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Monitoring annual change and long-term trends in population structure and abundance of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is an important but challenging component of their management. Many monitoring programs consist of count-based indices of relative abundance along with a variety of population structure information. Analyzed separately these data can be difficult to interpret because of observation error in the data collection process, missing data, and the lack of an explicit biological model to connect the data streams while accounting for their relative imprecision. We used a Bayesian age-structured integrated population model to integrate data from a fall spotlight survey that produced a count-based index of relative abundance and a volunteer staff and citizen classification survey that generated a fall recruitment index. Both surveys took place from 2003–2018 in the parkland ecoregion of southeast Saskatchewan, Canada. Our approach modeled demographic processes for age-specific (0.5-, 1.5-, ≥2.5-year-old classes) populations and was fit to count and recruitment data via models that allowed for error in the respective observation processes. The Bayesian framework accommodated missing data and allowed aggregation of transects to act as samples from the larger management unit population. The approach provides managers with continuous time series of estimated relative abundance, recruitment rates, and apparent survival rates with full propagation of uncertainty and sharing of information among transects. We used this model to demonstrate winter severity effects on recruitment rates via an interaction between winter snow depth and minimum temperatures. In years with colder than average temperatures and above average snow depth, recruitment was depressed, whereas the negative effect of snow depth reversed in years with above average temperatures. This and other covariate information can be incorporated into the model to test relationships and provide predictions of future population change prior to setting of hunting seasons. Likewise, post hoc analysis of model output allows other hypothesis tests, such as determining the statistical support for whether population status has crossed a management trigger threshold. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

藏北高原牧区人工草地建设布局的适宜性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段呈  石培礼  张宪洲  宗宁 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5517-5526
人工草地是缓解天然草地退化和提升草地生产力的一种有效途径,但人工草地建设发展需注重区域布局、种植区划、经营管理等战略问题,尤其是在高寒牧区建立人工草地,目前还存在诸多值得探讨的科学问题。为此,选取藏北高原高寒牧区为研究区,基于遥感数据,土壤数据,气象数据,地形和土地利用数据,结合野外实地调查,从可利用土地资源角度考虑,通过分析藏北现有人工草地建设的立地条件,识别出区域适宜人工草地建设的潜在分布区,并与现有人工草地分布位置及其面积进行对比分析和验证,以期为区域未来人工草地建设布局提供科学指导。研究结果表明:在各种约束因子的限制下,藏北满足人工草地建设条件的适宜区域极其有限,难以发展大面积的人工草地建设工程。水热条件和海拔是限制区域人工草地建设的主要地理因素,尤其是那曲地区,绝大部分区域无法满足人工牧草生长活动的积温需求。因此,区域牧草种植规划中需重点考虑牧草品种的生物学特性。另一方面,在藏北高寒牧区建立人工草地必须慎重,今后人工草地种植规划还需要加强牧草的抗寒性和抗旱性研究,在人工草地的管理方面要特别关注已建人工草地的可持续性和稳定性,防止出现草地退化和沙化等问题。  相似文献   

内蒙古草原主要蝗虫的防治经济阈值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邱星辉  康乐  李鸿昌 《昆虫学报》2004,47(5):595-598
通过取样调查确定内蒙古草原的优势蝗虫种类;根据5种优势蝗虫自然种群的结构和数量,计算了其蝗蝻和成虫的平均寿命;在半自然条件下测定了这5种蝗虫在不同发育阶段的日食量。根据这5种蝗虫蝗蝻和成虫平均寿命及其日食量数据,估算了不同蝗虫造成的牧草损失,提出了其防治经济阈值(3龄蝻,头/m2), 其中:毛足棒角蝗Dasyhippus barbipes为22.7,小蛛蝗Aeropedellus variegates minutus为37.4,亚洲小车蝗 Oedaleus asiaticus为16.9,宽须蚁蝗 Myrmeleotettix palpalis为34.3,狭翅雏蝗Chorthippus dubius为36.7。  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a promising non‐food energy crop. The objective of this study was to determine the economic costs and input sensitivity of sweet sorghum compared to cotton, maize, and sunflower, at two saline‐alkali sites in Shandong (Wudi County) and Inner Mongolia (Wuyuan County) provinces of China. The data were collected quantitatively based on a face‐to‐face interview with 100 and 67 sweet sorghum growers at the two sites, respectively. The sweet sorghum grown at Wudi had lower external input (5469 CNY ha?1), higher net return (7305 CNY ha?1) and benefit‐cost ratio (2.36) than its reference crop, cotton (18 454 CNY ha?1; 3615 CNY ha?1; 1.24). At Wuyuan, the sweet sorghum showed contrasting economic performance (19 541 CNY ha?1; ?3438 CNY ha?1; 0.91), which was largely because of the higher labor costs compared to sunflower (10 896 CNY ha?1; 15 133 CNY ha?1; 2.49); and maize (9108 CNY ha?1; 14 760 CNY ha?1; 2.76). The productivity of sweet sorghum per unit of external input costs (kg CNY?1) was 13.12 for Wudi and only 3.26 for Wuyuan. Based on the Cobb‐Douglas production function, the external inputs of diesel and seed had a significantly positive impact on the profitability of sweet sorghum at Wudi but not at Wuyuan. However, the costs of irrigation and film cover were significantly negative. The energy crop, sweet sorghum, showed a better return to scale on investment than cotton and sunflower.  相似文献   

Relations between modern ostracode assemblages and environmental variables from lakes in the southwest Yukon and northern British Columbia were explored. A total of 29 freshwater species representing 8 genera were identified from the sediments of 36 lakes, with the number of species ranging between 3 and 8 per lake. Species widespread throughout the study area include Cyclocypris ampla, Candona candida, Cypria turneri, Cypria ophtalmica, and Candona protzi. The Mg/Ca ratio is an important factor determining the ostracode species composition of a lake. Species richness is at a maximum when the lake water has intermediate values of conductivity. Lakes in which one species clearly dominates the assemblage (‰>‰70% relative abundance) have water saturated with respect to CaCO3. Mg/Ca ratio, depth and Sr are the environmental factors that are most highly correlated with species distributions in this region.  相似文献   

刘兴元  龙瑞军 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3404-3414
根据藏北那曲高寒草地的生产力、季节放牧重要性、生态服务价值、生态环境敏感性,构建了基于草地亚类的功能分区模型,从空间上将高寒草地划分为适度生产功能区、减畜恢复功能区和禁牧封育功能区,据此构建了基于高寒草地功能分区的分级生态补偿模式,设计了高寒草地生态补偿的组织管理体系及流程、生态补偿的损益评估机制和约束奖惩机制;提出了针对不同功能区的生态补偿方案.根据藏北那曲高寒草地功能分区结果和不同功能区生态补偿内容和目标,确定生态补偿周期为5a,核算出适度生产功能区、减畜恢复功能区和禁牧封育保护功能区分别需要补偿资金19.4亿元、15.77亿元和0.6亿元,每年分别需补偿资金3.88亿元、3.16亿元和0.12亿元,5a全区共需补偿资金35.77亿元,年需7.16亿元.通过对高寒草地的功能分区分级生态补偿,对提高高寒草地的生态保护能力,增加牧民的经济收入,促进藏北高寒草地生态系统的可持续发展具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

The effects of heating (20, 37 or 50 °C), cooling (5 °C), pasteurisation (71 °C for 15 s), boiling (100 °C), agitation (5 or 10 min), pH (acid or alkaline), and addition of chemicals such as silver and lead nitrates, copper sulphate and sodium chloride on lipase activity in Shammi goat milk were studied. There were non-significant differences (P < 0.01) in chemical composition between Shammi goat milk and Arabi cow milk. Lipase activity in Shammi goat milk was non-significantly (P < 0.01) lower than in Arabi cow milk. Lipase activity in milk of Shammi goats and Arabi cows was reduced when the milk was subjected to heating, cooling, pasteurisation, boiling, or when chemicals or acid was added, whereas in agitated and alkaline milk, the lipase activity was increased. The increase following agitation was greater after 10 min than 5 min. It can be concluded that heating, pasteurising, boiling, cooling, addition of certain chemicals and acidity are means by which lipase activity in milk can be reduced.  相似文献   

Dinosaur tracks were first reported from the coal-bearing clastic sequences of the Ross River Block in 1999 by members of a University of Alaska Museum field party, and track sites were confirmed by a joint Alaska-Yukon team in 2000. This fault-bounded sedimentary block is 3 kilometers west of Ross River, in the Yukon Territory. The discovery was followed by two years of field mapping and collection. This research has resulted in the documentation of 251 individual tracks at two separate but stratigraphically related sites, as well as a short (four-footprint) trackway at one of the sites. Six ichnogenera were identified. Ornithomimipus, Amblydactylus, and Gypsichnites were recognized at one site. At a stratigraphically higher site, four ichnogenera were documented including Tetrapodosaurus, Irenesauripus, Amblydactylus, and Columbosauripus. This ichno-assemblage is compared with those of Aptian to Cenomanian age from Alberta, British Columbia, and Alaska.

The discovery of unequivocal dinosaur evidence in a small structural inlier in the Tintina Trench that was previously assumed to be Eocene in age resulted in a restudy of the palynology and biostratigraphy of this coal-bearing sequence and the recent assignment of a middle Albian to early Cenomanian age to the upper part of the dinosaur-bearing interval.  相似文献   

New choristoderan fossils from the Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada, are described: incomplete maxillae and dentaries from the Upper Cretaceous Oldman Formation, Alberta, extend the range of the primitive Cteniogenys from the Jurassic in the North American Western Interior; an incomplete dentary from the Palaeocene Ravenscrag Formation, Saskatchewan, comprises the first occurrence of the crocodile-like Simoedosaurus in Canada and the earliest record of the genus; well-preserved skulls and mandibles from the Oldman and Horseshoe Canyon formations, Alberta, document a new species of Champsosaurus and clarify the status of previously known species of the genus. New information about Asian choristoderes supports a Tchoiria- ( Ikechosaurus + Simoedosaurus ) relationship, contrary to previous work. Choristoderes share no convincing synapomorphies with either Lepidosauromorpha or Archosauromorpha, but occupy a more basal position within Diapsida, possibly as a sister-taxon with Neodiapsida (Younginiformes + Sauria).  相似文献   

The benefits of management of mycorrhizas in agricultural and horticultural croppiing systems remains problematic except where the indigenous fungal population is low. Most experiments have focused on the introduction of exotic fungal isolates. Promotion of plant growth by mycorrhizas can be enhanced by increasing the effectiveness of the indigenous fungi as well as by introducing more effective species. Lack of reliable methods for identification of fungal species colonizing roots is a major limitation to characterizing the change in mycorrhizal populations. Assessment of the role of mycorrhizas in commerical food production systems must include an economic analysis. To do so requires an evaluation of the response to increasing the effectiveness of the mycorrhizal symbiosis relative to increasing yield with addition of phosphorus fertilizer. Thus field experiments should be designed to measure the response to phosphorus addition with the existing mycorrhizal population as well as with the more effectively managed population. In this paper we discuss changes that may be induced in mycorrhizal fungi by management to increase their effectiveness in promoting plant growth. We then suggest an economic analysis approach to assessing the potential benefits of this increase in effectiveness. We conclude with a discussion of research approaches needed to determine, in a more objective manner, the role of mycorrhizas in managed ecosystems.  相似文献   

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