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Cytochrome P450PG omega is induced in the rabbit lung in a gestational age-dependent manner and hydroxylates certain eicosanoids at their terminal, or omega (omega), carbon. This enzyme has been isolated from microsomal fractions and its activity has been characterized (Williams, D.E., et al., J. Biol. Chem. 259; 14600-14608, 1984). The experiments presented here examine the omega-hydroxylation activity of the intact lung during presentation of an eicosanoid substrate, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), to the lung vasculature. Isolated, perfused lungs from three pregnant and four nonpregnant rabbits were injected with [3H]-PGE1. One-second fractions were collected from the perfusion effluent and were analyzed for metabolism of PGE1. Lungs isolated from pregnant rabbits metabolized PGE1 mainly to two polar derivatives, 20-hydroxy-PGE1 and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-20-hydroxy-PGE1, whereas lungs from nonpregnant rabbits yielded mainly a relatively nonpolar metabolite, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE1. These metabolites were identified by coelution with standards that were generated enzymatically in vitro and whose structures were confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of vascular pressure drop in newborn lungs and to define the contribution of active vasomotor tone to this longitudinal pressure profile. We isolated and perfused with blood the lungs from 22 rabbit pups, 5-19 days old. We inflated the lungs to a constant airway pressure of 7 cmH2O, and at constant blood flow, we maintained outflow pressure in the circulation greater than airway pressure at the level of micropuncture (zone 3). By the use of glass micropipettes and a servo-nulling device, we measured pressures in small (20-60 micron diam) subpleural arterioles and venules in the lungs of 13 newborn rabbits. We found that 60% of the pressure drop was in arteries, 31% in microvessels of less than 20-60 micron diam, and 9% in veins. In the lungs of an additional nine rabbit pups we measured microvascular pressures before and after the addition to the perfusate of the vasodilator, papaverine hydrochloride. We found that removal of vasomotor tone resulted in a 33% reduction in total lung vascular resistance, which resulted from a decrease in pressure in arterial vessels, with no change in microvascular pressure. These findings indicate that arteries of greater than 60 micron diam constitute the major source of vascular resistance in isolated perfused newborn rabbit lungs.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450-dependent prostaglandin omega-hydroxylation is induced over 100-fold during late gestation in rabbit pulmonary microsomes (Powell, W.S. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 6711-6716). Purification of cytochromes P-450 from lung microsomes of pregnant rabbits yielded three fractions. Two of these fractions correspond to rabbit lung P-450I (LM2) and P-450II (LM5), which together constitute 70-97% of total cytochrome P-450 in lung microsomes from nonpregnant rabbits. The third form, which we designate rabbit cytochrome P-450PG-omega, regioselectively hydroxylates prostaglandins at the omega-position in reconstituted systems with a turnover of 1-5 min-1. Titration with purified pig liver cytochrome b5, demonstrated a 4-fold maximum stimulation at a cytochrome b5 to a P-450 molar ratio of 1-2. Rabbit lung P-450PG-omega formed a typical type I binding spectrum upon the addition of prostaglandin E1 with a calculated K8 of 1 microM, which agreed reasonably well with the kinetically calculated Km of 3 microM. Cytochrome P-450PG-omega was isolated as a low-spin isozyme with a lambda max (450 nm) in the CO-difference spectrum distinguishable from P-450I (451 nm) and P-450II (449 nm). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis demonstrated that although purified P-450PG-omega had a relatively low specific content (12.1 nmol mg-1), it appeared homogeneous with a calculated minimum Mr of 56,000, intermediate between rabbit LM4 and LM6. When lung microsomes from pregnant and nonpregnant rabbit were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a protein band, with a Mr identical to P-450PG-omega, was observed in the pregnant rabbit, whereas this band appeared to be very faint or absent in microsomes from the nonpregnant rabbit. Purification of cytochromes P-450 from nonpregnant rabbit lung yielded only P-450I and P-450II. P-450PG-omega appears to be a novel rabbit P-450, possessing high activity towards omega-hydroxylation of prostaglandins, and is greatly induced during pregnancy in rabbit lung.  相似文献   

Ram semen was found to contain 20-hydroxyprostaglandin E1 and 20-hydroxyprostaglandin E2. The relative amounts of the two compounds were almost equal, although ram semen contained at least 10 times more prostaglandin E1 than prostaglandin E2. The accessory genital glands of the ram were analyzed for their capacity to metabolize [14C]arachidonic acid to prostaglandins. Biosynthesis of prostaglandins was only found in microsomes of the mucosa of the ampulla of vas deferens and in microsomes of the vesicular glands. Ram vesicular glands and the ampulla of vas deferens were also found to contain the two 20-hydroxylated E prostaglandins. Microsomes of ram vesicular glands and NADPH metabolized exogenous prostaglandin E2 to 20-hydroxyprostaglandin E2 albeit in low yields. Prostaglandin E2 appeared to be a better substrate than prostaglandin E1. Microsomes of human seminal vesicles and NADPH metabolized exogenous prostaglandin E2 to 19-hydroxyprostaglandin E2. The results show that 19- and 20-hydroxylation of prostaglandins occurs in human and ram seminal vesicles, respectively, and possibly also in the ampulla of vas deferens of the ram. The ram and human enzymes specifically hydroxylated the terminal and the penultimate carbon of prostaglandin E2, respectively.  相似文献   

When 4-day rabbit zygotes were incubated for 1 h at 37 degrees C in vitro, very little prostaglandin (PG) was released into the medium, and the concentration of PGs in the zygotes after incubation was also low. The release of prostaglandin E (PGE) and prostaglandin F (PGF) into the medium, and their concentration in the zygotes after incubation, increased sharply on Days 6 and 7 of pregnancy, reaching, by Day 7, values close to 200 ng of each PG released in 1 h per mg of protein. By contrast, endometrial samples on Days 4 and 5 of pregnancy released more PGF and less PGE than the zygotes of the same ages on a per mg of protein basis, and on Days 6 and 7, less of both PGs. Furthermore, endometrial concentrations of PGs after incubation, except for PGF on Day 4, were always lower than values for zygotes. Endometrial concentrations of PGs on Day 6 were lower before than after incubation. Although there was a slight upward trend in PG release by endometrial samples with increasing length of pregnancy, the changes were minimal and, in the case of PGE, none of the mean values exceeded 1 ng per mg of protein. In 7-day blastocysts, high levels of both PGF and PGE were found in the blastocoelic fluid, and these did not change during the 1-h incubation. The release of PGF and PGE during in vitro incubation of ruptured and washed Day 6 blastocysts was stimulated by arachidonic acid, and that of PGF, but not PGE, inhibited by indomethacin. The release of PGE, but not of PGF, from Day 6 blastocysts was inhibited by low temperature, and the same conditions inhibited release of both PGF and PGE from endometrial cell suspensions. It seems that both blastocysts and endometria have capability to synthesize PGs, the blastocysts being particularly active in this regard on Days 6 and 7 of pregnancy. It is hypothesized that, in vivo, Day 6 and 7 blastocysts release large quantities of PGs which trigger some of the local endometrial changes associated with pregnancy.  相似文献   

Clearance of liquid from lungs of newborn rabbits   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Hyaluronan affects extravascular water in lungs of unanesthetized rabbits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have determined whether changes in lung hyaluronan content affect extravascular water in lungs of unanesthetized rabbits. Three groups of experiments were performed. In group 1 (n = 12), no infusions were given; in group 2, nine pairs of rabbits received either intravenous hyaluronidase (750 U.kg-1.min-1) or an equivalent volume of saline; in group 3, nine pairs of rabbits received either hyaluronidase or saline, followed by intravenous saline infusion amounting to 24% of body weight. At the end of each experiment, one lung was analyzed for extravascular lung water by the wet-dry method. Except for group 3, in all animals the other lung was analyzed for hyaluronan content by a method that involved hydrolyzing lung hyaluronan with fungal hyaluronidase to release reducing N-acetyl glucosamine groups, which were quantified. In group 1, lung hyaluronan, which varied from 50 to 159 micrograms/g dry wt (mean 106 +/- 35 micrograms/g dry wt), significantly correlated with variation in extravascular lung water (mean 4.2 +/- 0.3 g/g dry wt). In group 2 rabbits given hyaluronidase, lung hyaluronan was 40% lower and extravascular lung water was 14.6% lower than in paired controls (P less than 0.01). In group 3, volume expansion did not affect lung water, except after hyaluronidase when lung water was 47% higher than paired controls. We conclude that in the lung the content of hyaluronan is one of the determinants of extravascular water content.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to determine why copulation in the pregnant rabbit does not terminate pregnancy while treatment with ovulatory doses of luteinizing hormone (LH) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) is known to do so. Pregnant rabbits (Day 8) were mated or were injected with hCG (25 IU/doe) or LHRH (1, 10 micrograms/kg). Serial blood samples were collected over the next 72 h and analyzed for content of LH, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and progesterone. At sacrifice, uteri and ovaries from these animals were examined for viability of the embryos and for signs of recent ovulation. Injection of hCG or LHRH into pregnant animals led to ovulation and to patterns of LH, FSH and progesterone secretion like those which precede ovulation in estrous rabbits. However, mating the pregnant does did not lead to ovulation or to any changes in the circulating hormones. To investigate whether the elevated levels of progesterone during pregnancy were responsible for the dissociation of coitus from ovulation, nonpregnant rabbits were injected with progesterone (2 mg/kg) and then mated or injected with hCG or LHRH. In virtually every respect, the numbers of ovulations and the patterns of hormone secretion in the progesterone-treated, nonpregnant rabbits mimicked those observed in the 8-day pregnant animals; injection of hCG or LHRH caused ovulation and hormonal surges while hCG caused ovulation only. Mating did not lead to ovulation or any change in blood levels of LH, FSH or progesterone. Taken together, the results show that the elevated circulating levels of progesterone, characteristic of pregnancy, are probably responsible for the dissociation of copulation from gonadotropin release in pregnant rabbits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the sites of hypoxic vasoconstriction in lungs of newborn rabbits. We isolated and perfused with blood the lungs from 19 rabbit pups, 7-23 days old. We maintained blood flow constant, continuously monitored pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures, and alternated ventilation of the lungs with 95% O2-5% CO2 (control), and 95% N2-5% CO2 (hypoxia). Using micropipettes and a servonulling device, we measured pressures in 20-60-micron-diam subpleural arterioles and venules during control and hypoxic conditions. We inflated the lungs to a constant airway pressure of 5-7 cmH2O and kept left atrial pressure greater than airway pressure (zone 3) during micropuncture. In eight lungs we measured microvascular pressures first during control and then during hypoxia. We reversed this order in four lungs. In seven lungs we measured microvascular pressures only during hypoxia. We found a significant increase in pulmonary arterial pressure with no change in microvascular pressures. These results indicate that the site of hypoxic vasoconstriction in lungs of newborn rabbits is arteries greater than 60 micron in diameter.  相似文献   

Primiparous New Zealand White does have been used to establish the weekly differences of several apparent digestibility coefficients (CDA) and the nitrogen balance, between pregnant and non-pregnant does, as well as the evolution of the same parameters along the state of gestation. The intake was 180 g/animal and day at the most. The results show that protein followed by dry matter CDAs were the most negatively affected in pregnant does with regard to the non-pregnant ones and throughout the gestation. For the other CDAs, the differences were only significant in the fourth week between pregnant and non-pregnant does, and also with regard to the remaining weeks of gestation. In this way, the organic matter and carbohydrate CDAs were lower whereas the fat one became higher. In relation to nitrogen balance, it was meaningfully greater in the third week of pregnancy with respect to the control animals. Also, a gradual increase may be observed throughout the gestation state, being especially important in the third and fourth week.  相似文献   

Infants with respiratory failure are frequently mechanically ventilated at rates exceeding 60 breaths/min. We analyzed the effect of ventilatory rates of 30, 60, and 90 breaths/min (inspiratory times of 0.6, 0.3, and 0.2 s, respectively) on the pressure-flow relationships of the lungs of anesthetized paralyzed rabbits after saline lavage. Tidal volume and functional residual capacity were maintained constant. We computed effective inspiratory and expiratory resistance and compliance of the lungs by dividing changes in transpulmonary pressure into resistive and elastic components with a multiple linear regression. We found that mean pulmonary resistance was lower at higher ventilatory rates, while pulmonary compliance was independent of ventilatory rate. The transpulmonary pressure developed by the ventilator during inspiration approximated a linear ramp. Gas flow became constant and the pressure-volume relationship linear during the last portion of inspiration. Even at a ventilatory rate of 90 breaths/min, 28-56% of the tidal volume was delivered with a constant inspiratory flow. Our findings are consistent with the model of Bates et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 58: 1840-1848, 1985), wherein the distribution of gas flow within the lungs depends predominantly on resistive factors while inspiratory flow is increasing, and on elastic factors while inspiratory flow is constant. This dynamic behavior of the surfactant-depleted lungs suggests that, even with very short inspiratory times, distribution of gas flow within the lungs is in large part determined by elastic factors. Unless the inspiratory time is further shortened, gas flow may be directed to areas of increased resistance, resulting in hyperinflation and barotrauma.  相似文献   

M Resl  P Petyrek  P Kuna 《Radiobiologiia》1987,27(4):532-535
Morphological changes in rabbit lungs were studied after whole-body nonuniform irradiation (24 Gy) the head and the abdomen being shielded. Acute pneumonitis was shown to develop between the 17th and the 24th day after irradiation. No pulmonary fibrosis was registered 60 days following irradiation. Embolised megakaryocytes were found in the lung capillaries between the 8th and the 24th day after irradiation.  相似文献   

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