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We have previously reported the isolation and characterization of a novel endothelial-restricted gene, Egfl7, that encodes a secreted protein of about 30-kDa. We and others demonstrated that Egfl7 is highly expressed by endothelial cells during embryonic development and becomes down-regulated in the adult vasculature. In the present paper, we show that during mouse embryonic development, Egfl7 is also expressed by primordial germ cells (PGC). Expression is down-regulated when PGCs differentiate into pro-spermatogonia and oogonia, and by 15.5 dpc Egfl7 can no longer be detected in the germ line of both sexes. Notably, Egfl7 is again transiently up-regulated in germ cells of the adult testis. In contrast, expression in the ovary remains limited to the vascular endothelium. Our results provide the first evidence of a non-endothelial expression of EGFL7 and suggest distinctive roles for Egfl7 in vascular development and germ cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Three groups of rats were fed two types of synthetic diets for 52 d. The—A group was allowed free access to a vitamin A-deficient diet and showed classical signs of vitamin A deficiency. The brain was the only organ in our experiment where no significant weight difference was present among the three groups. In the brain, calcium concentration was significantly higher in the—A group when compared with the PF (Pair-fed; allowed restricted amount of control diet) and +A groups (allowed free access to control diet). In the tibia, calcium and magnesium concentrations were significantly lower in the—A group when compared with other two groups. Excessive accumulation of calcium in brain and apparently similar unbalance in bone, mineral concentration were observed in central nervous system (CNS) degenerative diseases. Our results suggest that abnormal metabolism of calcium and magnesium in some tissues and excessive accumulation of calcium in brain may be responsible for the development of neurological disorders in vitamin A-deficient rats.  相似文献   

Summary Recent work from our laboratory (Kim and Wolf, J Biol Chem 262: 365–371, 1987) has shown increased uptake of labeled amino acids into fibronectin (FN), increased net synthesis of FN and increased levels of FN-mRNA in primary cultures of hepatocytes from vitamin A-deficient rats compared to controls. We now find, surprisingly, decreased uptake of labeled sugars into the oligosaccharide chains of FN from vitamin A-deficient hepatocytes. This decrease could be reversed by added retinoic acid at physiological concentration. At the same time, FN from deficient hepatocytes (–A.FN) was more susceptible to proteolytic degradation. Decreased uptake of the core sugar mannose into –A.FN was similar to that of glucosamine, yet the percent of label in sialic acid was the same as in +A.FN, suggesting a smaller number of oligosaccharide chains per molecule of –A.FN. Upon enzymatic removal of oligosaccharide and labeling with sodium borotritide, it was found that both –A.FN and +A.FN had biantennary oligosaccharide structures. Selective enzymatic removal of sialic acid showed that +A.FN had both sialic acids in an 23 linkage, whereas –A.FN apparently had one 23 and one 26-linked sialic acid. The borotritide experiments allowed us to calculate that +A.FN appeared to have 5 oligosaccharide chains per FN monomer, whereas the –A. FN showed only 4 chains. These results would account for the decreased glycosylation and increased susceptibility to proteolysis of the –A. FN. We conclude that vitamin A controls both the rate of synthesis of the polypeptide chain of FN via its mRNA, as well as the rate of its glycosylation.Abbreviations FN Fibronectin - ELISA Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay - DOC Deoxycholate - TCA Trichloroacetic Acid - PMSF Phenylmethylsulfonyl Fluoride - PBS Phosphate-buffered Saline - BSA Bovine Serum Albumin - AGP Alpha-1 acid Glycoprotein - SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecylsulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary Normal epithelial cell differentiation is charactezied by the production of distinct cytokeratin proteins. It is well known that epithelia of several organs show squamous metaplasia in a vitamin A-deficient status. It is not yet known whether these histological changes are concomitant with a change in cytokeratin expression. Therefore, 3-week-old female rats (BN/BiRij) were fed a vitamin A-deficient diet for 8 weeks. The cytokcratin expression in epithelia of various organs was monitored immunohistochemically during the induction of vitamin A deficiency. Therefore, monoclonal antibodies specific for human cytokeratin 4, 5, 5+8, 7, 10, 14, 18 and 19 were used. In a normal vitamin A status, the distributional pattern for the different cytokeratins in rats was similar to that reported for human tissue. No change in cytokeratin expression was seen in trachea, skin, liver and colon at any time point studied. Squamous metaplasia in urinary bladder and salivary glands was observed after six weeks on the vitamin A-deficient diet. This was concomitant with a substitution of cytokeratins 4, 5+8, 7, 18 and 19 by cytokeratin 10. The latter cytokeratin is specific for keratinzed squamous epithelium. A change in cytokeratin expression was observed in bladder, ureter, kidney, salivary glands, uterus and conjunctiva before histological alterations appeared. In conclusion, the changes in cytokeratin expression observed under vitamin A deficiency in epithelia in vivo are in agreement with those described in other studies for epithelial cells in vitro. The changes in cytokeratin expression and the subsequent differentiation into squamous cells occurs in basal cells of the bladder but not in transitional cells. Furthermore, histological alterations are preceded by changes in cytokeratin expression indicating that vitamin A status controls cytokeratin expression in vivo.  相似文献   

The correlation of vitamin A with the binding characteristics of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBRs) in testes have been implicated on the basis of findings of involvement of vitamin A in testicular physiology and the abundance of PBRs in testicular tissue. Both vitamin A and PBRs are involved in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation but no data exists regarding the relationship between them. In the present study, we have examined the effects of vitamin A deficiency on the affinity and density of PBRs in testes of guinea pigs. Weanling guinea pigs were divided into three groups: control, pair-fed control and vitamin A deficient. They were fed a complete semipurified diet. The vitamin A deficient diet was similar to the control diet except vitamin A palmitate was omitted. Vitamin A deficiency status was achieved after 90 days of feeding. Binding of [3H]Ro 5-4864, a specific ligand for peripheral benzodiazepine receptors was determined in whole homogenate of testicular tissue. There was a 77% decrease in the receptor density (Bmax) in vitamin A deficient group compared to control. The Bmaxvalues for control, pair-fed control and vitamin A deficient groups were: 12.4 ± 0.4, 8.8 ± 0.2 and 3.0 ± 0.6 pmol/g, respectively. The equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) values were also 86% decreased in the vitamin A deficient group compared to the other groups. The KD values for control, pair-fed control and vitamin A deficient groups were: 3.4 ± 0.7, 2.8 ± 0.5 and 0.5 ± 0.01, respectively. The decrease in the binding characteristics of PBRs in testes due to vitamin A deficiency was accompanied with a corresponding decrease in the levels of testosterone in plasma. These results suggest a close functional relationship of vitamin A with PBRs in testes.  相似文献   

During the development of a sterile male control method for Dermestes frischii Kugelann, testis follicles exposed to an X-ray dose of 3.0 krad were investigated using light and electron microscopy.

There was considerable variation in the radiation sensitivity of the various somatic and germ cells. The cyst wall cells seemed particularly resistant while the inner layer of the bilayered follicle sheath was destroyed. The general resistance and versatility of the outer sheath layer maintained the integrity of the follicles. The only outer sheath and apical cells observed to decay were those in close proximity to degenerating germ cells. In some follicles all primary spermatogonia were destroyed, in others their numbers were only depleted. The surviving cells all underwent mitotic delay for 7–14 days. Their subsequent offspring were frequently found to break down and sometimes were proliferated so that germarial polarity was lost. All secondary spermatogonia but only a few primary spermatocytes were destroyed. The decay of germ cells within the same cyst did not necessarily proceed synchronously.  相似文献   

While common in the general population, the developmental origins of “normal” anatomic variants of the aortic arch remain unknown. Aortic arch development begins with the establishment of the second heart field (SHF) that contributes to the pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs). The PAAs remodel during subsequent development to form the mature aortic arch and arch vessels. Retinoic acid signaling involving the biologically active metabolite of vitamin A, plays a key role in multiple steps of this process. Recent work from our laboratory indicates that the E3 ubiquitin ligase Hectd1 is required for full activation of retinoic acid signaling during cardiac development. Furthermore, our study suggested that mild alterations in retinoic acid signaling combined with reduced gene dosage of Hectd1, results in a benign aortic arch variant where the transverse aortic arch is shortened between the brachiocephalic and left common carotid arteries. These abnormalities are preceded by hypoplasia of the fourth PAA. To further explore this interaction, we investigate whether reduced maternal dietary vitamin A intake can similarly influence aortic arch development. Our findings indicate that the incidence of hypoplastic fourth PAAs, as well as the incidence of shortened transverse arch are increased with reduced maternal vitamin A intake during pregnancy. These studies provide new insights as to the developmental origins of these benign aortic arch variants.  相似文献   

In our previous studies, we demonstrated that female primordial germ cells (PGCs) have the ability to differentiate into W chromosome-bearing (W-bearing) spermatozoa in male gonads of germline chimeric chickens. In this study, to investigate the differentiation pattern of female PGCs in male gonads in chickens, three germline chimeric chickens were generated by injecting female PGCs into the male recipient embryos. After these male chimeras reached sexual maturity, the semen samples were analyzed for detecting W-bearing cells by PCR and in situ hybridization analyses. The results indicated that the female PGCs had settled and differentiated in their testes. A histological analysis of the seminiferous tubule in those chimeras demonstrated that the W-bearing spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids accounted for 30.8%, 32.7%, and 28.4%, respectively. However, the W-bearing elongating spermatid was markedly lower (7.7%) as compared to the W-bearing round spermatid. The W-bearing spermatozoa were hardly ever observed (0.2%). We concluded that although female PGCs in male gonads are capable of passing through the first and second meiotic division in adapting themselves to a male environment, they are hardly complete spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) as a part of the renin angiotensin system (RES) regulates blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, and the enzyme is considered to have a function in reproduction. Reduced enzyme activities have been observed in atrophied testes as a results of zinc and pituitary deficiencies. Vitamin A deficiency causes atrophy of testes. The present study was conducted on three groups of male, 3-wk-old, Wistar rats. After 54 d of the experimental period, testicular weights of the vitamin A-deficient rats (Agroup, allowed free access to vitamin Adeficient diet) was significantly lower than its pair-fed, PF (given restricted amount control diet) and A+ (allowed free access to control diet) groups. Zinc concentrations and both soluble and particulate ACE activities in the testes of vitamin A-deficient rats (Agroup) were significantly lower than the other two groups. No significant differences were observed regarding zinc concentration, particulate ACE, and total ACE activities in the testes of PF and A+ groups. Vitamin A deficiency did not significantly affect the enzyme activity in the lung. From the observations of the present study, we speculate that testicular atrophy in vitamin A deficiency may have resulted from lower zinc concentration and decreased ACE activity in that organ.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, male germline fate is determined after asymmetric division of the haploid microspore. Daughter cells have distinct fates: the generative cell (GC) undergoes further mitosis to generate sperm cells (SCs), and the vegetative cell (VC) terminally differentiates. However, our understanding of the mechanisms underlying germline development remains limited. Histone variants and modifications define chromatin states, and contribute to establishing and maintaining cell identities by affecting gene expression. Here, we constructed a lily protein database, then extracted and detailed histone entries into a comprehensive lily histone database. We isolated large amounts of nuclei from VCs, GCs and SCs from lily, and profiled histone variants of all five histone families in all three cell types using proteomics approaches. We revealed 92 identities representing 32 histone variants: six for H1, 11 for H2A, eight for H2B, five for H3 and two for H4. Nine variants, including five H1, two H2B, one H3 and one H4 variant, specifically accumulated in GCs and SCs. We also detected H3 modification patterns in the three cell types. GCs and SCs had almost identical histone profiles and similar H3 modification patterns, which were significantly different from those of VCs. Our study also revealed the presence of multiple isoforms, and differential expression patterns between isoforms of a variant. The results suggest that differential histone programs between the germline and companion VCs may be established following the asymmetric division, and are important for identity establishment and differentiation of the male germline as well as the VC.  相似文献   

Summary Embryos of the domestic fowl at stage 6 of development were treated with the lectin concanavalin A at a concentration of 10g/ml in the region of the germinal crescent for 3 h. This inhibits the migration of the primordial germ cells into the blood which otherwise occurs at stage 16 of development. An analysis of the numbers of primordial germ cells in the germinal crescent, blood, and germinal ridge shows that the lectin causes highly significant changes in their distribution. The pattern of settlement in the germinal ridge also appears to be delayed by the concanavalin treatment. The results of these experiments are discussed in relation to membrane receptors on the surface of primordial germ cells. The technique may be of use in modifying the germ line of transgenic birds by facilitating the introduction of exogenous cell lines.  相似文献   

Iron and vitamin A deficiency are common nutritional problems in developing countries. From animal experiments and intervention studies, growing evidence is pointing to a possible influence of iron on vitamin A metabolism. We assessed the affects of an oral supplementation of vitamin A and/or iron on the recovery of rats from vitamin A and iron deficiency. Weanling male Wistar rats were kept for four weeks on an iron and vitamin A deficient diet. Thereafter, rats were repleted with iron 35 mg/kg feed, with vitamin A 4500 IU/kg feed both, or with iron 35 mg/kg and vitamin A 4500 IU/kg for five weeks. Retinol and retinyl esters in plasma and tissues were determined by HPLC. Iron was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The determination of haematological parameters showed that rats developed an anaemia during depletion. This was reversed by the re-supplementation with iron but not vitamin A alone. The simultaneous supplementation of vitamin A was of no additional benefit. When rats were resupplemented with iron alone a substantial further decrease in plasma retinol (P < 0.002) and liver vitamin A (P < 0.05) was observed. A similar but less pronounced decrease in plasma retinol was observed in the rats re-supplemented with vitamin A alone, despite a substantial increase in liver vitamin A (P < 0.002). Despite lower liver vitamin A levels compared to the group re-supplemented with vitamin A lone, the group re-supplemented with iron and vitamin A had substantial higher plasma levels compared to the one supplemented with iron alone (P < 0.002). In conclusion, the study supports an interaction of iron and vitamin A on the level of retinol transport in plasma. Despite a comparable availability of vitamin A as indicated by the comparable liver levels only the re-supplementation of both iron and vitamin A can normalize the retinol level in plasma. This might be of nutritional consequence in developing countries with regard to the supplementation regime of both nutrients iron and vitamin A to prevent a functional deficiency of vitamin A despite sufficient dietary availability.  相似文献   

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