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In 2004, a new hominin species, Homo floresiensis, was described from Late Pleistocene cave deposits at Liang Bua, Flores. H. floresiensis was remarkable for its small body-size, endocranial volume in the chimpanzee range, limb proportions and skeletal robusticity similar to Pliocene Australopithecus, and a skeletal morphology with a distinctive combination of symplesiomorphic, derived, and unique traits. Critics of H. floresiensis as a novel species have argued that the Pleistocene skeletons from Liang Bua either fall within the range of living Australomelanesians, exhibit the attributes of growth disorders found in modern humans, or a combination of both. Here we describe the morphology of the LB1, LB2, and LB6 mandibles and mandibular teeth from Liang Bua. Morphological and metrical comparisons of the mandibles demonstrate that they share a distinctive suite of traits that place them outside both the H. sapiens and H. erectus ranges of variation. While having the derived molar size of later Homo, the symphyseal, corpus, ramus, and premolar morphologies share similarities with both Australopithecus and early Homo. When the mandibles are considered with the existing evidence for cranial and postcranial anatomy, limb proportions, and the functional anatomy of the wrist and shoulder, they are in many respects closer to African early Homo or Australopithecus than to later Homo. Taken together, this evidence suggests that the ancestors of H. floresiensis left Africa before the evolution of H. erectus, as defined by the Dmanisi and East African evidence.  相似文献   

The announcement of a new species, Homo floresiensis, a primitive hominin that survived until relatively recent times is an enormous challenge to paradigms of human evolution. Until this announcement, the dominant paradigm stipulated that: 1) only more derived hominins had emerged from Africa, and 2) H. sapiens was the only hominin since the demise of Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. Resistance to H. floresiensis has been intense, and debate centers on two sets of competing hypotheses: 1) that it is a primitive hominin, and 2) that it is a modern human, either a pygmoid form or a pathological individual. Despite a range of analytical techniques having been applied to the question, no resolution has been reached. Here, we use cladistic analysis, a tool that has not, until now, been applied to the problem, to establish the phylogenetic position of the species. Our results produce two equally parsimonious phylogenetic trees. The first suggests that H. floresiensis is an early hominin that emerged after Homo rudolfensis (1.86 Ma) but before H. habilis (1.66 Ma, or after 1.9 Ma if the earlier chronology for H. habilis is retained). The second tree indicates H. floresiensis branched after Homo habilis.  相似文献   

Studying the emergence of distinctive human growth patterns is essential to understanding the evolution of our species. The large number of Neandertal fossils makes this species the best candidate for a comparative study of growth patterns in archaic and modern humans. Here, Neandertal height growth during infancy and early childhood is described using a mathematical model. Height growth velocities for individuals five years old or younger are modelled as age functions based on different estimates of height and age for a set of ten Neandertal infants and children. The estimated heights of each Neandertal individual are compared with those of two modern human populations based on longitudinal and cross-sectional data. The model highlights differences in growth velocity during infancy (from the age of five months onward). We find that statural growth in Neandertal infants is much slower than that seen in modern humans, Neandertal growth is similar to modern humans at birth, but decreases around the third or fourth month. The markedly slower growth rates of Neandertal infants may be attributable to ontogenetic constraints or to metabolic stress, and contribute to short achieved adult stature relative to modern humans.  相似文献   

Since their discovery, Neanderthals have been described as having a marked degree of anteroposterior curvature of the femoral shaft. Although initially believed to be pathological, subsequent discoveries of Neanderthal remains lead femoral curvature to be considered as a derived Neanderthal feature. A recent study on Neanderthals and middle and early Upper Palaeolithic modern humans found no differences in femoral curvature, but did not consider size-corrected curvature. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to use 3D morphometric landmark and semi-landmark analysis to quantify relative femoral curvature in Neanderthals, Upper Palaeolithic and recent modern humans, and to compare adult bone curvature as part of the overall femoral morphology among these populations.Comparisons among populations were made using geometric morphometrics (3D landmarks) and standard multivariate methods. Comparative material involved all available complete femora from Neanderthal and Upper Palaeolithic modern human, archaeological (Mesolithic, Neolithic, Medieval) and recent human populations representing a wide geographical and lifestyle range. There are significant differences in the anatomy of the femur between Neanderthals and modern humans. Neanderthals have more curved femora than modern humans. Early modern humans are most similar to recent modern humans in their anatomy. Femoral curvature is a good indicator of activity level and habitual loading of the lower limb, indicating higher activity levels in Neanderthals than modern humans. These differences contradict robusticity studies and the archaeological record, and would suggest that femoral morphology, and curvature in particular, in Neanderthals may not be explained by adult behavior alone and could be the result of genetic drift, natural selection or differences in behavior during ontogeny.  相似文献   

Neanderthal forearms have been described as being very powerful. Different individual features in the lower arm bones have been described to distinguish Neanderthals from modern humans. In this study, the overall morphology of the radius and ulna is considered, and morphological differences among Neanderthals, Upper Paleolithic Homo sapiens and recent H. sapiens are described.Comparisons among populations were made using a combination of 3D geometric morphometrics and standard multivariate methods. Comparative material included all available complete radii and ulnae from Neanderthals, early H. sapiens and archaeological and recent human populations, representing a wide geographical and lifestyle range.There are few differences among the populations when features are considered individually. Neanderthals and early H. sapiens fell within the range of modern human variation. When the suite of measurements and shapes were analyzed, differences and similarities became apparent. The Neanderthal radius is more laterally curved, has a more medially placed radial tuberosity, a longer radial neck, a more antero-posteriorly ovoid head and a well-developed proximal interosseous crest. The Neanderthal ulna has a more anterior facing trochlear notch, a lower M. brachialis insertion, larger relative mid-shaft size and a more medio-lateral and antero-posterior sinusoidal shaft. The Neanderthal lower arm morphology reflects a strong cold-adapted short forearm. The forearms of H. sapiens are less powerful in pronation and supination. Many differences between Neanderthals and H. sapiens can be explained as a secondary consequence of the hyper-polar body proportions of the Neanderthals, but also as retentions of the primitive condition of other hominoids.  相似文献   

Here we present and describe comparatively 25 talus bones from the Middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). These tali belong to 14 individuals (11 adult and three immature). Although variation among Middle and Late Pleistocene tali tends to be subtle, this study has identified unique morphological characteristics of the SH tali. They are vertically shorter than those of Late Pleistocene Homo sapiens, and show a shorter head and a broader lateral malleolar facet than all of the samples. Moreover, a few shared characters with Neanderthals are consistent with the hypothesis that the SH population and Neanderthals are sister groups. These shared characters are a broad lateral malleolar facet, a trochlear height intermediate between modern humans and Late Pleistocene H. sapiens, and a short middle calcaneal facet. It has been possible to propose sex assignment for the SH tali based on their size. Stature estimates based on these fossils give a mean stature of 174.4 cm for males and 161.9 cm for females, similar to that obtained based on the long bones from this same site.  相似文献   

Several bones of the upper extremity were recovered during excavations of Late Pleistocene deposits at Liang Bua, Flores, and these have been attributed to Homo floresiensis. At present, these upper limb remains have been assigned to six different individuals - LB1, LB2, LB3, LB4, LB5, and LB6. Several of these bones are complete or nearly so, but some are quite fragmentary. All skeletal remains recovered from Liang Bua were extremely fragile, but have now been stabilized and hardened in the laboratory in Jakarta. They are now curated in museum-quality containers at the National Research and Development Centre for Archaeology in Jakarta, Indonesia. These skeletal remains are described and illustrated photographically. The upper limb presents a unique mosaic of derived (human-like) and primitive morphologies, the combination of which is never found in either healthy or pathological modern humans.  相似文献   

Bones of the lower extremity have been recovered for up to nine different individuals of Homo floresiensis - LB1, LB4, LB6, LB8, LB9, LB10, LB11, LB13, and LB14. LB1 is represented by a bony pelvis (damaged but now repaired), femora, tibiae, fibulae, patellae, and numerous foot bones. LB4/2 is an immature right tibia lacking epiphyses. LB6 includes a fragmentary metatarsal and two pedal phalanges. LB8 is a nearly complete right tibia (shorter than that of LB1). LB9 is a fragment of a hominin femoral diaphysis. LB10 is a proximal hallucal phalanx. LB11 includes pelvic fragments and a fragmentary metatarsal. LB13 is a patellar fragment, and LB14 is a fragment of an acetabulum. All skeletal remains recovered from Liang Bua were extremely fragile, and some were badly damaged when they were removed temporarily from Jakarta. At present, virtually all fossil materials have been returned, stabilized, and hardened. These skeletal remains are described and illustrated photographically. The lower limb skeleton exhibits a uniquely mosaic pattern, with many primitive-like morphologies; we have been unable to find this combination of ancient and derived (more human-like) features in either healthy or pathological modern humans, regardless of body size. Bilateral asymmetries are slight in the postcranium, and muscle markings are clearly delineated on all bones. The long bones are robust, and the thickness of their cortices is well within the ranges seen in healthy modern humans. LB1 is most probably a female based on the shape of her greater sciatic notch, and the marked degree of lateral iliac flaring recalls that seen in australopithecines such as “Lucy” (AL 288-1). The metatarsus has a human-like robusticity formula, but the proximal pedal phalanges are relatively long and robust (and slightly curved). The hallux is fully adducted, but we suspect that a medial longitudinal arch was absent.  相似文献   

Growth by bone remodeling is one of the key mechanisms responsible for skeletal morphology. This mechanism consists of the coordinated activity of two cellular groups: osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which are responsible for bone deposition and resorption, respectively. Information obtained from the study of these remodeling growth fields allows us to understand how species-specific craniofacial form is achieved. These data can help to explain the facial growth differences among Primates, both extinct and extant. The aim of this study was to obtain the distribution of growth remodeling fields of the Homo heidelbergensis mandible (Atapuerca-SH sample), and to infer the growth processes responsible for its specific morphology. A Reflected Light Microscope (RLM) was used to identify the microfeatures of the bone surface related to bone deposition and resorption. Results show that H. heidelbergensis presents a specific growth field distribution, which differs slightly between immature and adult individuals. Interpretation of these maps indicates that the mandible of H. heidelbergensis presents noteworthy variability in the symphyseal region. Two distinct patterns of growth are seen, one of those unique for this species and the other similar to that of Homo sapiens. The lingual side of the mandibular corpus has a resorption area found only in this species and one that includes a variable extension in immature and adult individuals. Finally, the mandibular ramus is characterized, among other aspects, by a large resorption field on its buccal surface. Considering the mandible as a whole, the bone remodeling pattern obtained in this work shows that lower facial growth in H. heidelbergensis is dominated mainly by forward growth, illustrated by the strong inward displacement of the ramus, which is in agreement with the Enlow's “V” growth principle.  相似文献   

The craniometric affinities among Neandertals. Upper Palcolithic Europeans, early anatomically modern Southwest Asians, and archaic and modern Africans are investigated using univariate and multivariate methods. For the first time, it is possible to analyse the North African finds Dar-es-Soltane 5, Nazlet Khater, and Wadi Kubbaniya. It was not possible to include the Neandertals from Central Europe due to their poor state of preservation. The results point to, first, a basic distinction between Neandertals on the one hand and modern humans from all geographic regions on the other, and, secondly, to great similarities between modern African and European populations. Late archaic sapiens specimens from Africa were more similar to Upper Paleolithic Europeans than were the Neandertals. The results do not support the hypothesis that a regional evolution giving rise to modern humans took place in Europe. The results are, however, consistent with the hypothesis that modern populations originated in Africa and spread to Europe from there.  相似文献   

Bivariate femoral length allometry in recent humans, Pan, and Gorilla is investigated with special reference to the diminutive Liang Bua (LB) 1 specimen (the holotype of Homo floresiensis) and six early Pleistocene femora referred to the genus Homo. Relative to predicted body mass, Pan and Gorilla femora show strong negative length allometry while recent human femora evince isometry to positive allometry, depending on sample composition and line-fitting technique employed. The allometric trajectories of Pan and Homo show convergence near the small body size range of LB 1, such that LB 1 manifests a low percentage deviation (dyx of Smith [1980]) from the Pan allometric trajectory and falls well within the 95% confidence limits around the Pan individuals (but also outside the 95% confidence limits for recent Homo). In contrast, the six early Pleistocene Homo femora, belonging to larger individuals, show much greater dyx values from both Pan and Gorilla and fall well above the 95% confidence limits for these taxa. All but one of these Pleistocene Homo specimens falls within the 95% confidence limits of the recent human sample. Similar results are obtained when femoral length is regressed on femoral head diameter in unlogged bivariate space. Regardless of the ultimate taxonomic status of LB 1, these findings are consistent with a prediction made by us (Franciscus and Holliday, 1992) that hominins in the small body size range of A.L. 288-1 (“Lucy”), including members of the genus Homo, will tend to possess short, ape-like lower limbs as a function of body size scaling.  相似文献   

Juan Chen  Nian-He Xia 《Flora》2011,206(5):458-467
In order to find new non-molecular evidence to support the phylogenetic and taxonomic position, pollen grains of 20 populations of 16 species of Chinese Curcuma L. and Boesenbergia Kuntz (Zingiberaceae) were investigated under SEM and TEM. The pollen grains are spherical and ovoid, nonaperturate. The pollen wall is composed of a very thin exine and a thick intine. The exine is psilate or echinate. The intine consists of two layers, i.e., a thick, channeled layer (exintine) and an inner homogenous layer (endintine). The results reveal morphological congruence between the pollen grains of species of Curcuma, which according to DNA sequence data appears to be a polyphyletic genus. However the uniform pollen morphology in Curcuma provides no evidence to divide this genus into separate taxonomic entities. Our results on pollen morphology also do not provide any additional evidence to either unite or segregate Boesenbergia albomaculata and Curcumorpha longiflora in the same genus and demonstrate that more taxonomic data on the genus Boesenbergia and its relatives are needed before a final decision can be made.  相似文献   

倪郁  宋超  王小清 《生态学报》2014,34(15):4160-4166
以野生型拟南芥与蜡质突变体cer1、cer4为试验材料,通过研究核盘菌胁迫对拟南芥茎表皮蜡质结构及组分含量的影响,揭示核盘菌侵染与表皮蜡质的关系。扫描电镜结果显示,野生型拟南芥蜡质晶体以垂直于表面的杆状、块状结构为主;突变体cer1晶体类型以水平的松针状、块状结构为主;突变体cer4蜡质晶体以垂直片层结构为主。核盘菌胁迫下,拟南芥蜡质晶体结构及分布形态发生变化。蜡质层结构在核盘菌胁迫下表现为:杆状、松针状蜡质晶体减少—蜡质晶体熔融—表皮"囊状凸起"—表皮膜层破裂。这些结构变化有利于病菌突破角质层屏障而侵入到植株体内。色质谱分析结果显示:与野生型相比,cer1突变体烷、次级醇、酮类显著减少;cer4突变体表现为一级醇含量减少。接种核盘菌后,野生型拟南芥与蜡质突变体一级醇类显著增加(cer1增加不显著);烷类、次级醇类、酮类含量与蜡质总量均显著减少,表明蜡质前体物质在受到核盘菌胁迫后更多地通过酰基还原途径生成一级醇,从而减少了由脱羰基途径所生成的蜡质组分。核盘菌通过改变表皮蜡质晶体结构与化学组分分泌量来促进侵染。  相似文献   

Arginyl-tRNA synthetase (ArgRS) is a tRNA-binding protein that catalyzes the esterification of l-arginine to its cognate tRNA. l-Canavanine, a structural analog of l-arginine, has recently been studied as an anticancer agent. Here, we determined the crystal structures of the apo, l-arginine-complexed, and l-canavanine-complexed forms of the cytoplasmic free isoform of human ArgRS (hArgRS). Similar interactions were formed upon binding to l-canavanine or l-arginine, but the interaction between Tyr312 and the oxygen of the oxyguanidino group was a little bit different. Detailed conformational changes that occur upon substrate binding were explained. The hArgRS structure was also compared with previously reported homologue structures. The results presented here may provide a basis for the design of new anticancer drugs, such as l-canavanine analogs.  相似文献   

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