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Capability of monkeys for identification of quantitative signs has been studied at recognition and comparison of two-and three-dimensional objects in quantities from 1 to 8. The work was carried out on two species of the lower monkeys: rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatto) and brown capuchins (Cebus apella). The studied representatives of the monkeys have been established to be able to differentiate planar images and casts of cherries in various quantity combinations from 1 to 8 and to identify identical signs of visual stimuli. The obtained data indicate the ability of monkeys to abstract and to form preverbal notions of quantitative signs of objects.  相似文献   

Results of study of formation of quantitative concepts in the lower and higher monkey are presented. Various authors used different methods of study of this issue. It has been established that not only the higher primates, such as chimpanzees and orangutans, but also the lower ones—macaques, capuchins, squirrel monkeys—have the “mathematical capabilities.” The detailed study of formation of quantitative concepts in primates of different levels of phylogenesis allows disclosing mechanisms of formation of this function in human.  相似文献   

The locomotor development of three vervet infants across approximately the first 2 months of life is described. Fairly normal-looking walking movements (as compared to adults) were seen in all the animals by approximately 1 month of age and galloping was observed by 2 months. Early locomotor footfall patterns were often aberrant and bounding-type gaits were sometimes exhibited. Most of the symmetrical gaits observed were classifiable as lateral sequence. Across the 2-month period the animals showed decreased three- and four-foot support and improvements in joint angular displacement patterns. From their earliest locomotor movements the infants showed significant linear relationship between both cycle duration and swing and stance durations of the limbs. We suggest that locomotor control mechanisms are probably fairly mature at birth but that weight support and postural control problems explain the initial locomotor difficulties exhibited by these infants.  相似文献   

The use of photographs, slides, computerized images, and video to study behavior is increasingly being employed in nonhuman primates. However, since these mediums have been designed to simulate natural coloration for normal trichromatic human vision, they can fail to reproduce color in meaningful and accurate ways for viewers with different visual systems. Given the range of color perception that exists both across and within different species, it is necessary to consider this variation in order to discern the suitability of these mediums for experimental use. Because of the high degree of visual similarity among humans, Old World monkeys, and apes, the use of photographic and video stimuli should be acceptable in terms of replicating naturalistic coloration and making noticeable color manipulations. However, among New World primates and prosimians, there exists a considerable degree of variation in color perceptual abilities depending on the species, sex, and allelic combination of the animals involved. Therefore, the use of these mediums to study behavior is problematic for these species, and should be done with caution.  相似文献   

Self-injurious behavior (SIB) occurs in about 10% of individually housed monkeys. Monkeys with SIB bite their own bodies frequently, occasionally inflicting wounds as a result. At present, there is no standard treatment for this phenomenon. We examined the effectiveness of puzzle feeders in alleviating SIB in monkeys with a veterinary record of self-inflicted wounding. Two groups of monkeys (SIB and controls) were exposed to puzzle feeders for a 6 week period. Three levels of maze difficulty were examined. All monkeys used the feeders, but manipulation was confined to a brief period immediately after the feeders were loaded each day (1000 h) and was infrequent during the later sampling periods (1100 and 1400 h). The most difficult maze yielded a slight increase in usage at 1100 h. During the puzzle feeder phase, whole body stereotypies, including pacing and rocking, were reduced substantially in all monkeys at 1000 h when feeder manipulation was at its highest. However, self-biting in the SIB group was unchanged. Some monkeys actually bit themselves while manipulating the feeder. Long-term effects on abnormal behavior were assessed by comparing behavior during the feeder phase to baseline periods and to a phase in which the monkeys were provisioned with treats placed directly into their food box. Whole body stereotypies, including pacing, were reduced during both treatment phases; however, the reduction was associated only with the 1000 h observation. Puzzle feeders were more effective than treats alone in alleviating whole body stereotypies. Self-biting was unchanged through all phases. Puzzle feeders are beneficial from the perspective of eliciting manipulation. They also yield transient reductions in whole body stereotypy, an effect that does not extend beyond the direct manipulation of the feeder. Puzzle feeders are ineffective in alleviating self-injurious behavior. Am. J. Primatol. 46:213–227, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We review feeding and mandibular anatomy in a community of West African monkeys. We use field observations, food material property data, and skeletal specimens from the Ivory Coast's Taï Forest to explore the factors that shape mandibular architecture in colobines and cercopithecines. Despite excellent geographic control across our sample, the fit between bone form (as conventionally described) and functional activity (as we perceive it) is not spectacular. We present a thought experiment to assess how well we could reconstruct diet in the Taï monkeys if we only had skeletons and teeth to study. This exercise indicated that we would be correct about half the time. Our analyses reinforce the notion that diet is anything but a monolithic variable and that better success at relating mandibular form to food must incorporate information on ingestive and processing behavior, geometric and material properties of foods, and both material and structural data on jaws themselves.  相似文献   

An integrative approach for the identification of quantitative trait loci   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The genetic dissection of complex traits is one of the most difficult and most important challenges facing science today. We discuss here an integrative approach to quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in mice. This approach makes use of the wealth of genetic tools available in mice, as well as the recent advances in genome sequence data already available for a number of inbred mouse strains. We have developed mapping strategies that allow a stepwise narrowing of a QTL mapping interval, prioritizing candidate genes for further analysis with the potential of identifying the most probable candidate gene for the given trait. This approach integrates traditional mapping tools, fine mapping tools, sequence-based analysis, bioinformatics and gene expression.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin distribution and chromosomal rearrangements have been proposed as the main sources of karyotype differences among species of Neotropical primates. This variability suggests that there could be differences at other smaller‐scale levels of DNA organization as well. In particular, quantitative differences between genomes result from gains and losses of individual DNA segments, and may result in varying genome sizes (C‐values) among species. In this work, we studied the genomes of 23 individuals from four species in the genus Ateles (Primates: Platyrrhini): A. chamek, A. paniscus, A. belzebuth, and A. geoffroyi. We analyzed genome size and its relationship with the presence of chromosomal rearrangements and patterns of heterochromatin distribution. The C‐value presented in this work for Ateles chamek is the first estimate for this species (3.09 ± 0.23 pg), whereas our estimates for A. belzebuth (2.88 ± 0.06 pg) and A. geoffroyi (3.19 ± 0.24 pg) differed from those previously published. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and interspecies comparativegenomic hybridization (iCGH) analyses revealed that differences in genome size among species relate to localized blocks in both heterochromatic and euchromatic regions, the latter of which appear to be genetically unstable. There were also quantitative differences in Y chromosome content. It remains to be seen whether the chromosomal characteristics of Ateles here discussed are common to platyrrhine monkeys, but it is clear that these monkeys exhibit some intriguing genomic features worthy of additional exploration.  相似文献   

Cannell [Journal of Archaeological Science 29:335-339, 2002] argued that sex-based differences among humans in terms of the mass of chosen throwing stones could be used to infer body mass and patterns of sexual dimorphism in early hominids from Olduvai and Koobi Fora by examining the mass distributions of unaltered stone tools at those sites. We examined this hypothesis in tufted capuchin monkeys using a comparative approach, by investigating the relationships among body mass, sex, stone weight preference, and accuracy in a throwing task. The subject sample consisted of nine monkeys trained to perform an aimed-throwing task in which a food reward could be obtained by throwing a stone into a bucket. We found that 1) the subjects showed a strong mean stone mass preference; 2) the females chose heavier stones than the males, in terms of absolute mean selected stone mass and selected stone mass relative to body mass; 3) subjects threw more accurately when they used stones of preferred mass vs. stones of nonpreferred mass; and 4) overall, the males were more accurate in the throwing task than the females. We conclude that capuchins are highly selective when choosing throwing stones, and that this confers an advantage for throwing accuracy. Our results indicate that the sexually dimorphic pattern in stone mass preference observed among humans does not generalize to Cebus apella. We suggest that researchers examining this pattern in humans in an attempt to explain early hominid patterns of dimorphism and behavior should take into account not only stone weight preference, but also its adaptive advantage.  相似文献   


Purpose/Aim: To gain a better understanding of the psychophysics of thermal pain perception in a clinical setting, this study investigated whether thermal thresholds of unpleasantness are different from pain thresholds of cold and heat stimuli. Of particular interest was the relationship between unpleasantness and pain thresholds for cold vs heat stimuli.

Material and methods: Thirty healthy male volunteers (mean age 26.1?years, range 23 to 32?years) participated. Thermal detection, cold pain (CPT) and heat pain (HPT) thresholds were measured at 5 trigeminal sites by the method of limits using quantitative sensory testing (QST), followed by cold unpleasant (CUT) and heat unpleasant (HUT) thresholds.

Results: The temperatures at which individuals first reported thermal sensations as unpleasant or painful substantially differed among subjects. CUT exhibited a higher mean value with less variability than CPT, and HUT presented a lower mean than HPT (p?<?.001). As with CPT, CUT did not show any significant difference between the test sites. On the other hand, HUT, like HPT, exhibited site differences (p?<?.001). There was moderate correlation between CUT and CPT, whereas HUT and HPT were strongly correlated. The relationship between unpleasant and pain thresholds of cold vs heat stimuli was significantly different even when controlling for test site variability (p?<?.001).

Conclusion: These findings indicate that unpleasant and pain thresholds to thermal stimuli differ in healthy young men. Of particular note is the distinct relationship of unpleasant and pain thresholds of cold vs heat stimuli, revealing the thermal difference in temperature transition from unpleasantness to pain.  相似文献   

Germline repertoire of the immunoglobulin V H 3 family in rhesus monkeys   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
 To facilitate molecular studies of antibody responses in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), we cloned and sequenced germline segments from its largest and most diverse immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene family, V H 3. Using a PCR-based approach, we characterized 29 sequences, 20 with open reading frames (ORFs) and 9 pseudogenes. The leader sequences, introns, exons, and recombination signal sequences of M. mulatta V H 3 gene segments are not strictly identical to those of humans, but the mature coding regions demonstrate, on average, greater than 90% sequence similarity. Although the framework regions are more highly conserved, the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) also show strong similarities, and their predicted three-dimensional structures resemble those of their human homologues. In one instance, homologous macaque and human CDR1 sequences were 100% identical at the nucleotide level, and some CDR2s shared nucleotide identity as high as 96.5%. However, some rhesus V H 3 ORFs have unusual structural features, including atypical CDR lengths and uncommon amino acids at structurally crucial positions. The similarity of rhesus and human V H 3 homologues reinforces the notion that humoral immunity in this nonhuman primate species is an appropriate system for modeling human antibody responses. Received: 10 August 1999 / Revised: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

Homo erectus is notable for its taller stature and longer lower limbs relative to earlier hominids, but the selective pressures favoring such long limbs are unclear. Among anthropoid primates, patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and extant hominids share several extreme characteristics involved with foraging and movement, including the relatively longest lower limb proportions, longest daily travel distances and largest home ranges for their body or group size, occupancy of some of the driest habitats, and very efficient thermoregulatory systems. We suggest that patas monkeys are an appropriate behavioral model with which to speculate on the selective pressures that might have operated on H. erectus to increase lower limb length. Here, in a comparison of the locomotor activities of patas monkeys and sympatric, closely related vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), we provide evidence for the hypothesis that patas use their long stride more to increase foraging efficiency while walking than to run, either from predators or otherwise. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:199–207, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Navicular disease or podotrochlosis is one of the main causes of progressive forelimb lameness in warmblood horses. The objective of this study was to refine a quantitative trait locus on horse chromosome 2 for radiological alterations in the contour of the navicular bone (RAC) in Hanoverian warmblood horses. Genotyping was performed in 192 Hanoverian warmblood horses from 17 paternal half-sib groups. The marker set was extended to 58 informative microsatellites including nine newly developed microsatellites. QTL for RAC could be delineated at 32.50–43.13 Mb and a further new QTL for RAC could be identified at 59.08–65.14 Mb. The markers ABGe342 and ABGe343 reached the highest multipoint Z mean and LOD scores at 34.42 and 35.23 Mb with genome-wide error probabilities of P  = 0.013 and P  = 0.064. In addition, significant associations of markers and haplotypes within the QTL could be shown. The results support the location of the QTL on ECA2 associated with RAC. This work is a further step towards the development of a marker test for navicular disease in Hanoverian warmblood horses.  相似文献   

Colour vision varies within the family Atelidae (Primates, Platyrrhini), which consists of four genera with the following cladistic relationship: {Alouatta[Ateles (Lagothrix and Brachyteles)]}. Spider monkeys (Ateles) and woolly monkeys (Lagothrix) are characteristic of platyrrhine monkeys in possessing a colour vision polymorphism. The polymorphism results from allelic variation of the single-locus middle-to-long wavelength (M/L) cone opsin gene on the X-chromosome. The presence in the population of alleles coding for different M/L photopigments results in a variety of colour vision phenotypes. Such a polymorphism is absent in howling monkeys (Alouatta), which, alone among platyrrhines, acquired uniform trichromatic vision similar to that of Old World monkeys, apes, and humans through opsin gene duplication. Dietary and morphological similarities between howling monkeys and muriquis (Brachyteles) raise the possibility that the two genera share a similar form of colour vision, uniform trichromacy. Yet parsimony predicts that the colour vision of Brachyteles will resemble the polymorphism present in Lagothrix and Ateles. Here we test this assumption. We obtained DNA from the blood or faeces of 18 muriquis and sequenced exons 3 and 5 of the M/L opsin gene. Our results affirm the existence of a single M/L cone opsin gene in the genus Brachyteles. We detected three alleles with predicted lambdamax values of 530, 550, and 562 nm. Two females were heterozygous and are thus predicted to have different types of M/L cone pigment. We discuss the implication of this result towards understanding the evolutionary ecology of trichromatic vision.  相似文献   

A major focus of comparative neuroanatomy has been on whether the mammalian brain evolves in a concerted or a mosaic fashion. Workers have examined variation in the volume of different brain regions across taxa to test the degree to which selection is constrained by the timing of events in neural development. Whether a conserved neurogenetic program in the mammalian brain constrains the distribution of different cell types, however, has not yet been investigated. Here we tested for evidence of evolutionary constraints on the densities of different cell types in the primary visual cortex (V1) and the hippocampus in 37 primate and 21 carnivore species. Cellular densities in V1 and the hippocampus scale isometrically with respect to one another in carnivores, as predicted by the concerted evolution hypothesis. In primates, however, cellular distributions in the hippocampus and primary visual cortex show no correlations, which supports the hypothesis of mosaic brain evolution. We therefore provide evidence for the presence of constraints controlling the adult densities of different cell types in disparate regions of the mammalian brain, but also for specializations along the primate lineage. We propose that adaptations to modularity at the cellular level may carry a deep phylogenetic signal.  相似文献   

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