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Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to use some fatty acids, such as oleic acid, as a sole source of carbon. β-oxidation, which occurs in a single membrane-enveloped organelle or peroxisome, is responsible for the assimilation of fatty acids. In S. cerevisiae, β-oxidation occurs only in peroxisomes, and H(2)O(2) is generated during this fatty acid-metabolizing pathway. S. cerevisiae has three GPX genes (GPX1, GPX2, and GPX3) encoding atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxins. Here we show that expression of GPX1 was induced in medium containing oleic acid as a carbon source in an Msn2/Msn4-dependent manner. We found that Gpx1 was located in the peroxisomal matrix. The peroxisomal Gpx1 showed peroxidase activity using thioredoxin or glutathione as a reducing power. Peroxisome biogenesis was induced when cells were cultured with oleic acid. Peroxisome biogenesis was impaired in gpx1? cells, and subsequently, the growth of gpx1? cells was lowered in oleic acid-containing medium. Gpx1 contains six cysteine residues. Of the cysteine-substituted mutants of Gpx1, Gpx1(C36S) was not able to restore growth and peroxisome formation in oleic acid-containing medium, therefore, redox regulation of Gpx1 seems to be involved in the mechanism of peroxisome formation.  相似文献   

Small GTPases of the Rho family act as molecular switches, and modulation of the GTP-bound state of Rho proteins is a well-characterized means of regulating their signaling activity in vivo. In contrast, the regulation of Rho-type GTPases by posttranslational modifications is poorly understood. Here, we present evidence of the control of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rho-type GTPase Rho5p by phosphorylation and ubiquitination. Rho5p binds to Ste50p, and the expression of the activated RHO5(Q91H) allele in an Deltaste50 strain is lethal under conditions of osmotic stress. An overexpression screen identified RGD2 and MSI1 as being high-copy suppressors of the osmotic sensitivity of this lethality. Rgd2p had been identified as being a possible Rho5p GTPase-activating protein based on an in vitro assay; this result supports its function as a regulator of Rho5p activity in vivo. MSI1 was previously identified as being a suppressor of hyperactive Ras/cyclic AMP signaling, where it antagonizes Npr1p kinase activity and promotes ubiquitination. Here, we show that Msi1p also acts via Npr1p to suppress activated Rho5p signaling. Rho5p is ubiquitinated, and its expression is lethal in a strain that is compromised for proteasome activity. These data identify Rho5p as being a target of Msi1p/Npr1p regulation and describe a regulatory circuit involving phosphorylation and ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Cells have evolved molecular mechanisms for the efficient transmission of organelles during cell division. Little is known about how peroxisomes are inherited. Inp1p is a peripheral membrane protein of peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that affects both the morphology of peroxisomes and their partitioning during cell division. In vivo 4-dimensional video microscopy showed an inability of mother cells to retain a subset of peroxisomes in dividing cells lacking the INP1 gene, whereas cells overexpressing INP1 exhibited immobilized peroxisomes that failed to be partitioned to the bud. Overproduced Inp1p localized to both peroxisomes and the cell cortex, supporting an interaction of Inp1p with specific structures lining the cell periphery. The levels of Inp1p vary with the cell cycle. Inp1p binds Pex25p, Pex30p, and Vps1p, which have been implicated in controlling peroxisome division. Our findings are consistent with Inp1p acting as a factor that retains peroxisomes in cells and controls peroxisome division. Inp1p is the first peroxisomal protein directly implicated in peroxisome inheritance.  相似文献   

The Candida albicans INT1 gene is a virulence factor that contributes to both adhesion and filamentous growth of the fungus. Expression of INT1 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae directs both adhesion and filamentous growth. Because Int1p contains two predicted divalent cation-binding motifs, we asked whether divalent cations are important for the role of Int1p in filament formation. In this study, we found that INT1-induced filamentous growth (I-IFG) is sensitive to the divalent cation chelator EDTA and that this EDTA sensitivity can be ameliorated by the addition of Mn(2+), but not Mg(2+) or Ca(2+) ions. The addition of MnCl(2) restored both the proportion of cells forming filaments and the length of filaments formed. Expression of INT1 in S. cerevisiae mutants that reduce the intracellular concentration of Mn(2+) did not affect I-IFG. Interestingly, the Mn(2+) dependence of I-IFG is not dependent upon the presence of the putative divalent cation-binding domains found in INT1. Rather, we found that polarized growth induced by mutations in CDC12 and CLA4 or by expression of excess SWE1 was also sensitive to EDTA treatment and was restored by the addition of MnCl(2) but not by the addition of CaCl(2). Thus, our results suggest that in S. cerevisiae polarized growth is dependent upon the presence of Mn(2+) ions.  相似文献   

The stereoselectivity of the peroxisome proliferation potency of 2-ethylhexanoic acid (2-EHA), a metabolite of the plasticizer di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate, was investigated in vitro. The enantiomers of 2-EHA were prepared via the semipreparative HPLC resolution of their diastereoisomeric (+)-(R)-1-phenylethylamine derivatives and the subsequent hydrolytic cleavage. Monolayers of hepatocytes were incubated 3 days with solution of (-)-(R), (+)-(S), and (+/-)-2-EHA. The peroxisome proliferation potency was measured by means of determination of the peroxisomal palmitoyl coenzyme A oxidation. The theoretical induction component due to each enantiomer were calculated from the experimental data considering the enantiomeric purities of the acids. The (+)-(S)-enantiomer was found to be the most potent inducer e.g., the eutomer, while the (-)-(R) was the distomer. The eudismic ratio was about 1.6 and the racemic mixture exhibited an intermediary potency. These results, obtained in vitro in conditions avoiding confounding factors such as pharmacokinetics, suggest that the peroxisome proliferation induced by 2-ethylhexanoic acid is a stereoselective phenomenon.  相似文献   

The enzyme phosphoglucomutase functions at a key point in carbohydrate metabolism. In this paper, we show that the synthesis of the major isoform of yeast phosphoglucomutase, encoded by the GAL5 (PGM2) gene, is regulated in a manner that is distinct from that previously described for other enzymes involved in galactose metabolism in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Accumulation of this isoform increased four- to sixfold when the culture experienced either glucose depletion or heat shock. However, heat shock induction did not occur unless the cells were under glucose repression. This nonadditive increase in expression suggests that the regulatory mechanisms controlling the heat shock induction and glucose repression of the GAL5 gene are functionally related. We previously demonstrated that phosphoglucomutase is modified by a posttranslational Glc-phosphorylation reaction. We now show that this posttranslational modification, like phosphoglucomutase expression itself, is also regulated by galactose induction and glucose repression. Finally, no evidence was found to indicate that the Glc-phosphorylation of phosphoglucomutase alters its enzymatic activity under the conditions examined.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte growth is regulated by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1). Mice deficient in p27(Kip1) have increased proliferative responses to multiple cytokines, including IL-2, IL-4, and IL-12, but not to anti-CD3. In the absence of p27(Kip1), T cells proliferate faster than control cells, as evidenced by increased [(3)H]thymidine uptake, increased cell growth and division, and an increased number of cells in S phase. Importantly, this regulation is specific for p27(Kip1) in T cells, because hyperproliferation of T cells from mice deficient in p21(Cip1/Waf1) was not observed. In vivo, there is an expansion of activated/memory CD4(+) cells in p27(Kip1)-deficient mice before and after immunization. Furthermore, Ag-stimulated spleen cells from immunized p27(Kip1)-deficient mice demonstrated increased proliferative responses to IL-2 and increased secretion of IFN-gamma. Although IL-4 stimulated proliferative responses are diminished in Stat6-deficient T cells, activated T cells from mice doubly deficient in both p27(Kip1) and Stat6 recover normal proliferative responses to IL-4. Together, these data firmly support a role for p27(Kip1) as a negative regulator of cytokine-stimulated T cell growth.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we examined the effects of different unsaturated fatty acid compositions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the growth-inhibiting effects of ethanol. The unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) composition of S. cerevisiae is relatively simple, consisting almost exclusively of the mono-UFAs palmitoleic acid (Delta(9)Z-C(16:1)) and oleic acid (Delta(9)Z-C(18:1)), with the former predominating. Both UFAs are formed in S. cerevisiae by the oxygen- and NADH-dependent desaturation of palmitic acid (C(16:0)) and stearic acid (C(18:0)), respectively, catalyzed by a single integral membrane desaturase encoded by the OLE1 gene. We systematically altered the UFA composition of yeast cells in a uniform genetic background (i) by genetic complementation of a desaturase-deficient ole1 knockout strain with cDNA expression constructs encoding insect desaturases with distinct regioselectivities (i.e., Delta(9) and Delta(11)) and substrate chain-length preferences (i.e., C(16:0) and C(18:0)); and, (ii) by supplementation of the same strain with synthetic mono-UFAs. Both experimental approaches demonstrated that oleic acid is the most efficacious UFA in overcoming the toxic effects of ethanol in growing yeast cells. Furthermore, the only other UFA tested that conferred a nominal degree of ethanol tolerance is cis-vaccenic acid (Delta(11)Z-C(18:1)), whereas neither Delta(11)Z-C(16:1) nor palmitoleic acid (Delta(9)Z-C(16:1)) conferred any ethanol tolerance. We also showed that the most ethanol-tolerant transformant, which expresses the insect desaturase TniNPVE, produces twice as much oleic acid as palmitoleic acid in the absence of ethanol and undergoes a fourfold increase in the ratio of oleic acid to palmitoleic acid in response to exposure to 5% ethanol. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that ethanol tolerance in yeast results from incorporation of oleic acid into lipid membranes, effecting a compensatory decrease in membrane fluidity that counteracts the fluidizing effects of ethanol.  相似文献   

The repression of beta-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase, the LEU2 gene product, by leucine and leucine plus threonine was unaffected by the transposition of LEU2 from its original locus on chromosome III to a new locus within the ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid gene cluster on chromosome XII. Since the expression of the LEU2 gene is probably controlled at a pretranslational level, we conclude that the recombinant plasmid used for transformation carries regulatory information in addition to LEU2 structural information.  相似文献   

Lag1p and Lac1p are two highly homologous membrane proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When both genes are deleted, cells cannot transport glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins from the ER to the Golgi at a normal rate. Here we show that microsomes or detergent extracts from lag1lac1 double mutants lack an activity transferring C26 fatty acids from C26-coenzyme A onto dihydrosphingosine or phytosphingosine. As a consequence, in intact cells, the normal ceramides and inositolphosphorylceramides are drastically reduced. lag1lac1 cells compensate for the lack of normal sphingolipids by making increased amounts of C26 fatty acids, which become incorporated into glycerophospholipids. They also contain 20- to 25-fold more free long chain bases than wild type and accumulate very large amounts of abnormally polar ceramides. They make small amounts of abnormal mild base-resistant inositolphospholipids. The lipid remodelling of GPI-anchored proteins is severely compromised in lag1lac1 double mutants since only few and mostly abnormal ceramides are incorporated into the GPI anchors. The participation of Lag1p and Lac1p in ceramide synthesis may explain their role in determining longevity.  相似文献   

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