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Despite the widespread impacts invasive species can have in introduced populations, little is known about competitive mechanisms and dominance hierarchies between invaders and similar taxa in their native range. This study examines interactions between the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, and other above-ground foraging ants in two habitats in northeastern Argentina. A combination of pitfall traps and baits was used to characterize the ant communities, their dominance relationships, and to evaluate the effect of phorid flies on the interactions. Twenty-eight ant species coexisted with S. invicta in a gallery forest gap, whereas only ten coexisted with S. invicta in a xerophytic forest grassland. S. invicta was the most numerically dominant species in the richest and complex habitat (gallery forest); however it performed better as discoverer and dominator in the simpler habitat. S. invicta was active during day and night. In spite of its poor capacity to discover resources, S. invicta showed the highest ecological dominance and the second-best behavioral dominance after Camponotus blandus. S. invicta won 78% of the interactions with other ants, mostly against its most frequent competitor, Pheidole cf. obscurithorax, dominating baits via mass recruitment and chemical aggression. P. cf. obscurithorax was the best food discoverer. S. invicta won 80% of the scarce interactions with Linepithema humile. Crematogaster quadriformis was one of the fastest foragers and the only ant that won an equal number of contests against S. invicta. The low presence of phorid flies affected the foraging rate of S. invicta, but not the outcome of interspecific interactions. This study revealed that the red imported fire ant ecologically dominated other terrestrial ants in its native range; however, other species were able to be numerically dominant or co-dominant in its presence.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic study of the genetics of three fire ant species in North America was undertaken with the primary objective of further clarifying the genetic relationship between two social forms of Solenopsis invicta. Such social forms are common in many groups of ants and may, in some cases, represent significant intermediate stages in the speciation process. The monogyne and polygyne forms of S. invicta, while differing in a number of important biological traits, are genetically indistinguishable, in contrast to the substantial genetic differentiation observed between S. invicta and a second, closely related, introduced species, S. richteri. The native fire ant, S. geminata, is genetically the most distinct of the three species studied, in accord with its taxonomic placement in a different species complex. Hypotheses concerning the derivation of the polygyne form of S. invicta from the monogyne form which invoke their long-term reproductive isolation in South America and separate introductions to North America appear unfounded. Although S. invicta and S. richteri are known to hybridize in North America, our study provided no evidence of gene introgression between S. invicta and the native species, S. geminata, in areas where our samples were collected. Analyses of population structure in S. invicta failed to reveal significant differentiation of populations or local inbreeding. Levels of genetic diversity in the three species studied, although not significantly different, were in the order predicted from knowledge of the population biology and recent history of the taxa, with S. richteri exhibiting the least diversity, S. geminata the greatest, and S. invicta having an intermediate level.  相似文献   

Inherent in any biological control program is the risk of nontarget effects. Pseudacteon tricuspisBorgmeier, a parasitoid phorid fly, has been introduced to the United States from South America as a potential biocontrol agent of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invictaBuren. We conducted tests of host specificity on introduced populations of P. tricuspis, which are attracted to alarm pheromones released by their hosts during events such as mound disturbances and interspecific interactions. We monitored disturbed mounds of S. invicta and its close congener, S. geminata(F.), during the expansion of P. tricuspis across north Florida and after populations had been established for ~3 years. We also tested host acceptance in established populations of P. tricuspis by offering trays containing S. invicta, S. geminata, and 14 additional ant species representing 12 different non-Solenopsis genera. Although P. tricuspiswas commonly observed to hover over and attempt to oviposit on S. invicta, we never observed any parasitization attempts on any other ant species. As predicted by laboratory tests, released populations of P. tricuspis appear to be highly host specific and pose no obvious threat to nontarget species.  相似文献   

Social insects harbor diverse assemblages of bacterial microbes, which may play a crucial role in the success or failure of biological invasions. The invasive fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) is a model system for understanding the dynamics of invasive social insects and their biological control. However, little is known about microbes as biotic factors influencing the success or failure of ant invasions. This pilot study is the first attempt to characterize and compare microbial communities associated with the introduced S. invicta and the native Solenopsis geminata in the USA. Using 16S amplicon 454 pyrosequencing, bacterial communities of workers, brood, and soil from nest walls were compared between neighboring S. invicta and S. geminata colonies at Brackenridge Field Laboratory, Austin, Texas, with the aim of identifying potential pathogenic, commensal, or mutualistic microbial associates. Two samples of S. geminata workers showed high counts of Spiroplasma bacteria, a known pathogen or mutualist of other insects. A subsequent analysis using PCR and sequencing confirmed the presence of Spiroplasma in additional colonies of both Solenopsis species. Wolbachia was found in one alate sample of S. geminata, while one brood sample of S. invicta had a high count of Lactococcus. As expected, ant samples from both species showed much lower microbial diversity than the surrounding soil. Both ant species had similar overall bacterial diversities, although little overlap in specific microbes. To properly characterize a single bacterial community associated with a Solenopsis ant sample, rarefaction analyses indicate that it is necessary to obtain 5,000–10,000 sequences. Overall, 16S amplicon 454 pyrosequencing appears to be a cost-effective approach to screen whole microbial diversity associated with invasive ant species.  相似文献   

Recent research on invasive ants suggests that their success may be facilitated by increased resources at introduced locations stemming from the emergence of novel trophic interactions with abundant honeydew-producing Hemiptera. Moreover, those Hemiptera may themselves often be introduced or invasive. To test the importance of mutualisms for invasive species, we conducted a study in the southeastern United States of factors hypothesized to affect the abundance of an invasive ant native to South America, Solenopsis invicta. The study was conducted within grazing pastures, where S. invicta can be extremely abundant while also exhibiting substantial variability in abundance. A path analysis showed that the abundance of S. invicta was strongly and positively affected by the abundance of an invasive honeydew-producing mealybug native to Asia, Antonina graminis, and by the mealybugs’ host grasses because of their strong positive effect on mealybug abundance. Abundance of the mealybug was primarily attributable to an invasive host grass native to Africa, Cynodon dactylon. The abundance of S. invicta was also positively affected by the abundance of other arthropods that they are likely to consume, and those arthropods were positively affected by the abundance of both the A. graminis host grasses and other plants. Thus the study shows that the distribution and abundance of different plant species could have important effects on the abundance of S. invicta through their effect on the ants’ food resources. The results are also consistent with the hypothesis that the emergence of novel trophic interactions among invasive species can promote the abundance of invasive ants.  相似文献   

The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, is an invasive pest from South America that currently occupies much of the south‐eastern USA. Global warming is likely to allow range expansion of many invasive species, including S. invicta. We used a dynamic, ecophysiological model of fire ant colony growth coupled with models simulating climate change to predict the potential range expansion of S. invicta in the eastern USA over the next century. The climate change scenario predicted by the Vegetation–Ecosystem Modelling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) was used in our analyses. Our predictions indicate that the habitable area for S. invicta may increase by c. 5% over the next 40–50 years (a northward expansion of 33 ± 35 km). As the pace of global warming is expected to quicken in the latter half of the century, however, the habitable area for S. invicta in 2100 is predicted to be > 21% greater than it currently is (a northward expansion of 133 ± 68 km). Because the black imported fire ant, S. richteri Forel, occupies higher latitudes than S. invicta, the overall area of the eastern USA infested with invasive Solenopsis species could be greater than that estimated here.  相似文献   

红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta)具有扩散迅速、攻击性强等特点,常对入侵地区造成巨大的生态危害。虽然很多文献报道了红火蚁对无脊椎动物的影响,但红火蚁对脊椎动物影响的研究较少,也缺乏系统的总结。综述了红火蚁对不同脊椎动物类群的影响和主要的研究方法(野外调查、案例分析、实验室评估、比较分析和人工移除红火蚁),以及脊椎动物对红火蚁的行为和生理防御机制。一般而言,红火蚁常以腹部末端的螯针攻击其他动物并释放毒液,可直接捕食、伤害各种脊椎动物的卵、幼体和成体,并影响动物的行为。此外,红火蚁可降低生境内无脊椎动物的丰度,间接影响捕食者的种群数量。尽管红火蚁是陆生生物,但鱼类可能取食掉落在水面的有翅繁殖蚁而中毒,且漂浮于水面的红火蚁蚁筏也可能对鱼类造成威胁。由于两栖类动物通常体型较小,运动能力较弱,且皮肤缺乏角质层与鳞片毛发等结构的保护,极易受到红火蚁的攻击和伤害。对于鸟类和爬行类,红火蚁主要捕食卵和幼体,并干扰成体的筑巢和育幼行为,降低其繁殖成功率。此外,红火蚁对小型哺乳动物的觅食行为和种群数量均可造成负面影响,并可蛰刺伤害牛羊等家畜,对畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失。一些动物对红火蚁具有行为防御,如用附肢蹬掉体表的红火蚁,或避免取食或接触红火蚁。此外,一些动物能对红火蚁的毒素产生抗体,或调整体内荷尔蒙水平以应对红火蚁的攻击。然而,仍不清楚这些行为和生理反应是否普遍存在于其他脊椎动物,以及能在多大程度上保护其免受红火蚁伤害。值得注意的是,几乎所有的相关研究都是由国外研究者完成的,建议我国学者更多的关注红火蚁对我国经济物种、珍稀动物和食蚁物种的影响。  相似文献   

Summary In the southeast United States, the invasive ant Solenopsis invicta is known to derive important carbohydrate (honeydew) resources from mealybugs utilizing grasses. Most important appears to be an invasive mealybug, Antonina graminis. We studied whether this mealybug and a similar native species also benefit from association with S. invicta. We found that mealybug occurrence increases significantly with increasing proximity to S. invicta mounds, suggesting that mealybugs benefit as well. Mutual benefits derived by S. invicta and A. graminis are consistent with a hypothesis proposing that associations among invasive species can be important in their success at introduced locations.  相似文献   

Lloyd W. Morrison 《Oecologia》1999,120(1):113-122
Indirect effects, which occur when the impact of one species upon another requires the existence of an intermediary species, are apparently very common and may be of greater magnitude than direct effects. Behaviorally mediated indirect effects occur when one species affects the behavior of a second, which in turn affects how that species interacts with a third. I studied behaviorally mediated indirect effects on the mechanisms of competition in two congeneric fire ant species in the presence and absence of parasitoid phorid flies, which parasitized only one ant species. In observational and experimental field studies, the presence of native Texas phorid flies in the genus Pseudacteon decreased food retrieval by their host, Solenopsis geminata (F.), by as much as 50%. In the presence of phorid flies, many S. geminata workers assumed a stationary, curled defensive posture and did not forage. Although the phorid parasitoids had a relatively large effect on exploitative competition, there was no measurable effect on interference competition. Fierce interspecific aggression was observed between S. geminata and S. invicta Buren, and the presence of phorids had no effect on the outcome of these contests. The indirect effects of Pseudacteon parasitoids on Solenopsis fire ant resource retrieval appear to be larger than the direct effect of mortality. Some aspects of the foraging behavior of these Solenopsis species may be, in part, evolutionary adaptations to phorid parasitoid pressure. Because of the relatively large indirect effects, South American Pseudacteon phorids may be promising biocontrol agents of imported fire ants, S. invicta, in the USA. In a laboratory study, a single South American Pseudacteon female was able to significantly decrease food retrieval rates of a North American population of the imported fire ant, S. invicta. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 18 April 1999  相似文献   

The PBAN/Pyrokinin peptide family is a major neuropeptide family characterized with a common FXPRLamide in the C‐termini. These peptides are ubiquitously distributed in the Insecta and are involved in many essential endocrinal functions, e.g., pheromone production. Previous work demonstrated the localization of PBAN in the fire ant central nervous system, and identified a new family of PBAN from the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. In this study, we identified five more PBAN/Pyrokinin genes from S. geminata, S. richteri, S. pergandii, S. carolinensis, and a hybrid of S. invicta and S. richteri. The gene sequences were used to determine the phylogenetic relationships of these species and hybrid, which compared well to the morphologically defined fire ant subgroup complexes. The putative PBAN and other peptides were determined from the amino acid sequences of the PBAN/pyrokinin genes. We summarized all known insect PBAN family neuropeptides, and for the first time constructed a phylogenetic tree based on the full amino acid sequences translated from representative PBAN cDNAs. The PBAN/pyrokinin gene is well conserved in Insecta and probably extends into the Arthropod phylum; however, translated pre‐propeptides may vary and functional diversity may be retained, lost, or modified during the evolutionary process. Published 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Forest edges and fire ants alter the seed shadow of an ant-dispersed plant   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Ness JH 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):448-454
Exotic species invade fragmented, edge-rich habitats readily, yet the distinct impacts of habitat edges and invaders on native biota are rarely distinguished. Both appear detrimental to ant-dispersed plants such as bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis. Working in northeastern Georgia (USA), an area characterized by a rich ant-dispersed flora, fragmented forests, and invasions by the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , I monitored the interactions between ants and S. canadensis seeds in uninvaded forest interiors, uninvaded forest edges, invaded forest interiors, and invaded forest edges. I observed 95% of the seed dispersal events that occurred within the 60-min observation intervals. Seed collection rates were similar among all four (habitat × invasion) groups. The presence of invasive ants had a strong effect on seed dispersal distance: S. invicta collected most seeds in invaded sites, but was a poorer disperser than four of five native ant taxa. Habitat type (interior versus edge) had no effect on seed dispersal distance, but it had a strong effect on seed dispersal direction. Dispersal towards the edge was disproportionately rare in uninvaded forest edges, and ants in those habitats moved the average dispersed seed approximately 70 cm away from that edge. Dispersal direction was also skewed away from the edge in uninvaded forest interiors and invaded forest edges, albeit non-significantly. This biased dispersal may help explain the rarity of myrmecochorous plants in younger forests and edges, and their poor ability to disperse between fragments. This is the first demonstration that forest edges and S. invicta invasion influence seed dispersal destination and distance, respectively. These forces act independently.  相似文献   

Xim Cerdá  Javier Retana 《Oecologia》1998,113(4):577-583
Camponotus foreli (Emery) and Cataglyphis iberica (Emery) are two sympatric, subordinate ant species that have been found to fight in attacks that usually conclude with the death of many workers of both species and with nest abandonment by C. iberica. These harassment episodes have been observed in two different areas and over many years of study. No such attacks of C. foreli were observed in the study areas against any other ant species, nor did any other ants attack C. iberica nests, and laboratory confrontations confirmed this specificity. These attacks neither eliminated C. iberica colonies, nor distanced them from C. foreli nests. Moreover, there was no real competition for food between the species: in an experiment where all C. iberica colonies were eliminated from an area, rates of prey and liquid food collection by C. foreli nests in the exclusion zone were similar to those found in the control zone with C. iberica, and the activity rhythms of C. foreli did not change in the absence of C. iberica. The hypothesis of competition for a nest site is more consistent. Both in the laboratory and the field, the most frequent outcome of these aggressive interactions was the occupation of the C. iberica nest by C. foreli. This behavior may be advantageous for C. foreli, because it is much less skilful at excavating than C. iberica. One of the chief concerns of this study is to show that such interference interactions, typical especially of dominant, very aggressive species, are also found between subordinate, apparently nonaggressive species. Received: 20 March 1997 / Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Solenopsis invicta is an aggressive, destructive and invasive ant. It has a profound impact on the native species in its environment. In this paper, we studied the effect of S. invicta on the invasive weed Ageratum conyzoides in the field. Using grid sampling and geostatistical analysis, we found that the density of A. conyzoides increased significantly in the presence of S. invicta. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of A. conyzoides was affected by S. invicta. The spatial structure of A. conyzoides emergence was aggregated. Sites where S. invicta was present were described by a Gaussian model, whereas a spatial model was used to describe the sites in the absence of S. invicta. The range of spatial dependence was 7.07 m for sites with a high density of S. invicta, whereas the spatial dependence was 1.46 m for sites with a low density of S. invicta and 3.14 m for control sites. Semivariogram models based on grid sampling of actual emerging A. conyzoides densities were used to produce contour maps of A. conyzoides densities in the field.  相似文献   

In South America, Solenopsis saevissima and S. invicta are the most common fire ants. Nests are founded in areas under anthropic interference like urban or rural areas, but S. invicta is found preferentially in those with the greatest anthropic interference. However, we do not know the rates at which they exist in anthropized areas next to high density of native vegetation. Areas with 60 to 90% of native Atlantic Forest were selected to verify the occurrence of both species in rural and urban areas. We investigated the molecular diversity and applied the reconstruction of the ancestral state analysis for each species. A total of 186 nests were analyzed and we found that the two species had the same proportion in the urban area. However, S. saevissima had a higher rate of prevalence in the rural area, in addition to having a greater number of haplotypes and ancestry associated with this type of habitat for the region. S. invicta had the same number of haplotypes in both rural and urban regions, and less haplotypic diversity. We conclude that S. saevissima is a species typically associated with rural areas and S. invicta, although present, is not dominant in urban areas. Keywords: Biodiversity, haplotype diversity, DNA barcoding, mtDNA  相似文献   

1. We investigated ant communities in all main vegetation zones of the model island of Santa Cruz in the Galápagos archipelago (155 collection points, spread over 21 sites; 28 ant species collected), and evaluated the distribution, coexistence, and effect of environmental factors in a community composed of endemic, probably endemic, and introduced ants of the New World and exotic origin. 2. Introduced species were the most frequent, occurring in 98% of the samples, yet endemic and probably endemic species still occurred in 54% of the samples, and constituted one of three most common species. The present study revealed that the habitat type along with altitude and the tree cover are the primary factors shaping ant community composition. Little evidence was found for a competitively structured assemblage of ant species. 3. The present study confirmed the predominance of two dominant invasive species, Solenopsis geminata Fabricius and Wasmannia auropunctata Roger, whose abundances are negatively correlated. The abundance of S. geminata is positively correlated with the overall species richness, and with the proportion of other introduced species. The presence of both invasive ants is associated with a low evenness of ant communities. 4. The present study (i) stresses the dominance of introduced species and the relative resistance of endemic species, (ii) highlights the on‐going processes of species introductions and (iii) points out the need for adequate monitoring and conservation of the pristine and threatened environments that constitute the Galápagos Islands.  相似文献   

Summary In the fire ant,Solenopsis invicta, some winged virgin queens are known to shed their wings (dealate) upon removal of the mated mother queen. These virgin queens then develop their ovaries and begin to lay eggs, thereby foregoing the option of leaving on mating flights and attempting to found their own colonies. Such a response of virgin queens to queenlessness has not been reported for other ants. In order to determine if virgin queens of some other fire ants (subgenusSolenopsis) would respond in the same way, experiments were conducted onS. richteri, hybridS. invicta/richteri andS. geminata, a member of a species complex different from that of the other taxa. Just as inS. invicta, virgin queens ofS. richteri and the hybrid dealated and began to lay eggs within days of the removal of the queen. In addition, workers executed many of the reproductively active virgin queens, a phenomenon also found inS. invicta. In contrast, virgin queens ofS. geminata did not dealate or quickly begin to lay eggs upon separation from the queen. Reasons for the variability in the response of virgin queens of the different species may be 1) higher probability of reproductive success for unmated dealated queens compared to normal claustral founding inS. invicta andS. richteri linked to relatively frequent loss of the mother queen; or 2) phylogenetic constraint.  相似文献   

Summary Few studies of island biogeography have been made on islands in which the time of insularization is precisely known. We tested the effects of island formation on ant species diversity in a man-made lake in South Africa, to determine whether island effects are detectable after only 16 years of insularization. The number of ant species observed at trap-line censuses on islands was significantly correlated with island size (r=0.608; P<0.05) and ant species diversity was generally low compared with similar mainland habitats. Mean species number for all islands, including landbridge islands, was 5.5±3.3 species, and on mainland sites was 7.9±2.85 species. Island effects were more marked on islands <20 ha, which had a mean of 3.3±2.5 species per island. Species number on islands was inversely related to densities of the aggressive Anoplolepis custodiens and A. steingroeveri. These two species were only patchily distributed on mainlands, but these ants were nearly ubiquitous on small islands. Several lines of evidence suggest that this single species domination may be responsible for island effects. Island sites also differed in the number of ant species in different trophic groupings, tending to have fewer granivorous species than the mainland sites, but species in other diet groups were similar in both island and mainland habitats. We conclude that there have been marked changes in the ant faunas on islands smaller than 20 ha apparently due to changes in abundance of the dominant ant species. However, the causes of these changes are unknown.  相似文献   

Ants use species-specific trail pheromones to coordinate their sophisticated foraging behavior. During the past decades, many trail pheromone components with various structures have been identified in ants, including the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, a notorious invasive species worldwide. Four compounds, Z,E- (ZEF) and E,E-α-farnesene (EEF), Z,E- (ZEHF) and E,E-α-homofarnesene (EEHF), have been reported as components of S. invicta trail pheromone. However, another study reported an analog of α-farnesene, Z,Z,Z-allofarnesene, as a key trail pheromone component. These contrasting results caused some uncertainty about the trail pheromone composition in S. invicta. In this study, we synthesized ZEF and EEF, ZEHF and EEHF, and reanalyzed the chemicals in the Dufour gland extract and in the trail pheromone fraction of S. invicta worker body extract. The reported isomers of farnesene and homofarnesene were detected and showed trail-following activity, with ZEF as the major compound, while no allofarnesene was found, neither in the Dufour gland extract nor in the whole-body extract. Our results confirm ZEF and EEF, ZEHF and EEHF as trail pheromone components of S. invicta.  相似文献   

Coffee is a globally important crop that is subject to numerous pest problems, many of which are partially controlled by predatory ants. Yet several studies have proposed that these ecosystem services may be reduced where agricultural systems are more intensively managed. Here we investigate the predatory ability of twig-nesting ants on the main pest of coffee, the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) under different management systems in southwest Chiapas, Mexico. We conducted both laboratory and field experiments to examine which twig-nesting ant species, if any, can prey on free-living borers or can remove borers embedded in coffee fruits and whether the effects of the twig-nesting ant community differ with habitat type. Results indicate that several species of twig-nesting ants are effective predators of both free-living borers and those embedded in coffee fruits. In the lab, Pseudomyrmex ejectus, Pseudomyrmex simplex, and Pseudomyrmex PSW-53 effectively removed free-living and embedded borers. In the field, abundance, but not diversity, of twig-nesting ant colonies was influenced by shade management techniques, with the highest colony abundance present in the sites where shade trees were recently pruned. However, borer removal rates in the field were significant only in the shadiest site, but not in more intensively managed sites. This study provides evidence that twig-nesting ants can act as predators of the coffee berry borer and that the presence of twig-nesting ants may not be strongly linked to shade management intensity, as has been suggested for other arthropod predators of the borer.  相似文献   

Laboratory observations were conducted on four separate red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies that contained workers parasitized by the decapitating fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis. Parasitized S. invicta workers remained inside the nest during parasitoid larval development and left the nest approximately 8 – 10 hours before decapitation by the parasitoid. When parasitized ants left the nest, they were highly mobile, were responsive to tactile stimuli, and showed minimal defensive behavior. Ants ultimately entered into a grass thatch layer, where they were decapitated and the fly maggots pupariated. This study reveals that parasitized ants exhibit behaviors that are consistent with host manipulation to benefit survival of the parasitoid. Received 9 November 2006; revised 26 January 2007; accepted 7 February.  相似文献   

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