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A familial pericentric inversion of the X chromosome [46,X,inv(X)(p11q28)] and [46,inv(X)(p11q28), Y] is reported. The carriers of the inv(X) presented no clinical symptoms. Either the inverted or the normal X chromosome may be late replicating.  相似文献   

Aneusomie de recombinaison arose from a familial pericentric inversion of a chromosome 21. Two female patients had a typical Down syndrome; one of them had slight psychomotor retardation. There was partial trisomy 21q2109----qter in these two patients but ZnCu SOD activity was normal.  相似文献   

Summary A large kindred with a familial pericentric inversion of chromosome 3, (p12q24), was found after an investigation initiated by a young female with three spontaneous first-trimester abortions. Altogether 22 (33%) inversion carriers were discovered, 9 females and 13 males. 6 women and 9 men were included in the fertility and segregation analyses because they were all either sexually mature or past maturity. The abortion frequency was below the average European rate in both the inversion carrier group and the cytogenetically normal relative group; 6%: 3%, respectively. The mean numbers of pregnancies and live births (1.8–3.1) did not vary significantly in the two comparison groups. The segregation analysis among the inversion carriers showed a good correspondence to the theoretical 11 ratio (1613). Males and females contributed equally. No duplication/deletion syndromes have been found in the kindred; all family members are phenotypically normal. We report a balanced familial pericentric inversion with no adverse effects. This chromosome aberration could be an example of a harmless chromosome polymorphism.  相似文献   

Summary Recombination of an inherited pericentric inversion of chromosome 20 has given rise to a child with partial trisomy 20p. To our knowledge no previous familial inversions of this chromosome have been described in the literature.  相似文献   

Human sperm chromosomes were studied in a man heterozygous for a pericentric inversion of chromosome 3(p25q21). The pronuclear chromosomes were analyzed after in vitro penetration of golden hamster eggs. A total of 144 sperm were examined: 69.2% were chromosomally balanced and 30.8% were recombinant. Of the balanced complements, the proportion with a normal chromosome 3 (37.6%) was approximately equal to the proportion with an inverted 3 (31.6%). Of the recombinant complements, the proportion of sperm with a duplication q/deletion p (17.3%) was approximately equal to the reciprocal event of duplication p/deletion q (13.5%). The recombinant chromosome 3 with a duplication q and deletion p has been observed in several abnormal children, but the duplication p/deletion q has never been reported. My results demonstrate that both recombinant chromosomes are produced as expected from an unequal number of crossovers within an inversion loop. In all likelihood the duplication p/deletion q chromosome is an early embryonic lethal because of the amount of genetic material deleted. The proportions of X-bearing (48.9%) and Y-bearing sperm (51.1%) were not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio. There was no evidence for an interchromosomal effect. Of the three inversions studied by human sperm chromosome analysis, recombinant chromosomes have been observed only in this case.  相似文献   

A 4 1/2 years old boy was found to have hypoplasia of the pectoralis major right muscle and a karyotype 46,XY,inv(5)(p13q13)mat. This inversion, probably independent of the boy's malformation, was present in at least four generations and it seems neither to impair fertility nor to yield viable recombinants.  相似文献   

In a family in which a large pericentric inversion of chromosome 7 is segregating, two of the four progeny of inversion heterozygotes show severe psychomotor retardation and have the karyotype 46,XX,rec(7),dup q,inv(7)(p22q32), derived from crossing-over within the inversion. Meiotic analysis in one of the heterozygotes revealed no evidence of inversion loops in well-spread pachytene cells. In approximately 20% of cells in diakinesis, the presumptive bivalent 7 had only one chiasma. Two alternatives to the reversed loop mode of meiotic pairing of inversions are proposed. Review of the literature supports the view that "small" pericentric inversions have a much better genetic prognosis than "large" pericentric inversions.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic investigations of surface spread synaptonemal complexes in spermatocytes from a 37-year-old man ascertained for infertility detected a pericentric inv(1), and subsequent lymphocyte analysis placed the break-points at p32 and q42. Most spermatocytes showed a maturation arrest at mid-pachytene explaining the azoospermia. As in two other comparatively large loop-forming pericentric inversions, initiation of synapsis took place in the middle of the inverted segment. Thus there is no indication of interstitial synaptic initiation being restricted to special pairing sites along the length of the chromosome. All spermatocytes investigated at mid-pachytene showed inversion loops, none of which was fully synapsed with a specific delay in pairing of the heterochromatic block 1qh and adjacent segments. The loops were of similar size in all the cells examined and synaptic adjustment had not taken place. There was no indication of a preferential association between the inv(1) bivalent and the XY configuration, and a functional disturbance of the X seems an unlikely reason for the meiotic maturation arrest. The most likely cause may be the failure of adequate synapsis of the inverted segment and the possibly associated pairing abnormalities of other homologues, including asynapsis and/or precocious desynapsis.  相似文献   

Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is a common birth defect affecting 1 in every 700 live births. Several genetic loci are believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of syndromic and non-syndromic clefting. We identified a pericentric inversion of chromosome 4, inv(4)(p13q21) that segregates with cleft lip in a two-generation family. By using a combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization, yeast artificial chromosome, bacterial artificial chromosome contig mapping, and database searching we mapped and sequenced the inversion breakpoint region. The pericentric inversion disrupts a gene (ACOD4) on chromosome 4q21 that codes for a novel acyl-CoA desaturase enzyme. The 3.0 kb human ACOD4 cDNA spans approximately 170 kb and is composed of five exons of ACOD4. The inversion breakpoint is located in the second exon. The 3.0 kb mRNA is expressed at high level in fetal brain; a lower expression level was found in fetal kidney. No expression of ACOD4 was detected in fetal lung or liver or in adult tissues. The five exons code for a protein of 330 amino acids, with a predicted molecular weight of 37.5 kDa. The protein is highly similar to acyl-CoA desaturases from Drosophila melanogaster to Homo sapiens. The catalytically essential histidine clusters and the potential transmembrane domains are well conserved.  相似文献   

This report includes a patient with an inherited pericentric inversion of chromosome No. 2 in addition to a Robertsonian translocation resulting in trisomy for chromosome 13q. The chromosomal constitution of the proband was 46,XX,inv(2) (pter leads to p11 : : q14 leads to p11 : : q14 leads to qter); t(13,14) (13qter leads to 13p11 : : 14q11 leads to 14qter). Sequential QFQ, RFA and GTG banding techniques were employed on the chromosomes of all family members. The chromosomal constitutions of the father and his first child were normal while the mother had an inversion of chromosome No. 2 [46,XX,inv(2) (pter leads to p11 : : q14 leads to p11 : : q14 leads to qter)]. The proband inherited this abnormal chromosome. In addition, she had a de novo Robertsonian translocation involving chromosomes 13q and 14q resulting in trisomy of chromosome 13q.  相似文献   



One of the frequent occurrences in chromosome rearrangements is pericentric inversion of the Chromosome 9; inv (9) (p11q12), which is consider to be the variant of normal karyotype. Although it seems not to correlate with abnormal phenotypes, there have been many controversial reports indicating that it may lead to abnormal clinical conditions such as infertility. The incidence is found to be about 1.98% in the general population.


We investigated the karyotypes of 300 infertile couples (600 individuals) being referred to our infertility clinic using standard GTG banding for karyotype preparation.


The chromosomal analysis revealed a total of 15 (2.5%) inversions, among these, 14 male patients were inversion 9 carriers (4.69%) while one female patient was affected (0.33%). The incidence of inversion 9 in male patients is significantly higher than that of normal population and even than that of female patients (P< 0.05).


This result suggests that inversion 9 may often cause infertility in men due to spermatogenic disturbances, which are arisen by the loops or acentric fragments formed in meiosis.  相似文献   

A de novo complex chromosomal rearrangement is very rare but likely to be present in a child with developmental disabilities and physical alterations. A child presented in this study showed global developmental delay and some typical phenotypes. Initial karyotyping and FISH analysis in the patient showed an apparently de novo balanced translocation between chromosome 3 and 8, t(3;8)(q13.1;q24.2). Further analysis using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and array-based comparative genomic hybridization revealed a cryptic microdeletion on 3p13 region. Nearly one-third of balanced rearrangements are reported to involve cryptic disruptions at breakpoints, however, the microdeletion of the proposita was present in non-translocated region of the chromosome 3. After careful reevaluation of the results, a pericentric inversion, inv(3)(p13q13.1) that induced deletion was revealed. The clinical features of developmental delay in cognition, language, and motor function and facial and physical phenotype of the proposita were similar to those found in the children with 3p13 deletion. This case shows that combined molecular cytogenetic techniques with routine karyotyping are very useful to identify subtle genomic changes associated with abnormal phenotypes.  相似文献   

Summary A phenotypically normal woman with a history of multiple miscarriages was found to have a paracentric inversion in the long arm of chromosome, which may be the reason for the miscarriages.  相似文献   

We report on two unrelated cases of pericentric inversion 46,XY,inv(7)(p11q21.1) associated with distinct pattern of malformation including mental retardation, development delay, ectrodactyly, facial dismorphism, high arched palate. Additionally, one case was found to be characterized by mesodermal dysplasia. Cytogenetic analysis of the families indicated that one case was a paternally inherited inversion whereas another case was a maternally inherited one. Molecular cytogenetic studies have shown paternal inversion to have a breakpoint within centromeric heterochromatin being the cause of alphoid DNA loss. Maternal inversion was also associated with a breakpoint within centromeric heterochromatin as well as inverted euchromatic chromosome region flanked by two disrupted alphoid DNA blocks. Basing on molecular cytogenetic data we hypothesize the differences of clinical manifestations to be produced by a position effect due to localization of breakpoints within variable centromeric heterochromatin and, alternatively, due to differences in the location breakpoints, disrupteding different genes within region 7q21-q22. Our results reconfirm previous linkage analyses suggested 7q21-q22 as a locus of ectrodactily and propose inv (7)(p11q21.1) as a cause of recognizable pattern of malformations or a new chromosomal syndrome.  相似文献   

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