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There is a wealth of information regarding the import and export of nuclear proteins in general. Nevertheless, the available data that deals with the nucleocytoplasmic movement of steroid hormone receptors remains highly limited. Some research findings reported during the past five years have succeeded in identifying proteins related to the movement of estrogen receptor from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. What is striking in these findings is the facilitatory role of estradiol in the transport process. A similar conclusion has been drawn from the studies on the plasma membrane-to nucleus movement of the alternative form of estrogen receptor, the non-activated estrogen receptor (naER). The internalization of naER from the plasma membrane takes place only in the presence of estradiol. While the gene regulatory functions of ER appear to get terminated following its ubiquitinization within the nucleus, the naER, through its deglycosylated form, the nuclear estrogen receptor II (nER II) continues to remain functional even beyond its existence within the nucleus. Recent studies have indicated the possibility that the estrogen receptor that regulates the nucleo cytoplasmic transport of m RNP is the nERII. This appears to be the result of the interaction between nERII and three proteins belonging to a group of small nuclear ribonucleo proteins (snRNP). The interaction of nERII with two of this protein appears to activate the inherent Mg2+ ATPase activity of the complex, which leads to the exit of the RNP through the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells transport a myriad of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm and have evolved a number of related biochemical pathways to achieve this, many of which have been elucidated in recent years. One central and common component to all the pathways is the NPC. NPC components appear to play vital roles in transport and the NPC is structurally dynamic, but whether its role is as a facilitator, a controller or both is yet to be decided and awaits further analysis on the role of individual components in specific pathways.  相似文献   

Transport across the nuclear envelope is mediated by transport receptors from the Importin beta family. We identified Exportin 1 from Arabidopsis (AtXPO1/AtCRM1) as the nuclear export receptor for proteins carrying leucine-rich nuclear export signals (NESs). AtXPO1 shares 42-50% identity with its functional homologues from humans and yeasts. We functionally characterised AtXPO1 by its interaction with NESs of animal and plant proteins, which is inhibited by the cytotoxin leptomycin B (LMB), and also by its interaction with the small GTPase Ran1 in the yeast two-hybrid system. Furthermore, we demonstrated the existence of a nuclear export pathway for proteins in plants. For the characterisation of nuclear export activities, we established an in vivo assay based on the localisation equilibrium of a GFP reporter protein fused to both a nuclear localisation signal (NLS) and an NES motif. Using this in vivo assay we demonstrated that the NES of the heterologous protein Rev is also functional in plants and that its export is inhibited by LMB. In addition, we identified a leucine-rich NES in the Arabidopsis protein AtRanBP1a. The NES, which is located at the carboxy terminus of the protein, is disrupted by mutating three long chain hydrophobic amino acid residues to alanine (L176A, L179A, V181A). In BY-2 protoplasts the NES of AtRanBP1a is functionally indistinguishable from the Rev NES. Our results demonstrate that the machinery for the nuclear export of proteins is functionally conserved in plants.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNAs associate in the nucleus with specific RNA-binding proteins to form heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) complexes. The hnRNP proteins participate directly or indirectly in the processing of pre-mRNAs into mature mRNAs. Recent studies have shown that some hnRNP proteins shuttle continuously between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The export of shuttling hnRNP proteins from the nucleus is mediated by specific nuclear export sequences (NESs) within the proteins. In addition, shuttling hnRNP proteins appear to remain bound to exported mRNAs in transit through nuclear pores. As discussed in this review, the picture that is emerging is that nuclear export of mRNAs is mediated by the export of NES-containing hnRNP proteins to which they are bound.  相似文献   

Although it has been known for several years that most nuclear-encoded RNAs and some patients can be exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, the molecular mechanisms of these transport processes have been poorly understood. Recently, signals that can induce the rapid and active nuclear export of macromolecules have been identified in the HIV-1 Rev protein, the inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKI) and the hnRNP A1 protein. Thus, nuclear export appears to be mechanistically similar to nuclear import that it requires specific signal-receptor systems.  相似文献   

Most of our knowledge regarding the process of protein import into mitochondria has come from research employing fungal systems. This review outlines recent advances in our understanding of this process in mammalian cells. In particular, we focus on the characterisation of cytosolic molecular chaperones that are involved in binding to mitochondrial-targeted preproteins, as well as the identification of both conserved and novel subunits of the import machineries of the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. We also discuss diseases associated with defects in import and assembly of mitochondrial proteins and what is currently known about the regulation of import in mammals.  相似文献   

We have developed a transient transfection system using the Cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter to express the human estrogen receptor (ER) at very high levels in COS-1 cells and have used it to study the interaction of agonist and antagonist receptor complexes with estrogen response element (ERE) DNA. ER can be expressed to levels of 20-40 pmol/mg or 0.2-0.3% of total soluble protein and all of the soluble receptor is capable of binding hormone. The ER binds estradiol with high affinity (Kd 0.2 nM), and is indistinguishable from native ER in that the receptor is capable of recognizing its cognate DNA response element with high affinity, and of transactivating a transgene in an estradiol-dependent manner. Gel mobility shift assays reveal interesting ligand-dependent differences in the binding of receptor complexes to ERE DNA. Receptors occupied by estradiol or the type I antiestrogen transhydroxytamoxifen bind to DNA response elements when exposed to the ligand in vitro or in vivo. Likewise, receptors exposed to the type II antiestrogen ICI 164,384 in vitro bind to ERE DNA. However, when receptor exposure to ICI 164,384 is carried out in vivo, the ER-ICI 164,384 complexes do not bind to ERE DNA, or do so only weakly. This effect is not reversed by subsequent incubation with estradiol in vitro, but is rapidly reversible by in vivo estradiol exposure of intact COS-1 cells. This suggests there may be some cellular process involved in the mechanism of antagonism by the pure antiestrogen ICI 164,384, which is not observed in cell-free extracts.  相似文献   

Heavy isotope-labeled ethanolamine and serine as well as exogenous PE and PS species were used to study trafficking of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and -serine (PS) molecular species between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria in HeLa cells. Import of both endogenous and exogenous PS to IMM was a relatively slow process (T1/2 = several hours), but depended on the acyl chains. In particular, the 38:4 and 38:5 species were imported more efficiently compared to the other PS species. Knock-down of Mitofusin 2 or Mitostatin had no detectable effect on PS import to mitochondria, suggesting that the ER–mitochondria contacts regulated by these proteins are not essential. Knock-down of PS synthase 1 inhibited PS decarboxylation, suggesting that import of PS to mitochondria is coupled to its synthesis. Also the export of PE from IMM to microsomes is a relatively slow process, but again depends markedly on the acyl chain structure. Most notably, the polyunsaturated 38:4 and 38:5 PE species were less efficiently exported, which together with rapid import of the PS precursors most probably explains their enrichment in IMM. PE synthesized via the CDP-ethanolamine was also imported to IMM, but most of the PE in this membrane derives from imported PS. In contrast to PS, all PC species made in Golgi/ER translocated similarly and rapidly to IMM. In conclusion, selective translocation of PS species and PS-derived PE species between ER and mitochondria plays a major role in phospholipid homeostasis of these organelles.  相似文献   

beta-O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is an abundant and dynamic post-translational modification implicated in protein regulation that appears to be functionally more similar to phosphorylation than to classical glycosylation. There are nucleocytoplasmic enzymes for the attachment and removal of O-GlcNAc. Here, we further characterize the recently cloned beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, O-GlcNAcase. Both recombinant and purified endogenous O-GlcNAcase rapidly release free GlcNAc from O-GlcNAc-modified peptide substrates. The recombinant enzyme functions as a monomer and has kinetic parameters (K(m) = 1.1 mm for paranitrophenyl-GlcNAc, k(cat) = 1 s(-1)) that are similar to those of lysosomal hexosaminidases. The endogenous O-GlcNAcase appears to be in a complex with other proteins and is predominantly localized to the cytosol. Overexpression of the enzyme in living cells results in decreased O-GlcNAc modification of nucleocytoplasmic proteins. Finally, we show that the enzyme is a substrate for caspase-3 but, surprisingly, the cleavage has no effect on in vitro O-GlcNAcase activity. These studies support the identification of this protein as an O-GlcNAcase and identify important interactions and modifications that may regulate the enzyme and O-GlcNAc cycling.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel pathway for protein import into the nucleus. Although the product of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene MSN5 was previously shown to function as a karyopherin (Kap) for nuclear export of various proteins, we discovered a nuclear import pathway mediated by Msn5p (also referred to as Kap142p). We have purified from yeast cytosol a complex containing Kap142p and the trimeric replication protein A (RPA), which is required for multiple aspects of DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, DNA repair, and recombination. In wild-type cells, RPA was localized primarily to the nucleus but, in a KAP142 deletion strain, RPA was mislocalized to the cytoplasm and the strain was highly sensitive to bleomycin (BLM). BLM causes DNA double-strand breaks and, in S. cerevisiae, the DNA damage is repaired predominantly by RPA-dependent homologous recombination. Therefore, our results indicate that in wild-type cells a critical portion of RPA was imported into the nucleus by Kap142p. Like several other import-related Kap-substrate complexes, the endogenous RPA-Kap142p complex was dissociated by RanGTP, but not by RanGDP. All three RPA genes are essential for viability, whereas KAP142 is not. Perhaps explaining this disparity, we observed an interaction between RPA and Kap95p in a strain lacking Kap142p. This interaction could provide a mechanism for import of RPA into the nucleus and cell viability in the absence of Kap142p. Together with published results (Kaffman, A., N.M. Rank, E.M. O'Neill, L.S. Huang, and E.K. O'Shea. 1998. Nature. 396:482-486; Blondel, M., P.M. Alepuz, L.S. Huang, S. Shaham, G. Ammerer, and M. Peter. 1999. Genes Dev. 13:2284-2300; DeVit, M.J., and M. Johnston. 1999. Curr. Biol. 9:1231-1241; Mahanty, S.K., Y. Wang, F.W. Farley, and E.A. Elion. 1999. Cell. 98:501-512) our data indicate that the karyopherin Kap142p is able to mediate nuclear import of one set of proteins and nuclear export of a different set of proteins.  相似文献   

T S Ruh  S G Wassilak  M F Ruh 《Steroids》1975,25(2):257-273
The effect of androgens on the nuclear uptake of both tritiated estradiol (3H-E2) and the estrogen receptor was studied in immature rat uteri. It was demonstrated that in vitro preincubation of immature rat uteri with various androgens (1 muM to 50 muM) followed by incubation with 3H-E2 (20 nM) resulted in a greatly decreased specific nuclear uptake of 3H-E2. Non-androgenic steroids had no effect. It was also confirmed that 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes the accumulation of the estrogen receptor in the nuclei of uterine tissue. In vitro incubations of rat uteri with DHT (1muM and 50muM) were found to cause maximal nuclear estrogen receptor accumulation to the same degree as caused by estradiol, i.e. the nuclear uptake of approximately 100% of the estrogen receptor. Antiandrogens, which block the binding of androgens to the testosterone receptor in various tissues, did not inhibit the DHT - induced decrease in the 3H-E2 uptake by the uterine nuclei or the DHT - caused accumulation of the estrogen receptor in nuclei. These results seem to indicate that the uterine testosterone receptor has no role in the androgen - induced nuclear uptake of the estrogen receptor. However, the non-steroidal antiestrogens inhibited the DHT - induced nuclear accumulation of the estrogen receptor. This would seem to indicate that the estrogen - and androgen - induced nuclear accumulation of the estrogen receptor share a common mechanism.  相似文献   

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