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An increasing number of genes known to be critical for cell cycle control, differentiation, and tumor suppression have been found to impact development of the placenta. To elucidate how these genes contribute to development of embryonic and extra-embryonic lineages, we generated a transgenic mouse in which the Cre transgene is driven by placenta-specific regulatory sequences from the human CYP19 gene. Using ROSA26 conditional reporter mice, we could detect expression of the CYP19-Cre transgene throughout the extra-embryonic ectoderm and in the ectoplacental cone at embryonic day 6.5 (E6.5). By E11.5, recombination of LoxP reporter sites was detected in all derivatives of trophoblast stem cells, including spongiotrophoblast, giant cells, and labyrinth trophoblasts. We conclude that the CYP19-Cre transgenic mouse developed here can be used in combination with conditional alleles to distinguish between embryonic and extra-embryonic gene function, and to begin to map the period of time when gene function is critical during development.  相似文献   

Although phenotypic abnormalities frequently appear in the placenta following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), mouse trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) established from SCNT embryos reportedly show no distinct abnormalities compared with those derived from normal fertilization. In this study, we reexamined SCNT–TSCs to identify their imprinting statuses. Placenta-specific maternally imprinted genes (Gab1, Slc38a4, and Sfmbt2) consistently showed biallelic expression in SCNT–TSCs, suggesting their loss of imprinting (LOI). The LOI of Gab1 was associated with decreased DNA methylation, and that of Sfmbt2 was associated with decreased DNA methylation and histone H3K27 trimethylation. The maternal allele of the intergenic differentially methylated region (IG–DMR) was aberrantly hypermethylated following SCNT, even though this region was prone to demethylation in TSCs when established in a serum-free chemically defined medium. These findings indicate that the development of cloned embryos is associated with imprinting abnormalities specifically in the trophoblast lineage from its initial stage, which may affect subsequent placental development.  相似文献   

The presence of keratin intermediate filaments is a characteristic of trophoblast differentiation. Meantime, their intracellular localization in the functionally different subtypes of placental trophoblast is poorly investigated in rodent, whereas their placentae are being broadly investigated in recent years as a model of the feto-maternal interaction. The purpose was to study the intracellular distribution of cytokeratin filaments in correlation with glycogen deposits, both being important constituents of the trophoblast cells in rat placenta. Different rat trophoblast cell populations exhibited different patterns of cytokeratin immunolocalization. The most intensive immunostaining was observed in the highly endopolyploid SGTCs (secondary giant trophoblast cells) at the border with decidua basalis. The most prominent cytokeratin-positive threads were found at the periphery of cytoplasm and in the extensive system of cytoplasmic sprouts by which the SGTC connect each other. Similar cytokeratin intensity and distribution was detected in the TSC (trabecular spongiotrophoblast cells) of the junctional zone of placenta that line the lacunae with the maternal blood. Clusters of highly proliferative pre-glycogen as well as glycogen cells showed some weaker cytokeratin signals mostly in the perinuclear and peripheral zones of cytoplasm. At the 11.5th to the 13.5th day of gestation, the interstitial and endovascular invasive endopolyploid TGTCs (tertiary giant trophoblast cells) prove the intensive cytokeratin staining throughout the cytoplasm and its sprouts. Meantime, the TGTCs were glycogen negative. By contrast, glycogen was heavily accumulated in the glycogen cells that belong both to the junctional zone of placenta and the cuff of the central arterial channel underlying the monolayer of endovascularly invading TGTCs. Thus, the TGTCs that are first to penetrate into the depth of the uterine wall do not contain glycogen but are accompanied by the glycogen-rich cells. The SGTC also contained the prominent deposits of glycogen at the periphery of cytoplasm and in the cytoplasmic sprouts. At the 16th day of gestation, an extensive interstitial invasion of the cytokeratin-positive glycogen trophoblast cells from the junctional zone was observed. The patterns of cytokeratin and glycogen intracellular localization are specific for each subtype of the rat trophoblast; that is, most probably, accounted for by the functional diversity of different trophoblast populations, i.e. patterns of invasion/phagocytosis and their involvement in a barrier at the feto-maternal interface.  相似文献   

Irisin, an adipokine, regulates differentiation and phenotype in various cell types including myocytes, adipocytes, and osteoblasts. Circulating irisin concentration increases throughout human pregnancy. In pregnancy disorders such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus, circulating irisin levels are reduced compared to healthy controls. To date, there are no data on the role and molecular function of irisin in the human placenta or its contribution to pathophysiology. Aberrant trophoblast differentiation is involved in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. The current study aimed to assess the molecular effects of irisin on trophoblast differentiation and function. First-trimester placental explants were cultured and treated with low (10 nM) and high (50 nM) physiological doses of irisin. Treatment with irisin dose-dependently increased both in vitro placental outgrowth (on Matrigel™) and trophoblast cell-cell fusion. Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling, an important regulator of cellular energy homeostasis that is involved in trophoblast differentiation and pathology, was subsequently investigated. Here, irisin exposure induced placental AMPK activation. To determine the effects of irisin on trophoblast differentiation, two trophoblast-like cell lines, HTR-8/SVneo and BeWo, were treated with irisin and/or a specific AMPK inhibitor (Compound C). Irisin-induced AMPK phosphorylation in HTR-8/SVneo cells. Additionally, as part of the differentiation process, integrin switching from α6 to α1 occurred as well as increased invasiveness. Overall, irisin promoted differentiation in villous and extravillous cell-based models via AMPK pathway activation. These findings provide evidence that exposure to irisin promotes differentiation and improves trophoblast functions in the human placenta that are affected in abnormal placentation.  相似文献   

Trophoblast giant cells (TGCs) are the first terminally differentiated subtype to form in the trophoblast cell lineage in rodents. In addition to mediating implantation, they are the main endocrine cells of the placenta, producing several hormones which regulate the maternal endocrine and immune systems and promote maternal blood flow to the implantation site. Generally considered a homogeneous population, TGCs have been identified by their expression of genes encoding placental lactogen 1 or proliferin. In the present study, we have identified a number of TGC subtypes, based on morphology and molecular criteria and demonstrated a previously underappreciated diversity of TGCs. In addition to TGCs that surround the implantation site and form the interface with the maternal deciduas, we demonstrate at least three other unique TGC subtypes: spiral artery-associated TGCs, maternal blood canal-associated TGCs and a TGC within the sinusoidal spaces of the labyrinth layer of the placenta. All four TGC subtypes could be identified based on the expression patterns of four genes: Pl1, Pl2, Plf (encoded by genes of the prolactin/prolactin-like protein/placental lactogen gene locus), and Ctsq (from a placental-specific cathepsin gene locus). Each of these subtypes was detected in differentiated trophoblast stem cell cultures and can be differentially regulated; treatment with retinoic acid induces Pl1/Plf+ TGCs preferentially. Furthermore, cell lineage tracing studies indicated unique origins for different TGC subtypes, in contrast with previous suggestions that secondary TGCs all arise from Tpbpa+ ectoplacental cone precursors.  相似文献   

Signaling by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is essential is for trophoblast stem (TS) cells and preimplantation embryos. FGF4 provides essential signaling, but the expression of the complete set of 23 FGF family members has not been analyzed. Here, semi-quantitative RT-PCR and microarray analyses were used to define expression of all FGF ligand mRNA. RT-PCR was done for developmentally important FGF subfamilies, FGF10/FGF22 and FGF8/FGF17/FGF18 as well as FGF11. FGF4 and FGF18 are detected at highest levels by RT-PCR and microarrays. FGF10 was detected at low levels in both assays. FGF11 was detected at moderate levels by microarray, but not by RT-PCR. FGF17 was detected at low levels by array and moderate levels by RT-PCR. FGF8 and FGF22 were detected by RT-PCR, but not by microarrays during late cleavage divisions. FGF8, FGF5, and FGF9 were detected in the oocyte by microarray. FGF2, FGF3, and FGF7 were not detected by RT-PCR or microarrays and FGF13, FGF14, and FGF23 were not detected by microarray. Since a major role of FGF is to maintain TS cells, we tested human and mouse placental cell lines and early gestation human placenta for expression of FGF ligands. Expression in mouse TS cells was compared with preimplantation embryos, and human placental cell line expression was compared with human placenta, to infer which ligands are expressed in placental lineage vs. other cell lineages. The data suggest that human and mouse placenta share FGF18 and its high expression suggests preimplantation and early placental function.  相似文献   

Cells of the trophoblast lineage make up the epithelial compartment of the placenta, and their rapid development is essential for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. A diverse array of specialized trophoblast subtypes form throughout gestation and are responsible for mediating implantation, as well as promotion of blood to the implantation site, changes in maternal physiology, and nutrient and gas exchange between the fetal and maternal blood supplies. Within the last decade, targeted mutations in mice and the study of trophoblast stem cells in vitro have contributed greatly to our understanding of trophoblast lineage development. Here, we review recent insights into the molecular pathways regulating trophoblast lineage segregation, stem cell maintenance, and subtype differentiation.  相似文献   

Pregnancy complications may cause morphological changes and circulation defects in the placenta, which may lead to morbidity and mortality in fetuses and newborns. We investigated structural changes in the placenta and umbilical cord under various abnormal maternal conditions. Placenta and umbilical cord specimens were obtained from pregnant women during labor at 37 ? 42 weeks gestation. Volumetric measurements were made for each placenta and umbilical cord using the Cavalieri method. Significant differences were observed for volumetric densities of total villi, syncytial knots, intervillous vessels and perivillous fibrin deposition. We observed particular increases in the volumetric parameters of the pre-eclampsia group compared to the other groups. The tunica media of the umbilical arteries was increased significantly with intrahepatic cholestasis.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts were made to select for trophoblast cells in cultures of mixed cell populations derived from preterm (7 to 12 wk) or term human placentas. Epidermal growth factor added to cultures on solid or porous supports caused proliferation of epithelial-type cells to give a confluent monolayer but did not increase the expression of differentiated function. The presence or absence of placental basement membrane collagen as substrate made little apparent difference; however a porous basement membrane collagen support led to increased differentiated function. Initial production of human chorionic gonadotrophin was increased and after 4 wk in culture a substantial proportion of the cells exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity. Epidermal growth factor and a substrate of placental basement membrane collagen on a porous support favorably influence the growth and differentiation of human trophoblast cells in culture. This work was supported by funds from the Medical Research Council of New Zealand which also provided support for Dr. Truman as a Postdoctoral Fellow.  相似文献   

The Notch signalling pathway regulates proliferation, cell death and cell type specification that is critical for organogenesis. Mouse models carrying mutations in the Notch signalling pathway display defects in development of the placenta, suggesting that this pathway is required for placental development. In particular, Notch1 mutant embryos exhibit abnormal placental morphogenesis and arrest early in development. However, expression of Notch1 gene has not been detected during placental development. Trophoblast stem cells are derived from the precursor of the placenta and express Notch1. We report that Notch1 is also expressed in differentiated trophoblast cells. Under standard differentiation conditions, Notch1 expression ceases by day 6. Furthermore, the activated NOTCH1 intracellular domain is enriched at the nucleolus of trophoblast stem cells and differentiated trophoblast cells. Our results suggest that NOTCH1 is active in both trophoblast stem cells and differentiated trophoblast cells.  相似文献   

The transfer of iron between the maternal and fetal circulations of an isolated perfused lobule of term human placenta was investigated using 125I-labelled or 59Fe-labelled diferric transferrin. There was negligible transplacental transfer of intact transferrin whereas nearly 4 per cent of the added 59Fe was transferred into the fetal circulation after 2 h, where it became associated with fetal transferrin. Over 20 per cent of the added 59Fe radioactivity was sequestered within the placental tissue during this period, associated with transferrin, ferritin and other uncharacterized molecules. This suggests an important role for an intracellular pool in regulating transfer. The presence of 10 mM chloroquine in the maternal circulation substantially reduced tissue accumulation of 59Fe and totally inhibited transfer to the fetus. It is concluded that the initial stages of iron transfer to the fetus involve the internalization of maternal iron-saturated transferrin bound to membrane receptors by receptor-mediated endocytosis, which can be inhibited by the drug chloroquine. Subsequently, the transplacental transfer of iron to the fetus does not involve the concomitant movement of transferrin.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of Cd exposure on the glycogen localization in the placenta and in fetal and maternal livers in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced-diabetic pregnant rats. Ninety-nine virgin female Wistar rats (200–220 g) were mated with 33 males for at least 12 h. From the onset of pregnancy, the rats were divided into four experimental groups (control, Cd treated, STZ treated, and Cd+STZ treated). The Cd-treated group was injected subcutaneously daily with CdCl2 dissolved in isotonic NaCl, starting at the onset of pregnancy throughout the experiment. Diabetes was induced on d 13 of pregnancy by a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ in the STZ-treated group. In addition to the daily injection of Cd, a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ was also given on d 13 of pregnancy in the Cd+STZ-treated group. The rats received the last injection 24 h before being sacrificed and 10 randomly selected rats in each group were sacrificed on d 15 and d 20 of pregnancy. Blood samples were taken for determination of the serum glucose and insulin levels. Fetal and maternal livers of sacrificed rats in all groups were harvested on d 15 and d 20 of pregnancy, whereas placentas were harvested only on d 20 of pregnancy for histochemical examination. Although both Cd and STZ caused hyperglycemia and decreased insulin secretion, Cd-alone treatment increased the glycogen content only in the placental labyrinth, whereas STZ-alone treatment increased the glycogen content only in the maternal part of the placenta. Increased glycogen localization was observed in both the placental labyrinth and the maternal part of placenta when Cd and STZ were given together. Fetal and meternal livers of control and other treatment groups were not different regarding the glycogen content on d 15 or d 20 of pregnancy. It was concluded that Cd exposure during pregnancy might produce a glycogen localization in the placenta of diabetic rats. However, the function and the mechanisms of increased glycogen contents in the placenta of Cd-exposed pregnant diabetic rats remain unclear and further studies are needed.  相似文献   

The binucleate trophoblast giant cells (BNC) of the water buffalo, Bubalus bubalis, placenta were studied, with emphasis on the synthesis of BNC-specific proteins. Placentomal tissues of 27 water buffalos (2-10 months of pregnancy) were processed for light and electron microscopy. The frequency of BNCs was 20% of the trophoblastic cells in 2-3-month placentas and increased to 27% in the later stages. Ultrastructurally, binucleate cells displayed a prominent granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, typical of cells involved with protein synthesis and exportation. The buffalo BNCs contained periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive granules and reacted with antisera against bovine placental lactogen, prolactin-related protein-I, and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Lectin histochemistry with Dolichos biflorus agglutinin, Vicia villosa agglutinin, and Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin showed specific staining of BNCs. Different stages of BNC migration and fusion with uterine epithelial cells were observed. Trinucleate feto-maternal hybrid cells were the typical outcome of cell fusions. These cells underwent degeneration, with typical morphological features of apoptosis. The results revealed a strong homology between water buffalo and cattle BNCs concerning cell morphology, protein expression, glycosylation pattern, and characteristics of cell migration and fusion.  相似文献   

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