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A muscle model that uses a modified Langevin equation with actomyosin potentials was used to describe the residual force enhancement after active stretching. Considering that the new model uses cross-bridge theory to describe the residual force enhancement, it is different from other models that use passive stretching elements. Residual force enhancement was simulated using a half sarcomere comprising 100 myosin molecules. In this paper, impulse is defined as the integral of an excess force from the steady isometric force over the time interval for which a stretch is applied. The impulse was calculated from the force response due to fast and slow muscle stretches to demonstrate the viscoelastic property of the cross-bridges. A cross-bridge mechanism was proposed as a way to describe the residual force enhancement on the basis of the impulse results with reference to the compliance of the actin filament. It was assumed that the period of the actin potential increased by 0.5% and the amplitude of the potential decreased by 0.5% when the half sarcomere was stretched by 10%. The residual force enhancement after 21.0% sarcomere stretching was 6.9% of the maximum isometric force of the muscle; this value was due to the increase in the number of cross-bridges.  相似文献   

When activated skeletal muscles are stretched at slow velocities, force increases in two phases: (i) a fast increase, and (ii) a slow increase. The transition between these phases is commonly associated with the mechanical detachment of cross-bridges from actin. This phenomenon is referred to asforce enhancement during stretch. After the stretch, force decreases and reaches steady-state at levels that are higher than the force produced at the corresponding length during purely isometric contractions. This phenomenon is referred to asresidual force enhancement.The mechanisms behind the increase in force during and after stretch are still a matter of debate, and have physiological implications as human muscles perform stretch contractions continuously during daily activity. This paper briefly reviews the potential mechanisms to explain stretch forces, including an increased number of cross-bridges attached to actin, an increased strain in cross-bridges upon stretch, the influence of passive elements upon activation and sarcomere length non-uniformities.  相似文献   

Residual force enhancement in myofibrils and sarcomeres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Residual force enhancement has been observed following active stretch of skeletal muscles and single fibres. However, there has been intense debate whether force enhancement is a sarcomeric property, or is associated with sarcomere length instability and the associated development of non-uniformities. Here, we studied force enhancement for the first time in isolated myofibrils (n=18) that, owing to the strict in series arrangement, allowed for evaluation of this property in individual sarcomeres (n=79). We found consistent force enhancement following stretch in all myofibrils and each sarcomere, and forces in the enhanced state typically exceeded the isometric forces on the plateau of the force-length relationship. Measurements were made on the plateau and the descending limb of the force-length relationship and revealed gross sarcomere length non-uniformities prior to and following active myofibril stretching, but in contrast to previous accounts, revealed that sarcomere lengths were perfectly stable under these experimental conditions. We conclude that force enhancement is a sarcomeric property that does not depend on sarcomere length instability, that force enhancement varies greatly for different sarcomeres within the same myofibril and that sarcomeres with vastly different amounts of actin-myosin overlap produce the same isometric steady-state forces. This last finding was not explained by differences in the amount of contractile proteins within sarcomeres, vastly different passive properties of individual sarcomeres or (half-) sarcomere length instabilities, suggesting that the basic mechanical properties of muscles, such as force enhancement, force depression and creep, which have traditionally been associated with sarcomere instabilities and the corresponding dynamic redistribution of sarcomere lengths, are not caused by such instabilities, but rather seem to be inherent properties of the mechanisms of contraction.  相似文献   

The present-day data on the structural and functional properties of titin in skeletal and cardiac muscle are reviewed.  相似文献   

When skeletal muscle is stretched during a tetanic contraction, the resulting force is greater than the purely isometric force obtained at the corresponding final length. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, but the most accepted mechanism is the sarcomere length non-uniformity theory. This theory is associated with the notion of instability of sarcomeres on the descending limb of the force–length relationship. However, recent evidence suggests that this theory cannot account solely for the stretch-induced force enhancement. Some of this evidence is presented in this paper, and a new mechanism for force enhancement is proposed: one that is associated with the engagement of a passive force during stretch. We speculate that this passive force enhancement may be caused by titin, a protein associated with passive force production at long sarcomere lengths.  相似文献   

Residual force depression (rFD) and residual force enhancement (rFE) are intrinsic contractile properties of muscle. rFD is characterized as a decrease in steady-state isometric force following active shortening compared with a purely isometric contraction at the same muscle length and level of activation. By contrast, isometric force is increased following active lengthening compared to a reference isometric contraction at the same muscle length and level of activation; this is termed rFE. To date, there have been no investigations of rFD and rFE in human muscle fibres, therefore the purpose of this study was to determine whether rFD and rFE occur at the single muscle fibre level in humans. rFD and rFE were investigated in maximally activated single muscle fibres biopsied from the vastus lateralis of healthy adults. To induce rFD, fibres were activated and shortened from an average sarcomere length (SL) of 3.2–2.6 μm. Reference isometric contractions were performed at an average SL of 2.6 μm. To induce rFE, fibres were actively lengthened from an average SL of 2.6–3.2 μm and a reference isometric contraction was performed at an average SL of 3.2 μm. Isometric steady-state force was lower following active shortening (p < 0.05), and higher following active lengthening (p < 0.05), as compared to the reference isometric contractions. We demonstrated rFD and rFE in human single fibres which is consistent with previous animal models. The non-responder phenomenon often reported in rFE studies involving voluntary contractions at the whole human level was not observed at the single fibre level.  相似文献   

Following active lengthening of muscle, force reaches an isometric steady state above that which would be achieved for a purely isometric contraction at the same muscle length. This fundamental property of muscle, termed “residual force enhancement (RFE),” cannot be predicted by the force-length relationship, and is unexplained by the cross-bridge theory of muscle contraction. Recently, we showed that older adults experience higher RFE than young for the ankle dorsiflexors primarily owing to a greater reliance on passive force enhancement (PFE) and similar RFE for the knee extensors but a greater contribution of PFE to total RFE. Natural adult aging may prove a useful model in exploring mechanisms of RFE which may reside in the dissipation of force transients following stretch. A post-hoc analysis was conducted on previously described RFE experiments in young (~26 years) and old (~77 years) men for the dorsiflexors and knee extensors to fit the force following stretch with a biexponential decay. In both muscle groups the decay half-life of the first exponential was two times slower in the older compared with young men. There were significant associations between PFE and the decay in force, suggesting a greater “non-active” contribution to total RFE across muscles in older compared with young men. The greater “non-active” component of RFE in older adults could be due to structural age-related changes causing increased muscle stiffness during and following stretch.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between force and stiffness after stretch of activated fibers, while simultaneously changing contractility by interfering with the cross-bridge kinetics and muscle activation. Single fibers dissected from lumbrical muscles of frogs were placed at a length 20% longer than the plateau of the force-length relationship, activated, and stretched by 5 and 10% of fiber length (speed: 40% fiber length/s). Experiments were conducted with maximal and submaximal stimulation in Ringer solution and with the addition of 2 and 5 mM of the myosin inhibitor 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) to the solution. The steady-state force after stretch of an activated fiber was higher than the isometric force produced at the corresponding length in all conditions investigated. Lowering the frequency of stimulation decreased the force and stiffness during isometric contractions, but it did not change force enhancement and stiffness enhancement after stretch. Administration of BDM decreased the force and stiffness during isometric contractions, but it increased the force enhancement and stiffness enhancement after stretch. The relationship between force enhancement and stiffness suggests that the increase in force after stretch may be caused by an increase in the proportion of cross bridges attached to actin. Because BDM places cross bridges in a weakly bound, pre-powerstroke state, our results further suggest that force enhancement is partially associated with a recruitment of weakly bound cross bridges into a strongly bound state.  相似文献   

Very long, elastic connectin/titin molecules position the myosin filaments at the center of a sarcomere by linking them to the Z line. The behavior of the connectin filaments during sarcomere formation in differentiating chicken skeletal muscle cells was observed under a fluorescent microscope using the antibodies to the N terminal (located in the Z line), C terminal (M line), and C zone (myosin filament) regions of connectin and was compared to the incorporation of -actinin and myosin into forming sarcomeres. In early stages of differentiating muscle cells, the N terminal region of connectin was incorporated into a stress fiber-like structure (SFLS) together with -actinin to form dots, whereas the C terminal region was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. When both the C and N terminal regions formed striations in young myofibrils, the epitope to the C zone of A-band region, that is the center between the A-I junction and the M-line, initially was diffuse in appearance and later formed definite striations. It appears that it took some time for the N and C terminal regions of connectin to form a regular organization in a sarcomere. Thus the two ends of the connectin filaments were first fixed followed by the specific binding of the middle portion onto the myosin filament during sarcomere formation.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that the steady-state isometric force following active stretching of a muscle is greater than the steady-state isometric force obtained in a purely isometric contraction at the same length. This property of skeletal muscle has been called residual force enhancement (FE). Despite decades of research the mechanisms responsible for FE have remained largely unknown. Based on previous studies showing increases in FE in fibers in which cross-bridges were biased towards weakly bound states, we hypothesized that FE might be associated with a stretch-induced facilitation of transitioning from weakly to strongly bound cross-bridges. In order to test this hypothesis, single fibers (n=11) from the lumbrical muscles of frog (Rana pipiens) were used to determine FE at temperatures of 7 and 20 degrees C. At the cold temperature, cross-bridges are biased towards weakly bound states, therefore we expected FE to be greater at 7 degrees C compared to 20 degrees C. The average FE was significantly greater at 7 degrees C (11.5+/-1.1%) than at 20 degrees C (7.8+/-1.0%), as expected. The enhancement of force/stiffness was also significantly greater at the low (13.3+/-1.4%) compared to the high temperature (5.6+/-1.7%), indicating an increased conversion from weakly to strongly bound cross-bridges at the low temperature. We conclude from the results of this study that muscle preparations that are biased towards weakly bound cross-bridge states show increased FE for given stretch conditions, thereby supporting the idea that FE might be caused, in part, by a stretch-induced facilitation of the conversion of weakly to strongly bound cross-bridges.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of protein kinase A (PKA) on passive force in skinned cardiac tissues that express different isoforms of titin, i.e., stiff (N2B) and more compliant (N2BA) titins, at different levels. We used rat ventricular (RV), bovine left ventricular (BLV), and bovine left atrial (BLA) muscles (passive force: RV > BLV > BLA, with the ratio of N2B to N2BA titin, approximately 90:10, approximately 40:60, and approximately 10:90%, respectively) and found that N2B and N2BA isoforms can both be phosphorylated by PKA. Under the relaxed condition, sarcomere length was increased and then held constant for 30 min and the peak passive force, stress-relaxation, and steady-state passive force were determined. Following PKA treatment, passive force was significantly decreased in all muscle types with the effect greatest in RV, lowest in BLA, and intermediate in BLV. Fitting the stress-relaxation data to the sum of three exponential decay functions revealed that PKA blunts the magnitude of stress-relaxation and accelerates its time constants. To investigate whether or not PKA-induced decreases in passive force result from possible alteration of titin-thin filament interaction (e.g., via troponin I phosphorylation), we conducted the same experiments using RV preparations that had been treated with gelsolin to extract thin filaments. PKA decreased passive force in gelsolin-treated RV preparations with a magnitude similar to that observed in control preparations. PKA was also found to decrease restoring force in skinned ventricular myocytes of the rat that had been shortened to below the slack length. Finally, we investigated the effect of the beta-adrenergic receptor agonist isoprenaline on diastolic force in intact rat ventricular trabeculae. We found that isoprenaline phosphorylated titin and that it reduced diastolic force to a degree similar to that found in skinned RV preparations. Taken together, these results suggest that during beta-adrenergic stimulation, PKA increases ventricular compliance in a titin isoform-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Slow stretch ramps (velocity: 0.17 fiber lengths s-1) were imposed during fused tetanic contractions of intact muscle fibers of the frog (1.4-3.0 degrees C; sarcomere length: 2.12-2.21 microns). Instantaneous force-extension relations were derived both under isometric conditions and during slow stretch by applying fast (0.2 ms) length steps to the fiber. An increase in tonicity (98 mM sucrose added to control Ringer solution) led to significant reduction of the maximum isometric tension but at the same time to marked increase in the force enhancement during slow stretch. The maximum force level reached during the stretch was affected very little. Experiments on relaxed fibers showed that recruitment of passive parallel elastic components were of no relevance for these effects. Hypertonicity slightly increased the instantaneous stiffness of the active fiber both in the presence and in the absence of stretch. The total extension of the undamped fiber elasticity was considerably reduced by increased tonicity under isometric conditions but was only slightly affected during slow stretch. The change in length of the undamped cross-bride elasticity upon stretch was thus greater in the hypertonic than in the normotonic solution suggesting a greater increase in force per cross-bridge in the hypertonic medium. The contractile effects are consistent with the assumptions that hypertonicity reduces the capability of the individual cross-bridge to produce active force and, furthermore, that hypertonicity has only minor effects on the number of attached cross-bridges and the maximum load-bearing capacity of the individual bridge.  相似文献   

Previous low-angle X-ray diffraction studies of various vertebrate skeletal muscles have shown the presence of two rich layer-line patterns, one from the myosin heads and based on a 429 A axial repeat, and one from actin filaments and based on a repeat of about 360-370 A. In addition, meridional intensities have been seen from C-protein (MyBP-C; at about 440 A and its higher orders) and troponin (at about 385 A and its orders). Using preparations of intact, relaxed, bony fish fin muscles and the ID-02 low-angle X-ray camera at the ESRF with a 10 m camera length we have now seen numerous, hitherto unreported, sampled, X-ray layer-lines many of which do not fit onto the previously observed repeats and which require interpretation. The new reflections all fall on the normal ("vertical") hexagonal lattice row-lines in the highly sampled, almost "crystalline", low-angle diffraction X-ray patterns from bony fish muscle, indicating that they all arise from the muscle A-band. However, they do not fall on a single axial repeat. In direct confirmation of our previous analysis, some of these new reflections are explained by the interaction in resting muscle between the N-terminal ends of myosin-bound C-protein molecules with adjacent actin filaments, possibly through the Pro-Ala-rich region. Other newly observed reflections lie on a much longer repeat, but they are most easily interpreted in terms of the arrangement of troponin on the actin filaments. If this is so, then the implication is that the actin filaments and their troponin complexes are systematically arranged in the fish muscle A-band lattice relative to the myosin head positions, and that these newly observed X-ray reflections, when fully analysed, will report on the shape and distribution of troponin molecules in the resting muscle A-band. The less certain contributions of titin and nebulin to these new reflections have also been tested and are described. Many of the new reflections do not appear to come from these known structures. There must be structural features of the A-band that have not yet been described.  相似文献   

Large filament proteins in muscle sarcomeres comprise many immunoglobulin‐like domains that provide a molecular platform for self‐assembly and interactions with heterologous protein partners. We have unravelled the molecular basis for the head‐to‐tail interaction of the carboxyl terminus of titin and the amino‐terminus of obscurin‐like‐1 by X‐ray crystallography. The binary complex is formed by a parallel intermolecular β‐sheet that presents a novel immunoglobulin‐like domain‐mediated assembly mechanism in muscle filament proteins. Complementary binding data show that the assembly is entropy‐driven rather than dominated data by specific polar interactions. The assembly observed leads to a V‐shaped zipper‐like arrangement of the two filament proteins.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test whether titin is a calcium-dependent spring and whether it is the source of the passive force enhancement observed in muscle and single fiber preparations. We measured passive force enhancement in troponin C (TnC)-depleted myofibrils in which active force production was completely eliminated. The TnC-depleted construct allowed for the investigation of the effect of calcium concentration on passive force, without the confounding effects of actin-myosin cross-bridge formation and active force production. Passive forces in TnC-depleted myofibrils (n = 6) were 35.0 +/- 2.9 nN/ microm(2) when stretched to an average sarcomere length of 3.4 microm in a solution with low calcium concentration (pCa 8.0). Passive forces in the same myofibrils increased by 25% to 30% when stretches were performed in a solution with high calcium concentration (pCa 3.5). Since it is well accepted that titin is the primary source for passive force in rabbit psoas myofibrils and since the increase in passive force in TnC-depleted myofibrils was abolished after trypsin treatment, our results suggest that increasing calcium concentration is associated with increased titin stiffness. However, this calcium-induced titin stiffness accounted for only approximately 25% of the passive force enhancement observed in intact myofibrils. Therefore, approximately 75% of the normally occurring passive force enhancement remains unexplained. The findings of the present study suggest that passive force enhancement is partly caused by a calcium-induced increase in titin stiffness but also requires cross-bridge formation and/or active force production for full manifestation.  相似文献   

Recent genetic studies have revealed the impact of mutations in associated genes for cardiac sarcomere components leading to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). The cardiac sarcomere is composed of thick and thin filaments and a giant muscle protein known as titin or connectin. Titin interacts with T-cap/telethonin in the Z-line region and plays a vital role in regulating sarcomere assembly. Initially, we screened all the variants associated with giant protein titin and analyzed their impact with the aid of pathogenicity and stability prediction methods. V54M mutation found in the hydrophobic core region of the protein associated with abnormal clinical phenotype leads to DCM was selected for further analysis. To address this issue, we mapped the deleterious mutant V54M, modeled the mutant protein complex, and deciphered the impact of mutation on binding with its partner telethonin in the titin crystal structure of PDB ID: 1YA5 with the aid of docking analysis. Furthermore, two run molecular dynamics simulation was initiated to understand the mechanistic action of V54M mutation in altering the protein structure, dynamics, and stability. According to the results obtained from the repeated 50 ns trajectory files, the overall effect of V54M mutation was destabilizing and transition of bend to coil in the secondary structure was observed. Furthermore, MMPBSA elucidated that V54M found in the Z-line region of titin decreases the binding affinity of titin to Z-line proteins T-cap/telethonin thereby hindering the protein–protein interaction.  相似文献   

We recently found that force enhancement following active stretch in skeletal muscles is accompanied by an increase in passive force following deactivation (J. Exp. Biol. 205 (2002) 1275). However, it is not known if this increase in passive force contributes to the force enhancement observed in the active muscle, and if it is observed at all muscle lengths. The purposes of this study were to quantify the amount of passive force increase as a function of muscle lengths, and to determine if this passive force contributes to the force enhancement observed in the active muscle. Experiments were performed on cat soleus (n = 24) using techniques published previously (J. Biomech. 30(9) (1997) 865). Conceptually, tests involved comparisons of force enhancement and passive force increase for a variety of stretch tests in soleus. Furthermore, in one test, activation of the soleus was interrupted for 1s in the force-enhanced state, and soleus was then re-activated. We found that total force enhancement and passive force increase were positively correlated for all test conditions, that passive force increase following stretch of the active soleus only occurred at muscle lengths corresponding to the descending limb of the force-length relationship, that increases in passive force for a given stretch magnitude became greater at long muscle lengths, and that upon reactivation, there was a remnant passive force enhancement. We conclude from these results that the passive force enhancement following stretch of an active muscle contributes to the total force enhancement, that this passive contribution increases with increasing muscle length, and that there must be at least one other factor than passive force increase that contributes to the total force enhancement, as the passive force increase was always smaller than the total force enhancement. A by-product of this investigation was that we observed a shift in the passive force-length relationship that was dependent on muscle activation, stretch magnitude and muscle length. Therefore, the passive force-length relationship is not a constant property of skeletal muscle, but depends critically on the muscle's contractile history.  相似文献   

Alpha-sarcoglycan (ASG) is a transmembrane protein of the dystrophin-associated complex, and absence of ASG causes limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. We hypothesize that disruption of the sarcoglycan complex may alter muscle extensibility and disrupt the coupling between passive transverse and axial contractile elements in the diaphragm. We determined the length-tension relationships of the diaphragm of young ASG-deficient mice and their controls during uniaxial and biaxial loading. We also determined the isometric contractile properties of the diaphragm muscles from mutant and normal mice in the absence and presence of passive transverse stress. We found that the diaphragm muscles of the null mutants for the protein ASG show 1) significant decrease in muscle extensibility in the directions of the muscle fibers and transverse to fibers, 2) significant reductions in force-generating capacity, and 3) significant reductions in coupling between longitudinal and transverse properties. Thus these findings suggest that the sarcoglycan complex serves a mechanical function in the diaphragm by contributing to muscle passive stiffness and to the modulation of the contractile properties of the muscle.  相似文献   

An electophoretic study of changes in composition of titin isoforms in human and rat skeletal and cardiac muscles is carried out. A more considerable decrease in the content of intact titin isoforms was observed than in the content of N2A-titin in the dorsal muscle of patients with the “stiff-person syndrome” and in m. soleus of humans and rats during development of “muscle hypogravity syndrome” and than in the content of N2BA- and N2B-titins in hypertrophic heart of spontaneously hypertensive rats. The relation between reduction of titin content in m. soleus and the increase of time the rats were in conditions of simulated microgravity is revealed. On electrophoregrams of left ventricle myocardium of patients with terminal stage of dilated cardiomyopathy the intact titin and N2BA-titin were absent and a considerable decrease in the content of N2B-titin was observed. This could be the consequence of the terminal stage of pathology. It follows that development of the diseases is accompanied by a greater destruction of intact titin than of its other forms which may be important for diagnostics of pathological processes.  相似文献   

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