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Barbara K.  Snow 《Ibis》1972,114(2):139-162
The Calf bird Perissocephalus tricolor was studied in the Kanuku Mountains of southern Guyana for three months (January-April 1970), during which time almost daily visits were paid to a lek of four adult males. The adult males owned perches about 30 ft up in understorey trees, where they displayed and called throughout much of the day. Four immature males also visited the lek, particularly in the morning and evening. The immatures also wandered, feeding and occasionally calling together, over an area of forest of approximately 3 miles by half a mile. There was a hierarchy among the adult and immature males, the dominant males owning the most coveted perches at the lek. The male's most far-reaching call, the “moo call”, is a co-operative advertising call, in that birds calling together adjust the timing of their calls so as to follow each other and not overlap. The adult males perform a number of silent agonistic displays on their lek perches. Periodically, adult and immature males and sometimes a female invade the vicinity of a lek perch, usually that of the dominant male. Once a female was briefly mounted by the dominant male on his lek perch during an invasion. On other occasions females visited the lek but no mating occurred. The food of the males attending the lek was recorded by the daily collection of a total of 2,500 regurgitated fruit seeds (mostly drupes) from below the perches. Males also regularly take insects, but in smaller quantities. Three nests were found. The nest is an extremely light structure built entirely of fine twigs. A single egg was laid in each nest. All the nests (and two old ones) were within half a mile of the lek. Two of the nests were only 5 yards apart and the eggs were laid in them within 10 days of each other. The incubation period at one nest was 26–27 days and the fledging period approximately 27 days. The chick on hatching was covered in bright orange-chestnut down. It was fed mostly on insects (predominantly Orthoptera) brought by the female in her beak. There was no evidence of a male attending the nest. The Calfbird's nesting and lek behaviour is compared with that of other species of Cotingidae.  相似文献   

The evolution of leks may be explained by several hypotheses. The ‘female preference’ hypothesis, which states that females favour males that have aggregated, has recently gained some empirical support. Low-quality, unattractive males may, however, settle near attractive males, as predicted by the ‘hotshot’ hypothesis. We tested whether black grouse Tetrao tetrix females use auditory cues to find the preferred leks, and whether males respond to vocal display emitted on leks. We conducted a playback experiment with male vocal display (rookooing) on leks, where the visiting females and displaying males were counted. The number of males tended to increase more on playback leks. Specifically, the number of 1-year-old males was greater on playback sites than on control sites. Also, the number of females, in relation to the lek size before the start of the experiment tended to increase. In addition, we used aviary playback trials to test whether females distinguish between single-male and multi-male displays. In a choice test, females showed greater preference for the ‘multi-male’ tape. The tendency for increased male numbers on playback leks resulted from increased visits of young, mobile males which were attracted to leks that they perceived to be large. This suggests a ‘hotshot’-type mechanism in the settlement of young males. Because females also responded to the supplemented auditory advertisement, or directly to the increased number of males, the ‘female preference’ hypothesis is also supported. Females may, at least in part, base their decision of which lek to visit on auditory cues, but visual contact to males may be also needed.  相似文献   

Vocal learning in birds is typically restricted to a sensitive period early in life, with the few exceptions reported in songbirds and parrots. Here, we present evidence of open-ended vocal learning in a hummingbird, the third avian group with vocal learning. We studied vocalizations at four leks of the long-billed hermit Phaethornis longirostris during a four-year period. Individuals produce a single song repertoire, although several song-types can coexist at a single lek. We found that nine of 49 birds recorded on multiple days (18%) changed their song-type between consecutive recordings. Three of these birds replaced song-types twice. Moreover, the earliest estimated age when song replacement occurred ranged from 186 to 547 days (mean = 307 days) and all nine birds who replaced song-types produced a crystallized song before replacement. The findings indicate that song-type replacement is distinct from an initial early learning sensitive period. As half of lekking males do not survive past the first year of life in this species, song learning may well extend throughout the lifespan. This behaviour would be convergent to vocal learning programmes found in parrots and songbirds.  相似文献   

We carried out a combination of field and laboratory experiments to investigate two possible mechanisms promoting the evolution of lekking in the sandfly, Lutzomyia longipalpis. Males in this species lek on or near hosts that females visit to mate and feed. To test whether the distribution of resources, lek size and female number were positively correlated (a prediction of hotspot models) we manipulated the availability of potential lek sites by varying the numbers of chickens, Gallus gallus domesticus, held in field cages. We then investigated the distribution of males and females across leks formed within these cages and measured males to assess the relationship between male size and lek size. The number of males attracted to a lek increased with the number of hosts present and on average males on larger leks had longer abdomens. The number of females was positively correlated with the number of males present, but the average number of females per male decreased with increasing lek size. In a second experiment, we introduced single females to laboratory leks of different sizes, and compared female latency to mate. Contrary to an explicit prediction of the black hole model, lek size had a direct effect on a female's latency to mate. Females at larger leks encountered and copulated with males sooner than those at smaller aggregations, but the length of time a pair spent courting did not vary with lek size. Our results suggest that the black hole model is unlikely to explain the evolution of lekking in this species. The data instead support the hotspot model as a possible mechanism promoting lekking in L. longipalpis but suggest that female preference for larger leks may need to be invoked to obtain the degree of aggregation observed.  相似文献   

We interrogate an 18-year-long dataset containing counts of displaying male black grouse Tetrao tetrix and incidental counts of females within an 800-km2 region of Perthshire, Scotland. We examine the trends in the population and investigate how different components of the population might act as signposts of different stages of overall population change. We found statistical evidence for a decline in black grouse numbers between 1992 and 2000, and then a recovery from 2002 to 2008, but little evidence for a link between population change and weather during the decline phase. There was some evidence for a positive relationship between male and female counts. The two main components of male population size, lek size and lek frequency followed the overall population trend while it was increasing, but during the earlier decline, the two became uncoupled, to expose a complex structure within the data. During the decline, when black grouse numbers were approaching their minimum, mean lek size was actually increasing. Small leks lost proportionally more birds than did large leks, and lek longevity was positively correlated with lek size, indicating that maintenance of large leks is crucial in buffering the population against serious declines. During the decline, the spatial arrangement of leks changed, with remnant leks showing tight clustering at larger spatial scales, before expanding out to fill the large areas of unoccupied landscape during the population increase. We discuss these findings in terms of species monitoring and suggest that counts of young males may add much useful demographic information with little extra effort.  相似文献   

We evaluated the genetic structure of birds from four closely spaced leks in a peripheral population of lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). Analyses of molecular variance revealed significant genetic structuring among birds from different leks for six microsatellite loci (FST = 0.036; P = 0.002), but we found no genetic differentiation at the mtDNA control region. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg revealed an excess of homozygote genotypes within each of the leks studied (FIS = 0.190-0.307), indicative of increased inbreeding. Estimates of relatedness using microsatellite data suggest that the genetic structuring among lesser prairie-chicken leks occurs in part because of a lek mating system in which males at some leks are related. Structuring may also be caused by stochastic effects associated with a historical decline in population size leading to small, semi-isolated leks and high site fidelity by reproductive males. Results from this study suggest that microspatial genetic structuring may occur in lek-mating bird species with low levels of dispersal.  相似文献   

Frugivores exhibit considerable variation in the seed dispersal services they provide. Understanding what drives these differences is a key goal for ecologists because of the central role seed dispersal plays in shaping ecological and genetic diversity in plant populations. The lek‐mating system of the Long‐wattled Umbrellabird (Cephalopterus penduliger) provides a powerful lens to examine how mating behavior may impact seed dispersal outcomes. As in all lek‐breeding species, male Umbrellabirds congregate in traditional sites (leks) to display, whereas females are solitary and visit leks only rarely. This study demonstrates how differences in mating behavior between the sexes drive distinctive seed movement and deposition patterns by male vs. female Umbrellabirds. Using radio tracking and gut retention trials, we documented divergent movement patterns between the sexes that are directly attributable to mating behavior differences. These movement differences led males to disperse seeds long distances from source trees and to deposit the majority of seeds they ingested within the lek; females dispersed seeds shorter distances and more evenly across the landscape. We empirically confirmed that the density of dispersed seeds was higher in leks than in control areas outside the lek, yet found no evidence that this higher density of seeds in leks reduced probability of seedling establishment. This research not only provides a mechanistic explanation for long dispersal distances and high levels of genetic diversity previously reported for seeds in Umbrellabird leks, but also highlights the importance of explicitly considering behavior in studies of animal‐mediated seed dispersal.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, adult male capercaillies Tetrao urogallus display on leks in the early morning. During the day, they occupy more or less exclusive home ranges within 1 km of the lekking ground, but little is known about their movements and range use patterns during this period. In three spring seasons we monitored the daily movement of 15 radio-tagged adult males, associated with six different leks, in a coniferous forest of southeast Norway. The objective was to relate dynamics of male movement and spatial distribution to changes in food resource availability and mating-related activities. In late winter, males exhibited a pattern of short daily relocations (distance between bird locations in successive days) within small ranges. Relocation distances and home ranges then increased markedly during two weeks preceeding the main mating period. During the mating and post-mating periods, movements again decreased, followed by another short peak at the time when females with depredated nests return to the lek for remating. These temporal changes in range use were not related to changes in food resources and probably not to shifts in anti-predator behaviour, and they differed between age groups: The increase in relocation distance during the pre-mating period was most pronounced among young resident males (3 and 4 year-olds), and range area of older males were smaller and did not increase as much during this period. The observed age-related changes in space use may reflect an alternative mating strategy by young and subdominant males; they seek out females outside the lekking ground where competition from more dominant males is less intense.  相似文献   

Males in lek mating systems tend to exhibit high fidelity to breeding leks despite substantial evidence of skewed mating success among males. Although movements between leks are often reported to be rare, such movements provide a mechanism for an individual to improve lifetime fitness in response to heterogeneity in reproductive conditions. Additionally, estimates of apparent movements among leks are potentially biased due to unaccounted variation in detection probability across time and space. We monitored breeding male Greater Sage‐grouse Centrocercus urophasianus on 13 leks in eastern Nevada over a 10‐year period, and estimated movement rates among leks using capture‐mark‐recapture methods. We expected that male movement rates among leks would be low, despite predictions of low breeding success for most males, and that detection rates would be highly variable among leks and years. We used a robust design multistate analysis in Program mark to estimate probability of movements among leks, while accounting for imperfect detection of males. Male Sage‐grouse were extremely faithful to their leks; the annual probability of a male moving away from its original lek of capture was approximately 3% (se = 0.01). Detection probabilities varied substantially among leks (range = 0.21–0.95), and among years (range = 0.30–0.76), but remained relatively constant within years at each lek. These results suggest that male Sage‐grouse dispersal is either rare, or consists primarily of dispersal of sub‐adults from their natal areas prior to the breeding season. The study highlights the benefits of robust design multistate models over standard ‘live‐encounter’ analyses, as they not only permit estimation of additional parameters, such as movement rates, but also allow for more precise parameter estimates that are less sensitive to heterogeneity in detection rates. Additionally, as these data were collected using capture‐mark‐recapture methods, our approach to estimating movement rates would be beneficial in systems where radiotagging is detrimental to the study organism.  相似文献   

We investigated factors underlying variation in male matingsuccess in Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), a lek-breeding antelope.We found that only heavy (and, possibly, relatively old) malesheld lek territories and that female choice was an importantdeterminant of nonrandom mating patterns at leks. Our measureof male mating success was closely related to the historicalpopularity of the territory that a male defended, and individualfemales showed consistent preferences for particular lek territories,despite changes in territory ownership. Male success increasedwith body weight and declined independently of territory effectsduring each bout of lek territory tenure. We also found someevidence that female kob copied one another's choice of matesbecause females arriving at a lek tended to join territoriesthat already had relatively large harems on them. When comparedacross leks, average male mating success increased with leksize. Our results suggest that female kob may use a suite ofmale- and territory-based cues in mate choice at leks and, asa result, mate with particularly large males. However, we wereunable to determine whether female kob gain any direct or indirectbenefits through mate choice at leks.  相似文献   

The costs of female choice in a lekking bird   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
We investigated the costs of active female choice in sage grouse,Centrocercus urophasianus, a lekking species in which femalesmake repeated, lengthy visits to leks to assess males beforemating. Several potential costs were measured by monitoringchanges in hens' ranging behavior, time budgets, and encounterrates with predators when they visited leks. Two costs wereidentified: hens moved further per day and encountered goldeneagles, Aquila chrysaetos, more frequently when visiting leks.However, extra travel due to visiting leks increased predicteddaily energetic expenditure by only about 1%, and the risk ofpredation by golden eagles over a typical series of lek visits(compared to a single short visit for mating) was estimatedto reduce annual survival by <0.1%. Two other potential costswere not supported: visiting leks did not depress foraging timeor conflict with nest defense. These results indicate that anycosts of mate choice are slight and imply that even very smallbenefits could be sufficient to maintain female choice. We presentcalculations which suggest that increased offspring viabilitydue to choosing fitter males could balance predation costs evenif the heritability of fitness is low and if females identifyfitter males with only moderate accuracy. Despite recent emphasison the direct benefits of mate choice, we conclude that eitherindirect or direct benefits could provide a plausible solutionto the lek paradox.  相似文献   

The role that kin selection might play in the evolution of lekking in birds remains controversial. Recent molecular data suggest that males displaying on leks are related. Here we investigated the genetic structure and pattern of relatedness on leks of a declining population of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) using microsatellite genetic markers. Since the species is highly sensitive to disturbance, we adopted a non-invasive method by using faecal samples collected in the field. Based on a dataset of 50 males distributed in 6 sub-populations, we found significant genetic structuring among sub-populations, and a significant pattern of isolation by distance among leks. Estimates of relatedness showed that males displaying on the same lek were related, even when controlling for the effects of genetical differentiation among sub-populations. In addition, the frequency distribution of relatedness values indicated that leks contain a mixture of close kin and unrelated individuals (34 and 66%, respectively). This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that leks often contain kin associations, which might be due to very restricted dispersal of some of the males or to joint dispersal of kin. The results are discussed with respect to their implication for the conservation of endangered populations.  相似文献   

Avian malaria, the infection by blood parasites of the genus Plasmodium, can reduce host fitness not only through mortality, but also by impairing the expression of sexual selection traits. Although different studies highlight the association of parasitism with a decrease in host reproductive success, few studies have addressed the role of parasites in honest signalling by lekking species. Hence, it is still uncertain which fitness components are affected by parasites in these species. We investigated whether avian malaria is associated with a decrease in mating behaviour of male blue‐crowned manakins Lepidothrix coronata and whether it affects female visitation in leks of a population in the central Amazon. Through behavioural observations, we estimated the rates of total male activity and social interaction, as well as the frequency of female visits at individual perches. We then examined if individuals were infected with Plasmodium spp. using molecular techniques. Avian malaria was associated with a decrease in male mating behaviour in each lek, and mating behaviour correlated with female visitation. Although rates of social interaction were not correlated with avian malaria among males, we observed that interacting with several individuals within a lek may be advantageous for males, as they also vocalized and displayed more, thus increasing their chances of being visited by females. Although female visitation was not associated with avian malaria in individuals or leks, it is still possible that female visitation is indirectly affected by avian malaria through the latter's effects on male activity. We suggest a role for male activity as an honest sexual signal for females. Thus, male display rate could be used by females as cue for the probability of a male being infected.  相似文献   

Behavioural ecologists have interpreted avian leks as products of sexual selection, in which males display socially to increase their opportunities to mate. However, without invoking reproductive queuing or kin selection, this paradigm does not necessarily explain why many males that fail to mate participate in leks. An alternative solution, that males also aggregate to reduce predation, has previously lacked compelling support. We show that mixed-species leks, comprising two congeneric grouse, form when single males or small groups of one species, the greater prairie chicken Tympanuchus cupido, join leks of another, the sharp-tailed grouse T. phasianellus. We documented the process by observing lek dynamics and comparing group sizes between mixed- and single-species leks. Joining implies that prairie chickens benefit from displaying with sharp-tailed grouse. The numbers of females of each species attending a lek increased with the number of conspecific, but not heterospecific, males. This suggests that the joining of heterospecifics is unlikely to increase mating opportunities, and leaves lowered predation risk as the most likely benefit of associating with heterospecifics. Active formation of mixed-species leks therefore suggests that predation may be sufficient to drive lek formation. The benefits of participation in mixed leks may be asymmetrical because prairie chickens display more and are less vigilant than sharp-tailed grouse.  相似文献   

Lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) are traditionally monitored by spring road-based lek surveys and counts of males attending leks. Several weaknesses exist with ground-based monitoring methods such as the bias of restricting surveys to roads, unknown probability of lek detection, and man-hours required to survey large tracts of habitat. We evaluated aerial surveys to locate lesser prairie-chicken leks in Texas and New Mexico using a Cessna 172 airplane (C172), R-22 Beta II helicopter (R-22), and R-44 Raven II helicopter (R-44) during spring 2007–2008. We determined lek activity during surveys with remote cameras placed on leks and cross-referenced time on the photo frame to time on our Global Positioning System flight log. From remote cameras we found that 305 leks were available for detection during survey flights. We determined lek detectability was 32.7% (95% CI = 20.3–47.1%) in the C172, 72.3% (64.50–79.14%) in the R-22, and 89.8% (82.0–95.0%) in the R-44. We created 16 a priori logistic regression models incorporating aircraft platform, distance to lek, survey date, lek size, and lek type to explain lek detection from aerial surveys. Our top ranked model included platform, distance, and lek type (model weight; wi = 0.288). We had four competitive models and model averaged to draw inferences. Model averaging showed that detectability was generally greatest with the R-44, followed by the R-22, and lowest with the C172, with a slight deviation from this ranking at increased distances. Within our transect width, model averaging also suggested that detectability decreased as distance from the transect to the lek increased during helicopter surveys, and detectability increased as distance from the transect to the lek increased during C172 surveys. Furthermore, man-made leks were more likely to be detected than natural leks and large leks were more likely to be detected than medium or small leks. Aerial surveys effectively locate new leks and monitor lek density, and alleviate weaknesses associated with ground-based monitoring. We recommend using the R-44 to conduct lek surveys while flying at an altitude of 15 m at a speed of 60 km/hr on sunny mornings. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds have developed a remarkable diversity of learned vocalizations, from single-note songs to phonologically and syntactically complex songs. In this study we evaluated if geographic song variation of wedge-tailed sabrewings (Campylopterus curvipennis) is correlated with genetic divergence, and examined processes that explain best the origin of intraspecific song variation. We contrasted estimates of genetic differentiation, genetic structure, and gene flow across leks from microsatellite loci of wedge-tailed sabrewings with measures for acoustic signals involved in mating derived from recordings of males singing at leks throughout eastern Mexico. We found a strong acoustic structure across leks and geography, where lek members had an exclusive assemblage of syllable types, differed in spectral and temporal measurements of song, and song sharing decreased with geographic distance. However, neutral genetic and song divergence were not correlated, and measures of genetic differentiation and migration estimates indicated gene flow across leks. The persistence of acoustic structuring in wedge-tailed sabrewings may thus best be explained by stochastic processes across leks, in which intraspecific vocal variation is maintained in the absence of genetic differentiation by postdispersal learning and social conditions, and by geographical isolation due to the accumulation of small differences, producing most dramatic changes between populations further apart.  相似文献   

For lek‐breeding birds, lek attendance can be correlated with mating success. Variability in lek attendance could confound interpretation of male reproductive effort and complicate the use of lek counts as an index to monitor abundance. We assessed the daily probability of male Sage Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus lek attendance and explored implications of attendance on lek counts. We fitted 145 males with global positioning system (GPS) transmitters over 4 years in Carbon County, Wyoming. We evaluated influences of lek size and topography, date, weather, and bird characteristics such as age on daily morning lek attendance. The daily probability of attendance ranged considerably each year, from 0.120 (, 95% CI 0.051–0.259) in 2012 to 0.917 (95% CI 0.844–0.957) in 2013 with peak attendance dates ranging from 8 April (2012) to 11 May (2011). Attendance decreased with increasing precipitation on the observation day. Only 44–79% of lek counts occurred on days without precipitation and with high attendance (i.e. within 0.1 probability of peak predicted attendance). Although lek counts and population abundance, predicted using attendance rates, followed a similar trend, the relationship was not significantly correlated. We provide empirical evidence supporting current lek‐count protocols: managers should avoid counting leks on days with precipitation because attendance is reduced. Although managers sometimes only complete one to two lek counts per year on active leks, completing at least three lek counts as recommended in protocols increases chances for higher male counts and improves the relationship between counts and abundance. Attendance varies annually, making it challenging to use lek counts to assess regional population trends over short time periods unless attendance is accounted for.  相似文献   

Mammals are common predators on bird nests. However, their species identity frequently remains unknown. Here we present long-term data (1975–2005) from a central European woodland on the predatory effect of three dormice species (Rodentia, Gliridae) on cavity-nesting birds. Dormice are mostly frugivorous during the active late-summer season, but shortly after they terminate hibernation, they frequently depredate cavity-nesting-bird nests. The seven bird species studied, lost on average between 2.9 to 18.4% of their broods. MigratoryFicedula flycatchers suffered the highest brood losses, while the residentParus titmice and the nuthatchSitta europaea had much lower brood losses. The three dormice species differed significantly in their predatory effect during different avian breeding stages. The edible dormouseGlis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) depredated both eggs and nestlings equally, while the common dormouseMuscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and the forest dormouseDryomys nitedula (Pallas, 1778) destroyed more nests during egg laying and the incubation period. Among adult birds, females were taken more frequently by dormice than males. Among avian species, adultFicedula flycatchers were more often depredated than the titmice and nuthatch. Our study provided further evidence, that among the traditional studies on the costs of reproduction, parental mortality at the nests needs to be considered and that incubating or brooding females might be under higher predation risk than the males.  相似文献   

The hot-spot hypothesis suggests that males should establishleks in areas where they are more likely to encounter females;these areas are determined, in part, by overlap in home rangesof females. We examined this hypothesis using data on movementof greater prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) in northeasternColorado during 1986–1988. The relative quality of variouslocations as potential lek sites was estimated using nest-to-lekdistances of females; quality (male breeding potential) wasevaluated on a scale of 0 to 1 and was positively correlatedwith proximity to nest sites of females. Monte Carlo simulationswere conducted to examine male breeding potential under varyingconditions of observed and random lek locations. Male breedingpotential was higher at actual lek sites than at random leksites. Distributions of leks and nests supported predictionsof the hot-spot hypothesis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Modification of landscapes due to energy development may alter both habitat use and vital rates of sensitive wildlife species. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming and Montana, USA, have experienced rapid, widespread changes to their habitat due to recent coal-bed natural gas (CBNG) development. We analyzed lek-count, habitat, and infrastructure data to assess how CBNG development and other landscape features influenced trends in the numbers of male sage-grouse observed and persistence of leks in the PRB. From 2001 to 2005, the number of males observed on leks in CBNG fields declined more rapidly than leks outside of CBNG. Of leks active in 1997 or later, only 38% of 26 leks in CBNG fields remained active by 2004–2005, compared to 84% of 250 leks outside CBNG fields. By 2005, leks in CBNG fields had 46% fewer males per active lek than leks outside of CBNG. Persistence of 110 leks was positively influenced by the proportion of sagebrush habitat within 6.4 km of the lek. After controlling for habitat, we found support for negative effects of CBNG development within 0.8 km and 3.2 km of the lek and for a time lag between CBNG development and lek disappearance. Current lease stipulations that prohibit development within 0.4 km of sage-grouse leks on federal lands are inadequate to ensure lek persistence and may result in impacts to breeding populations over larger areas. Seasonal restrictions on drilling and construction do not address impacts caused by loss of sagebrush and incursion of infrastructure that can affect populations over long periods of time. Regulatory agencies may need to increase spatial restrictions on development, industry may need to rapidly implement more effective mitigation measures, or both, to reduce impacts of CBNG development on sage-grouse populations in the PRB.  相似文献   

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