionizing radiation were investigated in an experimental in vitro system using the ciliary cells of the tracheal mucous membrane of the rabbit, irradiated at 30° C and at more than 90% humidity. The changes in physiological activities of the ciliary cells caused by irradiation were continuously registered during the irradiation. The specimens were examined immediately after irradiation electron microscopically. The morphological changes in irradiated material after 10–70 Gy are compared with normal material. After 40–70 Gy, scanning electron microscopy revealed the formation of vesicles on cilia, and club-like protrusions and adhesion of their tips. After 30–70 Gy, a swelling of mitochondrial membranes and cristae was apparent transmission electron microscopically. The membrane alterations caused by irradiation are assumed to disturb the permeability and flow of ATP from the mitochondria, which in turn leads to the recorded changes in the activity of the ciliated cells.This investigation was supported by grants from Konung Gustaf V:s Jubileumsfond, John and Augusta Perssons Stiftelse, B. Kamprads Fond, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lund, Sweden and the Swedish Medical Research Council (No. B77-17X-03897-05)The authors are greatly indebted to Miss Inger Norling, Miss Marianne Palmegren and Miss Birgitta Sandström for their excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells in culture were exposed for up to 7 d to a gas mixture containing 80% O2, 5% CO2, and 15% N2 (hyperoxia) and were compared by phase contrast and electron microscopy to cells exposed to a gas mixture containing 20% O2, 5% CO2, and 75% N2. Cells exposed to hyperoxia became enlarged and showed vacuolization and increased lysosomes within 24 to 48 h. These changes were progressive over the 7 d period of exposure. Between 3 and 7 d of exposure to hyperoxia the cells showed reductions in polysomes and endoplasmic reticulum. Despite the other marked cytoplasmic changes, the appearance of mitochondria of oxygen-exposed cells remained unchanged from those of air-exposed cells throughout the 7 d period. Preconfluent and confluent cells responded qualitatively similarly to hyperoxia, but morphological evidence of injury occurred more rapidly for preconfluent cells. We conclude that the initial early structural injury of the endothelial cell exposed to hyperoxia occurs in lysosomes and that the mitochondrial structure is relatively resistant to injury.  相似文献   

Destructive changes in cadmium-treated HeLa cells affecting practically all the cell structures and organelles, were observed. Side by side with it compensation and adaptation responses of cells, which in definite period reduced cell pathological effect of this microelement were revealed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural data are presented on time-course changes in isolated rat hepatocyte suspensions exposed either to 1.2 or 1.8 mM CCl4 for up to 1 h. The subcellular changes at the lower concentration, but not the higher, are shown to closely parallel those reported to occur in rat hepatocytes following ingestion of CCl4.  相似文献   

A unique direct-view stereo electron microscope technique was used to visualize the structure and three-dimensional distributions of mitochondria in CHO cells in situ following hyperthermic treatments. Aberrations induced by various heating regimens were recorded. The protocol included a trypsin digestion that may have enhanced the expression of the initial heat damage. The developed damage was observed as increasing levels of mitochondrial distortion, swelling, and dissociation. Minimal damage was induced at 42 degrees C for exposures of up to 4 h, while significant damage was induced at 43 degrees C for exposures of more than 30 min and at 45 degrees C for exposures of more than 10 min. For moderate exposures, a partial recovery of mitochondrial integrity was observed when the heat treatment was followed by incubation at 37 degrees C for 24 h. Mitochondrial damage was related to the heat dose in that increasing treatment temperature resulted in greater damage, but when compared to cell survival the damage did not parallel cell killing under all time-temperature conditions.  相似文献   

R Herken 《Teratology》1985,31(3):345-352
The ultrastructural changes in the neural tube of 10-day-old mouse embryos were investigated between 1.5 hr and 4 hr after application of either 1 mg/kg colchicine (Col) or 500 mg/kg hydroxyurea (HU) or simultaneous application of both substances. During the investigated period, the shape of the nuclei of the neuroepithelial cells had changed from elongated to round after Col application. The chromatin in the nuclei was condensed and arranged in clusters. A breakdown of polysomes into ribosomes and an enlargement of the rough ER was observed in the cytoplasm. At the luminal surface, bleb-like cytoplasmic processes of the neuroepithelial cells containing monoribosomes protruded into the lumen. No cell necroses were visible in the neural tube after Col application. A condensation of chromatin in the nuclei of some neuroepithelial cells was visible 1.5 hr after HU application. Shortly thereafter, cell necroses appeared in the neural tube and 4 hr after HU application the entire spinal cord was strongly damaged. After simultaneous application of Col and HU, the ultrastructural changes in the neuroepithelial cells of the neural tube did not differ from the results obtained after Col application alone. In contrast to the results obtained after HU application alone, no necroses occurred after simultaneous application of Col and HU.  相似文献   

The present study describes the sequential ultrastructural changes in the apoptotic cells of the rat ventral and dorsal prostates during the early period of 1-3 days postcastration. The major morphological changes include: (1) condensation of heterochromatin along the nuclear envelope and fragmentation into crescent-shaped micronuclei; (2) formation of membrane-bound cytoplasmic spherical bodies, which contain various organelles and micronuclei, within the apoptotic cells; (3) formation of non-membrane-bound autolytic vacuoles by autolysis of cytoplasm; (4) focal rupture of outer mitochondrial membrane; and (5) phagocytosis of the fragmented cytoplasmic spherical bodies and apoptotic cells by macrophages. The occurrence of both cytoplasmic apoptotic bodies and autolytic vacuoles in apoptotic cells suggests that the cytoplasm of the apoptotic cells could be destroyed by different means. The responsiveness of different prostatic lobes to androgen withdrawal and the time course of the transitory apoptotic activity in different lobes were analyzed by counting the indices of the TUNEL-labeled apoptotic cells against the postcastration periods. The results showed that the ventral lobe responded more rapidly to castration than the lateral and dorsal lobes. The dorsal lobe was the slowest in response to castration among the three lobes. Analysis of protease activities by zymography has identified two Ca(2+)-independent proteases of apparent MW 20 and 24 kDa (expressed in both ventral and dorsolateral lobes), and one Ca(2+)-dependent protease of MW 66.5 kDa (expressed only in the dorsolateral lobe) which became activated at day 3 postcastration. Their expression patterns were different from that of CPP-3 in the castrated prostates, suggesting that the activated proteases were enzymes other than CPP-3. The association of their highest activities with the maximum apoptotic activity at day 3 postcastration and also their loss of activity at day 15 suggest that these protease activities might be related to apoptosis or glandular involution.  相似文献   

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