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Structure of the O-antigen of Francisella tularensis strain 15.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The O-specific polysaccharide, obtained by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Francisella tularensis strain 15, contained 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-D-glucose (D-QuiNAc), 4,6-dideoxy-4-formamido-D-glucose (D-Qui4NFm), and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galacturonamide (D-GalNAcAN) in the ratios 1:1:2. Tri- and tetra-saccharide fragments were obtained on treatment of the polysaccharide with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and partial hydrolysis with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, respectively. On the basis of 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy of the polysaccharide and the saccharides, it was concluded that the O-antigen had the structure: ----4)-alpha-D-GalpNAcAN-(1----4)-alpha-D-GalpNAcAN-(1----3) -beta-D-QuipNAc-(1----2)-beta-D-Quip4NFm-(1----. This O-antigen is related in structure to those of Pseudomonas aeruginosa O6, immunotype 1, and IID 1008, and Shigella dysenteriae type 7.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis subspecies tularensis consists of two separate populations A1 and A2. This report describes the complete genome sequence of NE061598, an F. tularensis subspecies tularensis A1 isolated in 1998 from a human with clinical disease in Nebraska, United States of America. The genome sequence was compared to Schu S4, an F. tularensis subspecies tularensis A1a strain originally isolated in Ohio in 1941. It was determined that there were 25 nucleotide polymorphisms (22 SNPs and 3 indels) between Schu S4 and NE061598; two of these polymorphisms were in potential virulence loci. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis demonstrated that NE061598 was an A1a genotype. Other differences included repeat sequences (n = 11 separate loci), four of which were contained in coding sequences, and an inversion and rearrangement probably mediated by insertion sequences and the previously identified direct repeats I, II, and III. Five new variable-number tandem repeats were identified; three of these five were unique in NE061598 compared to Schu S4. Importantly, there was no gene loss or gain identified between NE061598 and Schu S4. Interpretation of these data suggests there is significant sequence conservation and chromosomal synteny within the A1 population. Further studies are needed to determine the biological properties driving the selective pressure that maintains the chromosomal structure of this monomorphic pathogen.  相似文献   

Abstract Cytokine mRNA expression was determined in the liver of mice subcutaneously inoculated with a lethal dose of the highly virulent strain FSC 041 of Francisella tularensis subvar. tularensis or a sublethal dose of the live vaccine strain of F. tularensis subvar. palaearctica . Expression of mRNA for TNF-α, IL-12, IFN-γ, and IL-10 was demonstrated within 48 h of inoculation, the kinetics being similar irrespective of bacterial strain used. Thus, the expression of a cytokine response believed to be important in the early host defence against live vaccine strain seemed insufficient to prevent the lethality of a more virulent strain.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis, which causes tularemia, is an intracellular gram‐negative bacterium. F. tularensis has received significant attention in recent decades because of its history as a biological weapon. Thus, development of novel vaccines against tularemia has been an important goal. The attenuated F. tularensis strain ΔpdpC, in which the pathogenicity determinant protein C gene (pdpC) has been disrupted by TargeTron mutagenesis, was investigated as a potential vaccine candidate for tularemia in the present study. C57BL/6J mice immunized s.c. with 1 × 106 CFUs of ΔpdpC were challenged intranasally with 100× the median lethal dose (LD50) of a virulent SCHU P9 strain 21 days post immunization. Protection against this challenge was achieved in 38% of immunized C57BL/6J mice administered 100 LD50 of this strain. Conversely, all unimmunized mice succumbed to death 6 days post challenge. Survival rates were significantly higher in vaccinated than in unimmunized mice. In addition, ΔpdpC was passaged serially in mice to confirm its stable attenuation. Low bacterial loads persisted in mouse spleens during the first to tenth passages. No statistically significant changes in the number of CFUs were observed during in vivo passage of ΔpdpC. The inserted intron sequences for disrupting pdpC were completely maintained even after the tenth passage in mice. Considering the stable attenuation and intron sequences, it is suggested that ΔpdpC is a promising tularemia vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Shi X  Leymarie N  Madico G  Sharon J  Costello CE  Zaia J 《Biochemistry》2011,50(50):10941-10950
Tularemia is a severe infectious disease in humans caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis (Ft). Because of its low infectious dose, high mortality rate, and the threat of its large-scale dissemination in weaponized form, development of vaccines and immunotherapeutics against Ft is essential. Ft lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which contains the linear graded-length saccharide component O-antigen (OAg) attached to a core oligosaccharide, has been reported as a protective antigen. Purification of LPS saccharides of defined length and composition is necessary to reveal the epitopes targeted by protective antibodies. In this study, we purified saccharides from LPS preparations from both the Ft subspecies holarctica live vaccine strain (LVS) and the virulent Ft subspecies tularensis SchuS4 strain using liquid chromatography. We then characterized the fractions using high-resolution mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry. Three types of saccharides were observed in both the LVS and SchuS4 preparations: two consisting of OAg tetrasaccharide repeats attached to one of two core oligosaccharide variants and one consisting of tetrasaccharide repeats only (coreless). The coreless OAg oligosaccharides were shown to contain Qui4NFm (4,6-dideoxy-4-formamido-D-glucose) at the nonreducing end and QuiNAc (2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-O-D-glucose) at the reducing end. Purified homogeneous preparations of saccharides of each type will allow mapping of protective epitopes in Ft LPS.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is the causative agent of tularemia, which is a highly lethal disease from nature and potentially from a biological weapon. This species contains four recognized subspecies including the North American endemic F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A), whose genetic diversity is correlated with its geographic distribution including a major population subdivision referred to as A.I and A.II. The biological significance of the A.I - A.II genetic differentiation is unknown, though there are suggestive ecological and epidemiological correlations. In order to understand the differentiation at the genomic level, we have determined the complete sequence of an A.II strain (WY96-3418) and compared it to the genome of Schu S4 from the A.I population. We find that this A.II genome is 1,898,476 bp in size with 1,820 genes, 1,303 of which code for proteins. While extensive genomic variation exists between "WY96" and Schu S4, there is only one whole gene difference. This one gene difference is a hypothetical protein of unknown function. In contrast, there are numerous SNPs (3,367), small indels (1,015), IS element differences (7) and large chromosomal rearrangements (31), including both inversions and translocations. The rearrangement borders are frequently associated with IS elements, which would facilitate intragenomic recombination events. The pathogenicity island duplicated regions (DR1 and DR2) are essentially identical in WY96 but vary relative to Schu S4 at 60 nucleotide positions. Other potential virulence-associated genes (231) varied at 559 nucleotide positions, including 357 non-synonymous changes. Molecular clock estimates for the divergence time between A.I and A.II genomes for different chromosomal regions ranged from 866 to 2131 years before present. This paper is the first complete genomic characterization of a member of the A.II clade of Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis.  相似文献   

Abstract Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was isolated from a strain of Aeromonas hydrophila which had displayed serological, bacteriophage attachment and virulence properties similar to those found in strains of Aeromonas salmonicida . The structure of the O-antigen was determined and had many points of similarity with that previously elucidated for the O-antigen of A. salmonicida . Methylation analysis, chromium trioxide oxidation and 1H-n.m.r. were used to confirm that the repeating unit of the O-chain had the following structure:

Tularemia is caused by two subspecies of Francisella tularensis, F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A) and F. tularensis subsp. holarctica (type B). F. tularensis subsp. tularensis is further subdivided into two genetically distinct populations (A.I and A.II) that differ with respect to geographical location, anatomical source of recovered isolates, and disease outcome. Using two human clinical isolates, suppression subtractive hybridization was performed to identify 13 genomic regions of difference between A.I and A.II strains. Two PCR assays, one to identify A.I and A.II as well as to discriminate between F. tularensis subsp. holarctica and F. novicida and another specific for A.I, were developed. This is the first report to identify and characterize conserved genomic differences between A.I and A.II.  相似文献   

Champion MD 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20295
Whole genome comparative studies of many bacterial pathogens have shown an overall high similarity of gene content (>95%) between phylogenetically distinct subspecies. In highly clonal species that share the bulk of their genomes subtle changes in gene content and small-scale polymorphisms, especially those that may alter gene expression and protein-protein interactions, are more likely to have a significant effect on the pathogen's biology. In order to better understand molecular attributes that may mediate the adaptation of virulence in infectious bacteria, a comparative study was done to further analyze the evolution of a gene encoding an o-methyltransferase that was previously identified as a candidate virulence factor due to its conservation specifically in highly pathogenic Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis strains. The o-methyltransferase gene is located in the genomic neighborhood of a known pathogenicity island and predicted site of rearrangement. Distinct o-methyltransferase subtypes are present in different Francisella tularensis subspecies. Related protein families were identified in several host species as well as species of pathogenic bacteria that are otherwise very distant phylogenetically from Francisella, including species of Mycobacterium. A conserved sequence motif profile is present in the mammalian host and pathogen protein sequences, and sites of non-synonymous variation conserved in Francisella subspecies specific o-methyltransferases map proximally to the predicted active site of the orthologous human protein structure. Altogether, evidence suggests a role of the F. t. subsp. tularensis protein in a mechanism of molecular mimicry, similar perhaps to Legionella and Coxiella. These findings therefore provide insights into the evolution of niche-restriction and virulence in Francisella, and have broader implications regarding the molecular mechanisms that mediate host-pathogen relationships.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is the causative agent of the zoonotic disease tularemia. Four subspecies of this pathogen, namely ssp. tularensis, mediaasiatica, holarctica, and novicida are spread throughout the northern hemisphere. Although there are marked variations in their virulence to mammals, the subspecies are difficult to identify as they are closely genetically related. We carried out the comparative proteome analysis of cellular extracts from isolates representing the highly virulent subspecies tularensis, and the less virulent subspecies mediaasiatica and holarctica in order to identify new diagnostic markers and putative factors of virulence. We identified 27 protein spots that were either specifically present or at significantly higher abundance in ssp. tularensis strains, 22 proteins in ssp. mediaasiatica strains, and 26 proteins in ssp. holarctica strains. Subspecies tularensis-specific proteins might represent putative virulence factors. Of 27 identified tularensis-specific spots 17 represented charge and mass variants of proteins occurring in other subspecies, 7 spots were found to be present at higher abundance, and 3 spots were specifically present in tularensis strains. Amongst them, PilP protein, as a component necessary for the biogenesis of the type IV pilus, virulence and adhesion factor for many human pathogen, was identified. Furthermore, the identification of additional 27 proteins common for ssp. tularensis and mediaasiatica, and 19 proteins shared by ssp. mediaasiatica and holarctica documented apparent closer genetic similarity between ssp. tularensis and mediaasiatica.  相似文献   

F. tularensis is a Gram-negative coccobacillus that causes tularemia. Its LPS has nominal biological activity. Currently, there is controversy regarding the structure of the lipid A obtained from F. tularensis live vaccine strain (LVS). Therefore, to resolve this controversy, the purification and structural identification of this LPS was crucial. To achieve this, LPS from F. tularensis LVS was acid hydrolyzed to obtain crude lipid A that was methylated and purified by HPLC and the fractions were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. The structure of the major lipid A species was composed of a glucosamine disaccharide backbone substituted with four fatty acyl groups and a phosphate (1-position) with a molecular mass of 1505. The major lipid A component contained 18:0[3-O(16:0)] in the distal subunit and two 18:0(3-OH) fatty acyl chains at the 2- or 3-positions of the reducing subunit. Additional variations in the lipid A species include: heterogeneity in fatty acyl groups, a phosphate or a phosphoryl galactosamine at the 1-position, and a hexose at the 4' or 6' position, some of which have not been previously described for F. tularensis LVS. This analysis revealed that lipid A from F. tularensis LVS is far more complex than originally believed.  相似文献   

The facultative intracellular bacterium Francisella tularensis is the causal agent of the serious infectious disease tularemia. Despite the dynamic progress, which has been made in last few years, important questions regarding Francisella pathogenicity still remain to be answered. Generally, secreted proteins play an important role in pathogenicity of intracellular microbes. In this study, we investigated the protein composition of the culture filtrate proteins of highly virulent F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, strain SCHU S4 and attenuated F. tularensis subsp. holarctica, live vaccine strain using a comparative proteomic analysis. The majority of proteins identified in this study have been implicated in virulence mechanisms of other pathogens, and several have been categorized as having moonlighting properties; those that have more than one unrelated function. This profiling study of secreted proteins resulted in the unique detection of acid phosphatase (precursor) A (AcpA), β-lactamase, and hypothetical protein FTT0484 in the highly virulent strain SCHU S4 secretome. The release of AcpA may be of importance for F. tularensis subsp. tularensis virulence due to the recently described AcpA role in the F. tularensis escape from phagosomes.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a facultative intracellular pathogen. Its capacity to induce disease depends on the ability to invade and multiply within a wide range of eukaryotic cells, such as professional phagocytes. The comparative disinterest in tularemia in the past relative to other human bacterial pathogens is reflected in the paucity of information concerning the mechanisms of pathogenesis. Only a few genes and gene products associated with Francisella virulence are known to date. The aim of this study was to find and identify proteins of F. tularensis live vaccine strain induced in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, and to investigate the role of the IglC protein in the regulation of genes expressed upon peroxide stress. The [(35)S]-radiolabelled protein patterns were examined for both the wild live vaccine strain and its DeltaiglC1+2 mutant defective in synthesis of the IglC protein that was found to be strongly up-regulated during intracellular growth in murine macrophages in vitro and upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide. Globally, we found 21 protein spots whose levels were significantly altered in the presence of hydrogen peroxide in both the wild-type and mutant strains.  相似文献   

Tularemia, caused by the gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis, is a severe, sometimes fatal disease. Interest in tularemia has increased over the last decade due to its history as a biological weapon. In particular, development of novel vaccines directed at protecting against pneumonic tularemia has been an important goal. Previous work has demonstrated that, when delivered at very high inoculums, administration of live, highly attenuated strains of virulent F. tularensis can protect against tularemia. However, lower vaccinating inoculums did not offer similar immunity. One concern of using live vaccines is that the host may develop mild tularemia in response to infection and use of high inoculums may contribute to this issue. Thus, generation of a live vaccine that can efficiently protect against tularemia when delivered in low numbers, e.g. <100 organisms, may address this concern. Herein we describe the ability of three defined, attenuated mutants of F. tularensis SchuS4, deleted for FTT0369c, FTT1676, or FTT0369c and FTT1676, respectively, to engender protective immunity against tularemia when delivered at concentrations of approximately 50 or fewer bacteria. Attenuated strains for use as vaccines were selected by their inability to efficiently replicate in macrophages in vitro and impaired replication and dissemination in vivo. Although all strains were defective for replication in vitro within macrophages, protective efficacy of each attenuated mutant was correlated with their ability to modestly replicate and disseminate in the host. Finally, we demonstrate the parenteral vaccination with these strains offered superior protection against pneumonic tularemia than intranasal vaccination. Together our data provides proof of principle that low dose attenuated vaccines may be a viable goal in development of novel vaccines directed against tularemia.  相似文献   

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