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Existence of a substantial fraction of replicon initiation events refractory to the effects of X irradiation in Chinese hamster cells has been reported by several laboratories. The work reported here examined whether this apparently refractive fraction resulted from a delayed inhibition of initiation events. Data obtained from velocity sedimentation studies indicated that the extent of inhibition increased over the first hour after irradiation from 35% inhibition immediately following exposure to 3 kR to 75% inhibition of initiation 1 hr after irradiation. Analysis of subsequent recovery of initiation radiosensitivity was performed using DNA fiber autoradiograms prepared from cells incubated up to 4 hr between 2-kR exposures. The data from these experiments indicated that some recovery occurs within 1 hr of irradiation and thus separation of the inhibition and recovery processes in V-79 cells may not be feasible.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia at either 41.5 or 45 degrees C with variable heating times to reduce cell survival up to three orders of magnitude did not decrease significantly cellular ATP content when measured either immediately or up to 7 hr after a heat treatment. Similarly, cellular ATP content was not significantly reduced with step-down heating, precooling prior to hyperthermia, or thermotolerance induction. The data suggest that heat-induced depletion of intracellular ATP content is not a critical factor in the thermal death of cells heated under normal culture conditions.  相似文献   

The action of the increased intracellular content of adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in CHO-K1 cells (clones 773 and ADr112eb), treated with isoproterenol, on gamma-induced DNA single-strand breaks repair has been investigated. The hormonal treatment stimulates gamma-induced (180 Gr) DNA single-strand repair during the post-irradiation incubation (45 min) by 75 +/- 16%. The results show the involvement of the cAMP system in radiosensitivity of cultured mammalian cells and in regulation of cellular mechanisms of DNA repair.  相似文献   

Resistance to UV-light was studied in two UV-sensitive aneuploid Chinese hamster cell clones to different origin and degree of sensitivity, their respective polyploids and somatic cell hybrids. The karyotype of the parental clones, cell hybrids and polyploids was analyzed in parallel. A great variability of karyotypes was detected in hybrid cells. Serial cultivation of hybrids was accompanied by chromosome loss. Soon after fusion the hybrid clones proved to be more resistant to UV than the parental sensitive cells. However, their sensitivity increased with passages. The comparison of UV-sensitivity with data on karyotype analysis allowed to assume that the increase in sensitivity was correlated with the loss of particular chromosomes or chromosome regions. The results obtained indicated the existence of a polygenic control of UV-sensitivity, the multiple genes being assigned to different chromosomes. A reverse effect of ploidy was detected, i.e. a decrease in the resistance to the lethal action of UV-light in polyploids as compared to the parental clones.  相似文献   

M Nenoi  T Kanai 《Radiation research》1988,116(3):472-481
The repair of potentially lethal damage (PLD) in stationary-phase V79 Chinese hamster cells, which was expressible by a postirradiation treatment with hypertonic (0.5 M NaCl) phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), was analyzed within the framework of the theory of dual radiation action. The interaction function gamma(x) was estimated for cells permitted to repair PLD for various intervals of time. The experimental data indicated that 50-60% of the lethal lesions produced at the time of irradiation were repaired in 120 min. The repair of PLD was implicitly involved in the probability of the interaction of sublesions. That is, g(x,trep) was defined as the probability that two sublesions separated by distance x interact to produce a lethal lesion which will not be repaired until the fixation by treatment with hypertonic PBS at time trep after irradiation. It is concluded that the time dependence of the repair of PLD is not independent of the interaction distance x. Three conclusions are drawn: (1) The repair of a lesion produced by a long distance interaction is not detectable by postirradiation treatment with hypertonic PBS. (2) A lesion produced by a short distance interaction is rapidly repaired in about 20 min. (3) A lesion produced by the interaction of sublesions separated by a distance of about 100 nm is repaired slowly.  相似文献   

The cellular uptake, the cytotoxicity and the induction of resistance to 6-thioguanine (6-TG) in Chinese hamster V79 cells exposed to insoluble crystalline trivalent chromium [Cr(III)], Cr2O3, were investigated. Intracytoplasmic Cr2O3 crystalline particle-containing vacuoles were observed by electron microscopy. Concentrations of 50-200 micrograms/ml did not have a marked killing effect but did show a predominantly concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on cell cycle progression with accumulation of cells in G2 phase. Exposure for 18 h to Cr2O3 induced a statistically significant (p less than 0.001) increase in the mutation frequency of up to 10-fold over the controls. Expression time was 6 days for the lowest concentration and 9 days for the highest. Culture of 6-TGr clones in selective media indicated that they were mutants at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) locus. Examination of growth patterns of Cr2O3-induced mutants showed that, after a delay in reinitiating cell growth, they had varying growth kinetics. The results indicate the ability of a particulate (Cr(III) compound to induce mutation in a mammalian cell system and the usefulness of such systems for detecting genotoxic insoluble metal compounds.  相似文献   

M W McBurney  G F Whitmore 《Cell》1974,2(3):173-182
This article describes the selection of auxotrophic mutants of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and the genetic and biochemical characterization of two mutant lines. AUXB1 is auxotrophic for glycine, adenosine, and thymidine (GAT-), whereas AUXB3 requires only glycine and adenosine (GA-). These mutants do not complement since hybrid cells formed between them are also auxotrophic. Experiments concerned with the reversion of AUXB1 to prototrophy suggest that a single genetic lesion is responsible for the multiple auxotrophy. Biochemical analysis indicates that the multiple auxotrophy of both AUXB1 and AUXB3 is a result of low levels of intracellular folates in mutant cells. Phenotypic reversion to complete or partial prototrophy can be accomplished by growing these cells in high concentrations of folic or folinic acids. However, neither the folate transport nor the dihydrofolate reductase are defective in mutant cells. Chromatographic analysis of intracellular folate derivatives indicates that while folates extracted from wild type cells exist almost exclusively as polyglutamyl derivates (primarily pentaglutamates), AUXB1 cells contain primarily folate derivates in monoglutamyl form and AUXB3 cells contain mono-, di-, and perhaps some triglutamates. This observation suggests that the enzyme responsible for linking glutamate residues onto intracellular folate derivates is the site of the biochemical lesion in the mutant cells. Our results also suggest that a possible function of polyglutamyl residues is to aid cellular retention of folates.  相似文献   

Cytological and cytotoxic effects of kepone on Chinese hamster cells (M3-1) were investigated. Cells treated with 2 micrograms, 4 micrograms, and 6 micrograms/ml of kepone did not show any morphological abnormalities. However, cytological observations showed that chromosome breaks, chromatid breaks, dicentric chromosomes, and chromosome interchanges were produced by these treatments. Cytotoxic studies revealed dose response and time response reactions to kepone. Cell toxicity was greater at the 30 micrograms/ml concentration, producing 100 percent cell death within 24 hours.  相似文献   

The effects of the microtubule inhibitor taxol on the growth and viability of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have been examined. Stable mutants which are between seven to 11-fold more resistant to taxol have been selected in a single step from ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized CHO cells. The two taxol-resistant mutants (TaxR-1 and TaxR-2) which have been studied in detail exhibit novel and strikingly different cross-resistance/collateral sensitivity patterns to various microtubule inhibitors. For example, the TaxR-1 mutant exhibits increased resistance to vinblastine, but in comparison to the parental cells, it shows enhanced sensitivity toward colchicine, colcemid, stegnacine, and griseofulvin. However, the sensitivity of this mutant toward other unrelated compounds, e.g., puromycin, daunomycin, etc., remained largely unaltered. The specific pattern of cross-resistance/collateral-sensitivity of this mutant toward various microtubule inhibitors suggests that the genetic lesion in this mutant may be affecting a microtubule-related component. The TaxR-2 mutant, in contrast, is highly resistant to various microtubule inhibitors including colchicine, colcemid, stegnacine, maytan-sine, vinblastine, and podophyllotoxin. This mutant also exhibits greatly increased cross-resistance to daunomycin, puromycin, ethidium bromide, and VM-26 (compounds which do not inhibit microtubule assembly), and shows reduced cellular uptake of 3H-daunomycin indicating that the genetic lesion in this mutant nonspecifically affects the membrane permeability of various drugs. The cell hybrids formed between TaxR-1 (or TaxR-2 mutant(s)) and a taxol-sensitive cell line exhibit intermediate levels of resistance to the drug, indicating that the TaxR phenotypes of both these mutants behave codominantly under these conditions.  相似文献   

Continuous gamma irradiation at decreasing dose rate was shown to be less effective than acute exposure with regard to the lethal effect and frequency of mutations of resistance to 6-thioguanine in cultured Chinese hamster cells. The cell population subjected to continuous irradiation was more radioresistant than the intact one. Lethal and genetic effects of continuous irradiation at decreasing dose rate were mainly determined by the contribution of the radiation dose received during the first 24 h of exposure.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells were cultured for up to 280 hr in medium containing 1.75 mcg/ml cytochalasin B. The distribution of the number of nuclei per cell in unirradiated cultures on the 6th day was unimodal with some cells containing 27 or more nuclei. The DNA content distribution was in contrast polymodal with the means of the two terminal major peaks occurring at approximately 40 and 80 units of DNA content (antimodes at 29 and 58 units), where 1 unit is the content of untreated G1 cells. Irradiation (gamma, 137-Cs) at doses up to 10 Gy caused an exponential reduction in the proportion of plated cells able to reach high nucleus- or DNA-contents. The reduction due to 5 Gy was stable at least up to 280 hr in culture. The accumulation of total DNA in the culture was well-fitted by a Gompertz function, with little further increase after 230 hr when the average DNA content per cell reached about 90 units.  相似文献   

T Ikushima 《Mutation research》1989,227(4):241-246
Pretreatment with low doses of beta-rays from incorporated tritiated thymidine ([3H]dThd) or of Co-60 gamma-rays (1 or 5 cGy) rendered actively growing Chinese hamster V79 cells more resistant to the induction of micronuclei or sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by a subsequent high dose of gamma-rays (1 Gy). This adaptive response to ionizing radiation (radio-adaptive response) can be induced by an optimal range of low doses of 3H beta-rays, but not by much lower or higher adapting doses. Full expression of the adaptive response induced by the exposure to low doses of 60Co gamma-rays occurred 4 h after the adapting dose. The cells pre-exposed to low doses of gamma-rays showed cross-resistance to challenge doses of gamma-rays themselves and also of mitomycin C (MMC) and near ultraviolet light (UV-B, 313 nm), but not to those of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) or cis-platinum (II) diammine dichloride (cisplatin) for SCE induction. These results suggest that the radio-adaptive response mechanistically couples to the repair network which copes with chromatin lesions induced by MMC and UV-B.  相似文献   

We have previously classified 35 of our respiration-deficient mutants into seven complementation groups and one "overlapping" mutant which does not complement mutants from groups I and II. In this paper we report on the biochemical characterization of representatives of complementation groups I, II, VII, and the "overlapping" mutant. We show that these mutants all have a defect in complex I of the electron-transport chain. The general features of these mutants are: (1) a low rate of O2 consumption in whole cells; (2) a low rate of release of 14CO2 from [2-14C] pyruvate, [1-14C] pyruvate, and [3-14C] beta-hydroxybutyrate; (3) a low rate of release of 14CO2 from [5-14C] glutamate and [1-14C] glutamate in mutants from groups II, VII, and the "overlapping" mutant, whereas a significant amount of 14CO2 is released in mutants from group I; (4) a substantial rate of release of 14CO2 from [U-14C] asparate; (5) in isolated mitochondria, succinate and alpha-glycerol phosphate stimulate O2 consumption whereas substrates which generate NADH, such as malate, do not; and (6) there is little or no rotenone-sensitive NADH oxidase activity in isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   

M Osmak 《Radiation research》1988,115(3):609-616
Chinese hamster V79 cells were preirradiated repeatedly with gamma rays and then exposed to ultraviolet (uv) light or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). The cell killing and induction of mutation at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase locus were examined following these treatments. Cells preirradiated with multiple fractions of gamma rays exhibit the same sensitivity to uv light as the control cells with respect to cell survival and mutation induction. Following treatment with MNNG, resistance to cell killing was observed along with a decreased frequency of mutations induced. These results indicate that the progeny of cells irradiated with multiple fractions of gamma rays could display subsequent changes in sensitivity to lethal and mutagenic effects of additional treatment with DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

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