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T Kawata  A Early    J Williams 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(12):3085-3092
The ecmA gene is expressed in Dictyostelium prestalk cells and is inducible by differentiation-inducing factor (DIF), a low-molecular-weight lipophilic substance. The ecmB gene is expressed in stalk cells and is under negative control by two repressor elements. Each repressor element contains two copies of the sequence TTGA in an inverted relative orientation. There are activator elements in the ecmA promoter that also contain two TTGA sequences, but in the same relative orientation. Gel retardation assays suggest that the same protein binds to the ecmB repressor and the ecmA activator. We propose that DIF induces prestalk cell differentiation by activating this protein and that the protein also binds to the promoters of stalk-specific genes, acting as a repressor that holds cells in the prestalk state until culmination is triggered.  相似文献   

We have identified a cellular efflux pump, RhT, with the properties of an MDR transporter-a type of ATP-binding cassette transporter whose substrates include small hydrophobic molecules. RhT transports rhodamine 123 (Rh123) and is inhibited by low temperature, energy poisons, and several MDR transport inhibitors, such as verapamil. All vegetative cells have RhT activity, but during development prestalk cells lose RhT activity while prespore cells retain it. We also identified several RhT inhibitors. The most effective inhibitor is the stalk cell-inducing chlorinated alkyl phenone, DIF-1. The RhT inhibitors disrupted development, to varying degrees, and induced stalk cell formation in submerged culture. The inhibitors displayed the same rank order of pharmacological efficacy for stalk cell induction as they did for Rh123 transport inhibition. We also found that cerulenin, a specific inhibitor of DIF-1 biosynthesis (R. R. Kay, 1998, J. Biol. Chem. 273, 2669-2675), abolished the induction of stalk cells by each of the RhT inhibitors, and this effect could be reversed by DIF-1. Thus, DIF-1 synthesis appears to be required for the induction of stalk cells by the RhT inhibitors. Since DIF-1 is the most potent inhibitor of RhT activity, and thus a likely transport substrate itself, we propose that RhT inhibitors induce stalk cell differentiation by blocking DIF-1 export, causing DIF-1 to build up within cells. Our results provide evidence for a prespore-specific efflux pump that regulates cell fate determination, perhaps by regulating the cellular concentration of DIF-1.  相似文献   

Prestalk cell differentiation in Dictyostelium is induced by DIF and two DIF-induced genes, ecmA and ecmB, have revealed the existence of multiple prestalk and stalk cell sub-types. These different sub-types are defined by the pattern of expression of subfragments derived from the ecmA and ecmB promoters. These markers have been utilised in three ways; for fate mapping in vivo, to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying DIF signalling and to explore the relative requirement for DIF and other signalling molecules for prestalk and stalk cell differentiation in vitro. The heterogeneity of the prestalk and stalk populations seems to be reflected in differences in the cell signalling pathways that they utilise.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) is the most abundant non-protein thiol in eukaryotic cells and acts as reducing equivalent in many cellular processes. We investigated the role of glutathione in Dictyostelium development by disruption of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS), an essential enzyme in glutathione biosynthesis. GCS-null strain showed glutathione auxotrophy and could not grow in medium containing other thiol compounds. The developmental progress of GCS-null strain was determined by GSH concentration contained in preincubated media before development. GCS-null strain preincubated with 0.2 mM GSH was arrested at mound stage or formed bent stalk-like structure during development. GCS-null strain preincubated with more than 0.5 mM GSH formed fruiting body with spores, but spore viability was significantly reduced. In GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH, prestalk-specific gene expression was delayed, while prespore-specific gene and spore-specific gene expressions were not detected. In addition, GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH showed prestalk tendency and extended G1 phase of cell cycle. Since G1 phase cells at starvation differentiate into prestalk cells, developmental defect of GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH may result from altered cell cycle. These results suggest that glutathione itself is essential for growth and differentiation to prespore in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis-competent cells respond to a variety of ligands by activating second messenger pathways leading to changes in the actin/myosin cytoskeleton and directed cell movement. We demonstrate that Dictyostelium Akt/PKB, a homologue of mammalian Akt/PKB, is very rapidly and transiently activated by the chemoattractant cAMP. This activation takes place through G protein-coupled chemoattractant receptors via a pathway that requires homologues of mammalian p110 phosphoinositide-3 kinase. pkbA null cells exhibit aggregation-stage defects that include aberrant chemotaxis, a failure to polarize properly in a chemoattractant gradient and aggregation at low densities. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that the PH domain of Akt/PKB fused to GFP transiently translocates to the plasma membrane in response to cAMP with kinetics similar to those of Akt/PKB kinase activation and is localized to the leading edge of chemotaxing cells in vivo. Our results indicate Akt/PKB is part of the regulatory network required for sensing and responding to the chemoattractant gradient that mediates chemotaxis and aggregation.  相似文献   

The stalk cell differentiation inducing factor (DIF) has the properties required of a morphogen responsible for pattern regulation during the pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium development. It induces prestalk cell formation and inhibits prespore cell formation, but there is as yet no strong evidence for a morphogenetic gradient of DIF. We have measured DIF accumulation by monolayers of isolated prestalk and prespore cells in an attempt to provide evidence for such a gradient. DIF is accumulated in the largest quantities by a subpopulation of prestalk cells that specifically express the DIF-inducible genes pDd56 and pDd26. Since it has been shown recently that cells that express pDd56 are localized in the central core of the prestalk cell region of the pseudoplasmodia, our current results suggest a morphogenetic gradient generated by this region.  相似文献   

M Becker  M Matzner    G Gerisch 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(12):3305-3316
The contractile vacuole expels water by forming a channel with the plasma membrane and thus enables cells to survive in a hypo-osmotic environment. Here we characterize drainin, a Dictyostelium protein involved in this process, as the first member of a protein family represented in fission yeast, Caenorhabditis elegans and man. Gene replacement in Dictyostelium shows that drainin acts at a checkpoint of channel formation between the contractile vacuole and the plasma membrane. A green fluorescent protein fusion of drainin localizes specifically to the contractile vacuole and rescues its periodic discharge in drainin-null cells. Drainin is a peripheral membrane protein, requiring a short hydrophobic stretch in its C-terminal region for localization and function. We suggest that drainin acts in a signaling cascade that couples a volume-sensing device in the vacuolar membrane to the membrane fusion machinery.  相似文献   

The Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing protein SH2-Bbeta binds to and is a substrate of the growth hormone (GH) and cytokine receptor-associated tyrosine kinase JAK2. SH2-Bbeta also binds, via its SH2 domain, to multiple activated growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases. We have previously implicated SH2-Bbeta in GH and platelet-derived growth factor regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. We extend these findings by establishing a potentiating effect of SH2-Bbeta on GH-dependent cell motility and defining regions of SH2-Bbeta required for this potentiation. Time-lapse video microscopy, phagokinetic, and/or wounding assays demonstrate reduced movement of cells overexpressing SH2-Bbeta lacking an intact SH2 domain because of a point mutation or a C-terminal truncation. An N-terminal proline-rich domain (amino acids 85-106) of SH2-Bbeta is required for inhibition of cellular motility by SH2 domain-deficient mutants. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that Rac binds to this domain. GH is shown to activate endogenous Rac, and dominant negative mutants of SH2-Bbeta are shown to inhibit membrane ruffling induced by constitutively active Rac. These findings suggest that SH2-Bbeta is an adapter protein that facilitates actin rearrangement and cellular motility by recruiting Rac and potentially Rac-regulating, Rac effector, or other actin-regulating proteins to activated cytokine (e.g. GH) and growth factor receptors.  相似文献   

The P-4 variant of Dictyostelium discoideum (DdH) was found to produce a great excess of stalk cells compared to the wild type DdH. If the vegetative cells of P-4 were repeatedly washed, the variant changed back to the wild type phenotype, and if cyclic-AMP was added to the washed P-4 cells, the variant character was restored. Furthermore, if the concentration of added cyclic-AMP was increased, it was possible to induce 100% stalk cells in P-4. Phosphodiesterase would cause the variant to change to the wild type, while 5-AMP and cyclic-nucleotides other than cyclic-AMP have no effect at all. Therefore it was concluded that cyclic-AMP plays a key role in stalk cell differentiation.A comparison between wild type DdH and the variant P-4 showed that DdH is ten times less sensitive to cyclic-AMP induction. They both produce the same amount of cyclic-AMP and extracellular phosphodiesterase, but the specific activity of P-4 cell-bound phosphodiesterase during development is significantly less than that in the DdH. One hypothesis that accounts for the P-4-DdH difference is that because of the lack of cell-bound phosphodiesterase, more cyclic-AMP enters the variant cells and hence more stalk cell differentiation.  相似文献   

We isolated a Dictyostelium cytokinesis mutant with a defect in a novel locus called large volume sphere A (lvsA). lvsA mutants exhibit an unusual phenotype when attempting to undergo cytokinesis in suspension culture. Early in cytokinesis, they initiate furrow formation with concomitant myosin II localization at the cleavage furrow. However, the furrow is later disrupted by a bulge that forms in the middle of the cell. This bulge is bounded by furrows on both sides, which are often enriched in myosin II. The bulge can increase and decrease in size multiple times as the cell attempts to divide. Interestingly, this phenotype is similar to the cytokinesis failure of Dictyostelium clathrin heavy-chain mutants. Furthermore, both cell lines cap ConA receptors but form only a C-shaped loose cap. Unlike clathrin mutants, lvsA mutants are not defective in endocytosis or development. The LvsA protein shares several domains in common with the molecules beige and Chediak-Higashi syndrome proteins that are important for lysosomal membrane traffic. Thus, on the basis of the sequence analysis of the LvsA protein and the phenotype of the lvsA mutants, we postulate that LvsA plays an important role in a membrane-processing pathway that is essential for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The control of systemic infection by encapsulated microorganisms requires T-independent type II (TI-2) Ab responses to bacterial polysaccharides. To understand how such responses evolve, we explored the function of transmembrane activator calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), a member of the TNFR family, required for TI-2 Ab production. Quasimonoclonal (QM) mice produce robust TI-2 responses to 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetate (NP)-Ficoll, owing to the high precursor frequency of NP-specific B cells in the marginal zone of the spleen. QM mice that lack TACI produce decreased numbers of IgM (2-fold) and IgG (1.6-fold) NP-specific ASCs, compared with TACI-positive QM mice in response to immunization with NP-Ficoll. Our studies indicate that TACI acts at a remote time from activation because TACI is not necessary for activation and proliferation of B cells both in vitro and in vivo. Instead, TACI-deficient QM B cells remained in the cell cycle longer than TACI-proficient QM cells and had impaired plasma cell differentiation in response to NP-Ficoll. We conclude that TACI has dual B cell-autonomous functions, inhibiting prolonged B cell proliferation and stimulating plasma cell differentiation, thus resolving the longstanding paradox that TACI may have both B cell-inhibitory and -stimulatory functions. By promoting plasma cell differentiation earlier during clonal expansion, TACI may decrease the chances of autoantibody production by somatic hypermutation of Ig genes in response to T-independent Ags.  相似文献   

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