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The oxidative refolding of ribonuclease A has been investigated in several experimental conditions using a variety of redox systems. All these studies agree that the formation of disulfide bonds during the process occurs through a nonrandom mechanism with a preferential coupling of certain cysteine residues. We have previously demonstrated that in the presence of glutathione the refolding process occurs through the reiteration of two sequential reactions: a mixed disulfide with glutathione is produced first which evolves to form an intramolecular S-S bond. In the same experimental conditions, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was shown to catalyze formation and reduction of mixed disulfides with glutathione as well as formation of intramolecular S-S bonds. This paper reports the structural characterization of the one-disulfide intermediate population during the oxidative refolding of Ribonuclease A under the presence of PDI and glutathione with the aim of defining the role of the enzyme at the early stages of the reaction. The one-disulfide intermediate population occurring at the early stages of both the uncatalyzed and the PDI-catalyzed refolding was purified and structurally characterized by proteolytic digestion followed by MALDI-MS and LC/ESIMS analyses. In the uncatalyzed refolding, a total of 12 disulfide bonds out of the 28 theoretical possible cysteine couplings was observed, confirming a nonrandom distribution of native and nonnative disulfide bonds. Under the presence of PDI, only two additional nonnative disulfides were detected. Semiquantitative LC/ESIMS analysis of the distribution of the S-S bridged peptides showed that the most abundant species were equally populated in both the uncatalyzed and the catalyzed process. This paper shows the first structural characterization of the one-disulfide intermediate population formed transiently during the refolding of ribonuclease A in quasi-physiological conditions that mimic those present in the ER lumen. At the early stages of the process, three of the four native disulfides are detected, whereas the Cys26-Cys84 pairing is absent. Most of the nonnative disulfide bonds identified are formed by nearest-neighboring cysteines. The presence of PDI does not significantly alter the distribution of S-S bonds, suggesting that the ensemble of single-disulfide species is formed under thermodynamic control.  相似文献   

F X Schmid 《FEBS letters》1986,198(2):217-220
The trans----cis isomerization of Pro 93 was measured during refolding of bovine ribonuclease A. This isomerization is slow (tau = 500 s) under marginally stable folding conditions of 2.0 M GdmCl, pH 6, at 10 degrees C. However, it is strongly accelerated (tau = 100 s) in samples which, prior to isomerization, had been converted to a folding intermediate by a 15 s refolding pulse under strongly native conditions (0.8 M ammonium sulfate, 0 degree C). The results demonstrate that extensive folding is possible before Pro 93 isomerizes to its native cis state and that the presence of structural folding intermediates leads to a marked increase in the rate of subsequent proline isomerization.  相似文献   

Reports concerning anomalous rates of exchange of some amides in oxytocin, alumichrome, and gramicidin S are reexamined through systematic analysis of the exchange data as a function of pH and primary structure. It is shown that such an analysis can provide useful information on secondary structure when the degree of hydrogen bonding to both the NH undergoing exchange and the neighboring carbonyl group are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

1. Proton magnetic resonance spectra at 270 MHz of polymyxin B, a cationic oligopeptide antibiotic, show the influence of the inorganic counteranion present in solution. 2. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates for the amide protons are of two types, depending on whether the anion is monovalent or polyvalent. Polyvalent anions catalyse the acid-catalysed reaction more than the monovalent anions. 3. The structure in solution was monitored using the proton signals of the amides, the phenylalanine aromatic protons, and the leucine methyl and gamma-CH protons in several polymyxin salts. The temperature coefficients of the chemical shifts of the N-H protons are used to identify two beta turns in the cyclic ring of polymyxin B. The variation in chemical shift of the N-H protons, the aromatic protons and the leucine protons are correlated with anionic size and electronegativity.  相似文献   

The classical Linderstrøm-Lang hydrogen exchange (HX) model is extended to describe the relationship between the HX behaviors (EX1 and EX2) and protein folding kinetics for the amide protons that can only exchange by global unfolding in a three-state system including native (N), intermediate (I), and unfolded (U) states. For these slowly exchanging amide protons, it is shown that the existence of an intermediate (I) has no effect on the HX behavior in an off-pathway three-state system (IUN). On the other hand, in an on-pathway three-state system (UIN), the existence of a stable folding intermediate has profound effect on the HX behavior. It is shown that fast refolding from the unfolded state to the stable intermediate state alone does not guarantee EX2 behavior. The rate of refolding from the intermediate state to the native state also plays a crucial role in determining whether EX1 or EX2 behavior should occur. This is mainly due to the fact that only amide protons in the native state are observed in the hydrogen exchange experiment. These new concepts suggest that caution needs to be taken if one tries to derive the kinetic events of protein folding from equilibrium hydrogen exchange experiments.  相似文献   

A method for detecting structure in marginally stable forms of a protein is described. The principle is to measure amide proton exchange rates in the absence and presence of varying concentrations of a denaturant. Unfolding of structure by the denaturant is reflected by an acceleration of amide proton exchange rates, after correction for the effects of the denaturant on the intrinsic rate of exchange. This exchange-rate test for structure makes no assumptions about the rate of exchange in the unfolded state. The effects of 0-8 M urea and 0-6 M guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) on acid- and base-catalyzed exchange from model compounds have been calibrated. GdmCl does not appear to be well-suited for use in the exchange-rate test; model compound studies show that the effects of GdmCl on intrinsic exchange rates are complicated. In contrast, the effects of urea are a more uniform function of denaturant concentration. Urea increases acid-catalyzed, and decreases base-catalyzed, rates in model compounds. The exchange-rate test is used here to study structure formation in the S-protein (residues 21-124 of ribonuclease A). In conditions where an equilibrium folding intermediate of S-protein (I3) is known to be populated (pH 1.7, 0 degree C), the exchange-rate test for structure is positive. At higher temperatures (greater than 32 degrees C) I3 is unfolded, but circular dichroism data suggest that residual structure remains [Labhardt, A. M. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 157, 357-371].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Phosphate anions accelerate the oxidative folding of reduced bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A with dithiothreitol at several temperatures and ionic strengths. The addition of 400 mM phosphate at pH 8.1 increased the regeneration rate of native protein 2.5-fold at 15 degrees C, 3.5-fold at 25 degrees C, and 20-fold at 37 degrees C, compared to the rate in the absence of phosphate. In addition, the effects of other ions on the oxidative folding of RNase A were examined. Fluoride was found to accelerate the formation of native protein under the same oxidizing conditions. In contrast, cations of high charge density or ions with low charge density appear to have an opposite effect on the folding of RNase A. The catalysis of oxidative folding results largely from an anion-dependent stabilization and formation of tertiary structure in productive disulfide intermediates (des-species). Phosphate and fluoride also accelerate the initial equilibration of unstructured disulfide ensembles, presumably due to non-specific electrostatic and hydrogen bonding effects on the protein and solvent.  相似文献   

N V Kumar  N R Kallenbach 《Biochemistry》1985,24(26):7658-7662
Hydrogen exchange of the individual amide protons of alanine-90 (F5), glutamine-91 (F6), serine-92 (F7), and histidine-93 (F8) residues in cyanometmyoglobin of sperm whale has been studied by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 360 MHz. The amide proton resonance of F5, F6, and F7 have been assigned by use of the selective nuclear Overhauser effect between the consecutive amide protons. At pH 6.8, and in the temperature range of 5-20 degrees C, these protons show a 10(4)-fold retardation compared to the rates in free peptides. Apparent activation enthalpies for hydrogen exchange of F5, F6, and F8 protons are 18.5 +/- 0.4, 9.5 +/- 0.3, and 18.5 +/- 0.3 kcal/mol, respectively. Some implications of these results on the nature of the opening processes involved in hydrogen exchange are considered.  相似文献   

E M Krauss  D Cowburn 《Biochemistry》1981,20(4):671-679
The contribution of intramolecular hydrogen bonding to the solution structure of oxytocin was evaluated by study of amide hydrogen exchange rates in D2O by Fourier transform 1H NMR spectroscopy. Resolution enhancement filtering was employed in the determination of individual pseudo-first-order rate constants. Apparent barriers to exchange of 0.5 and 0.6 kcal mol-1 were measured for Asn5 and Cys6 peptide NH, respectively. The slowing is best explained by steric hindrance to solvent access in the case of Asn5, while for the Cys6 participation in a weak intramolecular hydrogen bond is possible. Fourfold acceleration of base-catalyzed exchange was observed for Tyr2 NH; it is proposed that this is the result of electronic effects induced by hydrogen bonding of Cys1 C=0, either to Cys6 NH or to the N-terminal amino group. Exchange proceeds near the random coil limit for each of the remaining residues. Comparison with exchange data for the model tripeptide N-acetyl-L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamide demonstrates no evidence of noncovalent association of the tocin ring with the tripeptide tail of the hormone.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a modified version of a previously proposed technique, MEXICO [Gemmecker et al. (1993) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 115, 11620], and improved data analysis procedures in order to measure rapid hydrogen exchange (HX) rates of amide protons in peptides labeled only with 15N. The requirement of 13C-/15N-labeled material has been circumvented by adjusting conditions so that NOE effects associated with amide protons can be neglected (i.e., 0c~1). The technique was applied to an unstructured 15N-labeled 12-residue peptide to measure intrinsic HX rates, which are the essential reference for examining protein and peptide structure and dynamics through deceleration of HX rates. The method provided accurate HX rates from 0.5 to 50 s-1 under the conditions used. The measured rates were in good agreement with those predicted using correction factors determined by Englander and co-workers [Bai et al. (1993) Proteins, 17, 75], with the largest deviations from the predicted rates found for residues close to the N-terminus. The exchange rates were found to exhibit significant sensitivity to the concentration of salt in the sample.  相似文献   

Summary A model is proposed to evaluate the rate of exchange between the amide protons of proteins and the solvent water molecules. Using this model we determined the extent of the error for the chemical exchange rate constant when cross relaxation was neglected; both selective inversion and saturation-transfer techniques were evaluated. Furthermore, the fluctuations in the NOE intensities were determined when the exchange rate was varied.  相似文献   

The preceding article shows that there are eight highly protected amide protons in the S-peptide moiety of RNAase S at pH 5, 0 degrees C. The residues with protected NH protons are 7 to 13, whose amide protons are H-bonded in the 3 to 13 alpha-helix, and Asp 14, whose NH proton is H-bonded to the CO group of Val47. We describe here the exchange behavior of these eight protected protons as a function of pH. Exchange rates of the individual NH protons are measured by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance in D2O. A procedure is used for specifically labeling with 1H only these eight NH protons. The resonance assignments of the eight protons are made chiefly by partial exchange, through correlating the resonance intensities in spectra taken when the peptide is bound and when it is dissociated from S-protein in 3.5 M-urea-d4, in D2O, pH 2.3, -4 degrees C. The two remaining assignments are made and some other assignments are checked by measurements of the nuclear Overhauser effect between adjacent NH protons of the alpha-helix. There is a transition in exchange behavior between pH 3, where the helix is weakly protected against exchange, and pH 5 where the helix is much more stable. At pH 3.1, 20 degrees C, exchange rates are uniform within the helix within a factor of two, after correction for different intrinsic exchange rates. The degree of protection within the helix is only 10 to 20-fold at this pH. At pH 5.1, 20 degrees C, the helix is more stable by two orders of magnitude and exchange occurs preferentially from the N-terminal end. At both pH values the NH proton of Asp 14, which is just outside the helix, is less protected by an order of magnitude than the adjacent NH protons inside the helix. Opening of the helix can be observed below pH 3.7 by changes in chemical shifts of the NH protons in the helix. At pH 2.4 the changes are 25% of those expected for complete opening. Helix opening is a fast reaction on the n.m.r. time scale (tau much less than 1 ms) unlike the generalized unfolding of RNAase S which is a slow reaction. Dissociation of S-peptide from S-protein in native RNAase S at pH 3.0 also is a slow reaction. Opening of the helix below pH 3.7 is a two-state reaction, as judged by comparing chemical shifts with exchange rates. The exchange rates at pH 3.1 are predicted correctly from the changes in chemical shift by assuming that helix opening is a two-state reaction. At pH values above 3.7, the nature of the helix opening reaction changes. These results indicate that at least one partially unfolded state of RNAase S is populated in the low pH unfolding transition.  相似文献   

H Roder  K Wüthrich 《Proteins》1986,1(1):34-42
A method to be used for experimental studies of protein folding introduced by Schmid and Baldwin (J. Mol. Biol. 135: 199-215, 1979), which is based on the competition between amide hydrogen exchange and protein refolding, was extended by using rapid mixing techniques and 1H NMR to provide site-resolved kinetic information on the early phases of protein structure acquisition. In this method, a protonated solution of the unfolded protein is rapidly mixed with a deuterated buffer solution at conditions assuring protein refolding in the mixture. This simultaneously initiates the exchange of unprotected amide protons with solvent deuterium and the refolding of protein segments which can protect amide groups from further exchange. After variable reaction times the amide proton exchange is quenched while folding to the native form continues to completion. By using 1H NMR, the extent of exchange at individual amide sites is then measured in the refolded protein. Competition experiments at variable reaction times or variable pH indicate the time at which each amide group is protected in the refolding process. This technique was applied to the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, for which sequence-specific assignments of the amide proton NMR lines had previously been obtained. For eight individual amide protons located in the beta-sheet and the C-terminal alpha-helix of this protein, apparent refolding rates in the range from 15 s-1 to 60 s-1 were observed. These rates are on the time scale of the fast folding phase observed with optical probes.  相似文献   

Amide hydrogen (NH) exchange is one of the few experimental techniques with the potential for determining the thermodynamics and kinetics of conformational motions at nearly every residue in native proteins. Quantitative interpretation of NH exchange in terms of molecular motions relies on a simple two-state kinetic model: at any given slowly exchanging NH, a closed or exchange-incompetent conformation is in equilibrium with an open or exchange-competent conformation. Previous studies have demonstrated the accuracy of this model in measuring conformational equilibria by comparing exchange data with the thermodynamics of protein unfolding. We report here a test of the accuracy of the model in determining the kinetics of conformational changes in native proteins. The kinetics of folding and unfolding for ubiquitin have been measured by conventional methods and compared with those derived from a comprehensive analysis of the pH dependence of exchange in native ubiquitin. Rate constants for folding and unfolding from these two very different types of experiments show good agreement. The simple model for NH exchange thus appears to be a robust framework for obtaining quantitative information about molecular motions in native proteins.  相似文献   

A test has been made of the proposal that: (a) the extended two-state model describes the kinetic intermediates seen in the folding transition of RNAase A, i.e. that the only species present in folding experiments are the native protein and multiple forms of the completely unfolded protein; and (b) that the interconversion between the two known unfolded forms of RNAase A (the U1
U2 reaction) is described solely by the cis-trans isomerization of the proline residues. The test is to measure the rate of the U1
U2 reaction in a wide range of refolding conditions and to compare these data with the kinetic properties of proline isomerization.The main results are as follows. (1) The activation enthalpy of the U1
U2 reaction in refolding conditions (pH 6, 20 ° to 40 °C) is less than 5 kcal/mol. This is much too small to be explained as proline isomerization. (2) Both the rate and the activation enthalpy change sharply at guanidine hydrochloride concentrations below 2 m. There appear to be two pathways for the U1
U2 reaction in refolding conditions, and the slower pathway is favored by adding guanidine hydrochloride. (3) The rate and activation enthalpy for proline isomerization in l-alanyl-l-proline are unaffected by 2 m-guanidine hydrochloride.The results show that the proline isomerization hypothesis and the extended two-state model cannot both be correct for RNAase A. They suggest that partial folding occurs rapidly in refolding conditions and that the extended two-state model is invalid. They leave open the question of whether or not proline isomerization is the rate-limiting step in the U1
U2 reaction.Another possible source of slow configurational reactions in the unfolded state is mentioned. The three major, overlapping, disulfide-bonded loops of RNAase A can exist in two isomeric configurations. Interconversion of these isomers requires pulling one loop, or one end of the polypeptide chain, through a second loop and this is likely to be a slow process.In some conditions, heat-unfolded but not guanidine-unfolded RNAase A shows a second slow-refolding process. It may result from aggregates of the heatunfolded protein which are formed and broken up slowly. Conditions are given for eliminating this reaction.  相似文献   

Song MC  Scheraga HA 《FEBS letters》2000,471(2-3):177-181
It has been shown previously that the oxidative folding of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A proceeds through parallel pathways with two major native-like three-disulfide (3S) intermediates. We show here that, under some conditions, the native disulfide bonds can also be regenerated through disproportionation reactions; in other words, the protein can serve as its own redox reagent. The results also show that disulfide species of the unstructured 3S ensemble have a strong propensity to participate in intermolecular interactions. These interactions are favored at high protein concentration, temperature and pH, and lead to formation of the native structure during disulfide reshuffling in the rate-determining step.  相似文献   

The ionization constants of 3 of the histidine residues of ribonuclease A have beenobtained at 5 temperatures from the nuclear magnetic resonance titration curves of the imidazole C2 proton resonances. Thermodynamic parameters derived from the ionization constants indicate that histidine residues 105 and 119 are fairly well exposed to solvent, while histidine residue 12 is in a somewhat more restricted environment. Measurements of the low pH inflection present in the titration curve of histidine-12 yield a large negative entropy value, indicating that the group givine rise to this inflection is also buried.  相似文献   

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