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Precursor forms of vacuolar proteins with transmembrane domains, such as the carboxypeptidase S Cps1p and the polyphosphatase Phm5p, are selectively sorted in endosomal compartments to vesicles that invaginate, budding into the lumen of the late endosomes, resulting in the formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). These proteins are then delivered to the vacuolar lumen following fusion of the MVBs with the vacuole. The sorting of Cps1p and Phm5p to these structures is mediated by ubiquitylation, and in doa4 mutant cells, which have reduced level of free ubiquitin, these proteins are missorted to the vacuolar membrane. A RING-finger ubiquitin ligase Tul1p has been shown to participate in the ubiquitylation of Cps1p and Phm5p. We show here that the HECT-ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p is also required for the ubiquitylation of these proteins, and therefore for their sorting to MVBs. Rsp5p is an essential ubiquitin ligase containing an N-terminal C2 domain followed by three WW domains, and a C-terminal catalytic HECT domain. In cells with low levels of Rsp5p (npi1 mutant cells), vacuolar hydrolases do not reach the vacuolar lumen and are instead missorted to the vacuolar membrane. The C2 domain and both the second and third WW domains of Rsp5p are important determinants for sorting to MVBs. Ubiquitylation of Cps1p was strongly reduced in the npi1 mutant strain and ubiquitylation was completely abolished in the npi1 tul1Delta double mutant. These data demonstrate that Rsp5p plays a novel and key role in intracellular trafficking, and extend the currently very short list of substrates ubiquitylated in vivo by several different ubiquitin ligases acting cooperatively.  相似文献   

The nuclear transport of both proteins and RNAs has attracted considerable interest in recent years. However, regulation pathways of the nuclear transport machineries are still not well characterized. Previous studies indicated that ubiquitination is involved in poly(A)+ RNA nuclear export. For this reason, we systematically investigated ubiquitin-protein ligasess from the homologous to E6-AP carboxy terminus (HECT) family for potential individual roles in nuclear transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Here we report that Rsp5, an essential yeast ubiquitin ligase involved in many cellular functions, when deleted or mutated in ligase activity, blocks the nuclear export of mRNAs. Affected messenger RNAs include both total poly(A)+ mRNA and heat-shock mRNAs. Mutation of Rsp5 does not affect nuclear protein import or export. Deletion of RSP5 blocks mRNA export, even under conditions where its essential role in unsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis is bypassed. Using domain mapping, we find that the ligase activity is required for proper mRNA export, indicating that ubiquitination by Rsp5 acts directly or indirectly to affect RNA export. The finding that Rsp5p ligase mutations cause a more pronounced defect at high temperatures suggests that ubiquitination of transport factors by Rsp5p may also be essential during stress conditions.  相似文献   

Defects in the development or maintenance of tubule diameter correlate with polycystic kidney disease. Here, we report that absence of the cadherin regulator p120 catenin (p120ctn) from the renal mesenchyme prior to tubule formation leads to decreased cadherin levels with abnormal morphologies of early tubule structures and developing glomeruli. In addition, mutant mice develop cystic kidney disease, with markedly increased tubule diameter and cellular proliferation, and detached luminal cells only in proximal tubules. The p120ctn homolog Arvcf is specifically absent from embryonic proximal tubules, consistent with the specificity of the proximal tubular phenotype. p120ctn knockdown in renal epithelial cells in 3D culture results in a similar cystic phenotype with reduced levels of E-cadherin and active RhoA. We find that E-cadherin knockdown, but not RhoA inhibition, phenocopies p120ctn knockdown. Taken together, our data show that p120ctn is required for early tubule and glomerular morphogenesis, as well as control of luminal diameter, probably through regulation of cadherins.  相似文献   

Yeast Rsp5p and its mammalian homologue, Nedd4, are hect domain ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s) required for the ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of plasma membrane proteins. Because ubiquitination is sufficient to induce internalization, E3-mediated ubiquitination is a key regulatory event in plasma membrane protein endocytosis. Rsp5p is an essential, multidomain protein containing an amino-terminal C2 domain, three WW protein-protein interaction domains, and a carboxy-terminal hect domain that carries E3 activity. In this study, we demonstrate that Rsp5p is peripherally associated with membranes and provide evidence that Rsp5p functions as part of a multimeric protein complex. We define the function of Rsp5p and its domains in the ubiquitin-dependent internalization of the yeast alpha-factor receptor, Ste2p. Temperature-sensitive rsp5 mutants were unable to ubiquitinate or to internalize Ste2p at the nonpermissive temperature. Deletion of the entire C2 domain had no effect on alpha-factor internalization; however, point mutations in any of the three WW domains impaired both receptor ubiquitination and internalization. These observations indicate that the WW domains play a role in the important regulatory event of selecting phosphorylated proteins as endocytic cargo. In addition, mutations in the C2 and WW1 domains had more severe defects on transport of fluid-phase markers to the vacuole than on receptor internalization, suggesting that Rsp5p functions at multiple steps in the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

The multivesicular body (MVB) sorting pathway provides a mechanism for delivering transmembrane proteins into the lumen of the lysosome/vacuole. Recent studies demonstrated that ubiquitin modification acts in cis as a signal for the sorting of cargoes into this pathway. Here, we present results from a genetic selection designed to identify mutants that missort MVB cargoes. This selection identified a point mutation in ubiquitin ligase Rsp5 (Rsp5-326). At the permissive temperature, this mutant is specifically defective for ubiquitination and sorting of the ubiquitin-dependent MVB cargo precursor carboxypeptidase S (pCPS), but not ligand-induced ubiquitination of Ste2. A previous study implicated Tul1 as the ubiquitin ligase responsible for MVB sorting of pCPS. However, we detected no defect in either the sorting or ubiquitination of pCPS in tul1 mutants. We had previously shown that Fab1 phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 5-kinase is also required for MVB sorting of pCPS, but not Ste2. However, our analyses reveal that fab1 mutants do not exhibit a defect in ubiquitination of pCPS. Thus, both Rsp5 and Fab1 play distinct and essential roles in the targeting of biosynthetic MVB cargoes. However, whereas Rsp5 seems to be responsible for cargo ubiquitination, the precise role for Fab1 remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Homophilic cell adhesion mediated by classical cadherins is important for many developmental processes. Proteins that interact with the cytoplasmic domain of cadherin, in particular the catenins, are thought to regulate the strength and possibly the dynamics of adhesion. beta-catenin links cadherin to the actin cytoskeleton via alpha-catenin. The role of p120/delta-catenin proteins in regulating cadherin function is less clear. Both beta-catenin and p120/delta-catenin are conserved in Drosophila. Here, we address the importance of cadherin-catenin interactions in vivo, using mutant variants of Drosophila epithelial cadherin (DE-cadherin) that are selectively defective in p120ctn (DE-cadherin-AAA) or beta-catenin-armadillo (DE-cadherin-Delta beta) interactions. We have analyzed the ability of these proteins to substitute for endogenous DE-cadherin activity in multiple cadherin-dependent processes during Drosophila development and oogenesis; epithelial integrity, follicle cell sorting, oocyte positioning, as well as the dynamic adhesion required for border cell migration. As expected, DE-cadherin-Delta beta did not substitute for DE-cadherin in these processes, although it retained some residual activity. Surprisingly, DE-cadherin-AAA was able to substitute for the wild-type protein in all contexts with no detectable perturbations. Thus, interaction with p120/delta-catenin does not appear to be required for DE-cadherin function in vivo.  相似文献   

Although MDM2 is known to be a critical negative regulator of p53, MDM2 only catalyzes p53 mono- or multiple monoubiquitination in vitro and in vivo, which is insufficient for the initiation of proteasomal degradation. MDM2 does not polyubiquitinate p53 in vitro, however, which indicates that the activity of other ubiquitin ligase(s) or cofactor(s) is required for MDM2-mediated p53 polyubiquitination and degradation. In our recent study, we demonstrated that UBE4B, an E3 and E4 ubiquitin ligase with a U-box domain, interacts physically with both p53 and MDM2. Our findings revealed that UBE4B negatively regulates the level of p53 and inhibits p53-dependent transactivation and apoptosis. We propose that inhibition of MDM2 binding to UBE4B may provide another approach to inhibit MDM2 E3 ligase activity for tumor suppressor p53. It could lead to novel anticancer therapies, with the possibility of reducing the public health burden from cancer.Key words: ubiquitination, MDM2, UBE4B, p53, degradation  相似文献   

Previous studies have implicated the role of Purkinje cells in motor learning and the underlying mechanisms have also been identified in great detail during the last decades. Here we report that cyclin‐dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5)/p35 in Purkinje cell also contributes to synaptic plasticity. We previously showed that p35?/? (p35 KO) mice exhibited a subtle abnormality in brain structure and impaired spatial learning and memory. Further behavioral analysis showed that p35 KO mice had a motor coordination defect, suggesting that p35, one of the activators of Cdk5, together with Cdk5 may play an important role in cerebellar motor learning. Therefore, we created Purkinje cell‐specific conditional Cdk5/p35 knockout (L7‐p35 cKO) mice, analyzed the cerebellar histology and Purkinje cell morphology of these mice, evaluated their performance with balance beam and rota‐rod test, and performed electrophysiological recordings to assess long‐term synaptic plasticity. Our analyses showed that Purkinje cell‐specific deletion of Cdk5/p35 resulted in no changes in Purkinje cell morphology but severely impaired motor coordination. Furthermore, disrupted cerebellar long‐term synaptic plasticity was observed at the parallel fiber‐Purkinje cell synapse in L7‐p35 cKO mice. These results indicate that Cdk5/p35 is required for motor learning and involved in long‐term synaptic plasticity.


《Cellular signalling》2014,26(7):1539-1548
Progranulin (PGRN) was reported to be a stress-response factor in response to hypoxia and acidosis. Here we present evidences demonstrating that PGRN is also an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress responsive factor: PGRN expression was induced and its activation of Erk1/2 and Akt signaling enhanced in response to ER stress; Normal ER stress response was lost in PGRN deficient cells and PGRN deficient cells became hypersusceptible to ER stress-induced apoptosis; additionally, recombinant PGRN could rescue the defects in ER-stress responses seen in PGRN deficient cells. Mechanistic studies indicated that PGRN/TNFR2 was critical for PGRN mediated regulation of ER stress response: similar to PGRN, the expression of TNFR2, but not TNFR1, was also induced in the course of ER stress; in addition, the association between PGRN and TNFR2 was markedly enhanced following ER stress; More importantly, PGRN protection of ER stress induced apoptosis was abolished when TNFR2 signaling was blocked. In addition, the 2nd and 3rd cysteine-rich domains (CRD) in the extracellular portion of TNFR2 (CRD2CRD3), known to directly bind to PGRN, disturbed the interaction of PGRN with TNFR2, and in turn abolished PGRN-mediated activation of Erk1/2 and Akt signaling and protection against apoptosis in response to ER-stress. Collectively, PGRN plays an important role in ER stress and regulates ER stress response through interacting with TNFR2. This study provides new insight into PGRN regulation of stress response and may also present PGRN as a potential molecular target for treating stress-associated disorders.  相似文献   

SNAREs on transport vesicles and target membranes are required for vesicle targeting and fusion. Here we describe a novel yeast protein with a typical SNARE motif but with low overall amino acid homologies to other SNAREs. The protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and was therefore named Use1p (unconventional SNARE in the ER). A temperature-sensitive use1 mutant was generated. use1 mutant cells accumulated the ER forms of carboxypeptidase Y and invertase. More specific assays revealed that use1 mutant cells were defective in retrograde traffic to the ER. This was supported by strong genetic interactions between USE1 and the genes encoding SNAREs in retrograde traffic to the ER. Antibodies directed against Use1p co-immunoprecipitated the SNAREs Ufe1p, myc-Sec20p and Sec22p, which form a SNARE complex required for retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER, but neither Bos1p nor Bet1p (members of the SNARE complex in anterograde traffic to the Golgi). Therefore, we conclude that Use1p is a novel SNARE protein that functions in retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER.  相似文献   

We previously reported that p97/p47-assisted membrane fusion is important for the reassembly of organelles at the end of mitosis, but not for their maintenance during interphase. We have now identified a p97 adaptor protein, p37, which forms a complex with p97 in the cytosol and localizes to the Golgi and ER. siRNA experiments revealed that p37 is required for Golgi and ER biogenesis. Injection of anti-p37 antibodies into cells at different cell cycle stages showed that p37 plays an important role in both Golgi and ER maintenance during interphase as well as in their reassembly at the end of mitosis. In an in vitro Golgi reassembly assay, the p97/p37 complex has membrane fusion activity. In contrast to the p97/p47 pathway, this pathway requires p115-GM130 tethering and SNARE GS15, but not syntaxin5. Interestingly, although VCIP135 is also required, its deubiquitinating activity is unnecessary for p97/p37-mediated activities.  相似文献   

Cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion is dynamically modulated during epithelial-mesenchymal transition triggered by activation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) in epithelial cells. Several cadherin-binding proteins have been identified that control cell-cell adhesion. However, the mechanisms by which intercellular adhesion and cell motility are coregulated are still unknown. Here, we delineate a hitherto uncharted cooperation between RTKs, RhoA GTPase, and p120 catenin in instructing a motile behavior to epithelial cells. We found that expression of an N-terminus-deleted p120 catenin in a variety of epithelial cell types, including primary keratinocytes, effectively competes for endogenous p120 at cadherin binding sites and abrogates EGF-stimulated cell motility as well as HGF-induced cell scattering. The deleted mutant also inhibits the PI3K-dependent RhoA activation ensuing receptor activation. Conversely, we also show that the ectopic expression of full-length p120 in epithelial cells promotes cytoskeletal changes, stimulates cell motility, and activates RhoA. Both motogenic response to p120 and RhoA activation require coactivation of signaling downstream of RTKs as they are suppressed by ablation of the Ras/PI3K pathway. These studies demonstrate that p120 catenin is a necessary target of RTKs in regulating cell motility and help define a novel pathway leading to RhoA activation, which may contribute to the early steps of metastatic invasion.  相似文献   

Hsp90/p50cdc37 is required for mixed-lineage kinase (MLK) 3 signaling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mixed-lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) is a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase that activates MAPK pathways, including the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 pathways. MLK3 and its family members have been implicated in JNK-mediated apoptosis. A survey of human cell lines revealed high levels of MLK3 in breast cancer cells. To learn more about MLK3 regulation and its signaling pathways in breast cancer cells, we engineered the estrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, to stably, inducibly express FLAG epitope-tagged MLK3. FLAG.MLK3 complexes were isolated by affinity purification, and associated proteins were identified by in-gel trypsin digestion followed by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Among the proteins identified were heat shock protein 90alpha,beta (Hsp90) and its kinase-specific co-chaperone p50(cdc37). We show that endogenous MLK3 complexes with Hsp90 and p50(cdc37). Further experiments demonstrate that MLK3 associates with Hsp90/p50(cdc37) through its catalytic domain in an activity-independent manner. Upon treatment of MCF-7 cells with geldanamycin, an ansamycin antibiotic that inhibits Hsp90 function, MLK3 levels decrease dramatically. Furthermore, tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced activation of MLK3 and JNK in MCF-7 cells is blocked by geldanamycin treatment. Our finding that geldanamycin treatment does not affect the cellular levels of the downstream signaling components, MAPK kinase 4, MAPK kinase 7, and JNK, suggests that Hsp90/p50(cdc37) regulates JNK signaling at the MAPK kinase kinase level. Previously identified Hsp90/p50(cdc37) clients include oncoprotein kinases and protein kinases that promote cellular proliferation and survival. Our findings reveal that Hsp90/p50(cdc37) also regulates protein kinases involved in apoptotic signaling.  相似文献   

PY motifs of Rod1 are required for binding to Rsp5 and for drug resistance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Andoh T  Hirata Y  Kikuchi A 《FEBS letters》2002,525(1-3):131-134
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the overexpression of ROD1 confers resistance to o-dinitrobenzene (o-DNB), a representative of target drugs of glutathione S-transferase. The roles of Rod1 in drug resistance have remained to be determined. We isolated the rog3 mutation as a suppressor mutation of the temperature sensitivity of the strain, in that two of the total four glycogen synthase kinase 3 homologs were deleted. Rog3 is homologous to Rod1, and its overexpression also conferred resistance to o-DNB. Furthermore, these two proteins have PY-motifs, and bound to Rsp5, a hect-type ubiquitin ligase. The rsp5-101 mutant showed sensitivity to o-DNB as did the rod1 mutant, a mutant Rod1 containing altered PY motifs was defective in ability to bind to Rsp5 and in conferring o-DNB resistance. These results suggest that interaction of Rod1 and Rsp5 is important for drug resistance.  相似文献   

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