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Parenteral immunization of rabbits with cholera vaccine decreased the number of Vibrio cholerae adhering to the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Cholera toxoid and the complex preparation ensure protection from the local action of cholera toxin on the ligated loop of the rabbit intestine, while cholera vaccine produces no effect under the same conditions. The use of three preparations under study leads to the decrease of exudative reaction to the introduction of live V. cholerae, the effectiveness of these vaccines growing in the following order: cholera vaccine, cholera toxoid, the complex preparation.  相似文献   

Summary Ribonucleic acid-containing spleen extract (i-extract) was prepared from the spleens of C57BL/6 mice immunized with mammary carcinoma Ca755. The i-extract contained a factor which could transfer antitumor immunity into the recipient mice, since the tumor growth was significantly retarded if mice received IP injections of i-extract at the same time as or at 6 days after tumor transplantation. Little or no inhibition of tumor growth was observed in mice which received injections of i-extract 6 days prior to tumor transplantation.Tumor growth was also inhibited in mice which had received live attenuated strain (SER) Salmonella enteritidis by IV injection 6 days prior to the tumor transplantation, whereas no growth inhibition was observed in mice which were treated by injection of live SER strain of S. enteritidis simultaneously with the tumor transplantation.Tumor growth was synergistically inhibited if mice received live SER by injection 6 days prior to and i-extract 6 days after tumor transplantation, and an extended survival was observed.  相似文献   

The influence of the chromatographic fractions of B. pseudomallei surface antigenic complex (C, C1, D, H) on immune response in white rats and white mice was under study. These antigenic complexes were noted to produce perceptible stimulating effect on the immune system of white rats, in contrast to that of white mice. The immunization of the mice the above-mentioned fractions suppressed the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages (PM) and slightly enhanced cell-mediated immunity. In experiments on white rats, fraction C induced the growth of specific antibody titers and stimulated the phagocytic activity of PM, as well as the indices of delayed hypersensitivity (DH). Fraction D showed a lower level of the induction of the phagocytic activity of PM and was inactive in the manifestation of cell-mediated immunity, but induced a high level of humoral immunity. Antigenic complexes C1 and H increased the phagocytic activity of PM and DH characteristics with a low level of antibody production. The studied fractions of the causative agent of melioidosis decreased the content of bactericidal cationic proteins (BCP) in rat blood neutrophils, and in mice a decreased content of BCP in phagocytes was registered. The fractions increased the activity of myeloperoxidase in blood neutrophils in mice and rats. As revealed with the use of immunoelectrophoresis, SDS PAAG electrophoresis and immunoblotting, the surface antigenic complex contained proteins of 18, 22, 39 kD and glycoproteins 42, 55, 90 kD. The latter glycoprotein was found in all the fractions under study, having protective properties.  相似文献   

Polynucleotide vaccines: potential for inducing immunity in animals.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polynucleotide immunization has been described as the Third Revolution in Vaccinology. Early studies suggest the potential benefits of this form of immunization including: long-lived immunity, a broad-spectrum of immune responses (both cell mediated immunity, and humoral responses) and the simultaneous induction of immunity to a variety of pathogens through the use of multivalent vaccines. Using a murine model, we studied methods to enhance and direct the immune response to polynucleotide vaccines. We demonstrated the ability to modulate the magnitude and direction of the immune response by co-administration of plasmid encoded cytokines and antigen. Also, we clearly demonstrated that the cellular components (cytosolic, membrane-anchored, or extracellular) to which the expressed antigen is delivered determines the types of immune responses induced. Since induction of immunity at mucosal surfaces (route of entry for many pathogens) is critical to prevent infection, various methods of delivering polynucleotide vaccines to mucosal surfaces have been attempted and are described. Expansion of studies in various species, using natural models, should be extremely helpful in demonstrating the universality of this approach to immunization and more importantly, accurately identify parameters that are critical for the development of protective immunity.  相似文献   



Although advances in rehydration therapy have made cholera a treatable disease with low case-fatality in settings with appropriate medical care, cholera continues to impose considerable mortality in the world''s most impoverished populations. Internationally licensed, killed whole-cell based oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) have been available for over a decade, but have not been used for the control of cholera. Recently, these vaccines were shown to confer significant levels of herd protection, suggesting that the protective potential of these vaccines has been underestimated and that these vaccines may be highly effective in cholera control when deployed in mass immunization programs. We used a large-scale stochastic simulation model to investigate the possibility of controlling endemic cholera with OCVs.

Methods and Findings

We construct a large-scale, stochastic cholera transmission model of Matlab, Bangladesh. We find that cholera transmission could be controlled in endemic areas with 50% coverage with OCVs. At this level of coverage, the model predicts that there would be an 89% (95% confidence interval [CI] 72%–98%) reduction in cholera cases among the unvaccinated, and a 93% (95% CI 82%–99%) reduction overall in the entire population. Even a more modest coverage of 30% would result in a 76% (95% CI 44%–95%) reduction in cholera incidence for the population area covered. For populations that have less natural immunity than the population of Matlab, 70% coverage would probably be necessary for cholera control, i.e., an annual incidence rate of ≤ 1 case per 1,000 people in the population.


Endemic cholera could be reduced to an annual incidence rate of ≤ 1 case per 1,000 people in endemic areas with biennial vaccination with OCVs if coverage could reach 50%–70% depending on the level of prior immunity in the population. These vaccination efforts could be targeted with careful use of ecological data.  相似文献   

The stimulating effect of RNAases on the humoral immune response was observed in experiments with animals. It was shown that the stimulation was mainly mediated by the system of T-lymphocytes. In the T-lymphocyte system positive sensitivity to the enzymes was attributed to the T-helper cell subpopulation.  相似文献   

Systemic immunity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) provides enhanced, long-lasting systemic immunity to secondary infection by a range of biotrophic, hemibiotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens that have diverse modes of infection. Considerable effort has focussed on the conserved central positive regulator of SAR, NON-EXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED1 (NPR1), and its control by changes in cellular redox potential. Recently, genetic and genomic approaches have highlighted a critical role for nucleocytoplasmic communication and protein secretion in establishing effective systemic immunity. Identification of the mobile signals and the mechanisms by which they are perceived in distal tissues remains challenging, but emerging evidence suggests that signal translocation uses lipid-derived (possibly jasmonate-based) signals and lipid-binding chaperones. Furthermore, the demonstration that autophagy interdicts and inactivates a systemic cell death signal adds further complexity to elucidating how mobile signals are decoded and transduced for effective immunity.  相似文献   

A respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will need to be administered by 1 mo of age to protect young infants; therefore, it will need to be effective in the presence of maternally acquired RSV Abs. In the present study, the immunogenicity and efficacy of two live attenuated RSV vaccine candidates of different level of attenuation were evaluated in mice passively immunized with varying quantities of RSV Abs. The replication of the RSV vaccines was suppressed in the lower, but not the upper, respiratory tract of the passively immunized mice. Immunization with either vaccine candidate was highly efficacious against challenge with wild-type RSV in both passively immunized and control mice. Nonetheless, a high level of immunity was seen even in passively/actively immunized animals that failed to develop a humoral immune response, suggesting that T cells mediated the immunity. Depletion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in passively/actively immunized and control animals at the time of challenge with wild-type RSV demonstrated that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells made significant independent contributions to the restriction of replication of RSV challenge virus in both the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Although passively acquired serum RSV Abs suppressed the primary systemic and mucosal Ab responses of IgM, IgG, and IgA isotypes, B lymphocytes were nevertheless primed for robust secondary Ab responses. Thus, immunity mediated by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and Abs can be readily induced in mice by live RSV vaccine candidates in the presence of physiologic levels of RSV neutralizing Abs.  相似文献   

Fluid plain and adsorbed and freeze-dried cholera and tyhpoid vaccines of different composition were examined for thermostability by potency testing (by active mouse protection tests) after exposure to 37 degrees C for 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Loss of potency was evaluated by comparison with samples stored at 4 degrees C. The fluid plain cholera vaccine remained fully potent for 1--3 weeks, the adsorbed vaccine for at least 4 weeks. The fluid typhoid vaccines showed greater thermosensitivity than the fluid plain cholera vaccine. The freeze-dried cholera and typhoid vaccines were both very stable, retaining fully potency after at least 12 weeks' exposure to 37 degrees C. It should be emphasized that the above results apply exclusively to vaccines prepared by the methods used by the authors and formulated to identical compositions.  相似文献   

HIV vaccine testing in primates is an important method for determining the possibility of vaccine benefit in humans. Goals of HIV-1 vaccination include establishing neutralizing antibodies and a strong CD8(+) T-cell response. We tested a novel vaccine conjugate for its ability to elicit relevant immune responses to HIV proteins and peptides in rhesus macaques. A neutralizing epitope, V3 loop peptide from HIV-1 envelope, was coupled to heat-inactivated Brucella abortus (V3-HKBA). Rhesus macaques were immunized with this conjugate in the anterior thigh. After two immunizations V3-specific antibodies were found in the sera and at mucosal sites. Neutralizing activity of these antibodies was demonstrated by syncytia inhibition assays. Cellular immune recall responses were demonstrated by antigen-specific induction of interferon-gamma and Regulation on Activation Noraml T Cell Expressed and Secreted (RANTES) secretion in vitro. These results confirm and extend preliminary studies in mice that suggest HKBA is an effective carrier that promotes neutralizing antibody secretion at relevant mucosal sites, as well as cellular immune responses that are correlated with viral protection.  相似文献   

In view of our previous findings that vaccination of mice with Candida albicans ribosomes protects them against experimental systemic candidiasis, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of this vaccination on the course of infection in immunized animals. Since the kidney is the maj or target in systemic candidal infection, we concentrated in this research on studying the histopathology and determining quantitatively the candidal colonization of this organ. The experiments were carried out at various time intervals after intravenous inoculation with live C. albicans. The colonization of kidneys in immunized mice was markedly lower than that in controls. The maximal difference in renal colonization between immunized and non immunized animals was observed when relatively low challenge doses were used. The inhibition of candidal multiplication in immunized mice seemed to be correlated to their increased resistance against lethal challenge, as expressed by a significantly higher survival rate. Histopathological changes and fungal elements were found in kidneys of control mice as early as 20 h post infection, while the kidneys of immunized mice did not seem affected by the disease. Moreover, even 3 days post infection, the kidneys of vaccinated animals still seemed normal. In conclusion, apparently the ribosomal vaccination leads to diminished colonization of the major site of infection in candidiasis, thus affording protection to the immunized animals against these infections.  相似文献   

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