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The icosahedrally symmetrized structure of bacteriophage MS2 as determined by cryo-electron microscopy (EM) reveals the presence of genomic RNA that attaches to coat-protein dimers. Earlier X-ray diffraction studies revealed similar interactions between the unique operator hairpin of the MS2 genomic RNA and the coat-protein dimer. This observation leads us to conclude that not only the operator, but also many other RNA sequences in the genome of MS2, are able to bind to the coat-protein dimer. A substantial number of potential coat-protein-dimer binding sites are present in the genome of MS2 that can account for the observed RNA densities in the EM map. Moreover, it appears that these stem-loop structures are able to bind in a similar fashion to the coat protein dimer as the wild-type operator hairpin. The EM map also shows additional density between the potential operator-binding sites, linking the RNA stem-loops together to form an icosahedral network around the 3 and 5-fold axes. This RNA network is bound to the inside of the MS2 capsid and probably influences both capsid stability and formation, supporting the idea that capsid formation and RNA packaging are intimately linked to each other.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of unbound protein L1 and its complexes with ribosomal and messenger RNAs were analyzed. The apparent association rate constants for L1-RNA complexes proved to depend on the conformation of unbound L1. It was suggested that L1 binds to rRNA with a higher affinity than to mRNA, owing to additional interactions between domain II of L1 and the loop rRNA region, which is absent in mRNA. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 650–657. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific protein-nucleic acid recognition is determined, in part, by hydrogen bonding interactions between amino acid side-chains and nucleotide bases. To examine the repertoire of possible interactions, we have calculated geometrically plausible arrangements in which amino acids hydrogen bond to unpaired bases, such as those found in RNA bulges and loops, or to the 53 possible RNA base-pairs. We find 32 possible interactions that involve two or more hydrogen bonds to the six unpaired bases (including protonated A and C), 17 of which have been observed. We find 186 "spanning" interactions to base-pairs in which the amino acid hydrogen bonds to both bases, in principle allowing particular base-pairs to be selectively targeted, and nine of these have been observed. Four calculated interactions span the Watson-Crick pairs and 15 span the G:U wobble pair, including two interesting arrangements with three hydrogen bonds to the Arg guanidinum group that have not yet been observed. The inherent donor-acceptor arrangements of the bases support many possible interactions to Asn (or Gln) and Ser (or Thr or Tyr), few interactions to Asp (or Glu) even though several already have been observed, and interactions to U (or T) only if the base is in an unpaired context, as also observed in several cases. This study highlights how complementary arrangements of donors and acceptors can contribute to base-specific recognition of RNA, predicts interactions not yet observed, and provides tools to analyze proposed contacts or design novel interactions.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术扩增大肠杆菌MS2噬菌体的外壳蛋白和成熟酶蛋白基因,将其克隆到pET32a中构建中间载体pET32a-CP。将FMDV的内部核糖体结合位点(IRES)保守序列连接到中间载体噬菌体基因的下游,构建原核表达载体pCPES。将重组质粒pCPES转化宿主菌BL21(DE3),1 mmol/L IPTG诱导表达。蔗糖密度梯度离心纯化表达产物。透射电镜观察到直径大约26 nm的圆形病毒样颗粒。检测病毒样颗粒的稳定性并进行RT-PCR鉴定。结果表明该病毒样颗粒含口蹄疫病毒IRES RNA序列,并且稳定性良好,本研究构建的病毒样颗粒可以作为RNA病毒检测时的标准品和质控品使用。  相似文献   

We have identified a small, highly structured (shs)RNA that binds human recombinant prion protein (hrPrP) with high affinity and specificity under physiological conditions (e.g. 10% bovine calf serum (BCS), neutral pH, nanomolar concentrations of RNA and hrPrP). We also demonstrate the ability of this shsRNA to form highly stable nucleoprotein complexes with hrPrP and cellular PrP (PrP(C)) from various cell extracts and mammalian brain homogenates. The apparent mass of the nucleoprotein complex is dependent on the molar ratio of hrPrP to RNA during complex formation. The hrPrP in these complexes acquires resistance to degradation by Proteinase K (PK). Other shsRNAs, however, under identical conditions, neither form stable complexes with hrPrP nor do they induce resistance to PK digestion. We also demonstrate that the RNAs in these nucleoprotein complexes become resistant to ribonuclease A hydrolysis. These interactions between shsRNAs and hrPrP suggest possible roles of RNAs in the modulation of PrP structure and perhaps disease development. ShsRNAs that bind to hrPrP with high affinity and induce resistance to PK digestion can be used to develop molecular biology assays for the screening of compounds associated with PrP structure transformation or for drugs that inhibit this process.  相似文献   

Small RNAs (sRNAs) regulate bacterial genes involved in environmental adaptation. This RNA regulation requires Hfq, a bacterial Sm-like protein that stabilizes sRNAs and enhances RNA-RNA interactions. To understand the mechanism of target recognition by sRNAs, we investigated the interactions between Hfq, the sRNA DsrA, and its regulatory target rpoS mRNA, which encodes the stress response sigma factor. Nuclease footprinting revealed that Hfq recognized multiple sites in rpoS mRNA without significantly perturbing secondary structure in the 5' leader that inhibits translation initiation. Base-pairing with DsrA, however, made the rpoS ribosome binding site fully accessible, as predicted by genetic data. Hfq bound DsrA four times more tightly than the DsrA.rpoS RNA complex in gel mobility-shift assays. Consequently, Hfq is displaced rapidly from its high-affinity binding site on DsrA by conformational changes in DsrA, when DsrA base-pairs with rpoS mRNA. Hfq accelerated DsrA.rpoS RNA association and stabilized the RNA complex up to twofold. Hybridization of DsrA and rpoS mRNA was optimal when Hfq occupied its primary binding site on free DsrA, but was inhibited when Hfq associated with the DsrA.rpoS RNA complex. We conclude that recognition of rpoS mRNA is stimulated by binding of Hfq to free DsrA sRNA, followed by release of Hfq from the sRNA.mRNA complex.  相似文献   

Several models for the transmission and progression of prion diseases have arisen, evolving with the acquisition of new experimental results. It is generally accepted that the PrPSc protein is at least part of the infectious particle and the major protein component of the scrapie-associated fibrils (SAFs) that characterize the disease. An additional, unknown cofactor is most likely involved in transmission of the disease, perhaps by influencing the PrPC PrPSc transition. This review relates experimental observations on the interactions of nucleic acids (NAs) and PrP with specific focus on alterations in structure. In particular, NAs appear to induce PrPC to acquire some of the structural and biochemical characteristics of PrPSc. An updated hypothesis is related wherein NAs, on the basis of their structure, act in the PrPC PrPSc transformation by serving as catalysts and/or chaperones and not by encoding genetic information.  相似文献   

Many steps in the control of gene expression are dependent on RNA-binding proteins, most of which are bi-functional, in as much as they both bind to RNA and interact with other protein partners in a functional complex. A powerful approach to study the functional properties of these proteins in vivo, independently of their RNA-binding ability, is to attach or tether them to specifically engineered reporter mRNAs whose fate can be easily followed. Two tethering systems have been mainly used in eukaryotic cells, namely the MS2 coat protein system and the lambda N-B box system. In this review, we firstly describe several studies in which these tethering systems have been used and provide an overview of these applications. We next describe the major features of these two systems, and, finally, we highlight a number of points that should be considered when designing experiments using this approach.  相似文献   

The position and conformation of the N-terminal helix of free ribosomal protein S15 was earlier found to be modified under various conditions. This variability was supposed to provide the recognition by the protein of its specific site on 16S rRNA. To test this hypothesis, we substituted some amino acid residues in this helix and assessed effects of these substitutions on the affinity of the protein for 16S rRNA. The crystal structure of the complex of one of these mutants (Thr3Cys S15) with the 16S rRNA fragment was determined, and a computer model of the complex containing another mutant (Gln8Met S15) was designed. The available and new information was analyzed in detail, and the N-terminal helix was concluded to play no significant role in the specific binding of the S15 protein to its target on 16S rRNA.  相似文献   

Protein SRP54 is an essential component of eukaryotic signal recognition particle (SRP). The methionine-rich M-domain (SRP54M or 54M) interacts with the SRP RNA and is also involved in the binding to signal peptides of secretory proteins during their targeting to cellular membranes. To gain insight into the molecular details of SRP-mediated protein targeting, we studied the human 54M polypeptide. The recombinant human protein was expressed successfully in Escherichia coli and was purified to homogeneity. Our studies determined the sites that were susceptible to limited proteolysis, with the goal to design smaller functional mutant derivatives that lacked nonessential amino acid residues from both termini. Of the four polypeptides produced by V8 protease or chymotrypsin, 54MM-2 was the shortest (120 residues; Mr = 13,584.8), but still contained the conserved amino acids suggested to associate with the signal peptide or the SRP RNA. 54MM-2 was cloned, expressed, purified to homogeneity, and was shown to bind human SRP RNA in the presence of protein SRP19, indicating that it was functional. Highly reproducible conditions for the crystallization of 54MM-2 were established. Examination of the crystals by X-ray diffraction showed an orthorhombic unit cell of dimensions a = 29.127 A, b = 63.693 A, and c = 129.601 A, in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with reflections extending to at least 2.0 A.  相似文献   

Summary The Rev Response Element (RRE) RNA-Rev protein interaction is important for regulation of gene expression in the human immunodeficiency virus. A model system for this interaction, which includes stem IIB of the RRE RNA and an arginine-rich peptide from the RNA-binding domain of Rev, was studied using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR. Assignment of the RNA when bound to the peptide was obtained from NMR experiments utilizing uniformly and specifically 13C-labeled RNA. Isotopic filtering experiments on the specifically labeled RNA enabled unambiguous assignment of unusual nonsequential NOE patterns present in the internal loop of the RRE. A three-dimensional model of the RNA in the complex was obtained using restrained molecular dynamics calculations. The internal loop contains two purine-purine base pairs, which are stacked to form one continuous helix flanked by two A-form regions. The formation of a G-G base pair in the internal loop requires an unusual structure of the phosphate backbone. This structural feature is consistent with mutational data as being important for the binding of Rev to the RRE. The G-G base pair may play an important role in opening the normally narrow major groove of A-form RNA to permit binding of the Rev basic domain.  相似文献   

Because of the simplicity and regularity of the alpha-helical coiled coil relative to other structural motifs, it can be conveniently used to clarify the molecular interactions responsible for protein folding and stability. Here we describe the de novo design and characterization of a two heptad-repeat peptide stabilized by a complex network of inter- and intrahelical salt bridges. Circular dichroism spectroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation show that this peptide is highly alpha-helical and 100% dimeric tinder physiological buffer conditions. Interestingly, the peptide was shown to switch its oligomerization state from a dimer to a trimer upon increasing ionic strength. The correctness of the rational design principles used here is supported by details of the atomic structure of the peptide deduced from X-ray crystallography. The structure of the peptide shows that it is not a molten globule but assumes a unique, native-like conformation. This de novo peptide thus represents an attractive model system for the design of a molecular recognition system.  相似文献   

The k-turn is a widespread structural motif that introduces a tight kink into the helical axis of double-stranded RNA. The adenine bases of consecutive G•A pairs are directed toward the minor groove of the opposing helix, hydrogen bonding in a typical A-minor interaction. We show here that the available structures of k-turns divide into two classes, depending on whether N3 or N1 of the adenine at the 2b position accepts a hydrogen bond from the O2′ at the −1n position. There is a coordinated structural change involving a number of hydrogen bonds between the two classes. We show here that Kt-7 can adopt either the N3 or N1 structures depending on environment. While it has the N1 structure in the ribosome, on engineering it into the SAM-I riboswitch, it changes to the N3 structure, resulting in a significant alteration in the trajectory of the helical arms.  相似文献   

Protein binding is essential to the transport,decay and regulation of almost all RNA molecules.However,the structural preference of protein binding on RNAs and their cellular functions and dynamics upon changing environmental conditions are poorly understood.Here,we integrated various high-throughput data and introduced a computational framework to describe the global interactions between RNA binding proteins(RBPs)and structured RNAs in yeast at single-nucleotide resolution.We found that on average,in terms of percent total lengths,~15%of mRNA untranslated regions(UTRs),~37%of canonical non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs)and~11%of long ncRNAs(lncRNAs)are bound by proteins.The RBP binding sites,in general,tend to occur at single-stranded loops,with evolutionarily conserved signatures,and often facilitate a specific RNA structure conformation in vivo.We found that four nucleotide modifications of tRNA are significantly associated with RBP binding.We also identified various structural motifs bound by RBPs in the UTRs of mRNAs,associated with localization,degradation and stress responses.Moreover,we identified>200 novel lncRNAs bound by RBPs,and about half of them contain conserved secondary structures.We present the first ensemble pattern of RBP binding sites in the structured non-coding regions of a eukaryotic genome,emphasizing their structural context and cellular functions.  相似文献   

Structural changes in the single-stranded genome RNAs (RNAs 1, 2 and 3) and the subgenomic coat protein messenger (RNA 4) of alfalfa mosaic virus upon addition of a few coat protein molecules of the virus were investigated by measuring the fluorescent intensity of bound ethidium bromide and by circular dichroism. No effect could be observed in the case of the genome RNAs. However, in RNA 4, which is of much less complexity than the genome RNAs, a reduction of the ethidium bromide binding by 30% was found, whereas the positive molar ellipticity at 265 nm was reduced by 9% upon binding of the coat protein. Both changes point to a reduction of the ordered structure of the RNA. Since the protein is known to bind first at the 3′-terminus of RNA 4 and probably also of the genome RNAs, the conformational changes observed could be those thought to be necessary for replicase recognition in this positive-stranded RNA virus which needs the coat protein for starting an infection cycle.  相似文献   

N6-Methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant internal modification in RNA and is specifically recognized by YT521-B homology (YTH) domain-containing proteins. Recently we reported that YTHDC1 prefers guanosine and disfavors adenosine at the position preceding the m6A nucleotide in RNA and preferentially binds to the GG(m6A)C sequence. Now we systematically characterized the binding affinities of the YTH domains of three other human proteins and yeast YTH domain protein Pho92 and determined the crystal structures of the YTH domains of human YTHDF1 and yeast Pho92 in complex with a 5-mer m6A RNA, respectively. Our binding and structural data revealed that the YTH domain used a conserved aromatic cage to recognize m6A. Nevertheless, none of these YTH domains, except YTHDC1, display sequence selectivity at the position preceding the m6A modification. Structural comparison of these different YTH domains revealed that among those, only YTHDC1 harbors a distinctly selective binding pocket for the nucleotide preceding the m6A nucleotide.  相似文献   

Although the identification of protein interactions by high-throughput (HTP) methods progresses at a fast pace, 'interactome' data sets still suffer from high rates of false positives and low coverage. To map the human protein interactome, we describe a new framework that uses experimental evidence on structural complexes, the atomic details of binding interfaces and evolutionary conservation. The structurally inferred interaction network is highly modular and more functionally coherent compared with experimental interaction networks derived from multiple literature citations. Moreover, structurally inferred and high-confidence HTP networks complement each other well, allowing us to construct a merged network to generate testable hypotheses and provide valuable experimental leads.  相似文献   

The chloroplast 24 kDa RNA binding protein (24RNP) from Spinacea oleracea is a nuclear encoded protein that binds the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of some chloroplast mRNAs and seems to be involved in some processes of mRNA metabolism, such as 3'UTR processing, maturation and stabilization. The 24RNP is similar to the 28RNP which is involved in the correct maturation of petD and psbA 3'UTRs, and when phosphorylated, decreases its binding affinity for RNA. In the present work, we determined that the recombinant 24RNP was phosphorylated in vitro either by an animal protein kinase C, a plant Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase, or a chloroplastic kinase activity present in a protein extract with 3'-end processing activity in which the 24RNP is also present. Phosphorylation of 24RNP increased the binding capacity (B(max)) 0.25 time for petD 3'UTR, and three times for psbA 3'UTR; the affinity for P-24RNP only increased when the interaction with petD was tested. Competition experiments suggested that B(max), not K(d), might be a more important factor in the P-24RNP-3'UTR interaction. The data suggested that the 24RNP role in chloroplast mRNA metabolism may be regulated in vivo by changes in its phosphorylation status carried out by a chloroplastic kinase.  相似文献   

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