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Higher syntaxa of the classAsteretea tripolium are reviewed. This class covers plant communities of the Euro-Asian continent on low- and medium-salinized soils with medium moisture conditions where perennial herbaceous plants (hemicryptophytes) of non-succulent character prevail. On the territory of the former USSR and Mongolia, the classAsteretea tripolium is represented by the following orders:Glauco-Puccinellietalia Beeftink etWesthoff inBeeftink 1962,Cirsietalia esculenti Mirkin etV. Golub exV. Golub ord. novus,Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii Vicherek 1973,Halerpestetalia Mirkin et al. exV. Golub ord. novus,Artemisio santonicae-Limonietalia gmelinii V. Golub etV. Solomakha 1988,Suaedetalia corniculatae V. Golub ord. novus. Superspecies and aggregations of species are used for the diagnosis of higher syntaxa.  相似文献   

Benthic fauna of the deeper waters (50–320 m) of the Franz Josef Land archipelago sampled in August 1992 using standard western techniques is described and compared with earlier Russian studies of the archipelago. Three faunal assemblages are recognised at depth ranges between 50–150, 150–300, and >300 m depth. Their distributions are related to depth and to different water masses derived from a mixture of Barents Sea water entering from the south at intermediate depths (20–150 m), and Atlantic water from the north below 300 m. The recorded faunal diversity and biomass is as high as or higher than that from comparable Arctic and northern boreal areas. Comparisons are also made with a complimentary Russian survey in the same area using different techniques. The Russian work collected larger organisms most effectively, whereas the present work recorded the smaller taxa more efficiently. Russian surveys provide complementary data to western studies, but care must be taken when comparing studies as they reflect biases in sampling gear and scientific emphasis. These data intercalibrations are important as Russian archives contain a wealth of information that, if used correctly in association with western data sources, will be useful in environmental monitoring studies as human activities increase in the Eurasian Arctic. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of five Crocidura species have been studied by means of routine, G-, C- and Ag NOR-banding techniques. The karyotypes of the species with 2n = 40, i.e. C. gueldenstaedtii, C. suaveolens and C. sibirica, are identical. Short arms of the Y-chromosome of C. sibirica are larger. The karyotypes of C. leucodon (2n = 28) and C. zarudnyi (2n = 22) could be obtained as a result of tandem and centric fusion and pericentric inversions. Small amounts of heterochromatin were detected in autosomes of the species investigated. The Y-chromosomes are completely heterochromatic. Four NOR-bearing pairs are detected in the species investigated.  相似文献   

Although belowground biomass (BGB) plays an important role in global cycling, the storage of BGB and climatic effects on it are remaining unclear. With data from 49 sites, we aimed to investigate BGB and its climatic controls in alpine shrublands in the Tibetan Plateau. Our study showed that the BGB (both grass‐layer and shrub‐layer biomass) storage in the alpine shrublands was 67.24 Tg, and the mean BGB density and shrublands area were 1,567.38 g/m2 and 4.29 × 104 km2, respectively. Shrub layer had a larger BGB stock and accounted for 66% of total BGB this area, while only 34% was accumulated in the grass layer. BGB of the grass layer in the Tibetan Plateau shrublands was larger than that of Tibetan alpine grasslands, indicating that shrubland ecosystem played a critical importance role in carbon cycle on the Tibetan Plateau. The BGB in the grass layer and shrub layer demonstrated different correlations with climatic factors. Specifically, the effects from mean annual temperature on shrub‐layer BGB were not significant, similarly to the relationship between mean annual precipitation and grass‐layer BGB. But shrub‐layer BGB had a significantly positive relationship with mean annual precipitation (p < .05), while grass‐layer BGB showed a trend of decrease with increasing mean annual temperature (p < .05). Consequently, the actual and potential increases of BGB varied due to different increases of mean annual precipitation and temperature among different areas of the Tibetan Plateau. Therefore, in the warmer and wetter scenario, due to contrary relationships from mean annual precipitation and temperature on shrub‐layer BGB and grass‐layer BGB, it is necessary to conduct a long‐term monitoring about dynamic changes to increase the precision of assessment of BGB carbon sequestration in the Tibetan Plateau alpine shrublands.  相似文献   

在GIS技术支持下,结合岷江上游黑水河流域1988-2002年多年平均降水量和蒸散量空间分布,对不同景观结构的小流域多年平均径流系数进行比较.结果表明:不同土地覆盖类型组合流域多年平均径流系数大小关系依次为林灌流域《林灌草复合流域《森林流域《林草流域,这与流域土地利用类型、流域海拔分布和迎风坡向分布特征有关;对于森林流域和灌木流域,其多年平均径流系数主要受多年平均降水量、多年平均蒸散量和平均坡度共同影响;对于林草流域和林灌草复合流域,其多年平均径流系数主要受流域的多年平均降水量、多年平均蒸散量和多林草面积比共同影响.  相似文献   

Large saline lakes of former USSR: a summary review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Shoot biomass and nitrogen, accumulated within above-ground plant biomass in autumn, correlate with nitrogen availability indicated by nitrogen content (% DM) of several shoot parts during the height of the growth period.A higher nitrogen percentage of the shoots is correlated with a higher shoot loss and subsequent substitution by branching and tillering during and continuing toward the end of the growth period. A delayed switch from the vegetative to the generative phase reduces the translocation of reserve material to the rhizome. Increasing nitrogen load is at least one of the factors causing instability and reed-belt decline.  相似文献   

Current trends in biogeochemical research in the former USSR are exemplified for the trace element selenium (Se). Vast regions of the former USSR are low in Se, giving rise to selenium deficiency diseases in animals and to Kaschin-Beck disease in humans, whereas isolated high-Se regions are comparatively rare. The Se content of plants depends on geological soil-type and secondary processes such as weathering and leaching. In general, a direct correlation between the Se content of feedstock and of the blood in animals is observed, whereas corresponding data for humans remain to be accumulated.  相似文献   

研究不同深度土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其化学计量比对气候因子(年降水量(MAP)和年平均气温(MAT))的响应差异,对于理解气候变化如何影响生态系统功能具有重要意义。通过对蒙古高原干旱半干旱草地44个样点的野外调查,探讨了不同深度(0–20、20–40、40–60、60–80 cm)土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量比与MAP和MAT的关系。主要结果:(1)随土壤深度的增加,土壤C和N含量逐渐减少,土壤P含量不变;土壤C:P和N:P逐渐降低,土壤C:N相对稳定。(2)土壤C、N、P含量以及土壤C:P、N:P与MAP显著正相关,与MAT显著负相关,土壤C:N与MAP显著负相关,与MAT无相关性;随着土壤深度的增加,土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量比与气候因子的相关性均逐渐减弱。(3) MAP和MAT对不同深度土壤C、N、P含量和化学计量比的影响存在显著差异;随着土壤深度的增加, MAP和MAT对土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征变化的总解释度逐渐减少。该研究表明气候因子对土壤元素化学计量特征具有自上而下的调控作用,蒙古高原草地土壤表层C、N、P含量及其化学计量比与MAP和MAT的关...  相似文献   

The albino mutant strain in the woodlice, Armadillidium vulgare, was investigated with respect to the yellow patterns on the dorsal integument. Pigment cells were observed with electron microscope in order to determine the cell types of yellow markings. Quantitative analyses of pteridines in the albino were carried out by HPLC. The result indicated that the albino integument contain sepiapterin, biopterin, pterin, isoxanthopterin as in the wild type and the red mutant strain. The total amount of the four pteridines in the albino was about half as much as that in the red phenotype for both males and females, respectively. Males and females showed almost the same totals and ratios of the four pteridines in the albino and red phenotypes. Therefore, pteridine contents in both phenotypes of A. vulgare may not be related to the activity of androgenic gland hormone. Yellow chromatophores of the albino and red phenotypes were morphologically identical, emitting a yellow fluorescence. These cells contained numerous electron-lucent pigment organelles which were similar to pteridine granules of the wild type.  相似文献   


Recent years have seen an increasing number of alien praying mantis species being introduced and establishing populations across Europe. Here we add to this count, reporting a stable and spreading population of an Asian species, Statilia maculata (Thunberg, 1784), in Krasnodar Krai of Southern Russia. This is the first introduced praying mantis species in the Russian fauna and the first representative of the genus Statilia Stål, 1877 in Europe. We review what is known about biology of this species and provide diagnostic characters to distinguish nymphs, adults and oothecae from native and introduced European species of praying mantis. Our attempts at captive breeding identify humidity as one of the most important factors limiting possible spread of S. maculata. Invasion to neighbouring territories and other countries with a humid subtropical climate remains a very real possibility with an unknown outcome for local ecosystems.  相似文献   

Understanding the change in vegetation composition along elevational gradients is critical for species conservation in a changing world. We studied the species richness, tree height, and floristic composition of woody plants along an elevation gradient of protected habitats on the eastern slope of Mount Meru and analyzed how these vegetation variables are influenced by the interplay of temperature and precipitation. Vegetation data were collected on 44 plots systematically placed along five transects spanning an elevational gradient of 1600 to 3400 m a.s.l. We used ordinary linear models and multivariate analyses to test the effect of mean annual temperature and precipitation on woody plant species richness, tree height, and floristic composition. We found that species richness, mean tree height, and maximum tree height declined monotonically with elevation. Models that included only mean annual temperature as an explanatory variable were generally best supported to predict changes in species richness and tree height along the elevation gradient. We found significant changes in woody plant floristic composition with elevation, which were shaped by an interaction of mean annual temperature and precipitation. While plant communities consistently changed with temperature along the elevation gradient, levels of precipitation were more important for plant communities at lower than for those at higher elevations. Our study suggests that changes in temperature and precipitation regimes in the course of climate change will reshape elevational gradients of diversity, tree height, and correlated carbon storage in ecosystems, and the sequence of tree communities on East African mountains.  相似文献   

河北省年均降水量插值方法比较   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
刘劲松  陈辉  杨彬云  王卫  相云  赵超 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3493-3500
以河北省及临近区域120个气象观测站点1971~2000年均降水量数据为基础,选择其中的40个作为检验站点,其余站点分别取80、40、20个作为插值站点,采用局部插值、整体插值、多元线性回归、综合模拟等多种插值模型讨论了降水空间插值问题,主要结论如下:插值站点数、模型类型、模型参数都会影响插值精度.局部插值模型相对误差最小值出现在Spline、IDW模型中,其次为Kridging模型,而整体模型Trend、多元线性回归模型误差均较大,但综合了局部插值模型和统计模型的综合模型一定程度上能改善插值精度及误差分布.河北省80和40个站点的最优插值模型为综合模型,20个站点的最优插值模型为IDW2.  相似文献   

The key for identification of species of the genus Rhipicephalus (the fauna of the USSR) on the larval phase is based on the material reared under laboratory conditions. The structure of scutum, organs of gnathosoma and coxae, chaetotaxy of idiosoma and gnathosoma were used for differential diagnosis. In addition morphometric characteristics of the above structures and their proportions were used. A special attention has been given to coexistence of species in sympatric zones, which was revealed or confirmed as a result of identification of species of the genus on larva in the ranges of the fauna of the USSR.  相似文献   

The collapse of the Soviet Union was the most important historical event at the close of the 20th century. The jarring nature of this transition has resulted in large fluctuations in household resources and increased uncertainty in all facets of life for the individuals concerned. Much academic research and popular writing has explored the socioeconomic and political ramifications of bringing these countries into mainstream capitalism. This paper provides a review of the literature examining health outcomes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union during the transition period. The research, which has studied the human face of transition, spans multiple disciplines and it is thus currently difficult for interested researchers to obtain an overview of the basic facts, as well as, the more detailed nuances, concerning developments. This paper highlights what we currently know about health outcomes in transition countries and what we do not know, and suggests future areas of research which may help fill important gaps in our knowledge.  相似文献   

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